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volvoxvsmarla ,

I'm sorry but when I read "pride month is defeated" in the context of a heterosexual engagement my mind immediately assumes the dude is a closeted homosexual who chose her as his beard instead of coming out. And this is how he "defeated pride". By choosing a heteronormative lifestyle over his actual preferences.

The most optimistic scenario my head can come up with to make the sentence make sense would be that she's bisexual and because of him she chose to commit to a heteronormative relationship.

In any way, for a lack of a better term, putting your engagement in context of defeating pride makes you look quite gay.

volvoxvsmarla ,

I'm not sure what country you are from, but as someone whose vote literally is counted before I even see a ballot, let me tell you, please vote or at least do something. If you don't like the way politics in your country work, go out and demonstrate. Take it to the streets. Talk to your neighbors, make leaflets. But please don't just go bitter and sit in your corner because everything is shit anyways. Because this is how we ended up with a lot of the messes we are having now. I "voted" for the first time this year in a rigged election and before that I also always thought the way you do. Democracy is dead, why bother, my vote doesn't count anyway. But once I stood in this fucking line and smuggled in a non erasable pen and voted and went out knowing no one will even look at this ballot something changed.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Well that's $1000 well spent if she found joy and entertainment and even something like success by being the number one worldwide in this game. I've seen much more stupider Guinness world records. And much more stupider ways to spend money.

volvoxvsmarla ,

You know we all are so focused on him not being reelected in 2024 that we forget that if he won't he'll definitely find a way to run again in 2028 and we have all this hell all over again

volvoxvsmarla ,

Forgive my ignorance but what is a lesbian candle?

volvoxvsmarla ,

Well yeah it is either a literal capitalist candle or a specifically styled candle for symbolic reasons or a lingo for something that is not a literal candle. I mistook baptising candles in a baby shop for dildos yesterday so I think my mind went that direction.

Edit: according to google it is really the first

volvoxvsmarla ,

I remember the first time I was shown a meme by a friend. She showed me a rage comic on 9 gag and I absolutely didn't get it obviously and she was desperate to explain and just said "yeah it's not that funny but when you see them often you kinda start getting what they mean" and I thought that's a stupid ass concept and wtf.

Well, here we are now. It's about 15 years later. By now I have a toddler who speaks "English" but it's basically just meme quotes in fitting situations because her parents mostly communicate in memes.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Ok, follow up question. If you don't take a painkiller in the morning, how does the headache progress?

volvoxvsmarla ,

Wait you're telling me studying uninterruptedly for 15 hours a day with a focus that would make a jedi jealous for four weeks in a row and not being able to get yourself up to go to lectures the rest of the time isn't the normal way how people graduate best in class?

volvoxvsmarla ,

First off, I am not vegan or even vegetarian. But every time I eat meat I am very aware that I am doing this from a very hedonistic point. It is not necessary for either my health or survival, nor is it morally or ethically ok. It just is not. Trying to find anything other than I like how it tastes as an argument is futile. But again, I am saying this as a person who does eat meat, not daily, but regularly.

You are completely ignoring the fact, that for many it is too time consuming and involved to go vegan.

It is not time consuming. Instead of making noodles with minced meat and tomato sauce you make noodles with tomato sauce. You literally leave out one ingredient, that's it. Especially going vegetarian is literally a no brainer. If you aren't too anal about being vegan (trace amounts etc) this is also really not time consuming. You don't need to do fancy vegan recipes with sprouts or quinoa, this is the equivalent of cooking a beef wellington with truffle sauce for lunch. Even your walk through a supermarket is shorter because you don't need to go through the meat aisle.

And then you are imposing your belief that others should invest the same amount of resources, be it time or money, or they are worse human beings not caring about animals.

You and I are less caring about animals and the planet. Even if we buy organic free range meat, we know the carbon footprint. We know that an animal was scared before its life ended untimely and unnecessarily. Let's not fool ourselves here: It's not a belief. It is what it is. It is a choice to make but let's be clear: it is a choice. And as with every choice, it has consequences. Moneywise, I think I won't tell you anything new by pointing out that meat substitute products are expensive, but a plain vegetable based diet is not per se expensive. Although I am very baffled by how little meat can cost - but we are talking about the lowest standard meat here. A kg of free range chicken breast is 30€ where I live. I can't afford that every day for sure. And again, you don't have to buy fancy sprouts, pea protein sausages, quinoa and all that. Rice, a can of kidney beans fried with an onion, and some sauteed veggies are a full meal which will not cost more or is more difficult or time consuming to make than any meat dish. Hell there's even convenience food for vegetarians and vegans, which will - as all convenience products - cost more than if you prepared it yourself, but choose the resource you want to spend.

In other words, being able to switch your diet is usually a sign of at least slight financial privilege.

With a push to leave out meat, fish, and animal products, you are not being told to buy something. You are being told to leave something out. But I absolutely agree that if you are struggling to get by, then a kg of low quality chicken wings will get you fuller than a kg of bell peppers, which might also be more expensive. But the greatest majority of us - those not on food stamps or counting every penny - can absolutely afford to go vegan/vegetarian or at the very least leave out meat once in a while. Especially if you usually try to look for better quality meat (which is on the more expensive site) you can easily save money by leaving out meat.

I just had some tofu so you don't have to preach to me. But let others be and do not compare veganism to anti-genocide. It is absolutely ridiculous.

If anything, not eating meat is more effective and more directly effective on ecological movements than protesting will be on your country's (assumed by me) support of genocide. It's very easy compared to much more complex issues. There are a lot of problems in the world that cannot be compared well but are all very important. You can address one and the other.

volvoxvsmarla ,

I've seen an interview with a former CIA spy who used to work in the bunker where they would have to insert rings (two of them) if an order came that said to launch nukes. They preselected them all on a psychological profile and, importantly, they did drills that they didn't know were drills. So they never knew whether the command coming in was real or not. They "launched" every single time.

I can very well imagine that this kind of "loyalty" would be tested in Russia as well.

volvoxvsmarla ,

For reference, a friend of mine who works full time as a teacher in St. Petersburg was making about 350-400€ a month back in 2017. With inflation and the exchange rate falling, she is probably making 200€ now. So $550 is a lot of money, even if you live in a major city.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes, search under way ( )

DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told Reuters, and rescuers were struggling to reach the site of the incident....

volvoxvsmarla ,

He is, the Iranian media and government confirmed

volvoxvsmarla ,

I also didn't know how people did it. Then I had a baby and almost fell asleep in the shower once while standing. I've never been more tired in my life but man, these few months of just being able to fall asleep at meteoric speed anywhere anytime were incredible. It felt like a superpower from one of those pill memes. Now I am just tired all the time but I can't fall asleep like that anymore.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Well they just are extra not allowed to commit crimes. Like way more than other people.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Thank you! It feels good to hear someone calling FDP assholes destroying the sense of community. FDP is working hard on keeping the working class poor, powerless and desperate. Trying to "save money" on the most disadvantaged people is disgusting. This alone is enough reason to disapprove of them.

I'd be more grossed out if I had to sit on a toilet seat that was licked by an FDP member than by someone licking the toilet seat.

volvoxvsmarla ,

You know, I agree. But also, you can't imagine how much I want to scratch the cars that just park illegally in my neighborhood. They park on the curves and crossings and in such small distances that I literally cannot pass through with my stroller without scratching them. So I end up going around the block(s) further and further away just to pass through some gap of illegally parked cars that's just big enough if I am very careful. But then I end up thinking, wtf. Why do I have to be careful to not scratch their wrongfully parked cars, a private property that they left outside on a place designed and protected by law to be solely for pedestrians, with my private property that should be able to walk this road? And also, why do I not get the same protection if I want to park my bike or stroller outside? Because no one cares if my private property is damaged when it is left outside. If I scratch my stroller on an illegally parked car when I cross the road at the place I am supposed to be crossing somehow I am the one who has to pay damages.

volvoxvsmarla ,

You know what, I can't roll the R and neither can my inner voice and I hate it for that. I have a speech impairment in my freaking inner voice.

volvoxvsmarla ,

To be honest, conscription aside, I think a gap year of civil service would be a good idea. It gives you a break from school - university - work, you don't feel like you lost time since everyone has to do it, and you get into a mindset outside of your preplanned route, which might do you good.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Why the fuck have you been downvoted, that's just a reasonable comment.

May I also point out, your funeral isn't for you. You might not care what happens to your body but your close ones do. A funeral is a place for them to find closure, to grief and mourn your loss. The mere fact that people who cannot retrieve their lost one's body feel awfully about it and still tend to create empty graves should show how much this is a very old desire of importance. The way we perform these death rituals can change and maybe it is not about how a body is being get rid off per se, and surely we could change this. That we as a species are aware of what death means and have found ways to cope with it (i.e. rituals as a coping way to deal with the knowledge) is incredible.

Whenever people say something along these lines of "just throw me in the trash" it feels to me like they didn't get that point. It's not about you. It's about everyone else.

volvoxvsmarla ,

So, jokes aside, people eat all kinds of different things, so legit question here: is there any traditional recipe/dish based on another species' semen? Is there any culture who eats that?

I know in Switzerland there is a traditional dish of bull's testicles (which I know from a way too long advertisement on youtube that showed the recipe in promotion of the region, don't remember the region but that ad has been branded into my brain). And that you can also prepare utter. But I am asking specifically about cum here. Just out of curiosity of course....

volvoxvsmarla ,

Maybe it is going to be solved by a brilliant political activist or leader. Jokes aside, of course it won't be a couple of people who will magically solve something. Strong leaders will however ease the cause by promoting issues best.

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

volvoxvsmarla ,

That's how I handled my high school year abroad. Because I literally came from Germany, I replied to that question with "I am from Germany". Not "I am German", but "from Germany". I was born and raised there and only lived there. Only if it came up (e.g. because of my passport) or made sense in context, I mentioned that I am a Russian from Germany. So basically most people only found out about my genetics five months in. But of course that works much easier when you pass due to looks and accent.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Wait so you're telling me that there was a time and space on earth without those fuckers? They are my nemesis, my biggest phobia, and just imagining a reality without them is a second of relaxation that I could never convey in its grandeur.

volvoxvsmarla ,

I can't rationalize a phobia away

volvoxvsmarla ,

Why I have a phobia of them? (Along, btw, with maggots, larvae, caterpillars, etc.) I don't think I can give you a good answer, because, well, there is no rational answer to that. I understand they are harmless to me and even good for the environment. Which is why the thought of a place of earth that is both healthy and worm(-alike)-free is literally a paradise dream to me.

There is no reason for the complete and utter shock feeling. I can't explain it. But I would, for real, rather die than get close to this. I am very willing to chop my arm off to not touch one. I know I was very lucky for the last 32 years to have avoided these situations and I don't know what to do when they will come up some time in the future. But I do stand by what I said and I think and reconsider it on a regular basis. So far I would rather die or chop my arm off. It's not a feeling like a panic attack, it is a constant panic mode, a shock, a feeling of existential threat.

You might wonder why I don't do therapy. The big problem is that I absolutely don't want it to be otherwise. I don't want to not have this phobia, I just don't want the triggers in my life. The thought of looking at a worm and be ok with it is nothing that I feel is worth aquiring. Irrationally, all of you who are just ok with these creatures or tolerate them are the weird ones to me. How does it not make you panic? It feels like the natural and right response to me. At the same time, I know why - because there is no harm. I know your reactions are normal. I just, emotionally, absolutely don't want this to be normal.

PS: I've been thinking for days on whether to reply or not and decided this time to not delete that worm related comment but actually try to tell you. My first reaction on replies when I happen to comment on this issue is to delete every evidence of me ever talking about worms so that I don't end up being further engaged or ridiculed. (I understand the latter, I always try to imagine someone having a phobia of squirrels, which are like the cutest thing.) I also tried my best to spell the words out, which is hard to me. I usually just write ~ when I text someone. Anyway, sorry for the late reply.

volvoxvsmarla ,

So, first of all - I basically agree with you and will be playing devil's advocate a little bit here. But some things I want to point out:

The majority of Jews condemn Israel. Israelis do no represent Jews and thinking so is antisemitic.

Definitely not all Jews or Israelis support the Israeli government as it is. But over 40% of Jews in the world live in Israel, which makes it not the majority, but a very big chunk of Jews. While they might condemn the current government, it is difficult to argue that they condemn the idea of Israel when they are living there. However, a second point follows right from here:

Israelis are oppressor and settlers who are living in stolen Palestinian land. Israel is an illegitimate settler colony that the UN has condemned since its inception and creation

Yes. But also it was created a long time ago. Not too long ago, but long enough so that there are generations of people who have been born into this state as innocent people.

Basically, I dislike the idea of how Israel was created and claiming some birthright to return to a land. Depending on how far you want to go you can always find different peoples living in any region. No one would reasonably argue that we should evacuate Manhattan and return it to Native Americans. And this analogy works in both ways: evacuate Israel to give the land back to Palestine as well as evacuating the region of Palestinians to create Israel. Shlomo Sand once said he is a post zionist because the mess has already been created, maybe that is the take I most agree with, although really, there is no fair or "right" solution to this. Which is why it makes this conflict so complicated and frustrating.

volvoxvsmarla ,

I don't think this is what you mean, but it sounds a lot like you want to replace one ethno state with another ethno state by pushing out all the Jews that have migrated to Israel during the last 80ish years as well as their descendants.

I doubt this is what you would want, but I just want to point this out, because it sounds dangerous and might be taken like this.

My guess is that you, just as most people, would not want the "migrants" displaced, but not in power and especially not suppressing the rights and targeting the people who lived there and are still living there. We all basically want them to be a big happy secular family who don't care about each other's background and see the person. (Which is the big problem because this family hates one another.) Yes, a lot of Israel's population has come to Israel somewhat unlawfully, but again: the mess has already been created. Telling a 17 year old whose grandparents migrated Israel from Hungary to please fuck off and go back to Hungary would be not more rightful than displacing Palestinians back in 1948.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

volvoxvsmarla ,

if you source your meat right you won't be contributing to killing animals

Are you eating roadkill?

volvoxvsmarla ,

Yeah this conversation definitely happened like that

volvoxvsmarla ,

Same for these INTF tests or whatever the acronyms are or the Big Five. The questions are so on the nose that it is impossible to take them seriously after question 3.

volvoxvsmarla ,

My heart goes out to all the victims of this horrible attack.

What is so important to bear in mind here: Russia's government has "increased security" over all these years because of "foreign threats" and similar excuses. It is now painfully obvious that nothing got safer, maybe even on the contrary, and in the name of security, basic rights have been stripped away from people one by one. While the "national security" is busy searching social media for color coded messages that read against the war between the lines.

volvoxvsmarla ,

So far really confusing. But honestly I didn't use reddit for 4 years despite having an account because I couldn't figure out how to even begin and I only got it going thanks to boost and my spouse (no one else I know is/was on reddit). So I have hopes that over time it will sort itself out and I will have figured out how this works. Let's see if I can even post this comment.

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