sociology group

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estelle , avatar

Our corporations and administrations are dominated by a clique of people who, because they are symbolically interested, "give 100%" and expect others to do the same.

We can speak of a social class in charge of organizing work:
"Capital chooses a management team to represent it on the spot [in the corporations. Executives are meant] to supervise and organize the labors of the working population" (Harry Braverman USA, 1974, p. 405)

For Braverman, the people who really count in this team are those whose managerial positions offer them "a share in the surplus produced in the corporation, and thus is intended to attach them to the success or failure of the corporation and give them a ‘management stake’, even if a small one." (pp.405–6, original emphasis)


artifact_boi , avatar

@economics @estelle @sociology you might have misunderstood the concept of a soviet

economics ,
kerstinsailer , avatar

On Monday, the 14th Symposium kicks off in Cyprus with an amazing programme full of interesting research on space, and society.

Here's the Tuesday programme:

All papers are clickable and lead to the full text PDF, so lots to explore there (even if you can't go)


kerstinsailer OP , avatar

And I'll be giving a keynote (remotely) at the Symposium myself together with sociologist Daryl Martin on 'Architecture meets Sociology – re-imagining users from two disciplinary perspectives'

kerstinsailer OP , avatar
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  • JaclynSWong , avatar

    OMG my book received an honorable mention for the 2024 ASA Sex & Gender Section Distinguished Book Award!!
    @sociology @familyresearch

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  • JaclynSWong OP , avatar

    It is a huge honor to be recognized along with these incredible scholars

    @sociology @familyresearch

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  • mfi , German avatar

    Does anyone know a free tool that allows participants of a survey to anonymously upload up to 9 photos without seeing what others have uploaded? It's for my student research group, therefore no budget. We tried to embed the foto upload in our survey in , but the tool only allows a total upload of up to 64 MB per survey (across all respondents), which is definitely not enough.

    @academicchatter @politicalscience @sociology @socialscience

    mfi OP , avatar

    @academicchatter @politicalscience @sociology @socialscience

    Google forms would have been another option but it only allows file uploads for respondents with a google mail address.

    In total, we should not need more than 450 MB of upload space.

    gedankenstuecke , avatar

    @mfi @academicchatter @politicalscience @sociology @socialscience I think Framaforms allows file uploads too, not sure what the limits are though

    richard , avatar

    Has anyone wrote about how sociological and philosophical writing has changed over the last few centuries from being what the author really meant, really felt, to being what the writer believed people wanted to hear? (Yes, I know there is some Discourse Theory hidden in there somewhere.)

    @sociology @philosophy @academicchatter

    garyhall , avatar

    @andy @richard In case you don't already know it, Vilém Flusser’s Does Writing Have A Future (1987/2011) is interesting on the relationship between the author and reader, how it has changed, and how it is continuing to change.

    andy , avatar

    @garyhall excellent! Thanks 👍

    sethabrutyn , avatar

    Check it out! @omarlizardo and I have a new paper out on the of . Social action, the dissociability between wanting and liking.


    markigra , avatar

    @sethabrutyn @omarlizardo @sociology @sociology @socannex Excited to read the final version. Been looking forward to citing.

    sethabrutyn , avatar
    ereinbergs , avatar

    @sethabrutyn @sociology @sociology the interviewer's questions are... a bit 🤦‍♂️

    sethabrutyn OP , avatar

    @ereinbergs @sociology @sociology like maybe they hadn’t read it closely

    dustinstoltz , avatar

    My book Mapping Texts (co-authored with @mtaylor_soc ) ships at the end of this month if you order directly from Oxford University Press!

    The book's website is now live:

    More pages on the site will go live once the book is officially published!

    Pre-order @

    @rstats @sociology @academicchatter

    dustinstoltz OP , avatar

    @mtaylor_soc @rstats @sociology @academicchatter

    More updates for !

    We're now sharing all the code from our book Mapping Texts:

    Each folder corresponds to a chapter, and each script corresponds (roughly) to a section.

    We run diagnostics on the scripts periodically to catch any issues and update them accordingly. Updates are documented here:

    dustinstoltz OP , avatar
    writingmonicker , avatar

    Things I didn't realize about the :

    (This will be a very long list by the end of the year if I keep it up. We'll see.)

    1. Your statements are basically done after the first few deadlines. I always thought I'd customize extensively for each school.


    On a week like this (with so many apps due Sep 15), you just don't have time. You have to trust that you already put in the work with your base template. It's a mental shift from fellowship apps.

    @academicchatter @sociology

    writingmonicker OP , avatar

    @academicchatter @sociology

    1. Related to the decision above, someone recently gave me the old "trust your gut" advice.

    And I remembered that I wrote a blog post on this once.

    It still holds up, though I ramble a bit, and something about the writing could use a little more variation.

    tl;dr: You need to distinguish between what you've been taught is "best" during grad school and what you think is actually best for you.

    writingmonicker OP , avatar

    @academicchatter @sociology

    Things I didn't realize about the

    1. Sometimes you try again.

    I occasionally get a like on this thread & wonder if I should continue it. But the conclusion of this year's market is that I chose to stay in another year over taking a job that didn't feel quite right at this time.

    It's a big privilege to have breathing room & a job willing to take me back. It doesn't feel good but I'm a little more confident in the decision each day.

    regroup_horizon , avatar

    "We had a very positive experience with the mini-public method, especially as the participants turned out to be very engaged."

    Rita Hornok from Jagiellonian University has recently discussed the REGROUP mini-publics approach in an interview with eu!radio.

    Read more here 👉 :

    @politicalscience @politicaltheory @politics @sociology

    PopResearchCtrs , avatar

    "Other countries have social safety nets. The U.S. has women."

    Join us on June 27 for "How Women Became America’s Safety Net: A Conversation With Jess Calarco and guests."

    Register now:

    @demography @sociology @publichealth @publicpolicy

    bibliolater , avatar

    Population implosion collapse chaos, pronatalist billionaire discourse edition

    There are some alarming statistics in the world today, and I take it as my job in these situations to urge the audience to keep their eye on the ball of real world problems — inequality, climate change, reproductive rights, war — and not blow our minds on world population in the year 2300.


    PopResearchCtrs , avatar

    "Unsheltered populations experience higher rates of chronic disease, serious mental illness, and substance abuse than sheltered populations...Despite having large unmet health needs, unsheltered populations have lower healthcare utilization and often lack health insurance."

    @publichealth @sociology @demography

    regroup_horizon , avatar


    Luca Cinciripini from Istituto Affari Internazionali formulates recommendations "for the EU to enhance its role in global governance, leveraging its economic strength, diplomatic networks, and commitment to multilateralism to lead transformative efforts".

    Read more 👉

    @politicalscience @politicaltheory @politics @sociology

    Andreas_Hepp , avatar

    I am proud to announce that the pre-release of OpenQDA is now live. is an qualitative coding software that we are developing at @zemki . It can now import and export codebooks from other programs and autotranscribe. @sociology @communicationscholars @unibremen For more information:

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