@user224@lemmy.sdf.org cover

18M I like computers, trains, space, radio-related everything and a bunch of other tech related stuff. User of GNU+Linux.
I am also dumb and worthless.
My laptop is HP 255 G7 running Manjaro and Linux Mint.
I own RTL-SDRv3 and RSP1 clone.

SDF Unix shell username: user224

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user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

with a high speed train.

Chuckles in Slovakian
The buses are often faster.

What, like Pandora, Spotify, etc is out there that I could add music I have on my phone/etc?

I've been using one of the Pandora services, but I've been getting a little annoyed with the stations (which I presume I would get the same annoyance from other services, too). So I'd like to be able to create a station and add songs that I own and that wouldn't normally be in that station. (And I know you can add artists to the...

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Or Navidrome. It is FOSS and subsonic-compatible.

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

How is it different from raising them for food?

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  • user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
    Operation: Verdant Terror - A Beginner's Guide

    Warning: Grass is a complex and potentially hostile ecosystem. Approach with extreme caution. This guide is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee your safety.

    Pre-Mission Preparations:

    Psychological Evaluation: Undergo mandatory psych evaluation to assess your mental fortitude for grass contact.
    Gear Up: Don a heavy-duty biosuit with maximum puncture resistance. Grass blades are surprisingly sharp and harbor unknown microscopic horrors.
    Assemble Emergency Kit: Pack antihistamines, tweezers, and a portable decontamination spray in case of allergic reactions or parasitic infestation.

    Mission: First Contact

    Location: Locate a designated "Grass Touch Zone" (public parks, backyards) during daylight hours. Nighttime grass is even more unpredictable.
    Establish Perimeter: Scan the area for potential threats. Beware of territorial pigeons, playful (and potentially rabid) dogs, and unattended blades (rusty and tetanus-inducing).
    Approach: Move slowly and deliberately, maintaining eye contact with the grass at all times. Sudden movements might trigger an aggressive response.

    The Touch (Perform at your own risk):

    Deployment: From a safe distance, extend a single, gloved finger towards a solitary blade. Do not touch in clumps! They may swarm and overpower you.
    Observation: If contact is made, withdraw your finger immediately. Observe any changes in grass behavior (twitching, pulsating).
    Escape: If the grass seems unreactive, retreat slowly and cautiously. Remember, even a seemingly docile patch may be plotting a surprise attack.


    Decontamination: Upon reaching a safe zone, thoroughly disinfect yourself and your equipment following the provided protocol.
    Medical Attention: Seek immediate medical attention for any unusual symptoms (itching, hallucinations, uncontrollable urge to roll in the grass).
    Debriefing: Report your experience to the designated authorities. Your knowledge could be crucial in understanding the true nature of the Verdant Terror.
    Remember: Grass is not your friend. Approach it with respect and fear. This guide is just the first step. Only the most courageous explorers venture beyond basic touch. Good luck.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I am totally fucked up, so here's one:

    "Are you interested in any mutual sexual activities (not limited to regular sex)?"

    The problem is that I am hoping for a "no"...

    Not quite something I'd want. Quite the opposite I'd say. As I said, I am fucked up. But nope, nope... I don't like that idea.
    I don't know what to do about it.

    Either way, valid for all questions by me, I'd like to include a note that not all (if any) questions need an answer. I am terrible at wording stuff, and something cannot be easily answered either.
    (I am assuming this is done on paper or electronically. Otherwise it's most likely I'd just chicken out right away.)

    user224 , (edited )
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Maximum, that is.

    Thanks for stating that first. My dumb ass was thinking how you'd enforce that as minimum...

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I've been taking the same route twice a day for the past 3 years.

    No less interesting so far.

    Actually, I am so weird I have the whole route recorded on my phone (from the window) like 4 times, and yes, I did watch it at home numerous times, in real time without skipping. Just like a movie.

    No, it does not get boring.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    It’s not really something you get to do nor appreciate if you’re driving yourself.

    I mean, you do, but it may decrease your and someone else's lifespan..

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I want to get a bodycam, but I am not sure how people would respond to that. Should be pretty legal in public spaces, but still...

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    spare your free time

    But it's not free time if you're not free to waste it ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Definitely KDE Plasma.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


    I am a lazy piece of shit.
    I'd like to learn some programming, morse code, perhaps another language as well.
    But I quickly loose any motivation. At least for the past 2 years. I do get some occasional bursts of motivation, but usually I often don't feel like doing anything at all anymore. I wouldn't even breathe if it wasn't automatic.
    Preferably I'd be dead. I'd have 0 issues, create 0 issues, have no regrets. It would be better for everyone, myself included.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    You still didn't answer the most important question of Lemmy, though. ^(joke)^

    Do you use GNU+Linux?

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Technically, every generation up until now contributed to modern tech.

    But anyway, even if we consider just those who did directly, I am pretty sure you should still also include boomers and even the silent generation.
    Check out the computer chronicles: https://archive.org/details/computerchronicles?sort=date

    Seems modern enough already.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    If we're speaking of the technology, depends on implementation. "VPN" is a fairly broad term.

    Will I ever be seen as truly British?

    My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I am afraid not.
    It's with you like race. You can't change it.
    If you're part of any minority you'll always attract these dumbasses.

    Sorry, I'd like to tell you something better.

    Oh, and the "Say something in Polish" may very well be meant well, even if it's annoying. Nobody but you knows how often you hear it.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Why? Looks, voice.

    If it's not intentional, it doesn't matter.

    Like, take this picture of the friend for example, what gender comes to your mind looking at that

    JPEG. A cooked JPEG. That JPEG isn't well done, it's congratulations.
    (Can't tell)

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Not sure what specifically you mean by "died". Does it have many bad sectors, does it fail to spin up, does it keep clicking,...

    Anyway, preferably you'd remove it either way, at least to save power.

    You can also take it as opportunity to remove dust and replace thermal paste.

    user224 , (edited )
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I don't think I ever managed to do that.

    TL;DR: Occupy myself with something

    At best I can just have a fake conversation in my head. Sometimes I also listen to taxi drivers with SDR. I can only pick up 2 companies, unfortunately. Fortunately though, they are just 0.15MHz apart, so I can listen on to both at once.
    One of them even routes phone calls over their radios, so I can hear those as well.

    But it's usually boring. Just on new year 2022/2023 one of the 3 companies' drivers were greeting each other. That was nice. Yes, 3, there used to be 3 of them I could listen to.
    Actually, even before I had SDR I could listen to one on VHF because they were overlapping with FM Broadcast band. But that wasn't the most pleasant experience. With regular radio I had no squelch option and picking NFM with WFM receiver I had to have volume fairly high. The result of that was faint voice followed by absolutely loud static.

    Of course, it would be better to listen to hams. That would be far more interesting. But so far I only managed to pick up the end of 2 contacts on 2m. I don't have much luck. HF is basically unusable where I am due to RFI.
    The only stuff I can pick up is chinese AM radio stations, CW (but I've been too lazy to learn morse...), FT8, and the Russian-Ukrainian pirates around 7055kHz.

    I don't know how to monitor the 2m band automatically. If I know the specific frequency, in SDR++ I can just set up squelch and turn on recording with "Ignore silence". But obviously that will also not allow me to listen to a real-time conversation because all silence is cut out.

    Yeah, sorry, I got off-topic.

    I can also play with random stuff in Termux on my phone. Right now I need to update nginx which will require also re-compiling the fancyindex dynamic module. I also want to try setting up Jellyfin and NextCloud in proot at some point.
    I also want to download the 110GB Wikipedia ZIM archive and serve that with kiwix-serve after I free up enough storage, currently occupied by DVD ISO files and satellite signal baseband recordings. (Yes, on my phone.)
    Of course this isn't always without larger issues.
    During one math class I took out my phone from the pocket, because it was starting to get too hot, only to find it stuck in bootloop. I forced it off and tried to boot it up. Thankfully, that worked this time. I found the internal storage nearly full. It seems when I forced it into recovery to turn it off, magically 17MB were freed which allowed it to boot up. Otherwise I'd need to fully reset it, most likely. I can't access the data from recovery, and that's good from security perspective.

    What happened? NGINX error log filled up the storage. I am too dumb to properly manage that, so...

    error_log /dev/null;
    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Some different expensive mineral waters
    Freeze-dried fruit
    Beef jerky
    Nuts in wasabi dough

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Perhaps some filter to make it seem like it's on a wooden desk instead of something else, perhaps a bed.

    Which is the best micro sd card company/manufacturer you can recommend ?

    I don't care about speed, bigger storage, or small price difference all i want is it to not start corrupting my files randomly, die really fast, be unreliable etc . i just want something to put my files on then delete em and add something else, and forget about it and have it work for atleast 10 years . I don't really transfer...

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I currently use Samsung, but I've had great luck with SanDisk. I think they even gave me better random access which is clear when e.g. loading photo thumbnails.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I just got ghosted by the girl I was talking to

    I am sorry, but are you sure it isn't accidental?

    I might have accidentally done something like that in the past myself to someone. I have 0 social skills and I am terrible at understanding relationships between people and picking up social cues correctly.
    I feel like I just completely misunderstood the situation so I entirely stopped talking with that person (if that's what "ghosting" refers to).

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    It's also possible she's going through something bad and doesn't want to pull OP into that.

    There's no way to tell with a lack of any communication, and assuming stuff is inaccurate.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    No consequences? I won't even know I did anything. It won't even show.
    Just carry on as usual.

    Now, if you meant no bad consequences...

    I don't know how I'd do it. Perhaps I'd steal money from some rich fuck, whatever.
    But the idea is:
    Find a train driver and bribe him with loads of money. Tell him to say that I've kidnapped him. I could even get a gun.
    Perhaps bribe some more people similarly as well, not many would care about a single worker.
    Threaten to kill them if things don't go my way.

    Ask to get some specific rail sections freed.
    Tell the train driver to do initial checks and start the train, then show me the basics on how to drive it.
    The best part starts now: I'll drive the train.

    Perhaps I'd take 3-4 hours with that. Then get to some side rail and stop there.
    In the remaining time, ask the train driver to explain me as much as possible from this field.

    5 minutes before the end thank my "hostages" for cooperating and leave the scene, hopefully leaving with loads of extra knowledge on a field different from mine.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Why are you guys putting everything in your root directory?

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
    1. 18 years (the whole life so far).

    2. I guess a weird combination? I don't even know what to do. I'd need a precise step-by-step manual...

    3. No.

    4. I don't know. I don't have what to compare to.

    5. I don't understand the question.

    6. N/A

    7. N/A

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I didn't mean it that much as a joke, unfortunately.

    I've been thinking how to explain this for those 2 hours, but I don't know.
    I just can't really "just do something".
    What I meant by "step-by-step manual" would be like a plan of exactly what to do, what to say. I can't even imagine what people do on a date.
    Even just trying to start a short conversation is generally a big challenge for me. I sometimes have like 1 or 2 things I want to tell/show to someone, but I may be waiting with that even for weeks.

    And just trying to talk to someone, it's like trying to breathe underwater. The brain just stops you from breathing, it's like my throat just closes and I can't say a thing.
    Also, unfortunately, I have the habit of instinctively replying "I don't know." to basically any question.

    Similarly it's with doing something for the first time. I usually take time with pre-planning stuff to detail.
    For example when I was taking a city bus in a different city I even checked how to take the ticket. What payment system they use, whether I need to press something on the screen, where the ticket comes out of, whether it gets fully or partially cut off. Thankfully, that bus company published videos showcasing their system. (Thank you)
    Otherwise I'd be checking on forums, looking at background of news reports from that general area, etc..

    There's no good explanation for this. I just... can't.
    I am a terrible person, so it's probably better this way anyway.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Well, phone numbers do get re-assigned too.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Fuck NIGGERs

    This implies "NIGGER" is an acronym. Mind expanding it?

    user224 , (edited )
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    ProtonVPN free (paid is still too expensive for me) and Mullvad.

    I find that Mullvad is usually blocked more.

    For the past 3 or 4 years I was just on ProtonVPN free tier. For past 15 days I am using Mullvad. I really like that you can choose some custom ports for WireGuard, and also the multihop.
    What is unfortunate is that I can't generate separate credentials for OpenVPN, like with ProtonVPN. It just uses account ID.

    I have also tried IVPN for a week. Nicer UI, but a bit more expensive, sort of. They have variable pricing based on subscription length, and that just makes me dislike them enough to stick with Mullvad. €5/month whether it's 1 month, 6 months, a year or longer.
    I don't remember what specifically it was, but I know I also preferred the Mullvad's ToS over IVPN, although both are fine.

    I also thought of AirVPN because of port forwarding, but for privacy I'll stick to Mullvad.

    What surprised me with Mullvad was the payment processing speed. It only took 4 days from me dropping the envelope with money into mail collection box in Slovakia to me getting the time added. Considering that shipping to Sweden is "3-5 days", they must have just processed that basically immediately.
    But perhaps I was just lucky. I'll see the next time.

    user224 , (edited )
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Here's specs: https://liliputing.com/moondrop-miad-01-smartphone-with-hifi-audio-features-launches-globally-for-399/

    Seems nice. I just wish it had removable battery, like phones used, so I could carry a spare around, like I used to with Sony Ericsson W200i.
    Also dedicated dual SIM + MicroSD instead of hybrid.

    Just got an idea, the Galaxy Flip has 2 batteries. Small one, and large one. What if there was a small one built-in, and a larger swappable one. You could then hot-swap the batteries like with some ThinkPads (those with internal + external battery).

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    But no headphone jack.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I always avoid people playing guns in public. They're too damn loud and are probably trying to collect money, thus I feel anxious trying to just pass by. Sometimes I just walk different paths to avoid those gun people.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I did also get some suspicious audio from Deezer. It depends on what the publisher provides.

    Tidal also goes above CD quality, if you're into that. Some songs go up to 192kHz at 24 bits.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    So... it's a commercial service... relying on people doing piracy?

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Alternatively, you could use Navidrome.

    I use that because it's natively available in Termux. Yes, Android terminal emulator. My music is on the SD card and I can share it to other devices using Navidrome on LAN. Since I also do this on school network, I put NGINX in front of it for HTTPS... and also because I don't want to have each thing on separate ports.

    I have also got Jellyfin to work once in proot-distro, but I couldn't reproduce it the last time.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    To die, and do as little extra damage as possible until that point.

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    If we're referring to such old phones, the only WAP site I know is the test from Nostalgia Nerd. From this video [YouTube]

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  • user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Just ringtones? How about the different MIDI libraries?

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