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webghost0101 ,

Same with autism, neurodivergency in general.

We have strong roots to the early lgbt movement for a reason. Something with not fitting in with societal expectations.

webghost0101 , (edited )

This is a mutual experience that many people can relate to but its mechanics is also core Adhd where this scenario is more extrme and frequent. (Possibly even with important life choices and not just hobbies)

Normalize acknowledging the smaller neurodivergent features that exists in most people as it can help them understand major ones. but do keep it distinct from “everyone has a bit of adhd/autism/anxiety” which is tonedeaf

webghost0101 ,

I have a really nice set of whittling knives from the time i was passionately experimenting with a borrowed knife.

Guess how much time i have whittled since acquiring that set?

In my defense apparently i missed out on a free tiny whetstone because i bought on a local farmers market rather the amazon page. From this i have convinced myself i need to master knife sharpening and maintenance skills first so i don't abuse my set.

Apple’s App Store breaches EU’s Digital Markets Act ( techcrunch.com )

A few months after opening a non-compliance case on Apple and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Commission has shared its preliminary findings with Apple. And the bottom line is that the current App Store rules are in breach of the DMA. Confirmed violations of the DMA can lead to fines of up to 10% of global annual...

webghost0101 ,

If after 12 monty they actually comply then thats still a positive.

However i fear they may “fix” it with malicious compliance at 11 months and then the cycle repeats.

Instead what i think should happen is they should need to obtain “verified compliance” within a year. (Minus the time europe takes to check) and if the term expires the penalty goes up to eventually forced splitting up.

webghost0101 ,

I embrace it, in context of the cosmos aren’t we all creatures of space molded from the infinite potential of dna?

Some people just don't care to develop a sense of self awareness on such scale. Their loss.

webghost0101 ,

The black pieces become the white pieces and vice versa.

webghost0101 ,

There are very little people in the world that understand llms on such a deep technological level as Ilya.

I honestly don’t think there is much else in the world he is interested in doing other then work on aligning powerful ai.

Wether his almost anti commercial style end up accomplishing much i don't know but his intention are literal and clear.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Our singular focus means no distraction by management overhead or product cycles, and our business model means safety, security, and progress are all insulated from short-term commercial pressures.

This is the guy who turned against Sam for being to much about releasing product. I don't think he plans on delivering much product at all. The reason to invest isn't to gain profit but to avoid losing to an apocalyptic event which you may or may not personally believe, many Silicon Valley types do.

A safe Ai would be one that does not spell the end of
Humanity or the planet. Ilya is famously obsessed with creating whats basically a benevolent AI god-mommy and deeply afraid for an uncontrollable, malicious Skynet.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Your entitled to that opinion, so are others. Sutsekeva may be an actual loony.. or an absolute genius. Or both, that isn't up to debate here.

I am just explaining what this about because if you think this is “just another money raiser” you obviously havent paid enough attention to who this guy is exactly.

Super intelligence in Artificial intelligence is a wel defined term btw, in case your still confused. You may have seen them plaster on stuff like buzzwords but all of these definitions precede AI hype of last years.

ML = machine learning, algorithms that improve over time.

AI = artificial intelligence, machine learning with complex logic, mimicking real intelligence. <- we are here

AGI = artificial general intelligence. An Ai agent that functions intelligently at a level indistinguishable from a real human. <- expert estimate this will be archived before 2030

ASI = Artificial Super Intelligence Agi that transcends human intelligence and capacities in every wat.

It may not sound real to you but if you ever visited the singularity sub on reddit you will see how a great number of people do.

Also everything is science fiction till its not. Horseless chariots where science fiction so where cordless phones.
The first airplane went up in 1903, 66 years later we landed in the moon.

webghost0101 , (edited )

No i applaud a healthy dose of skepticism.

I am everything but in favor of idolizing silicon valley gurus and tech leaders but from Sutskeva i have seen enough to know he is one of the few to actually pay attention to

Artificial Super intelligence or ASI is the step beyond AGI (artificial general intelligence)

The later is equal or better in capacity to a real human being in almost all fields.

Artificial Super intelligence is defined (long before openai was a thing) as transcending human intelligence in every conceivable way. At which point its a fully independent entity that can no longer be controlled or shutdown.

webghost0101 ,

No need to clarify what you meant with the oligarchs theres barely any exaggeration there. Ghouls is quite accurate.

Considering the context of a worst case possible scenario (hostile takeover by an artificial superior) which honestly is indistinguishable from general end of the world doomerism prophecies but very alive in the circles of Sutskeva i believe safe ai consistent of the very low bar of

“humanity survives wile agi improves the standards of living worldwide” of course for this i am reading between the lines based on previously aquired information.

One could argue that If ASI is created the possibilities become very black and white:

  • ASI is indifferent about human beings and pursues its own goals, regardless of consequences for the human race. It could even find a way off the planet and just abandon us.

  • ASI is malaligned with humanity and we become but a. Resource, treating us no different then we have historically treated animals and plants.

  • ASI is aligned with humanity and it has the best intentions for our future.

For either scenario it would be impossible to calculate its intentions because by definition its more intelligent then all of us. Its possible that some things that we understand as moral may be immoral from a better informed perspective, and vice versa.

The scary thing is we wont be able to tell wether its malicious and pretending to be good. Or benevolent and trying to fix us. Would it respect consent if say a racist refuses therapy?

Of course we can just as likely hit a roadblock next week and the whole hype dies out for another 10 years.

webghost0101 ,

I wonder what kinds of affects this do have?

It would find it bizar if there are no natural phenomena connected to it.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Its not about wavelength but about peoples ability to perceive and distinguish.

Blue is a rare pigment in nature so in most ancient cultures its often being categorized as a shade of green.

To give you an example of the opposite:

The Himba tribe of Namibia is known for their unique perception of color, particularly in how they differentiate shades of green. Research has shown that the Himba are more adept at distinguishing between various shades of green that many “civilized” might see as similar.

webghost0101 ,

Clickbait be clickbait and half the site is probably ai generated. I wont defend the hyperbole.

Theres is a debate you can have to what attributes to seeing in relation to perception. Our mind has a lot of tricks to get around the restrictions of our eyes.

Its a shame how enshitification erodes this conversation.

webghost0101 ,

I left that problem behind me a long time ago


webghost0101 , (edited )

Are you stupid or what? The line needs to go up, up and up!!!!! Your problem is the fucking line not having the greatest boner your moms bottom will ever see.

Daddy needs to see numbers climb to FeEL aLiVe.

Dont you get wat injustice are done to us?
Only today some hippy weirdos took the spot in the news that i could have used to give an adverview about buy our product.

Trow the scum in jail i tell you. That will teach them to destroy our beautiful heritage. Fossil fueled electric chairs for all of them.

webghost0101 , (edited )

He’s the guy that tried to stay true to the mission, realized that Sam was becoming a problem. Had little business sense to calculate the drama that ensued.

Realized that openAI getting destroyed in a single week was worse then having Sam run it. (Micrososoft and google where just going to gobble up the void)

Then was forced into compliance by Sam who had conditions to return. Add in the fact there long time
Personal friends, Sam is a super high level speaker while
Ilya usually keeps to themselves. The super stressful days everyone was on during the times.

You may understand why he didn’t want to continue fighting and just eased into a slow leave to do better elsewhere.

webghost0101 , (edited )

I don't think coverage appropriate hairline is something that is on this guys mind.

To me he just scream massive (autistic) nerd. And i am all the more confident and supportive of him for it.

We need more smart people that dont care about appearance and charisma in leadership positions. I am not saying those are not useful in leaderships but theres to much of it in the tech industry .

webghost0101 ,

Just FYI the license in your comment doesn’t actually exist and the creative commons license it links to does not mention AI anywhere.

webghost0101 ,

Well i understand its to combat ai from training on your comments right, maybe also to poison the data?

I just don't see what taking a non relevant licensee and giving it a different name is doing to stop that.
Trivial to filter stuff like this out in a dataset.

At best an individual data scraping company decides to honor it out of kindness. At worst people think that its a real license and copy it with a false sense of security.

webghost0101 ,

The touring test isn't an arena where anything goes, most renditions have a strict set of rules on how questions must be asked and about what they can be about.
Pretty sure the response times also have a fixed delay.

Scientists ain't stupid. The touring test has been passed so many times news stopped covering it. (Till this click bait of course). The test has simply been made more difficult and cheat-proof as a result.

webghost0101 ,

To clarify:

People seem to legit think the jury talks to the bot in real time and can ask about literally whatever they want.

Its rather insulting to the scientist that put a lot of
thought into organizing a controlled environment to properly test defined criteria.

webghost0101 ,

Gpt4o the windows expert:

“ The meme references a somewhat obscure feature from older versions of Microsoft Windows called “Briefcase.” Here’s a brief explanation:

Windows Briefcase:

• Introduced in Windows 95 and present in several subsequent versions, the Briefcase was a special folder designed to help users keep files in sync between two locations, typically between a desktop and a laptop.

• You could create a Briefcase on your computer, add files to it, and then copy that Briefcase to another location, such as a floppy disk or another drive.

• When you made changes to the files on either location, you could use the Briefcase to update the files on both sides by synchronizing them. This feature was particularly useful in the era before widespread use of networked file sharing and cloud storage.

The meme humorously challenges a supposed “Windows expert” to explain this somewhat outdated and lesser-known feature, implying that true expertise includes knowledge of such old functionalities.”

webghost0101 ,

I didn’t say i had the answer. just passed it on :)

For all i personally know this answer is completely made up, as is the danger with ai experts.

webghost0101 ,

I am also very confused about the slug part because the dot is supposedly killing in alphabetical order. Yet the dot was going to have her walk into a slug in the elevator a while before her name was up.

Apparently this entity cares so much about the alphabet it stopped targeting her to go after the september guy so what gives?

Someone theorized the slugs may hold you and kill you off when its your time but the list the dr uses to realize its in alphabetical time isn't time of death, its time of disappearance. These slugs do capture on video so If people cant have been alive inside a slug without anyone or themselves noticing.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Are they expecting this to continue all the way to 2028?

How much people need to die for the powergames of a wannabe emperor?’

webghost0101 , (edited )

That is what i meant yes. Last i checked Zelinsky isn't hoping to one day rule the continent/world as an emperor.
There defending, its Putin that is on a conquest to expand an empire. The blood of both sides is on his hands.

It is my feeling that russia will collapse itself trying to win
precisely because Ukraine receives intel and support right now, doing things much more efficiently then Russia mismanagement ever could.

I could be wrong but my expectation is that in 4 years Putin wont even be in charge anymore.

These planes are like the stereotypical cavalerie. Effective war machine? Yes. But always comes to late when the battle is over.

webghost0101 ,

I wonder if they considered reddit votes to try to give more weight to high quality answers but also high quality jokes.

But without votes pure nonsense becomes equal to truth.

Humans could use reddit because we understand the site enough to be able to filter the valuable from the bad.

I feel like the answer would be in between ai specifically to be such a filter.

Every such post of google failing i have screen capped and then asked chatgpt for a more detailed explanation to do what google suggests i do. Everytime it managed to call out the issues. So just allowing an ai to proofread its response in context of the question could stop a lot of hallucinations.

But its at least 3 times as slow and expensive if it needs to change its first response.

But i guess doing things properly isnt profitable , better to just rush tech and kill your most famous product.

webghost0101 ,

Speaking as an autist for the entire autistic community.


What have i set in motion :o

webghost0101 ,

What you're describing exist within Nato, attack one country means war with all of them. But Ukraine was/is not in Nato yet. If Nato starts defending non Nato countries as if they where Nato countries then why would they join?

This is also why there are so many talks about Ukrain joining Nato because then i bet we would see this kind of force happening.

I am not saying i agree with this reality but i am absolutely sure this is why it is like that.

webghost0101 , (edited )

This image gets worse the more you look at it because there are almost no legal moves and the few legal ones are within a contained space, but i did find the actual answer.

Undefended white pawn allows a bishop to break free to then free the rooks.


OP, i kinda recommend making this pawn and its cousins in the pattern black to make this truly unsolvable.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Windows 11 on a series of laptops that isn’t available for purchase yet.

Unless you purchase essentially a macbook by microsoft you wont even be allowed to use this.

The people that do buy those wont mind, its actually a pretty smart move by microsoft.

I bet they knew the internet would hate it and “fixed” it by making it a financials exclusive service.

Normal windows is unlikely going away but it will be the inferior product designed to make you want to pay for more.

It bet it will work, it will be profitable. But at the same time I dont care about the rich paying. Its gonna be great for Linux adoption

webghost0101 ,

Something tells me a keyboard is not adequate protection against a nuclear blast but i am no nuclear scientist so..

webghost0101 , (edited )

Dystopian depression?

Before long every cashier is going to request a smile from you, scripted as the most friendly way to say “please let me shov this scanner on your face”

The psychological effect of being requested to smile every time you make a purchase will reinforce your behavior to purchase more and appear less miserable keeping up the illusion that everything is cool and normal.

I am just talking from my ass but gotta remember that the ceos species have their asshole below their nose.

webghost0101 ,

Guy you replied to did miss that part but consider the (still to be verified) facts.

  • they ask to use her voice, she declined.

  • they proceed by not using her voice. Someone else's voice instead.

oPeNaI “believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. To protect their privacy, we cannot share the names of our voice talents.”

The end result is pretty clear here. Either this other person exist and could testify privately in court with her natural voice which she has the rights to work with OpenAi. There is a closure in law where not being able to provide evidence that the court knows must exist can make you guilty. Openai could have tried to pull a “this is a fully unique synthetic voice” but crucially they did not.

webghost0101 ,

Tweeting “her” was stupid but he has stated for years its his favorite movie and honestly even with a wildly different man voice it is still a very similar appearing product as the movie.

webghost0101 ,

They are copying the fictional movie character… the voice is a real person and their is precedent that explicitly impersonating a voice is ip theft.

But a fictional personality and a voice that has similar features? I really hope this does settle in court.

webghost0101 ,

Its only partly local and i bet only because the alternative is to expensive.

Just look at the kinda crap windows pulls today.

I thought i had disabled pretty much all the spyware, them on the microsoft online dashboard i found

  • full machine specs
  • A list off all applications installed
  • edge search history

Btw, did you know that anything typed in start/search now counts as a search in edge? I wander whats behind that move.

In other words i understand much of the ai may function on a local level but it be fully integrated with cloud systems and you can safely assume a full record of your prompts and uses is stored on microsoft servers and delivered to bill gates for reading before bed.

webghost0101 ,

Depends on your browser extensions, you can even pretend to be a phone if you want. ;)

And also not the same level of detail as microsoft is just lifting from your hardware like motherboard model and manufacturer, how many drives, how they are formatted and how much space is used on each of em.

webghost0101 ,

What i meant is, what good reason is there for local search to always count as a Bing internet search.

If i wanted to look up something online id open up an internet browser with the search engine of my preference.

Spamming my local search results with online rubbish is the opposite of value, even micrsoft devs acnowledge this which is why microsoft powertoys has macbook style local searchbar thats way faster and better at finding your files and offline.

webghost0101 ,

Makes sense but imagine 10, 20 years in the future from now? I doubt there be enough difference to ofset the risks by then.

Should we really rush out an invasive implant that barely works rather then perfect what we will naturally want to use in the future anyway?

webghost0101 ,

So its 94% less sound because this seems sound calculated -12db in % with conventional formulas?

How would we describe perceived sound exactly, not many people can imagine something when given a db value? Maybe we should?

webghost0101 ,

I have done a lil research but what i needed was this site. Great resource, maybe even coolguides material.

webghost0101 ,

Well duh, have you seen the awesome medieval tower next to it?

webghost0101 ,

This is a reaction on a reaction.

On an article, which is actually a complaint that someone is complaining.

Which was really much more of a mention of an annoyance.

From one of them egocentric billionaires who for lack of public places to be alone was talking on stage once more.

And the audience listened,
The media reported.
And the people felt.

I dont know why i wrote this but i strangely enjoyed it.*

webghost0101 ,

It looks monorail at first but if you look closer its not.

I also wouldn’t want to be the forgetful dumb person that forgot how late it was before taking this thing home because those cargo trains ain't gonna stop.

webghost0101 ,

Sounds like they really found a gap in the market.. /s

webghost0101 ,

I am confused. Is this satire looking factual news on a real satire website?

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