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Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control” ( )

The EU Council has now passed a 4th term without passing its controversial message-scanning proposal. The just-concluded Belgian Presidency failed to broker a deal that would push forward this regulation, which has now been debated in the EU for more than two years....

thejml ,

The same kids who need a secure line of communication with authorities and aid workers and councilors and places to report the abuse and.. you get the idea. Those kids would NOT have liked this at all.

thejml ,

The thumbnail kinda looks like he’d be played by Christopher Walken.

Hack of Age Verification Company Shows Privacy Danger of Social Media Laws ( )

We’ve said it before: online age verification is incompatible with privacy. Companies responsible for storing or processing sensitive documents like drivers’ licenses are likely to encounter data breaches, potentially exposing not only personal data like users’ government-issued ID, but also information about the sites...

thejml ,

Definitely the free space on my bingo card as well.

thejml ,

Hoverboards weren’t the same as desired either. This timeline kinda sucks.

Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

thejml ,

So, does PiHole work against this threat? I don’t believe I’ve seen an ad on Windows 11 yet on my desktop, but it’s firmly behind a PiHole and never leaves the house (because desktop)… so either I’m lucky, missing something, or it’s working.

I mean, I basically just boot it up to game and backup CDs to FLAC and such, so maybe I’m just missing things.

And Yes, as someone who has used linux since 1995, I know I can probably do those things in Linux at this point, but I couldn’t when I set it up and since it’s working I’ve got other things higher on my list to do.

thejml ,

I don’t think the Mercedes ones are 1.22m long.

thejml ,

Me: “Didn’t they unbundle those already?”

Article: “Last year the tech giant unbundled Teams from Microsoft 365 in an effort to quash antitrust concerns by the EU, but the European Commission said the changes were “insufficient to address its concerns.”

thejml ,

I’ve used for a while and it’s been pretty solid.

thejml ,

Most people would be happy if a Bibi only killed Hamas instead of just firing bombs indiscriminately into refugee shelters and hospitals. It’s been made pretty clear that the IDF cares nothing about innocent civilians. If you want to make more terrorists, this is how you make more terrorists.

thejml ,

The cat actually works there. Everyone a suit case shows up on the conveyer, his job is to knock it off onto the floor.

thejml ,

They went well past “defending itself” months ago… no sane person would say that they’re defending themselves at this point. Whether you are a fan of Palestine, Israel, or Hamas, it’s pretty obvious the continued bombardment and all out slaughter from Israel is a disproportionate amount of response to be called defense.

Either Israel is terrible at this whole war against Hamas, or they just want genocide against Palestine. Neither is acceptable.

thejml ,

It’s going to need to be like 40F cooler pretty soon here.

thejml ,

Our shop has two options (for security and management, they keep the options lean). Dell Windows 11 machines and Mac. The suckiness of the Dell ecosystem, combined with Windows 11 being fairly terrible, has pushed most all of my colleagues over to Mac over the last few years. Even most of the ASP.NET developers are on Mac at this point. This just solidifies that direction even further.

thejml ,

Ours basically added MacOS as an option because they didn’t want to manage Linux and there are standard security tools for it. I don’t mind MacOS, it has its quirks, but it beats W11. I had an HP with Linux there before the company decided to drop it and I do miss it, but knowing I’d have to now have a Dell with Linux if they still had the option, I’ll take the Apple hardware knowing all the issues the windows guys have.

thejml ,

If your cybersecurity and/or SecOps team isn’t working 40 hrs a week, you’re either WAY over staffed or you’re missing out on a lot of proactive security work. Ours has a massive backlog of tickets and is working proactively on protecting and preventing incursions and security incidents.

thejml ,

Generally a firing is decided the previous day or at least an hour before it happens. Discussions are made prior to the actual meeting where the firing occurs. IT is on standby. They either deactivate the AD account and related auth methods when the employee walks in the office to have the discussion. This is a well oiled machine, so that all parties know their parts. The meeting/discussion is solely a formality and by two minutes into it, theres no longer any access granted. Security shows up at the meeting to escort the employee out and collect their badge or keys. Maybe they let the employee walk by their desk to collect their stuff, maybe the employer ships it to them later, depends on the circumstances and office layout.

thejml ,

I had an Athlon motherboard with voice POST messages… one night I woke up to it saying “your CPU has a problem!” over and over and was freaked out until I was completely awake and figure out what was wrong.

It wasn’t high quality coming through the piezo speaker, but it was good enough.

thejml ,

What does he think, Apple is going to release a keynote tomorrow with Tim Cook saying “ah, my bad, Elon doesn’t like it so we’re rolling it back”. And if he blocks Apple devices from
Viewing Xitter, they’ll finally move on to other platforms which will potentially cut his user base in half.

thejml ,

If it’s jamming the drone, it’s probably putting out lots of radio interference… which is a super strong signal the drone should either keep flying on it’s preprogrammed path while firing ordinance to take out the hammer, or just change direction towards the drone jammer. Either way, no more jamming.

thejml ,

I feel like somehow this is just going to drive more campaign contributions and win over those who are brainwashed, netting him a boost in the polls, but I guess time will tell.

thejml ,

I had one for two years and it stopped being a router. Was my third router in like 5 yrs. I switched to a small Ubiquiti setup and my speeds tripled as well as improving my wifi coverage. It’s been rock solid for 6+ years now. Plus I can easily swap out the access point when technology upgrades easily. Definitely recommend.

thejml ,

Actually, it’s electricity and heating:

Transportation is number two (by quite a bit) but don’t forget that Transportation of goods is also part of transportation.

Not saying we shouldn’t give up the SUVs, just that maybe we should use less power and heat with something cleaner as well.

thejml ,

Just like Terry Tate the office linebacker.

thejml ,

Whew, that’s much better. I’ve always avoided the Epic store like the plague so nothing lost!

thejml ,

“No way, the 777 isn’t THAT old of a plane!”

<checks Wikipedia> > First flight June 12, 1994 > Introduction June 7, 1995

Oh, that’s why my back hurts.

thejml ,

Reddit has backups, permanently isn’t an option.

thejml ,

Sadly, too many places around here don’t get support Apple Pay and even less Google wallet. It’s definitely improved the last few years, probably 80%, but not 100%, so I’ve had to carry mine. So close I can’t wait!

thejml ,

It’s advertising!

thejml ,

I instantly imagined someone rolling coal with their leaf blower… you know it’s going to happen, even if they’re not diesel.

US military says Gaza Strip pier project is completed, aid to soon flow as Israel-Hamas war rages on ( )

The U.S. military finished installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, with officials poised to begin ferrying badly needed humanitarian aid into the enclave besieged over seven months of intense fighting in the Israel-Hamas war....

thejml ,

Biden is the one who decided, against Congress orders, to hold back the bomb shipment. The GOP was actively drafting legislation to push them out over his head when he allowed it through trying to skip becoming a Republican talking point.. but I really wish he didn’t capitulate to the GOP’s desires so easily.

thejml ,

In fact, the GOP Congress was going to push Biden to send this stuff if he didn’t relent:

Biden’s trying to win over some undecided right leaning voters with this whole $1B deal and it’s sickening to his own party.

thejml ,

Because the GOP Congress was about to go around him if he didn’t.

Really wish he’d have grown a spine and stuck to not sending them, let the GOP look bad and don’t abandon your own base. I hate this political environment.

thejml ,

Congratulations on learning something new! Guys have always had breasts. That’s the way human anatomy works. They may not be as developed, but they’re always there to some degree. They can even excrete liquid through their nipples in some cases!

thejml ,

The skinniest dude in the world still has breast tissue. You might want to pick another hill to die on.

thejml ,

Someone’s gotta have that half child from the 2.5 average!

thejml ,

It does. We really need positive propaganda. Dupe everyone into thinking that climate change is real, we have to do something now, doubling down on renewable and sustainable resources is required, etc. I’d love to brainwash everyone into believing that public education needs more funds and resources. Or that rivers and lakes shouldn’t be polluted.

thejml ,

Not fediverse, but open-source and community run:

thejml ,

I see tons of Mach E’s around here. Not as many as Teslas yet, but I see on average two to three a day, which tracks to Teslas about 2 yrs ago in this area. So give it a bit of time. I’d seriously consider one if I was in the market for a new car. I just wish they didn’t call a small SUV a Mustang. “Domestic” US manufacturers are catching up.

That said, I’d love a Chinese 10-15k EV as long as it passed US crash standards and had a decent warranty. Competition is a good thing.

thejml ,

Previously, Tesla owners simply had to go to their mobile apps to pay and unlock the extra range.

God, I hate this timeline.

EXCLUSIVE: “You Have Been Warned”: Republican Senators Threaten the ICC Prosecutor over Possible Israel Arrest Warrants ( )

A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so....

thejml ,

It’s not even all of the GOP. It’s only 12 of the dumbest. Can we just vote these members out already? Honestly, nobody cares what Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz think about anything. Last I checked they’re even losing ground in their own states. They can’t make any of these threats real and I hope the ICC charges Netanyahu as quick as possible just to spite them.

thejml ,

I’m reminded of the Family Guy where a bird lays eggs in Peter’s beard.

thejml ,

Honestly, if the search results are good, anonymized, and consistent, I’m not worried about not using Google’s index. In all honesty, I’m much prefer it did NOT use Google. The further I can distance myself from their shady SEO/SEM practices, results stuffing, large site favoring, and monetization techniques, the better.

thejml ,

Who would take them? I mean, I guess you gotta get paid, but when someone demonstrated that they can just drop you with zero warning, trust is negative at that point.

thejml ,

Huh, lots of interesting stats, I wonder how well it actually works…

Unfortunately, the laptop I have on hand cannot be turned on, so I am unable to conduct further evaluation

Ah, that well.

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