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testfactor ,

Notch is a billionaire. He made Minecraft as a solo project, it became what it was, then he sold it to Microsoft.

Not saying that most billionaires didn't get there via exploitation, but I don't think it's a strict prerequisite.

testfactor ,

He could have known Notch, though that guy doesn't seem the climbing type, lol.

testfactor ,

You're moving the goalposts though, you realize that right?

Your initial position was that you have to have exploited people to be worth a billion dollars (with an implicit "directly exploited," since if you can't make any money without indirectly exploiting people, which would make your point even more pedantic than I'm being.)

Other people later exploiting others to profit off your product is irrelevant. Hell, it'd be irrelevant if you made your billion dollars and then started exploiting people yourself. You still would have, in fact, become a billionaire without exploiting people to do so.

testfactor ,

Sure, but if that's the argument, then everyone who has ever bought a laptop that shipped with Windows on it is equally guilty.

Perhaps even moreso. Those people are giving money to Microsoft. He took a billion dollars away from them.

But like, this is classic motte and baily. Your initial position was "all billionaires exploit labor for profit," but when under scrutiny you just retreat to "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so he's guilty by virtue of simply participating in the system."

testfactor ,

A fair point. It's been a while since then. I didn't recall that.

That said, he's just an easy example. There's a few other people who could be used. There's a billionaire who was an early Bitcoin adopter for example.

And it certainly would have been possible for Notch to become a billionaire without hiring people. The company only had 25 employees in 2014, and was doing $330million in revenue every year. There's certainly a path he could have tread to still becoming a billionaire without hiring anyone.

It would have been harder, taken longer, and not been as profitable for sure, but doable.

testfactor ,

Sure, but that argument is specious as hell, right?
Like, if everyone in the United States decided to give you a $5 bill, does that instantly make you a bad person who exploited labor to get where you are?

"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism" is simply a rhetorical device to outline the flaws in the system. It completely breaks down when used as justification to villainize someone.

Your position could be equally stated as, "anyone who has more money than me is a worse person than me, and anyone with less money than me is a better person than me." It's a misuse of the "no ethical consumption" idea on its face.

testfactor ,

The issue is that becoming a billionaire has more to do with being lucky than it does with direct exploitation.

If everyone in the US chipped 5 dollars into a pool, and it was randomly given to one person, that person would be a billionaire.

And yes, they have a huge concentration of other people's labor represented in that cash. But the person who won the pool isn't a bad person because of that. They didn't exploit anyone themselves. Just because someone somewhere at some point under capitalism was exploited, that doesn't lay the moral condemnation at the feet of the lottery winner.

testfactor ,

Okay, to be clear, are you arguing that the dichotomy we are choosing between is Notch becoming a billionaire or a corporation reaping the benefits of his labor? I think if those are the options, I prefer the universe where Notch is a billionaire, lol.

I don't think that's what you're saying, but I'll admit I've read your comment a few times, and couldn't really latch on to what you point was.

But to just free associate off of what you said, I think there's a lot of value to many in the safety of a job vs the life of an entrepreneur. I'm in that situation myself. I know I could easily make 1.5-2x my current salary if I just stood up and LLC and did all my work as a 1099 employee. I'd be able to keep all my current clients and basically nothing would change. I could set my own hours and not have a boss to answer to. But it comes with a lot fewer safety nets, and it means that all the unpleasantness and risk of "running a business" would all fall on me.

Am I running the risk that I could build a billion dollar product and giving all that surplus capital to my company? Sure. But the odds of that are terribly low, and honestly, it's a gamble I'm more than willing to take to avoid having to deal with the overhead and risk of striking out on my own with no top cover.

testfactor ,

A model 3 to an f150 is absolutely apples and oranges.

testfactor ,

Why not just compare the model 3 to an 18-wheeler then? Those weigh way more. Would have made his point better.

And it's a completely meaningful comparison, as long as you throw away the fact that different vehicles are used for different things.

testfactor ,

I was gonna post this if you didn't, lol.

testfactor ,

I mean, that headline implies intentionality, no? I doubt the guy knew that his lunch would get him slapped with a $10k fine.

I know I don't Google every single item in my bag to make sure that something like the type of cotton my socks are made of doesn't get me thrown in jail.

testfactor ,

I mean, I don't know that that changes my point at all, but if you'd really like me to rephrase it:

I don't Google every item in my suitcase to make sure the the type of cotton my socks are made of won't get me immediately deported and fined $10,000 that I don't have.

testfactor ,

Check what though, that's the issue. I would never think that my carnitas burrito from Chipotle might catch me a 10k fine.

And let's be real, there's no reason to put that "(maybe)" in there. Are you suggesting the dude was like, "Ahahaha, my dastardly plan is in motion! I'm going to snuggle 4oz of pork hidden away in my lunch, in direct violation of import controls. It's so clever because I have absolutely no discernable reason I would want to do this on purpose!!!"

And what are you recommending me check? Google every item on the "ingredients" list on my coke zero to make sure I'm not smuggling red dye number 33 into a country that bans it?

Most civilized countries don't fine people $10k for breaking laws that it would be very reasonable they have no idea exist.

testfactor ,

The guy was from Indonesia and routed to Taiwan via Hong Kong. There's a good chance there were no signs or announcements in a language he could understand.

testfactor ,

I can't find the pork ban on the link you provided. The closest I saw was "Quarantine inspection of animals, plants and their derived products" which isn't a prohibition of anything in particular, and the link to the relevant authority literally goes to a dead page.

testfactor ,

What's the cut off for describing someone as a "youth"? 27 seems over that line to me.

But ngl, I'm kinda surprised the number is as low as 500, considering 35k have been killed in total, by all reports.

testfactor ,

Fair. Ngl, I just pulled up a map of Israel. Kinda surprised how much bigger the West Bank is than Gaza. My Middle Eastern geography isn't exactly stellar.

Fair point though. It's not exactly near the heart of the issue in Gaza. If the majority of the Israeli retaliation is there, it makes sense the West Bank should have little to no casualties.

testfactor ,

That is one of the arguments most often used against gun control as well.

testfactor ,

I wouldn't let every VM have an interface into your management network, regardless of how you implement this. Your management network should be segregated with the ability to route to all the other VLANs with an appropriate firewall setup that only allows "related/established" connections back into it.

As for your services, having them on separate VLANs is fine, but it seems like you would benefit from having a reverse proxy to forward things to the appropriate VLAN, to reduce your management overhead.

But in general, having multiple interfaces per VM is fine. There shouldn't be any performance hit or anything. But remember that if you have a compromised VM, it'll be on any networks you give it an interface in, so minimizing that is key for security purposes. Ideally it would live in a VLAN that only has Internet access and/or direct access to your reverse proxy.

testfactor ,

Yeah, it can for sure. Definitely worth mentioning.
Gotta watch what interface is set as the default router, or you're bound to have a bad time.
That said, the same is true with his originally proposed solution of pushing a trunk port to the VM, so it's not any worse in that regard.

But yeah, full agreement on the correct solution.
Keep it simple.

testfactor ,

I'm sure the train of thought is something more akin to, "these people support the Palestinians, but Palestinians are bad people and they'd see that if they had to live with them."

Still stupid as hell, and racist to boot, but at least somewhat coherent?

testfactor ,

Maybe someday, but that's not the point of the tech as it stands. It's accessibility.

They guy who it failed in (Noland Arbaugh) is a full on quadriplegic. The ability to use a computer in a semi-normal way is absolutely beyond life changing for him.

testfactor ,

I'm well aware of the existence of alternatives. But you must agree that what is achievable with an implant far outstrips the current alternatives?

testfactor ,

I think what you are probably actually after, based on your description/comments is a flash card app, not a dictionary app?

To that end, seems like a guy on the open source subreddit made a thread about it and built one that's FOSS. Some other good suggestions in the thread, even if his solution isn't what you're after.


testfactor ,

Do you really think the reason people hate Java is because it uses an intermediate bytecode?
There's plenty of reasons to hate Java, but that's not one of them.

.NET languages use intermediate bytecode and everyone's fine with it.

Any complaints about Java being an intermediate language are due to the fact that the JVM is a poorly implemented dumpster fire. It's had more major vulnerabilities than effing Adobe Flash, and runs like molasses while chewing up more memory than effing Chrome. It's not what they did, it's that they did it badly.

And WASM will absolutely never replace normal JS in the browser. It's a completely different use case. It's awesome and has a great niche, but it's not really intended for normal web page management use cases.

testfactor ,

Didn't see your last post. I know you said no one else responded, but I'm pretty big into fixing up resumes if you want to DM it to me?

It's something I really enjoy doing, so I'd be more than happy to take a look. :)

testfactor ,

Out of curiosity, would you feel the same if the question was, "If I could snap my fingers and cure everybody on earth who has a terminal illness, would it be unethical to do so?"

Like, you would be modifying their body without their consent. On the other hand, you're literally curing people with terminal illnesses. Seems churlish of them to complain.

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