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yesman ,

There is a concept in post-modern philosophy called "hauntology". This theory posits that late-capitalist societies loose their ability to imagine different social orders; and cannot imagine the future except as high-tech versions of the current social order. To fill the void of novelty, the culture industry must constantly recycle and repackage old culture.

Anyway, this isn't a new phenomena, just a technology enabling us to resurrect live people instead of just fictional characters.

yesman ,

If Israel’s right to exist is a controversial topic, I‘m out.

Fuck me, they're arguing States rights. Is there a playbook for this atrocity denial or what?

yesman ,

The funniest thing about the Cybertruck is the windshield wiper. Not only does it ruin the science fiction ascetic by breaking up the flat surfaces, it breaks up the primary surface with a dumb squeegee arm. It's also a little reminder that not only were the first wipers invented in 1903, but that they were fitted to electric vehicles.

I think they used one huge wiper in an attempt to make it look innovative by just by virtue of being unusual.

yesman ,

The ultra-orthodox have wanted this for a long time and it's one of the reasons Israel's government was trying to curtail the power of the judiciary. You may remember there were protests in Israel over last summer over this.

This isn't about Pacifism, but more about autonomy and seclusion. I don't think they mind exposing their youth to bombs and bullets as much as exposure to cosmopolitan ideals they get from mixing with Israel's more secular youth. It's similar to the impetus for religious parents to do home-schooling in the US.

yesman ,

several independent investigations were not able to substantiate the claims.

Tyson was investigated by National Geographic and Fox to protect the shows they were producing starring him. I suppose the Natural History Museum looked into it enough to decide not to fire their star celebrity academic.

So the investigations had massive conflicts of interest actually. And none of them had an interest in his actual guilt. An none of them were victim advocates.

The accusations against Tyson are credible and they've never been properly investigated.

yesman ,

REMEMBER: If you have to have sex with you boss for advancement, that doesn't make you a slut, that makes them a sex-offender.

"career advancement" is euphemism designed to switch the power dynamic.

yesman ,

I cannot speak to macaroni pie directly, but you'd be surprised by how many things considered Southern are straight out of Africa for reasons that should be obvious.

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

yesman ,

Liberals are conservatives, they hate leftists.

yesman ,

The bear may maul you, but it won't corner you and explain statistically why it's the better choice.

What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison?

For some reason began going down a rabbit hole thinking about this. Let's say you are blind, and reliant on a guide dog, but end up in prison for a non-violent crime like possession of illegal drugs. Are you allowed to keep the dog? No, right? But if you are entirely reliant on the guide dog to perform daily tasks, how do you...

yesman ,

Ironically medical care is a right to prisoners but it’s not for everyone else.

Medical care in US prisons is largely handled by a few for-profit companies that make money by providing inadequate care or refusing care at all. Prisoners routinely die from medical neglect. Healthcare behind bars is more capitalism, not less.


Oh, and healthcare is not a right, it's the State's duty to care for people in it's custody. That means prisoners have no agency over their care. For example if you're arrested at an accident, the EMTs gain consent from the police, not the patient. This is how EMTs can administer anti-psychotics and strong sedatives on the sidewalk after the pigs have kicked your ass.


yesman ,

Headline: US officials admit that TickTock ban intended to censor Gaza news.

Article: Romney and Blinken blame Israel's disastrous PR on social media and opine that this is a good reason to ban platforms like TickTock.

yesman ,

Zizek has said before that all his books are reworded versions of the same book.

yesman ,

That's hard to verify since nobody has ever read Lacan. Most of us don't even read Zizek, we just heard about them both from Mark Fisher.

yesman ,

DAE remember that the OceanGate CEO bragged that Boeing helped them manufacture the sub?

At the time Boeing disavowed, but who you gonna believe?

yesman ,

I read the other day that Kim Gordon was 70 and my soul did that Private Ryan meme.

Archaeologists identify the birthplace of the mysterious Yamnaya ( www.economist.com )

Yet they and their descendants would go on to transform Europe and much of Asia genetically, culturally and linguistically. Among the many innovations that these steppe migrants ushered in, scientists believe, are the Indo-European languages that are dominant in Europe today, and which are spoken by nearly half of humanity....

yesman ,

Just going to point out the irony that modern Europeans are descended from migrants that infiltrated the Continent and interbred with the locals until their genes and culture were dominant.

yesman ,

Blood Meridian by Cormac Mccarthy.

It's kinda hard to describe. I recon it's a parable about American colonization and the genocide of the native people. Like a map of how a project like that gets done and who benefits from it.

It's like a melodrama in that it's light on plot, and character motivation, but without the extreme circumstances unless you count the pervasive, persistent, and senseless violence. (that the characters themselves barely seem to notice) Not exactly a supernatural tale, but filled with dream logic, oh and the literal Christian Devil is one of the main characters.

This is the only book Ive ever read twice, back to back. I got to the end and was like WTF, turned to the first page and started again.

yesman ,

I'm a huge keyboard shortcut guy. But any more than two modifiers can fuck right off. I wanna launch a program, not play carpel tunnel Twister.

yesman ,

Is the UN official saying that the pier is enabling the Israeli invasion of Rafah, as though it wouldn't happen otherwise? Or is he saying that but for the pier, Israel will open more land crossing to aid?

And what is the corrective action? Should the pier be built somewhere else, or not at all? Are their any factors about where to locate the pier besides political? Like the depth of the water or existing infrastructure?

And if the problem with the aid is that it's a meaningless PR gesture, then does PR medicine not heal? Dose PR food not nourish?

Please help me understand why delivering food and medicine to Gaza is bad.

yesman ,

This is a bad take. Software updates that fix life threatening defects are as serious as any recall.

It's motivated reasoning. Either the people making this argument are Tesla owners, simps, or shareholders and are trying to protect the phantasmagorical value of the company.

Saying "my car's drive-by-wire software gets more firmware updates than my printer" is not a flex.

yesman ,

Reading through these comments it seems that many lemmings have wildly optimistic ideals about ethics in the "true crime" genre of documentaries.

Even for sincere documentarians, presenting unvarnished history accurately and completely is an impossibility. For the bad-faith actors, you'd be amazed at how much is outright staged or otherwise faked. The only rule is that it be entertaining.

As far as "true crime", the question of "should we even make this" is pretty ethically fraught. True crime is cheap, popular, and stuffed to the brim with hacks and bad faith actors.

yesman ,

OJ's trial goes beyond his innocence or guilt. His trial was racially charged and cannot be understood outside this context. I don't think those who celebrated his acquittal believed in his innocence as much as they saw it a victory that a black man used his privilege and resources to escape justice the way so many white criminals had in the past. Not justice, but equality, American style.

For white America, it came as quite a shock that a rich black celebrity could leverage race tensions to escape accountability. This was such a singular event it resonates 30years later. If you're black, you don't need a long memory to see justice betrayed behind some racist bullshit.

fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves... ( lemmy.world )

One of the most common mistakes is assuming that political opponents are ignorant. If only they had the right education; consumed the right media; or had the correct experience, they’d surely see things properly. The error is believing that we arrived at our values through reason....

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