Today was another vet visit. I think Miez already forgave me ( )

Expand for all images and text. English/German as always:

Miez is feeling a lot better than a few weeks ago, she doesn't have painful cramps anymore. However she is still having some digestion issues, so we have to monitor her health through blood samples closely.
As soon as she hears the vet's voice, she starts growling. However she doesn't bite or scratch him or me, such a brave girl.

Heute waren wir Mal wieder beim Tierarzt. Ich denke, Miez hat mir schon verziehen.
Miez geht es deutlich besser als noch vor ein paar Wochen. Sie hat keine schmerzhaften Krämpfe mehr. Jedoch plagen sie immer noch Verdauungsprobleme, weshalb wir ihre Blutwerte genau im Auge behalten.
Sobald sie die Stimme des Tierarztes hört, fängt sie an zu brummen. Jedoch hält sie tapfer durch ohne uns zu beißen oder kratzen.

At the vet, she definitely knows what's up.
On her way home, she didn't even meow once.

Im Wartezimmer weiß sie schon genau was los ist. Auf dem Weg nach Hause jedoch gab sie keinen Mucks von sich

streetfestival , avatar

It's great to hear that Miez is on the mend (recovering). !

It sounds like with her trust and safety with you, and her braveness, she's a very cooperative and well-adjusted cat patient, which must make things a little easier on you

I like the title picture. If she authored a book and there was a picture of the author on the back, that one would work well. If I'm not mistaken, I think that's her in the same cat hammock in the reddit cats photo that you posted in a comment

scrion ,

I like that Lemmy is still small enough of a thing that Miez is now a well-known cat in these parts of the internet - at least I do recognize and remember Miez.

Get well soon!

slevinkelevra OP , (edited )

Thank you! I'll give her some belly rubs from you :)

On reddit my cats were well liked, too (r/KodaAndTheKitties, cleared out now). In my old apartment I dad a bunch more cat trees and such. E.g. a neighbour was floor layer and he gave me cardbox rolls up to 4m long. I made two of them black using duct tape, put some of the black Sisal around them (not fully though) and hung them as little walkways in my corridor plus had custom built some cat furniture (boxes with doors in front for food below and as cozy places above):

jupyter_rain , avatar

She looks so clever in the second Pic!

Btw i have a similar Backpack for my cat. He absolutely hates it :D

slevinkelevra OP , (edited )

Oh that she is. Back in the day, when she wanted a door opened she would meow for her brother to come open it, which never failed.

That's not a backpack, it's basically a foldable bag with zippers on all edges, wheels and an expandable rod so it can easily be pulled like a suitecase. It is her second home when we're sleeping somewhere else. In my apartment though she is rarely in it, but definitely doesn't hate it.

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