

Federated cover

#EDPSciences is an International,
#OpenAccess, academic publisher of
#journals | #books | #ConferenceProceedings
and supporter of #OpenScience.
Helping to advance science since 1920. cover

Working for open access to research.

#openaccess #openculture #opendata #openeducation #openinfrastructure #openlicenses #openscience #opensource

#scholcomm #copyright #publishing #research #universities #libraries #socialmedia #fedi22

#politics #democracy #philosophy #nomic #climate #maine

Dad of daughters

Actively #antiTrumpist

For #OA news, also follow the Open Access Tracking Project (@oatp). I aim for comprehensive coverage there, not here. cover

Nurse lecturer, Parkinson's nurse, PhD candidate on impact of contaminated blood. Owned by boxer dog.

Alt text for profile picture: grey haired woman smiling with glasses and a grey knitted top.

Alt text for header: image of sunset over a valley

Any opinions are mine, and not anything to do with my employers.

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2496-1178 cover

Current research on almond bud development. Ongoing interdisciplinary research on carob (Ceratonia siliqua). Disabled. Advocate for accessibility. she/her

Banner description: Carob botanical illustration by Pierre Joseph Redouté Profile photo description: Me looking over my bifocal glasses. #NoBot #Disability #Distodon #Accessibility #SciComm #Biology #Botany #PlantScience #Cycling cover

Ontario Research Chair of Digital Governance for Social Justice, York University.

Currently writing a book, "Move Slowly and Build Bridges: Mastodon, the Fediverse, and the Struggle for Ethical Social Media" for Oxford University Press.

Been on the fediverse since 2017. I'm now helping set up


Trans rights are human rights. I boost #BlackMastodon and #MutualAid posts. I also call for alt text for accessibility. cover

I study History of the Middle East. Mostly posting translated news and blog posts from the Israeli media relating to the historical and contemporary aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. cover

Higher education futurist. Author of Universities on Fire and Academia Next.
Blog and links to everything: cover

"Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either change them or perish."

Profile picture alt text: The late great Townes Van Zandt filling in for my spirit animal and grinning in a Pac-Man hat. cover

A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.

Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.

Free to read, without paywalls or ads (and free to republish, too, under Creative Commons license).

We combine academic rigor with journalistic flair. cover

O oposto de grimdark é hopepunk. Passe a mensagem à diante.

Quando a violência é a norma, a gentileza é a resistência.

Dados não são o novo petróleo, são o novo urânio.

Você não é o produto. Você é o elefante ou búfalo morto deixado para trás.


Não existe DevOps sem Ops!

Fotógrafo, Cosplayer...

Enemy of Progress #fuckAndreseen cover

A translator and editor of #NorwegianFolktales. A teacher. A Brit (nominally, after so many years) living in northern Norway. A human being.

Friend of #JohnMastodon cover

Born in Boston, living near Kyōto, longtime full Professor and government lecturer on Japan. Also founded the NPO World Association for Online Education in 1998. 584 Google Scholar citations to 252 publications on Online Education, Bilingualism, Japan, and the Academic Life, nearly all open access (searchable 🦣 #fedi22) starting from

opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.

Used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript, gnawed on sql, sparql, unix/windows etc etc billions of years ago.

tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
prefers not to be run over by cars

I drink Philz.

I do a (non-monetized) video or so a week on yt.

Tyranny and poverty are everywhere a mainstream economics phenomenon. cover

PhD student @ #McGill University studying deep learning models for biological networks.

Born & raised in #montreal

I wrote RAPPPID, which you should totally check out ( cover

A little bit of computing and a little bit of neuroscience.

he/him/they cover

#Archaeology | #Dendrochronology | Networks | Digital archaeology | #RStats | #OpenScience | #Archaeodon | #Teaching | #Roman Archaeology

Science should be fun!

I am a lecturer/researcher at Saxion University of Applied Sciences: Archaeology and research group Sustainable Areas and Soil Transitions. cover

Just a geek who loves all living things and likes to write about it.

Currently heading for new challenges in science journalism after spending many years in #research and institutional #scicomm.

Interested in the #Sorbian languages.
#dsb Měto Balašk

Author at #Tagesspiegel, formerly @MPI_MolGen @MDC_Berlin #LeibnizFMP


💔: 🇺🇦🇮🇱 cover

Jack-of-all trades designer, maker, #Brompton bike rider, #EV enthusiast. cover

Research in hardware/software privacy, security & safety, embedded systems, sustainability, formal stuff. Democracy and climate justice. Immigrant. Uncooperative crusty and tofu-eating wokerati. Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). cover

settler #scholar on the haldimand tract

#PhD on #Canadian #PostApocalyptic #ScienceFiction 1948-1989

Independent scholar, research assistant, podcast co-host/producer for Solarpunk Presents (@solarpunkpresents).

#Academia cover

Particle physicist at #CMSExperiment at #CERN - Lead Scientist at #DESY & #Helmholtz Professor at University of #Hamburg - she/her/professor/dr

World citizen ➡🇳🇱🇺🇸 🇬🇧🇨🇭🇧🇪🇩🇪

What to expect from this account: summaries (aimed at a general technical BSc audience) of all #CMSpaper journal papers by the #CMSExperiment at the CERN LHC

Plus general #science and #sciencecommunication. Communicating mostly in English, with some Dutch, German and French for extra je-ne-weiß-niet-wat cover

The littlest European IP attorney.

You may know me from physics stuff. Now, I know too much about too little law and tech.

Pacified by manatees and magnets - independently, never together.

#law #technology #patent #ireland #ip #ipr #physics

searchable cover

Professor of Information studying just sustainability in IT: design, software, requirements, values, power, responsibility. Critical Systems Thinker, #TechOtherwise, just sustainability design, #degrowth.
Book INSOLVENT: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability @MIT Press 2023
#T1D #PHPledge
Dead bird @ChriBecker

Toots (hoots?) at dusk on science, religion and politics. Human avatar does translation, studies religion, enjoys SF and obscure puns, worries about climate change. Lives life in plain text. Migrant; citizen of Ljubljana. Was NoctuaMinervae on Twitter too. cover

#Astronomer, working @LAM_Marseille & teaching at Aix-Marseille #University (France)

Expert in #exoplanet detection and characterisation

Involved in the #PLATO space mission from #ESA. #ESO telescopes user.

Want to work in a #fair, #inclusive, and #sustainable #research #environment. Member of #labos1point5

Toot a lot about #ClimateChange and #Climate. Boycott planes, travel by #train only.

Interests: #photography #Astronomy #Space

#fedi22 cover

Here posts the S.AND research group of the MPI for Social Anthropology in Halle, Germany — we are social anthropologists interested in #sand and how it organizes #coastalprotection — curious to learn how thinking with sand can inform theories of #urbananthropology. cover

In my professional life, I'm an international Educator specialising in Safeguarding and Child Protection.

In my spare time, I'm a hobbyist #GameDev and #Godot dabbler. Hails from 🇳🇱, lives in 🇭🇰. Currently trying to put together Fhaloness (Adventure-RPG pixel art hybrid).

Interested in all things #SEN, #Wellbeing, #Education, #Safeguarding & #Psychology

All views and opinions expressed are my own and not affiliated with any past or current employer. cover

Writer. Artist. Folklorist. Strategist. Probably definitely autistic. In Corvallis, Oregon. cover

Designer & Researcher by day:

AHRC TECHNE DTP #PhD (doing) @ Kingston School of Art + Crafts Council UK (sometimes lecturer)

Research on #design #craft #makerspaces #sustainability #anthropology

Blogging about #research, #SocialDesign, #DesignJustice & #tech

Illustrator by night:
occasionally accepting #illustration #commission

Former #architect & Founder at AK0 - architettura kilometro zero

#Vegan since 2007

Love #cats #coffee #bonsai #manga

I draw & get political. A lot. cover

Founder of BlueGreen Labs | addressing #climatechange through data driven methods in #ecology #remotesensing #phenology #foodsecurity

#rstats developer | maker with duct tape and a hammer | #academic omnivore | move fast and fix things

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

  • Leonard Cohen

Personal account | #politics, #science & #foss software | he / him cover

I do #openscience & apply #citizenscience as a Senior Researcher at The Alan Turing Institute in London & as the Director of Research for the Open Humans Foundation. I also do #opensource & #opendata as the co-founder of

Love all things related to open, incl. source|data|science|culture :cc_zero: :OpenAccess: :scihub: 💖

In a former life I did #Bioinformatics|#Ecology|#Evolution. When not researching, I love doing #photography and still #BelieveInFilm 🎞️

My posts are searchable

A total c*nt, sorry for that. Please block immediately. Toots autodelete every week cover

I read. I run. I write. Add a dash of learning, a hint of reflecting, a handful of wonder, and a smidgen of technology. Repeat. cover

University of Zurich, Digital Society Initiative
(part-time; 🧒🧒)
Sustainability | Digitalization | Governance | Urban | Networks | Policy in the Anthropocene | #RStats & 🐍 cover

can be found professing #STS #Commodon

Here: magpie, general nonsense, goofing and/or mouthing off, gloomy, inner monologue, books/reading, typos, boosts #ToxicLA #HigherEdWorkersUnite #asstodon #CounterPort

My 📙 OIL BEACH is out now!

posts ≠ endorsements
pers acct, obvs

header: camel made of colorful post-consumer plastic, Cynthia Minet

profile: vintage postcard of California oil field at night

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