plink , to israel group avatar
arh ,

@VoxClamans @plink @palestine @israel Except for propaganda purposes? Interesting.
Quoting the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide", the official document that defines genocide, Article II:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

You piece of human crap. I'm not asking you to change your views, I'm asking you to stop presenting lies as facts.

TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Hamas lied about the casualties. We all know this, even you.

peter_link , to israel group avatar
faab64 ,


There is not much left of Rafah any more, most of the eastern and western parts are flattened and the central part of the town are almost like Gaza city.

Netanyahu did what everyone said he would not dare, he took over philadelphia corridor, entered Gaza, displaced half a million people, blocked food entry to north and the south and completely destroyed UNRWA under the eyes of the Biden, Sunak and EU.

The hypocrisy and cowardice of the so called world leaders against this out of control Israeli trump and his Israeli KKK ministers is truly nauseating.

peter_link , to israel group avatar
InternetDev , avatar

@peter_link @palestine @israel

Peut-être parce que "les palestiniens" ne cesse de vivre des 07 Octobre depuis des années avant le 07 Octobre.

Peut-être aussi parce que c'est Netanyahu qui a imposé le à

Et peut-être parce qu'un génocide c'est un génocide.

InternetDev , avatar

@peter_link @palestine @israel

De nombreux palestiniens se demandent pourquoi les israéliens ont voté pour un gouvernement de colons génocidaires...

Chacun ses questions existentielles...

plink , to palestine group avatar
plink OP , avatar

@messaroundmarx @palestine @israel
I thought it was a gift, since I asked for it that way. Maybe it expired, since I selected it a few days ago.
Sorry about that, and thanks for creating another alternative.

messaroundmarx , avatar

@palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar
peter_link , to israel group avatar
peter_link , to israel group avatar
peter_link , to israel group avatar
peter_link , to israel group avatar
peter_link , to palestine group avatar
peter_link , to palestine group avatar
peter_link , to palestine group avatar

Killing: Analysis Finds Tank Fired 335 Bullets Into Car at Close Range

"It's not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children," an investigation of the five-year-old girl's death found.


@palestine @israel

peter_link , to palestine group avatar
peter_link , to palestine group avatar
peter_link , to palestine group avatar
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