AcademicChatter group

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ttpphd , avatar

"The really important part [of science] are causal analyses, and they practically always involve data collection. That's why sciences with strong experimental traditions fare a bit better - when you need to run a costly experiment yourself in order to publish a paper, this creates a strong incentive to think things through and do high-impact research."

Personal investment and motivation leads to high impact research. Subjectivity drives "objectivity".


ehud , avatar

Weekend fun!

A "cool paper" is a succinct and provocative publication that presents an innovative idea in a clever and thought-provoking manner, often challenging conventional wisdom and inspiring further exploration.

Tell us about cool papers you like and that we should check out!


stevegis_ssg , avatar

@ehud @academicchatter

Man, I talk about this paper from 10 years ago all the time. This is maybe the best paper I've ever read. "Technical tour de force" gets thrown around a lot, but figure 3 alone could be its own major paper, and it's just the creation of a genetic tool to address a molecular hypothesis in vivo. Then throw in "hints at info waiting to be mined from huge published datasets" and "hints at important regulatory mechanism."

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@economics-that-works @academicchatter

Remember folks, mainstream economists assert that 3C warming is OKEY-DOKEY. They also put universities on a commerce footing and lobbied for debt based higher education.

They also say they are a scientific discipline, because they believe that humans operation on a rational basis. Of course, they demonstrate evidence regarding that assertion.

djvanness , avatar

Oh my. This is what happens when University presidents make decisions without shared governance. What a trip! @academicchatter

ukuku , avatar
RunRichRun , avatar

@ukuku @djvanness @academicchatter
I'm jealous. 🙃

oatmeal , avatar

/ Spanish Universities Will Suspend Relations with Israeli Campuses if They Don't Reject the War in Gaza

Spanish universities have announced that they will suspend collaboration agreements with Israeli universities and research centers if they do not condemn the military operations in the Gaza Strip. The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (Crue), representing 77 public and private universities, has denounced the "very serious events" in Gaza and called for an "immediate and definitive cessation of military operations by the Israeli army" and "any terrorist action."


ml , avatar

I feel like there should be a way for researchers to anonymously answer the question:

What do you think it's imperative to study right now that isn't being studied because the "new hotness" in your field is funding something else?

What is being funded, but is underfunded?


TrendyWebAltar ,

“Dark pedagogies” imply a pivot to embrace darkness when Enlightenment goals and expectations are found wanting. Lysgaard, Bengtsson and Laugerson (2019, 2020) suggest that darkness should be constructively engaged with, within, and for an environmentally threatened world. Dark pedagogies embrace uncertainty, catastrophe, and terror, by taking an affective turn to add urgency to shared ethical commitments in an already broken world (Mulgan, 2014). Indeed, the dread situation of the current planetary crisis including, of course, the climate crisis, may necessitate the power of dark pedagogies to face planetary darkness and effect a necessary turn towards different, more bearable futures. Educational darkness is a “thing” that exceeds the didactic slog, harnessing aesthetic and affective aspects to spark and transformation (Lysgaard et al., 2019)


bud_t , avatar

Fellow academic colleagues: please get involved in shared governance at your institution. I know, that kind of service takes up your time and is often thankless, but it is crucially important. And it is on the verge of extinction at many places. The rug is being pulled out from under us while we go about our teaching and research.

If we value our work in we have to do the work to make the institution a place that is fair, equitable, and just.


mycotropic , avatar

@bud_t @academicchatter

It works pretty well at University of Colorado in my opinion.

Caseyj , avatar

I'm going to present to

cbecker , avatar

How divestment became a ‘clarion call’ in anti-fossil fuel and pro-ceasefire protests:

StephZihms , avatar

My 1st PhD student passed her viva today! So proud and can’t wait to share her thesis about the Research-Teaching-Public Engagement triple nexus and lecturer’s experiences - @academicchatter

EDPSciences , avatar

for a Topical Issue on
in : Limits and Pitfalls” Guest Editors from

📅30 June 2024


solalnathan , avatar

Isn't it weird that acceptance rate is a thing we look for in a conference/journal?

Publishing a paper should not be competitive like "we take the top 20% paper", it should be "we take all papers that are good enough according to our standards". Sometimes it can be a very low or very high number depending on the quality of the paper submitted.

@academicchatter @phdstudents

drgroftehauge , avatar

@rmounce @solalnathan @TEG @academicchatter @phdstudents A pity this isn't split by desk and peer rejections.

giuseppe_aceto , avatar

@solalnathan @TEG @academicchatter @phdstudents sadly LLMs have made paper mills overwhelmingly efficient. Even before, the imbalance between authors and reviewers posed constraints to the number of papers that can be carefully evaluated: now it is getting worse. In this context, the acceptance rate makes even less sense (cheap submissions drive it artificially down) as a proxy for reviewing quality and selectivity. But I believe the whole process is not sustainable anymore. Alternatives anyone?

sandworlds , avatar

Did you know that thousand of displaced Rohingya live on an island in the Bengal Delta? Team member Javed Kaisar examines everyday island maintenance activities by Ronigya and the Bangladeshi government in Bhasan Char. A first glimpse of his fieldwork can be found on our website:


ml , avatar
geonz , avatar

@ml @academicchatter didn't look like satire to me :P :P

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