plink , to israel group avatar
paninid , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

The evangelicals call this “martyrs bearing witness”

plink , to israel group avatar

'Has Gone to War Against the Entire People':

"Any objective observer knows Israel has broken international law, it has broken law, and, in my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickel in military aid," said.

@palestine @israel

Lassielmr , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel he is on the correct side of history. Biden’s footnote in history will not be for anything positive he’s achieved, but how he was an enabler of the destruction of Gaza and deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians

plink , to israel group avatar
tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel yeah, the article was clearer.

tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel

"Approximately 13% of poll respondents in six swing states who voted for U.S. President Joe Biden in 2020 but would not vote for him again said that his foreign policy or Israel's war on Gaza were the most important issues determining their vote."

plink , to palestine group avatar

[Bias alert - NYT usually favors Israel]
A Chaotic Night at Raises Questions About Police Response

"Counterprotesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention, and none were arrested. Now, the police response is under investigation."

@palestine @israel

MarkRNay , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel think that both the police and the U.C.L.A. administration might just have a pro Israel bias?? Just a bit? No police response. None of the violent pro Israel attackers arrested. Next the peaceful pro Palestinian prostest camp is broken up and the non violent were arrested.

Maybe pro Israel- just a tad. Ashamed of my community. USC is also a disgrace

plink , to palestine group avatar

Why Opposition to is Not Antisemitism

article contains links to a statement by over 1,000 [ professors opposing equating with . Also contains link to a statement by Jewish students of with the opposite position]

@palestine @israel

InternetDev , avatar

@tromo @plink @palestine @israel

Not necessarily Zionists but also evangelists who are Zionists by proxy but as the Nazis expected their death

Smith007 , avatar
plink , to palestine group avatar
barney , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

This is truly disgusting. Utterly sickening.

plink , to israel group avatar

As Warns Against Rafah Invasion, Pushes Congress to Support Israel’s Operation

In talking points reviewed by The Intercept, the pro-Israel lobby argues that has “no other option” but to invade .

@palestine @israel

Lassielmr , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel When AIPAC and other lobby groups can fund and influence so many US politicians you are no longer a true functioning democracy.

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink So Israel's nazis say they'll use 'imprecise missiles', Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar

from Dreams
800+ Professors Urge Biden, Senate to Oppose 'Dangerous' Bill

"Criticism of the state of Israel, the government, policies of the Israeli government, or ideology is not—in and of itself—antisemitic" says letter

@palestine @israel

MarkRNay , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel of course not. That does not stop the Israelis from using that slur to quash dissent

faab64 , to israel group

US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a letter to President Biden expressing “alarm” and concern about the decision “to pause” a weapons shipment to Israel.

They also asked for clarification by the end of the week.

Biden confirmed in an interview that US munitions used by Israel have killed Palestinian civilians.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

It's all part of the circus.

Over 3000 shipments of bombs, equipment, spare parts and new units is forgotten in the Shaddow on one stinky shipment.

The hypocrisy of Biden now admitting that US supplied weapons were used in killing of (innocent) civilians, despite the fact that as late as last week, he shipped 100s of 2000pound bombs into Israel.

@LALegault @palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@MarvClowder @LALegault It is all part of the circus act. Just 2 weeks ago, they said they were working together with Egypt, UAE and Israel to plan the Rafah operation, helping with displacement of Palestinians and support Israeli attacks against Hamas targets.

Now, after 3000 shipments of weapons and spare parts, they have delayed ONE single shipment and all media is talking about is that.

They are not even talking about the fact that Israel has completely cut off all humanitarian aid from Rafah crossing leaving over 1.4M displaced palestinians with no food, water or medicine.

plink , to israel group avatar
FLGLchicago , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel You’re trying to push a claim that Che was not an antisemite? Good luck with that. He only exceeded his antisemitism with his misogyny. Best read up.

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink is running FLACK for dude. The word "Offensive" LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING... Just like "NON LETHAL AID" MEANS NOTHING.

See this, on that: "Non-lethal aid” … “There are a lot of gray areas…”

Much more about these WEASELWORDS
@palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar

Courageous Students—and You—Should Aim Demands for Peace at This Summer

The power center of the U.S. Empire – Capitol Hill – presents serious students with an opportunity to educate their elders.

@palestine @israel

JizzelEtBass , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel my understanding was that the began invading on the day this was written.

JizzelEtBass , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel Do Citizen summons actually work?

plink , to israel group avatar

from [gift article]
[Bias alert - NYT usually favors Israel]

Cheers, Fears and ‘Le Wokisme’: How the World Sees

Abroad, some have praised the demonstrations. Others call the crackdowns evidence of American hypocrisy, or of a nation coming apart.

@palestine @israel

Lassielmr , avatar

@immibis @israel @palestine @plink @Double_Ogre no you don’t. Germany rejected an amendment by nutcases that would have tied a German passport to an “explicit affirmation” of Israel’s right to exist.

immibis ,

@Lassielmr @israel @palestine @plink @Double_Ogre then why is it still happening, hasbarite?

plink , to israel group avatar

From to , Professors Nationwide Defend Students as Politicians and Police Attack

University faculty have put their bodies and livelihoods on the line amid a brutal, violent response to student protests for

@palestine @israel

peihuaku , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel @SteveSilent As Cornell faculty members, we are outraged by the University administration’s suspension of six students who participated in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. The six suspended students have represented the encampment in conversations with the Administration. The Cornell administration has targeted these students specifically for being the alleged leaders of student protests. It has unilaterally and summarily imposed this retaliatory sanction without any due process. LIEBERWITZ | Faculty Petition Against Student Suspensions

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