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zephyreks ,

Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned and Polish-operated bulk cargo carrier that had docked in Malaysia and was on its way to Italy carrying wood.

Maybe this was an attack on Palau? Poland? Malaysia? Italy? No, using Ukraine will generate more clicks.

zephyreks ,

fair enough

Still, I thought the Houthis were mostly targeting ships that turned off their AIS and tried to run the Strait?

zephyreks ,

Considering Ukraine is already buying drone jammers off of Alibaba, why is this news? China produces stuff. People buy stuff. News at 11.

zephyreks ,

And you think Alibaba doesn't have a government agency with oversight over their international sales, sourcing, and distribution... Because?

I'll give you a hint: although Canadian oil production is private and American oil refining is private, the government still has oversight on interactions between the two. In fact, they have multiple government agencies governing a transaction between two private businesses. Imagine that.

zephyreks ,

Those CGI artists need to be fired.

There's no excuse for such shitty CGI when gen AI tools exist.

zephyreks ,

Source: x.com

Yeah, try again.

zephyreks ,

MBFC is a joke that evaluates factuality based on how well it aligns with the state department. We already know this.

DolphinMath is a propagandist that uses MBFC to whitewash propaganda. We also already know this.

zephyreks ,

but but but my MBFC rating!!111!

zephyreks ,

It's been almost a decade of civilian targets in Donetsk Oblast getting struck. Sure, blame it on civil war, but point still holds.

zephyreks ,

The argument against Golden Rice should have nothing to do with GMO and everything to do with monocultures.

Greenpeace is fucked in the head.

zephyreks ,

It's not exactly the end of the world to implement terminator seeds... The reason it hasn't been implemented is because it's not an issue. This is a non-issue that's getting blown out of proportion.

Farmers will opt to maximize profits given all else equal. The license is a cost of goods sold and gets factored in when farmers decide what to plant. Farmers aren't forced to plant golden rice.

zephyreks ,

Rice is easy to store and transport because it doesn't really spoil. Is basically a supercrop in that regard.

zephyreks ,

No mappers seem to confirm this... There are reports of Ukrainian counteroffensives in the area, but nothing that goes so far as to indicate that Ukraine has taken back control of all of Russia's territorial gains there. If anything, it's starting to look like another stalemate along a new frontline.

Is Zelensky talking out of his ass? Are mappers receiving delayed data? Who knows...

zephyreks ,

I mean... No shit? ATACMS has a range of 300km, and it's not like Russia's pushed the front line 300km.

zephyreks ,

This is the entire reason why countries like China are investing hard into ultra-high-voltage transmission lines.

While regions like Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia have immense wind and solar potential, getting that electricity to the population centers is challenging.

Selling electricity to Eastern Europe, to Northern Africa, hell even to the Middle East is an option if Europe is truly operating an electricity surplus.

zephyreks ,

Look at a map of the European power grid: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Map-of-European-high-voltage-transmission-grid-Source-Adapted-from-GENI-2011_fig1_281127145

Now repeat your claim again, but this time be serious.

Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines ( www.reuters.com )

Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond....

zephyreks ,

Putin's been saying this for forever... Basically ever since the doomed peace negotiations in 2022.

Zelensky won't accept a peace without retaking Crimea and Putin won't accept a peace that relinquishes current territorial gains.

We're at an impasse until someone cracks. If Zaluzhny hadn't been exiled to Britain, maybe things would be different.

zephyreks ,

As long as US officials restrict strikes to avoid Russian nuclear deterrence installations, I don't really see why this wasn't already permitted.

The key US policy consideration in the conflict should be to avoid nuclear escalation. Don't strike nuclear early warning radars, don't strike nuclear silos, and everything else should be fine.

zephyreks ,

What do you call the $80 billion bailout of US automakers following the 2008 recession?

"Fair, open market activities"?

zephyreks ,

I agree, but it's by no means adherence to free market anti-subsidization principles.

zephyreks ,

An "imperfect free market" saved by $80 billion in bailouts.

For fucks sake

zephyreks ,

Maybe Lai should figure out his own legislature first 🤷

Feels like he's trying to deflect away from the absolute fuckfest that his legislature has become by pointing at a bogeyman. After ,all, how dare a country exercise overflight in a military aircraft over a foreign EEZ.

zephyreks ,

Lai is objectively fucked in his own legislature. Both the KMT and TPP are opposed to the DPP (enough to set aside their own differences)... And they hold the majority in the legislature.

zephyreks ,

He's deflecting on a fucking non-issue because he doesn't want to admit that his policy of antagonizing China isn't working and the opposition (KMT+TPP) have increasing power.

zephyreks ,
zephyreks ,

The facts are that Lai's legislature is a fucking mess domestically. It's breaking out into fistfights, people are trying to steal away bills to prevent them getting passed, and the KMT+TPP are much more unified than expected.

Lai was only elected because of FPTP and he needs to project legitimacy in the face of the KMT+TPP opposition (who, together, received something like 60% of the vote). This is him attempting to do so.

zephyreks ,

Do you know anything about Taiwanese politics? Jesus Christ.

zephyreks ,

Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China ( www.abc.net.au )

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols....

zephyreks ,

Fraud in China has far worse consequences than fraud in Australia. Even if I were to be arrested, I'd prefer it to happen in Australia where I can get off with a slap on the wrist.

zephyreks ,

Isn't this visit mostly centered around two things?

  1. The Budapest-Belgrade HSR - $3 billion to connect two cities totalling more than 3 million people?

  2. The BYD factory in Hungary - providing jobs to a country with cheap and skilled labour to build cars?

Less of a bridgehead, more of a "if Europe wants to removed and moan about foreign investment into Hungary, why weren't they doing this themselves?"

zephyreks ,

While the developed world rests on its laurels having already developed key technologies that insulate from the worst effects of climate change, the Global South is attempting to push through rapid industrialization to achieve the same effects, bringing with it public infrastructure, electricity, robust food supply, reliable transportation, healthcare...

Meanwhile, the developed world looks at the Global South and says "ah, but why aren't you being greener about it? despicable! how dare you raise emissions?" while simultaneously restricting the free trade of essential green economy components like solar panels and batteries. The fact is, we don't actually care about climate change. Our political entities and economies are not structured to reward innovation in that space, so we simply end up pulling teeth to push through minor advances. Germany used to be a world leader in solar panels before it stagnated due to political pressure. The US used to be a world leader in developing nuclear before it stagnated due to political pressure. Japan used to be the world leader in batteries before it stagnated due to, well, Japan.

zephyreks ,

At least Saudi Arabia is doing something to guard against the imminent collapse of their oil economy... So that's good, I guess.

Not sure Neom is the project I would have funded to do so, but I imagine the Saudis are getting desperate.

Full text: China-France Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East ( www.chinadaily.com.cn )

At the invitation of H.E. Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, paid a state visit to France from May 5 to 7, 2024. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East:...

zephyreks Mod ,

When titles are this non-descriptive, it might help to give a more descriptive title.

zephyreks ,

Here's a question: why now? Russia has had many opportunities to off Zelensky and has demonstrated the ability to break through Ukrainian air defences near Zelensky. For most countries, assassinating a head of state is considered a huge faux pas because it opens up the opportunity for yourself to be considered a valid target. Even if nothing else, Putin values self-preservation.

Deadly Russian missile struck close to Zelensky and Greek leader’s convoy

This feels like a purge of people loyal to Zaluzhnyi after his fall from grace in February.

zephyreks ,

Russia has already demonstrated the ability to pierce Ukraine's air defense umbrella not even a kilometer from where Zelensky was. There's no need to do the dirty work of an assassination when Zelensky willingly goes to the front line every few weeks.

Russia has more than enough munitions for local air superiority, even if they can't maintain that across the front line.

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens ( www.pbs.org )

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....

zephyreks ,

What Chinese missiles, bombs, and guns have the Russians used that the Ukrainians haven't? Please cite a source.

A DJI drone available on Amazon/Alibaba is not a "weapon." A Shahed is.

zephyreks ,
zephyreks ,

Incident occurred thousands of kilometers from the Australian mainland in the Yellow Sea. It's important to note here that the entire Yellow Sea falls under either China, South Korea, or North Korea's EEZ, although most of it falls under no country's ADIZ because of how the countries bordering the Yellow Sea have negotiated airspace rules.

Australia is getting their panties in a twist. They're fucking flares, a standard component of intercepts when veering near sovereign airspace.

US F-22s intercept Russian fighter jets, fire warning flares



zephyreks ,

The UN panel to monitor sanctions on North Korea ended in April. Australia has no mandate to monitor North Korea at this time.

The Yellow Sea is also not a body of water for which "innocent passage" is typically needed. It's a dead end body of water.

Moreover, if Australia was on UN business, there's an expectation that they should report their business to Chinese authorities to avoid this exact type of incident.

zephyreks ,

I'm actually glad you asked. The area where the Australian helicopter was intercepted was in China's EEZ, near China's territorial sea.

Normally, there are no restrictions for aircraft's innocent passage through another country's EEZ. This statement holds for the Yellow Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, etc.

However, this is true specifically for innocent passage and overflight. Australia claims they were in China's EEZ to enforce UN sanctions on North Korea. The UN panel for monitoring sanctions on North Korea was disbanded last month, so Australia lacks the UN mandate to justify their presence. Moreover, spying monitoring is very distinctly not innocent passage, and sailing an armed vehicle through is also distinctly not innocent passage. Moreover, the Yellow Sea has no real candidate places to pass to, so Australia is hardly just passing through.

Of course, Australia could have also completed the entire mission within South Korea's EEZ (a country that's allied with Australia),

Or, put another way: if China parked their aircraft carriers 12 nautical miles from Taipei and started flying jets and helicopters within the EEZ but outside of the territorial sea, what do you think the response would be? If China launched a balloon that skirted around Taiwanese sovereign airspace but within Taiwan's EEZ, what do you think the response would be? "Just let it slide"?

zephyreks ,

Falls under "freedom of overflight," which necessitates that when entering another country's EEZ you must

  1. shall have due regard to the rights and duties of the coastal state

  2. shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal state

Per these stipulations, overflight is meant to be for peaceful purposes, not for e.g. spying, military coercion, etc. These are, more or less, the same conditions granted for innocent passage. Moreover, overflight often requires clearing with the government as per local laws and regulations.

There's an open debate in international law as to whether surveillance is considered a peaceful purpose... But if someone dropped sonar buoys ("surveillance") 12 miles out of Honolulu Harbor, you'd probably throw a fit.

Again, as I'll repeat, flares are literally described by the FAA as a way to intercept aircraft. The US has used them against Russian aircraft, but in fact the US also does so to intercept civilian aircraft!

F-16 dropping flares on a PA-18 for TFR violation


Current statements are that the helicopter was in "breach of Chinese EEZ" (Peter Cronau, ABC) and "within close range of Chinese airspace" (Chinese Foreign Ministry). Notably, the Australians have ignored calls by the British to release videos or GPS data on the incident.

zephyreks ,

Motherfucker are you dumb, blind, or arguing in bad faith? Literally your own exact motherfucking source says this.

  1. Articles 88 to 115 and other pertinent rules of international law apply to the exclusive economic zone in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

  2. In exercising their rights and performing their duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, States shall have due regard to the rights and duties of the coastal State and shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

UNCLOS Article 58.2 and 58.3

Jesus Christ if you're going to argue in bad faith at least make an effort.

zephyreks ,

Australia claims they were flying there for surveillance to enforce sanctions on North Korea. UNCLOS stipulates what internationally lawful uses of the sea are (including freedom of navigation, overflight), and it's difficult to argue that foreign surveillance falls under that definition. Notably, surveillance does not fall under overflight, as overflight stipulates that no activities are conducted over the flyover that are not related to the flyover itself.

Your claim is that military surveillance is an internationally lawful use. That's insane. Your interpretation would allow Chinese and Russian aircraft to surveil within 12 miles of the US mainland, drop maritime survey beacons outside of key harbours (to spot submarines and map out the harbour), and do acrobatics within view of major US cities.

Again, dropping warning flares in front of an aircraft to intercept is standard policy. It's not even worthy of mention most of the time, and it's described in FAA rules.

US F-22s intercept Russian fighter jets, fire warning flares

Again, Australia has still refused to release videos of the incident despite calls from the British to do so.

zephyreks ,

China's navy is by no means advanced enough to project power halfway across the globe. It's not been designed to do so, either: most of China's navy is designed to repel a naval invasion near Chinese waters.

It's considered breaking news and a gross overstep when China flies over an arbitrary EEZ line in the Taiwan Strait to enter another EEZ for even a second. That should tell you all you need to know about China's confidence in its own capabilities.

zephyreks ,

The US Coast Guard recently released images of a fleet of four ships of China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) sailing near a US Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) near Alaska's Aleutian Islands

I think the article is confused

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