
@[email protected]

Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

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velox_vulnus ,

There's this assumption that these features in some way create some exploitable security issue.

I get the theory behind it: more code and more interoperability and more features &etc. generally leads to more bugs than the alternative, sure.

But there's also a line beyond which that principle stops making sense from a practical standpoint. Like, I could put my laptop into a furnace and melt it into slag. Now it will have no features, and that will make it very secure!


velox_vulnus ,

Now that they have purchased the IP for Evil Within series and Hi-Fi Rush, they destroyed their competitor, and at the same time, no more series will be produced for fans of their games. Fuck capitalism.

velox_vulnus , (edited )

I'm reading the Book of Earthsea! Her sci-fi books are known for being pro-anarchist, but I've yet to read them.

velox_vulnus ,
  1. In the Fediverse, everyone gets access to the data. However, if privacy is what's bugging you, then you're free to use a forum - which is going to be archived by someone on the internet, so in a way, the stuff you post on the internet is not going to be private - there's nothing that can be done about it, except for going under a pseudonym. However, the same cannot be said for Stack Exchange. Will they let you parse their site for free, when Reddit and other private platforms are charging money for the same? They're using 16 years worth of free volunteer work to make lots of bucks.

  2. In their quest for integrating AI, now the new site will vomit verbal diarrhea. Humans don't do that. These language models are absolutely terrible in their tasks. They can't replace humans, at least for now, we know it.

  3. Earlier, the site was free, and their means of earning was through some sort of enterprise solution, but now that they're going to add AI, it is going to be very resource-intensive. Who is paying for all of that? We have to, from our own pockets, for low quality answers, with no respect to the question asked by the user? Yeah, welcome to paywall 2.0!

  4. Their lofy model will use answers from 2010s to train their data, most of which isn't applicable in today's time. Will you be using X11 configs for Wayland on Linux? Or GTK+ solutions for GTK4?

velox_vulnus ,

No, it can't be. I may be using robots.txt on, say,, but those posts will still be broadcasted on, or

velox_vulnus , (edited )

NixOS, Guix System, SerpentOS, Bedrock and T2 Linux? Meta-distributions (could be either simple config-based reproducible systems, immutable atomic distros or functional transitive-dependency package managers), micro-kernels and distributed systems are the next cool, bleeding-edge stuff in FLOSS OSes, and most of those projects are still in development.

By the way, NixOS and Guix System use Stores, instead of FHS (File Hierarchy Standard). To take it up one notch, Guix uses shepherd instead of systemd, so if anyone over here dislikes Lenning or systemd for some irrational reasons, you've got a nice distro, I guess. But do note that you don't get to swap init systems in both NixOS and Guix System - you're stuck with systemd and shepherd respectively.

velox_vulnus OP ,

I was going to start reading - well, actually, I read the first few pages, but it was more like skimming, so I am restarting my progress again. The movie was really nice, I'd say, but it was focused on world-building to the point that I was not able to grasp details about the characters. Like for example, I never knew that Lettie and Fanny Hatter were two different characters.

Spoilers I've read from wiki pages

I also learnt about Howl being a Welsh child from Earth in the 80s, who was summoned to the out-worldly city of Ingary. Then there's also modifications about the story of Prince Justin who was originally the sibling to the current King, but in the movie, he was portrayed as a wizard-prince from a neighboring country. There's also a third sister that we never meet, I think?

Since I've not read the book, I can't be sure if there's more to it. There's so many stuff that's just missing, or outright changed.

velox_vulnus ,

Never had issues with Dota 2 on Linux. I wasn't using any sandbox, by the way. System's package manager for almost all applications, with the exception of Bottles on Flatpak.

velox_vulnus ,

Let me guess, some Indian boomer? They come up with the wildest shit.

velox_vulnus ,

I am Indian myself, so I have a better understanding about the internet sub-culture intrinsic to my country. This is a neutral stereotype about 'WhatsApp Unkils'. It is a counter-reaction to ageism towards younger people, whose intelligence is mocked, simply because they're younger - the Asian culture of "elders are always right" snubs Gen-Y, Z and younger folks. Now that internet has blown up in India, old people who are literate and take pride in this sort of elitism are embarrassing themselves with their "confidently incorrect" takes on the internet.

velox_vulnus ,

That doesn't look like GRUB, more like GWYAGH.

velox_vulnus ,

I'm broke, so I'll be playing nice open-source games for me. That, or pirate low-end console games for emulation.

What do you think about this?

Someone told me that if you keep your gaze fixed and imagine a completely black circle right above someone's head, what you are actually doing is telepathy... so far I haven't researched more about it but I have noticed that some strange things happen when I do that, I see spirals and the vision looks different, could someone...

velox_vulnus ,

There's no such thing as telepathy. Those spirals and visions happen when you put pressure on your eyes, don't do that. If they appear without pressure, then those flying stuff are called floaters, basically dead cells floating inside your eyes. About the red dot, that's an illusion. I can show you another picture and make you believe in Flying Spaghetti?

velox_vulnus , (edited )

The USA is a settler state, tf are you talking about mate? Or does it require someone from a ex-colony to explain you the what's and how's?

  • Ecocide? Very much visible, many lakes and forests have been destroyed and polluted, lands have been turned into concrete jungle of highways.
  • Linguicide? Obviously, no one speaks and practices the language and culture of the native Americans in their own land. Can you? No, English is not their language.
  • Apartheid? Areas where the native Americans live are very underdeveloped. Their right to vote is suppressed. Access to healthcare is abysmal. Isn't that apartheid?
  • Poverty? Yes, the Native American is the most impoverished groups in the USA.
  • Political representation? Almost nonexistent compared to other groups. Name a few popular native American politician, I'll wait.
  • Right to self-determination? Most of their lands are under the control of imperialist white men and their crony capitalist buddies.

The USA is the most unhinged form of evolutionary neo-colonialist project, a produced of primitive capitalism gone rogue and rabid, mimicking the "success" of the East India companies by colonizer European states. Death to imperialism, death to America.

velox_vulnus , (edited )

What makes this different from And with just ten people - such a small community, to maintain what, a parallel fork that will eventually be forced to accept patches from Nix repos? How does it protect against, let's say, corporate decisions? Wouldn't that seep into their project too? Not trying to demotivate them, but I fear that this could be the fate of their project.

There's Guix, which is an official GNU project. If anyone is willing to learn a little bit of Guile Scheme - look, the language is great, the project isn't contaminated with multiple scripts, project skeleton is much better, the modules are well written, so why not move over there? Sure, it's still in the early version, so some stuff will be hard to work with, but personally, I think it's a really nice hard-fork.

velox_vulnus ,

Oh, so from what I see, Aux is responsible for working on the Aux tooling, which is basically Nix CLI fork. And Lix is the operating system itself, including infrastructure and clones of Nix essentials like Nixpkg, Hydra, etc? I could definitely see these folks collaborating with each other.

velox_vulnus ,

Right now, I am struggling because of unemployment and job shortage in the tech-market, but I'm planning to share my own patches to essential software, like you've mentioned - probably within the end of this month. I think projects like Node, Ruby and Python need to be maintained well enough.

So if I have a chance to, I'll probably work on either one of them, especially Node - that seems to be quite dated, and they've also skipped on v16, which hurts people who are still on it and don't want to migrate immediately - because there's no inferiors to pin to - while there's multiple commits at least for 10, 14 and 18. Working on it would make Guix convincing as a third-party system package manager. I don't know the state of Ruby or Python, but Zig seems to be in a decently good condition. Rust may be removed probably to avoid trademark violations, or they'll probably create a fork and rename it.

About the FOSS extremism, it is not that bad, and I honestly like it the way they've maintained it - in a way, it is very similar to how Fedora separates their free and non-free repositories. This is not to say that there's provisions for no non-free drivers - in fact, I personally use them for my Wi-Fi drivers to work correctly. Given the state of FLOSS-respecting Wi-Fi hardware, Wi-Fi 5 devices still don't have their respective open-source drivers, so 6, 6E and 7 are still going to be unsupported for a long time with the libre kernel. For folks who want to setup a working system easily, nonguix ISOs are readily available, so that would probably be the best place for anyone to start at.

‘They’re sending a message’: harsh police tactics questioned amid US campus protest crackdowns ( )

There have been 970 US student protests related to the Israel-Gaza conflict between 7 October and 26 April, the vast majority of them peaceful, according to the latest available statistics from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (Acled), which tracks political violence and political demonstrations across the US...

velox_vulnus ,

You could try getting a SATA SSD. Those are slower than M.2 or NVME-based product, but it will serve you well. Try looking for a low-storage solution for now. Maybe 128 or 250GB should work fine. Since you have a spare HDD, I think it's okay for now.

velox_vulnus OP ,

Both of them are side-scrollers, so they probably have more in common with Silksong and Metroid. Think of a 2.5D non turn-based game, where you can move your characters all around, similar to Dark Souls or Witcher, but in pixel or 2D hand-drawn style, in an open-world setting. You should check out the Sword of Mana gameplay to see what I'm talking about - unfortunately, most Mana series games don't resemble the original series in any way, and look more like DmC-meets-Zelda. especially the new Vision of Mana.

velox_vulnus ,

Now that you've mentioned how complex they are, can you share a few alternatives, apart from run0?

velox_vulnus ,

On later Android versions, you can "disable" apps.

velox_vulnus ,

Too bad I'm busy, or else I'd have configured a tiling WM in Guix. I bet you also listen to Keeravani's composition, if you're into A.R. Rahman.

velox_vulnus ,

You don't need search, all you need is watch. Watch the video, follow the directive of the techo-judgement day Jesus AI, beep-boop.

velox_vulnus ,

UNIX - Everything is a file

Rust - Everything is a memory

velox_vulnus ,


  • Vaxry: Hypr, Hyprland creator, contributes to wlroots and Freedesktop
  • Lyude: member of board,, Red Hat employee
  • Drew DeVault: Sway and Hare creator, self-proclaimed Zig hater
  • FDO: FreeDesktop Organisation(?)

Warning: Not lore accurate


Vaxry's Discord server for Hyprland was filled with edgy kids, calling each other LGBTQ+ related slurs - maybe they were from the community themselves, maybe it was a boy's locker room. It was toxic.

From what Vaxry said, a trans user was misgendering his mod staff, so their pronoun was changed to "who/cares". That was two years ago. Drew DeVault wrote a blog about it, Vaxry was pissed, shit happened. They discuss but could not come to an agreement; however there were a few changes. Vaxry apologized later about the incident, but he was not in agreement with political correctness.

Vaxry's policy according to him is that he does not discriminate PR on the basis of people. He also created a CoC (mentioned earlier), but not many were happy about it being vague. But then, he also made a blog against inclusivity in FOSS, and calls them SJWs as a pejorative.

Vaxry lost his marbles when he got a mail from
Lyude. Lyude used a Redhat mail, which was seen as unprofessional, and tried enforcing FDO's CoC on Hyprland and other related project.

He sent back a passive-aggressive mail, which said "fuck off" in short. He also share Lyude's toots in the blog about how Lyude supports bullying people for missing T in LGB, as a justification that Lyude tried bringing their past unnecessarily. Lyude sent another mail. Vaxry said that they don't care, basically another formal "fuck off". Finally, FDO yeeted Vaxry.

That's it. Maybe I've missed a few details here and there. I did not read other's blog, but Vaxrys'. And it isn't looking good. In a way, this is also the abuse of power by Lyude, but looking at Vaxrys' indifference, yeah, I wouldn't have a positive attitude about that.



Edit: After watching Nico's video, I'm convinced that Vaxry is a living, breathing turd. He crossed every limit. Good on him for getting banned.

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