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treefrog ,

It's not work it's more like a hobby. Work is what people do to survive. See working class vs owner class.

Wealth hoarders can either obsess or not obsess about hoarding more wealth, like any person with a hobby.

So, how much time they spend on their hobby and what hours they spend on their hobby really depends on their temperament.

treefrog , (edited )

Beta blockers - they don't cross the blood brain barrier and help calm the adrenaline response. If you're prone to panic, anxiety, trauma triggers, etc. They're very helpful for my CPTSD triggers.

Qi Gong

Listening to a Plum Village dharma talk.

Walking meditation is good when very restless or anxious. Body scans when trying to build deep states of physical relaxation. Sitting meditation for deep mental calm.

Pendulation works well when working on an overwhelming task. Permission to take small bites/small steps out of something difficult essentially.

Reminding myself that the stressor and the sensations of stress are all temporary is good for acute stress, but chronic stress can require radical acceptance instead and changes in lifestyle/habits/thinking patterns.

Oh I almost forgot, switching from coffee to tea. Although I don't do that most mornings. When I skip the coffee my anxiety is much less.

treefrog ,

Walking meditation is just walking while bringing your attention intentionally to your body and your breathing as it's moving through space.

It's like walking while really enjoying walking. Minimizing distractions like thinking or a radio or conversation or whatever.

But seconding just walking all the same. As a teenager I used to put on my walkman and go for walks when I was pissed off at my parents.

treefrog , (edited )

Cool people can have mental problems.

Cool people can have mental problems rather or not they like drugs.

One of the uncoolest things I think people do is ask black and white questions like this while acting like alcohol isn't a drug.

treefrog ,

Yeah, my bad. I went back and reread the comment you were replying too and deleted all my knee-jerk reactions based on taking your comment out of context.

treefrog ,

When everyone is being drafted. Including the children of the oligarchs and political class.

Otherwise it's never right. It's just feeding the poor to the war machine.

treefrog ,

Drafts usually are of young men for the logistic reasons you mentioned.

So, if all men ages 18-24 are being drafted, the President's kids should be first on the list.

In other words, if you're going to send my son to war and you are president you need to send your's first. Otherwise I'm telling my kid to dodge because his life isn't worth less than some rich assholes.

treefrog ,

Buddhism defines metta as loving kindness, which also requires understanding because if we don't understand another person's needs it's difficult to be loving and kind towards them.

In the show, what the person was trying to say is, I am feeling insecure that you may be more attached to her than you are to me. I.e., I'm scared you're going to leave me for her.

Which is what we generally mean by love in our culture. At least what we mean by romantic love. A sense of attachment to the other person.

This isn't always a bad thing. I can be a little shy so when I am in public I tend to show a lot of attachment to my girlfriend, at least until I get comfortable in the space. But it can be a bad thing, if someone is so attached that they let it get in the way of treating their partner with kindness. Act manipulative or aggressive when the person pulls away, for example.

treefrog ,

You can do it on your floor if you take enough ketamine.

In all serious though, not really. I think other people already pointed out why.

However you can also learn to close the sense gates, without drugs or a bathtub. Later Jhana meditations do this.

And even just you relaxing in your bathtub with your ears under the water, that's a step towards that stuff. The whole idea is to get very relaxed and minimize the stimulation from your senses, so that your mind can just relax and drift and be.

It doesn't need to be full sensory deprivation to get the benefits in other words.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

treefrog ,

Information can travel at light speed. So, I think there's more to it personally

treefrog , (edited )

Is he entitled to US arm shipments?

The headline makes him sound pretty fucking entitled

treefrog ,

Aid is a gift. They paid for some of it.

treefrog ,

A spokeswoman for OpenAI declined to comment beyond pointing BI to a corporate blogpost from May, in which the company says it takes web crawler permissions “into account each time we train a new model.

The translation for this is do we stand to profit more than we stand to be punished.

Basic capitalist risk assessment in other words.

treefrog ,

Yeah I know. But I wanted to point out that the comment in the article wasn't so much a real consideration as business risk analysis 101. Along with a healthy dose of corporate spin.

treefrog , (edited )

Here I think it's best to delineate the GOP base and the GOP elite.

What you say is most likely (though not always) true for the base. While not likely (though sometimes) true for the elite.

And it's not a delusional disorder. But the effects of propaganda by the elite. (Still technically delusion but I think it's nice to point at the source, as it helps us not fall into the trap of blaming people for being manipulated).

The reason we see more of this recently in broad daylight is because propaganda works. The oligarchs and political elite care about the same things they did during WW2, money and power. And up until Pearl Harbor, there was support for Germany in the U.S.

And don't forget, the GOP has a history of shitting on minorities that goes back many generations. This isn't new. It's just masks off. Because their base drank the kool aid.

treefrog , (edited )

So the things that help me the best. Making sure I do my self-care. For me that looks like meditation, exercise, seeing a therapist, and going to mental health support groups (NAMI it's an excellent resource for this).

Here's a meditation that will help you to be more aware of your thoughts and some techniques to help you ground.

This is more of a practice and less of something to do when you're having a ton of racing thoughts.

And this is a body scan, you can use this to help your body relax and your mind to be aware of your body instead of your thoughts. It would be helpful to try to fall asleep to it. And if you can't fall asleep at least to relax and get more rest.

treefrog ,

I took a couple of very cute selfies in a new outfit and had a difficult but fruitful conversation with my girlfriend about some insecurities that I was having in the relationship.

And thank you for the question! I include this opportunity to share my joy as a good thing that is going on with my weekend.

What good things are going on with your weekend?

treefrog ,

It's been difficult for me. I find understanding helps a lot.

I view a lot of the abuse and family violence that I both experienced and witnessed, as a sort of generational shame and resentment, partially due to poverty and Catholicism. Coupled with jealousy of people born into more privilege who lived in our community. And a healthy dose of substance use to cope with the above feelings, primarily in the shape of alcohol, but also a lot of stimulant abuse in the family.

It helps a lot that my father has softened quite a bit. I don't know that he's completely changed in the sense of understanding how he has hurt people. But he seems to treat his current wife well, and with all of the male children out of the house the cycle of abuse seems to have stopped. And he has acknowledged how he's hurt me when I've brought it up, at least generally. And been supportive and not abusive since I turned 18.

I've also had to do a lot of personal work, a lot of self-discovery. And a lot of work with an excellent trauma therapist using IFS and EMDR, along with a meditation practice at home.

And all of that said it's a process. Sometimes my trauma gets triggered and I'm right there as a 12-year-old pissed off at him again. Which is to say give yourself some grace too.

treefrog , (edited )

Yeah it's really effective. And becomes a practice in its own right of self-care. It's also one of the modalities MAPS is using in MDMA treatment protocols.

There's parallels in my Buddhist practice. Which is in the plum village tradition. Thich Nhat Hanh uses language like embracing the anger with your mindfulness and holding it like a mother would hold a crying infant. So, while the technical language is different it can be very similar to the IFS process and the two help inform each other for me. Compassionate inquiry is another one I've heard of but not studied. Which also has strong parallels.

Sometimes I catch myself just holding space while two parts have a loving conversation with each other. Which is a nice change from always being at war with myself.

treefrog , (edited )

I made a post talking about my personal experience.

This post is more of a safety check. As a couple of other people pointed out you don't have to. And if the abuse is continuing, focus on your safety first.

I didn't speak to my father for 6 years. When he came back into my life, I think he understood that he couldn't take the relationship for granted. And that if he treated me like shit, I would never talk to him again.

I don't know that he really changed. But he does respect my boundaries now. Even if it's more out of fear of the consequences than compassion for me. And trying to understand and forgive has helped me to develop more compassion.

But I had stopped the cycle of abuse by setting a firm boundary with him. And that had to happen before any sort of trust could be rebuilt. And to be honest, that was his job. He needed to respect my boundaries to earn my trust. Trust is earned it's not given, after all. And without safety and trust, love can't flow.

So yeah, don't put it on yourself either. You are the victim of abuse. Restorative justice, such as making amends, rebuilding trust, and ultimately hoping that love can be there again, that's the job of the person that did the damage.

treefrog ,

Yeah for real.

I'm so grateful I had someplace to go to. My stepdad was not great either but he was much easier to cope with than my father. And my mom is my role model for compassion in this world.

Unfortunately in my case the cycle of abuse continued with my stepbrother when my dad remarried. Which is why I have doubts about him really getting the message. And my stepbrother ended up moving out when he was 17 and couchsurfing through the rest of high school.

Anyway, I made a edit to my post above. I just wanted to point out that we are the victims of abuse. Restoring the relationship is on the shoulders of the person that caused the damage to the relationship right. It's up to them to make amends and rebuild trust. And without rebuilding trust there can't be love. So, it's really not our job.

Finding compassion and understanding for everyone can still be really helpful though in that it can lead to deeper self understanding. Which requires kind of stepping back and looking at the factors that contributed to the cycle. But that doesn't mean you need to let an abusive person into your life. Or feel warmth towards them. Even if they do try to make amends, it's completely acceptable to just not have the spoons to deal with it.

treefrog , (edited )

They're giving the royal family jail time?

treefrog ,

Maybe the pilot is a Boeing whistleblower and afraid for their safety?

treefrog ,

I mostly play roguelikes, which is to say there's a lot of games I haven't finished and have a great time with.

The last big title I played that was really enjoyable for the first half was unicorn overlord. And I even played through the first half of a couple of times. After that micromanaging the units gets annoying, so I put it down and haven't picked it back up.

That's the last game I really enjoyed that I didn't finish. But I like to buy games on sale and check them out, partially because I have an interest in-game design and game theory. So even if I only play a game for a few hours, if I get it for cheap I'm still pretty satisfied.

treefrog ,

You can grab a copy of entrepreneurial small business 5th edition used for probably 20 bucks. I'm about one semester out from a business administration associate's degree. That textbook was the most comprehensive of anything that I studied over the last year and a half. And the only textbook I made sure to buy a print copy of, so I have it for reference.

treefrog ,

Great! I hope it's as helpful for you as it was for me.

I think my biggest piece of advice would be to set up an LLC, especially if you have any personal assets that you could lose if you would end up liable for stuff related to your business.

It makes your taxes a bit more complicated, but it shields you from being personally liable for damages that your business incurs on somebody else. And would protect like your house or car from being counted as an asset in a lawsuit in such cases.

Going through a lot of things, curious about rights and options

I work full time as a designer/builder of fixtures for a very large corporation (500+ employees). My work directly affects production. I also work in sales for a large corporation (500+ employees). At the part time job, company B (sales) I and other women were harassed. I have proof, witnesses, all of that. I am being sparing...

treefrog , (edited )

I also have cptsd.

Can't help much with the legal questions. But there's medication that can reduce nightmares. Prazosin in particular. It blocks the adrenal response, so you are less likely to go into fight or flight while sleeping.

Also, PTSD is recognized as a disability. It's not easy to get disability for it, however discriminating against you for having it, when you are requesting reasonable accommodations is absolutely illegal. If you have medical documentation of your condition that will be helpful. If you don't, I suggest you start figuring out how to document it. I see a trauma therapist, and my GP is also aware that I have it, as he's the one that gave me the medication. This is the documentation I'm currently using to try to get disability and it would also work in your instance.

treefrog , (edited )

I don't think the Chinese government really gets Buddhism.

US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China ( )

A bipartisan United States congressional delegation met with the Dalai Lama Wednesday at his residence in India’s Dharamshala, sparking anger from China which views the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist. ...

treefrog , (edited )

They told the crowd that a key focus of their visit was to underscore the Resolve Tibet Act, passed by the U.S. Congress last week, and aims to encourage dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials with the hopes of finding a peaceful resolution between Tibet and Beijing. The bill should now be sent to the White House for President Joe Biden to sign into a law.

Pelosi said the bill is “a message to the Chinese government that we have clarity in our thinking and our understanding of this issue of the freedom of Tibet,” eliciting applause.

McCaul, the Republican representative, said it reaffirmed American support for the Tibetan right to self-determination. “Just this week our delegation received a letter from the Chinese Communist Party, warning us not to come here... but we did not let the CCP intimidate us for we are here today,” he said as people cheered.

I like reading news like this :)

treefrog ,

I thought the main issue was that AI don't really know how to say I don't know or second guess themselves, as it would take a lot more robust architecture with multiple feedback loops. Like a brain.

Anyway, LLM's aren't the only AI that do this. So them being trained on Facebook data certainly isn't the whole issue.

treefrog ,

Even funnier if Google also partners with a competitor, and Elon's employees have to go back to flip phones

treefrog ,

Could cost them their base without attracting new voters too.

treefrog ,

It's become a pretty common occurrence for a light to change and the driver in front of me to be staring at their phone.

Which is me saying I never used to honk at people at lights, and now I find myself doing it about once a week.

treefrog ,

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world

For threatenin' my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins

treefrog ,

Well five people recognized it anyway.

Apparently the others didn't bother to read it.

treefrog ,

Please take better care of us in the future

treefrog ,

Maybe offer a small friends and family discount while stressing things can't be under the table for tax reasons.

treefrog ,

Yeah I figured it wasn't really about the money. My thought was if you offer them a discount then they still feel like they're being treated special, and maybe they'll be more willing to pay you using methods that you can track better for your business purposes.

TikTok, Facebook and YouTube sued by New York City for alleged harm to kids’ mental health ( )

TikTok, Facebook and YouTube sued by New York City for alleged harm to kids’ mental health ::New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday that his administration has filed a lawsuit against the parent companies of TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube, alleging that their services are damaging to the mental...

treefrog ,

It's not really alleged when they admit in their own interoffice emails that it's happening.

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