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wintermute_oregon ,

That is actually what Elon said yet the media keeps twisting it. He is prohibited from providing a signal in Crimea because of sanctions. If Biden agrees, he’ll turn it on. He can’t turn it on just because Ukraine makes a request as federal law overrides them.
Now I’m surprised Biden has made such a request even secretly in the background

What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison?

For some reason began going down a rabbit hole thinking about this. Let's say you are blind, and reliant on a guide dog, but end up in prison for a non-violent crime like possession of illegal drugs. Are you allowed to keep the dog? No, right? But if you are entirely reliant on the guide dog to perform daily tasks, how do you...

wintermute_oregon ,

Most states have medical prisons to detain those with special needs.

Here is an example of one.

Sometimes they’ll be paroled if they are Low risk. That way the tax payer isn’t financially responsible.

Ironically medical care is a right to prisoners but it’s not for everyone else.

Estonia proposes blocking Russia in the Baltic Sea in the event of a Russian attack on any of the Baltic states ( )

The commander of the Estonian Armed Forces, General Martin Herem, has suggested that Western countries discuss and prepare for a possible blockade of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea. According to Herem, Estonia has the necessary means to achieve this goal, the Melitarny portal writes....

wintermute_oregon ,

The problem is Estonia can’t hold out again Russia for very long. They just don’t have a large enough military.

Maybe nato needs to send troops to train them like 100k or so.

wintermute_oregon ,

Well I learned something new today. I didn’t realize they were part of nato. I thought they were still waiting for to join

wintermute_oregon ,

I didn’t realize Estonia had already joined nato. When they talk about nations donating to Ukraine, Estonia tops the list based on gdp.

wintermute_oregon ,

One article I read said he likes to fire whole teams and then see which people are asked about. Those are the ones he rehires. If nobody misses you then you were doing a job of value.

From a human level, this is just shitty. It isn't the way to treat people.

wintermute_oregon ,

I didn’t realize America has banned them. Good. I just figured they were a fad.

wintermute_oregon ,

I want to see more regulations around plastics. We have the ability to make biodegradable plastics and we can research better ones. Plastic is a bane to the environment.

wintermute_oregon ,

I would say depends. If the user was using the feature correctly then Tesla should have some liability.

Most of the crashes I’ve seen the people were not using the feature correctly.

wintermute_oregon ,

No, the majority of crashes I’ve seen. Nowhere does the marketing say read your email and take you hands off the wheel.

wintermute_oregon ,

That is a full self driving demo and has nothing to do with the Accidents. Full self driving and auto pilot are two different things.
When you sign up for fsd you agree to not take your hands off the wheel and pay extra attention.
Most of the accidents are autopilot which is enhanced cruise control.

wintermute_oregon ,

I get it words don’t matter. Feelings are what’s important.

The autopilot on my Tesla is much better than the same technology on my Audi. Both technologies are easy to abuse. That isn’t Tesla’s fault. People need to follow the instructions.

Now there are a few cases where the technology completely failed when used correctly and that’s 100% Tesla’s fault in my opinion.

Are you arguing that it’s the people’s fault? Or are you just rambling because it’s Elon.

Or are you just arguing for god know what’s reason?

wintermute_oregon ,

For the Tesla it’s very easy to use correctly.

Compared to our old cruise control it’s a much better system.

Nothing can stop people from being idiots. Most of the accidents are people being idiots.

I have seen a few where 100% it was a Tesla failure and Tesla should be held 100% accountable for those.

wintermute_oregon ,

This is the stupidity I hate most about Tesla shills

This is why I hate most about people obsessed with Elon. They can’t have discussions. It’s all weird illogical wants over Elon.

Great engineers make genius innovations all the time to keep idiots from harming themselves or others

No. When cruise control first came out. It’d drive you right into another car. Auto pilot is just a fancy cruise control.

You can take a normal car and drive it into a wall. Tesla is no different. Using your logic a normal car shouldn’t be able to do that.

wintermute_oregon ,

Responsible car makers have changes that

No they haven’t. I have take by brand new Audi and drive it straight into a well.

They assist people in driving. You are still driving the car.

car makers do much, much better than Tesla

Incorrect. Auto pilot is less likely to be in an accident.

wintermute_oregon ,

The report doesn't explain why Teslas crashed at a higher rate than any other brand, only that it does

wintermute_oregon ,

Maybe because it has nothing to do with Tesla. It’s a EV thing. Tesla just makes more EV than anyone else. It’s interesting to note when people switch to gas, they have more accidents.

The acceleration is a valid reason. Since Tesla has good controls to compensate for it. People don’t get how quickly they can get to an insane soeed

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s why Tesla is in the news. The same stats run similar for other EV but nobody cares.

The article explains it’s switch from gas to ev and ev to gas and not as much about Tesla

wintermute_oregon ,

From the article

Scherr’s statements echoed findings by insurance analysts at LexisNexis who found that, when vehicle owners switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars, they tend to crash more. Drivers also tend to crash somewhat more when switching to gas-powered vehicles, too, but the increase is more pronounced with EVs.
The increase in incidents is highest during the first year or so after drivers get the new electric vehicle, but then tapers off after that, according to LexisNexis, presumably as people get used to driving the new model. There is much less of a problem when a driver changes from a gasoline-powered vehicle to another gas-powered one, they found.
But LexisNexis researchers had previously noticed similar trends in China, where there are many more EVs – including more that aren’t Teslas.
Crashes are even more frequent in households with both a gas and an electric model, indicating that regularly switching from one to another exacerbates the issues. And the fact that crash frequency lessens with time also suggests that unfamiliarity has something to do with it, said Xiaohui Lu, head of EV research at LexisNexis Risk Solutions,

wintermute_oregon ,

I have not found an article that breaks down other EV since there are few of them and lumped in with brand as a whole.

You’ll see ram and Subaru are comparable to tesla

wintermute_oregon ,

They have the worst accident rates among all brands and their driving assist features either can’t keep idiots from making bad decisions or, worse, even amplify the dangerous effects that idiots create while driving

You need the study to clarify that. Oddly the first article says accidents but when you see how it’s defined, tickets such as spending are called an accident

wintermute_oregon ,

The driver assist is pretty damn good. It’s so good many people trust it to much. They’ll read email. Crawl in the back seat.
You can go to Amazon and buy things to make it seems like your hands are on the wheel.
Now the article did say EV are more likely to be read ended. I do wonder if that’s because of the phantom breaking.

wintermute_oregon ,

My thoughts were also about phantom breaking, but I don’t know if it is still an issue.

I haven’t had an issue with it for over a year but according to others it’s still a real issue. The car will just slam on the breaks for some odd reason. I don’t want to say no reason because the car thinks there is a valid reason but there isn’t.
I’m more likely to have the issue on a sunny day, by a bridge when I’m the only car in front of me.

Since I’m a conservative, I have many fans who follow me around and downvote anything I say. It’s sad they think that gives them power over me or that I care.

As long as someone is having a discussion. They’ll never get a downvote from me.

wintermute_oregon ,

BYD is made by their enemy? It isn't hard to figure out why they wouldn't want to buy things from a hostile country.

wintermute_oregon ,

People try to go down the slippery slope that’ll turn into a culling of the sick or old.

Nobody is suggesting that. What is being suggested is let people choose when it’s time. I agree with that. Let people die on their own terms Oregon has the law and people often ask for it and then don’t use it

wintermute_oregon ,

I just mentioned him the other day. Appears Russian killed him thinking he was a spy.

wintermute_oregon ,

Because the world has said Taiwan is part of China. That’s why.
The world needs to recognize Taiwan as its own nation. Everyone wanted that cheap labor in China and ignored Taiwan.

wintermute_oregon ,

At some point you have to shit or get off the pot. Either they are part of China or they are not.

wintermute_oregon ,

He’s worth the money because he owns the stock.

He isn’t as much of a worker as he is someone who owns a lot of the company.

Personally I think he’s outlived his usefulness at Tesla. X has become his passion project.

I’d like to see a new ceo at Tesla. Great cars. He hyped them well then lost interest.

wintermute_oregon ,

I have to say his books make you think. I think he is under appreciated as an author.

People miss the point of Starship Troopers because of the movie. The book is nothing like the movie.

wintermute_oregon ,

I think that it is unfair to say that about Heinlen that he was misogynistic. The women in his books were strong and capable. He may have been sexiest, but he wasn't misogynistic.

Another thing to note is in many of the books, he changes the point he is trying to make. He is an interesting author as he covers a vast number of topics.

wintermute_oregon ,

book vs person. Heinlen explored ideas.

and no, I have no read that one.

wintermute_oregon ,

I always find Ireland a little baffling. Woke companies are sending jobs there like crazy but they appear to be socially conservative.

Yet every Irish person I’ve met seemed fairly moderate.

Is the country really this openly socially conservative ?

wintermute_oregon ,

Not just cleaner but you are also less prone to certain infections. I am circumcised, but it was done as a child. Knowing what I know now, I am glad since it decreases the risk for certain cancers and infections.

wintermute_oregon ,
wintermute_oregon ,

Suggested is my phrasing. The studies are pretty conclusive.

wintermute_oregon ,

Did you read the study?

wintermute_oregon ,

Nah I get it. People don’t like science.

wintermute_oregon ,

My ideas are cited science and facts. Go troll someone else.

wintermute_oregon ,

Since you consider mayo and medical journals fake news. I’m blocking you.

YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" ( )

"Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain.[8] A 2011 critical evaluation of 45 systematic reviews concluded that the data included in the study "fail[ed] to...

wintermute_oregon ,

That’s a weird standard. People see physicians for years because of chronic issues.

Are you saying my brothers oncologist isn’t legit because he has to see him for life ?

Not all their techniques are garbage. DO are trained in manipulation as well. The basic premise of chiropractics is what’s at fault. I’ve seen newer chiropractics switch to more PT style of treatment. No idea if that’s in their scope but I know one who rarely adjust people. It’s mainly massage, weight lifting and body mechanics.

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