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Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations ( )

There were a series of accusations about our company last August from a former employee. Immediately following these accusations, LMG hired Roper Greyell - a large Vancouver-based law firm specializing in labor and employment law, to conduct a third-party investigation. Their website describes them as “one of the largest...

xkforce ,

I feel like the fact they paid the same party that investigated them is an obvious enough conflict of interest to dismiss this out of hand. Whether the report is actually trustworthy or not, there is an incentive to come to a conclusion that aligns with whomever paid them and that alone should make people question the conclusions being made.

xkforce ,

According to who?

Tbh I don't trust anyone that reacted the way Linus did in response to GN's investigation or that only changes things once they get called out on it publically.

xkforce ,

What should happen is not always what does happen. There are tons of examples of brain dead companies and rich people buying companies they dont understand and then ruining them because of that.

xkforce ,

Did you not read the title at least? How does firing all these people indicate they know what theyre doing?

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  • xkforce ,

    The island of stability isn't going to result in anything most people would consider "stable" i.e no Naquadah or Trinium. It could however, result in new superheavy isotopes that last seconds instead of milliseconds or microseconds like what would otherwise be expected.

    The island of (relative) stability results from the filling of nuclear shells similarly to how noble gases are as unreactive as they are in chemical reactions because their (electron) shells are full.

    xkforce ,

    Realistically none aside from testing that our models are good.

    Best case scenario the particle accelerators we use to make them take months, years just to produce a couple atoms that last maybe a few seconds then decay to something much less stable

    xkforce ,

    If you thought it was, you need to ask yourself why you are here because Lemmy and Reddit are both forms of social media.

    xkforce OP ,

    We have cavandish and red bananas here but none of the more interesting ones like the giant hawaiian cultivar etc. So completely agreed.

    xkforce OP ,

    Yeah... there are a lot of south american fruits that dont survive being transported here. eg. cashew fruit. Ive had the juice but not the fruit itself.

    xkforce OP ,

    The original intent was to learn about fruits and veggies that most americans would be unaware of or dont have access to eg. brazilian grapes, ube, drumstick, adzuki beans etc. but good point.

    xkforce OP ,

    Oooh white tomatoes. Ever had the purple ones? Or the ripe green varieties?

    xkforce OP ,

    We have the canned ones which arent bad but now im curious what the fresh cut ones are like

    xkforce OP ,

    I remember getting one when one of the supermarkets around here carried them and theyre huge fruits. Probably 20 pounds of fruit that we ate from it and by the time we were done I never wanted to see another one again lol. I wouldn't mind trying them again now but probably maybe just a pound not a whole fruit.

    xkforce OP ,

    Google tells me asian pears are basically the same and if thats true, then they're one of the best fruits I have had.

    xkforce OP ,

    Google says they taste like a mix of lemon, orange and grapefruit. Is that accurate?

    xkforce OP ,

    I know. I was pointing out that banana selection is limited and arguably not very interesting here.

    xkforce OP ,

    Botanically it isn't a fruit but it is a culinary fruit because of how it is used.

    xkforce OP ,
    xkforce OP ,

    Ive tried the juice which tasted weakly citrusy with a strong nutty flavor. Is that anything like the fresh fruit tastes?

    xkforce OP ,

    People probably instantly took their meaning to be mundane beans eg. pinto. Adzuki beans or at least the red paste desserts made from them, I bet most people here haven't tried but would like.

    xkforce OP , (edited )

    When I was a kid, we had a patch of it in the back yard and mom would make desserts out of it. Or wed just eat it raw.

    xkforce ,

    There's always a reason. Boredom, rumination or in my case last night, physical pain.

    Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

    The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

    xkforce ,

    Sometimes people do but it mostly happens when it is a topic that they've tethered to their identity.

    xkforce ,

    Because the point was to show that he's worthy without completely changing him. Same with vision.

    xkforce ,

    Stark was literally written to be a character that people should by all rights despise but was nonetheless a hero. That was entirely the point of him.

    xkforce ,

    Batman. He's a billionaire playboy living in a city full of poverty. He may not kill but he has no problem crippling someone for life. And the fact he apparently learns nothing about the joker over the decades has resulted in so so many people dying to the joker's schemes.

    And the reality is that he's still that same child in that alley but in an adult's body. He takes on different child robins because he never grew past that. He has trauma that was never treated and one of the main symptoms of trauma is being stuck in the time period that the trauma happened. He doesn't really have a personality beyond the trauma.

    xkforce ,

    They made that up to be edgy

    xkforce ,

    Vision is alive. His body is composed of living tissue woven together with the mind stone and vibranium. That whole speel by Stark arguing that vision could only lift the hammer in the same way an elevator would was him rationalizing why his creation was worthy but he wasn't. The whole point of the scene where vision lifted the hammer for the first time was to show that he could be trusted. Because at that point, almost everyone had their doubts.

    xkforce ,

    *The population is 50 times what it was when I was a kid.

    *All the cool places we used to hang out at school as kids are fenced off.

    *The big tree that shaded half the yard of the house I grew up in was cut down. The property has been split into 3 separate "apartments" for rent. Everything was repainted and the yard looks nothing like it used to.

    *Everything around town has been built up. Most of the empty fields have businesses or houses on them.

    *The lake my grandfather and I used to fish at is no longer publically accessible. The lake was choked to death by algae caused by farm run off pollution.

    *The main road is paved, has gutters, street lights etc. and isn't a dirt road anymore like it was when I was little.

    *Trains don't go through the railroad going through town. They haven't for years so no train watching.

    xkforce ,

    If you are expected to be productive, that is by definition, not "free time."

    xkforce OP ,

    I was diagnosed at 32 in my last semester of my undergrad. I just ended up with more stress than I could handle and ended up in therapy and thats when I found out.

    xkforce OP ,

    It depends. When I first started taking the Straterra generic there were a few days that I had a much shorter fuse than normal but that went away. Mostly I noticed that it was much easier to focus and prioritize.

    xkforce OP ,

    The way they went about getting their point across isn't great but that said, there are legitimate reasons why you don't see everyone leave for another country even if that is exactly what they want to do. Especially if you are someone that struggles to survive here let alone put away a few grand to cover the expenses of moving to another country, do the planning and research needed, tie up loose ends etc.
    Living abroad may be good for neurodiverse people but the actual process of leaving the US and settling elsewhere as a permanent resident is not.

    xkforce ,

    She likes slytherins. And her favoritest slytherin of all spent decades bullying children to the point that Neville was more afraid of him than the death eaters that tortured his parents into insanity.

    xkforce ,

    Nintendo is a company that only wants make new stuff

    They've been digging mario out of the dumpster for the last 40 years wtf are you dementia-ing on about?

    xkforce , (edited )

    Saying nothing at all is better than only being allowed to say good things and none of the bad. The former doesnt shift opinions in either direction but the latter introduces a pro-buying bias to reviews. Good for the publisher and no one else.

    xkforce ,

    If enough people believe that it is, they're not going to be as likely to fight things that they should be.

    xkforce ,

    Op does have the power to post the exact same link that this person did.

    xkforce , (edited )

    Op you can follow Reddit and Lemmy users just the same as on Facebook or Twitter. So by your own definition, Reddit and Lemmy are forms of social media.

    xkforce ,

    This is my cat Cygnus. I named him after Cygnus x-1 which is thought to be a black hole. He's a very very smart cat. He does tricks eg. shake, opens doors etc.

    This is Cygnus. He is a superior lifeform.

    xkforce ,

    He stands on his back two legs, takes both paws and grabs the door knob and tries to turn it. If the door isnt closed that well, i.e somewhat ajar, he can actually open it. The last black cat I had that I inherited from my uncle did the same thing. He'll also "knock" if he can't get through a door. And by "knock" I mean he'll find the nearest loose bit of wood or paneling or something that he can grab hold of, pull it a little then let go so it snaps back and makes a fairly loud noise.

    xkforce ,

    Our dishwasher leaks and we dont have the money to fix or replace it. So its all manual washing dishes... when the last bowl, plate and utensil is gone.

    xkforce ,

    Yakitori, tom yum soup, chicken skewers, sushi, exotic fruit, foreign snacks eg. biltong, ukrainian candy, japanese gummies

    xkforce ,

    Hummus is pretty cheap if you make it yourself.

    Chickpeas, oil, tahini or peanut butter, garlic, lemon juice and some sort of hot pepper powder if you like it spicy.

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