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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

supersquirrel , (edited )

Can y’all IT people please stop with the condescending “you don’t know how stupid people are about computers”, it seems like there is always one of you showing up in a comment thread to tell us that we can’t have the future literally all of us want including you all as well… because WE are too stupid and lazy about computers.

I helped a grown ass human who was my age at 40yo how to install a Firefox extension.

Were you as condescending to them in person as you are being in referencing them right now? Why is not knowing how to install a Firefox extension some indicator of foreclosure on the possibility of that person becoming computer literate along whatever metrics you define? There are plenty of smart people out there who can learn how to use a computer for very complex tasks who have just simply never learned about extensions for Firefox. This is a very feasible and normal reality.

Do you know how to change the oil on your car yourself? Do simple plumbing jobs? Could you run a classroom of middle schoolers and keep them all focused while keeping your eye on the shy sad kid in the back who tends to disappear if you don’t engage them? What about basic healthcare changes or cooking? What about outdoor work or basic small engine maintenance? Do you even know shit about the most basic species of trees in your backyard? Do you know the species of songbirds you often hear outside your window? Do you even pay attention to that? Do you know how to drive a dirt bike extremely fast on a rough dirt road? Do you know how to adjust for the violent explosive power of turbo lag in a car with a turbocharger so that torque oversteer doesn’t launch you off the road? Do you know how to sew and repair basic garments? To weave? Can you even fish? Like could you literally even just catch a fish to save your life right now if I handed you a fishing rod unassembled with no instructions?

My point is, don’t go looking for confirmation of how stupid or lazy people are or how limited their capacity is to evolve and grow by casting the shapes of their ignorance onto the floor and trying to read some magic language from that.

Maybe they don’t know because they are hopelesssly stupid, but maybe not? If they are intelligent and they don’t know computers then those are the perfect people to teach linux. Then it is their first language instead of windows, many linux distro are perfectly fine for this at this point.

See here is the bottom line, legions of IT people show up online always arguing they think they know that the average person is too dumb, lazy and uninterested in computers for Linux adoption to seriously take off in the personal computer market and challenge Microsoft, but y’all don’t know shit about humans. You are experts in computers who think that makes you experts in human potential.

Go take some theater classes (or get an degree in education) and get educated before you start drawing conclusions about people when you really haven’t spent time closely studying how people engage with their potential and what situations facilitate that in basic human interaction and framing of conversations (both literal and abstract).

I’m sorry if I snapped at you but I think it is existentially important to recognize here that we don’t know what people are capable of, you can’t know the essential capacity of people to change, don’t try to predict it. Focus on creating the material opportunity for change and the rest may follow depending on what people desire, no matter to us, we desire to create that positive opportunity for change because it is the right thing to do, not because we like the future growth charts of the things we believe are important and vital.

supersquirrel ,

If you need more focus to the game play Sky Island, also / and ? are your best friends

supersquirrel ,

If by asking for a neutral place you are asking for somewhere that conservatives with hateful, childish, and dangerous beliefs that have no quantifiable basis in reality can go where they won't be treated like children..... shrugs

Not anywhere I will spend my time, conservatives can stay in their lame isolated pockets on the fediverse, the rest of the fediverse is for people who actually have functioning capacities for empathy and want to have adult conversations that adhere to reality.

supersquirrel ,

Not knocking people with similar beliefs hanging out together, but it’s wild yousay that and don’t see that in lemmy.

Yawn here we go again with slippery slope echo chamber arguments.

Ok well I AM knocking conservatives when they hang out in groups, they become incredibly toxic and violent in their beliefs and they become dangerous even to the existence of a basic apparatus of federal government (see January 6th). Still, like putting all the rotting food in a trash can, while it doesn’t slow down the rot of the already rotting food, it does keep it contained and safe. Conservative hateful ideologies can only really thrive when centrists use force to open the door to larger communities and make them accept the presence of fascists. Then normalization can start that will indoctrinate people who never otherwise would have accepted the violence and unnecessary cruelty of conservatism simply because people begin to think “oh, well we wouldn’t have let an ACTUAL fascist through the door right!? We are civilized!”.

The difference between groups of leftists is while they all might have pink hair and punk looking clothes and rainbow colors or whatever, and they all might “look the same” to you…. but unlike your pathetic, lame conservative friends, your leftist friends will accept you for whoever you want to be whether we are talking about your gender, clothing tastes, desire to express feminine or masculine identities, off the wall careers you want to follow, new developments in your relationship to your spirituality or religion or really WHATEVER the fuck you want. Your leftist friends will give you direct aid no questions asked when you need it, they will be vulnerable and emotional with you when you need it and never shy away from a heartfelt conversation about love or caring for others just because it is awkward.

Your conservative friends will be too afraid to hug you when you reveal to them you are far out on an edge of depression and scared you are going to hurt yourself because that might look gay, they will literally leave you floundering at the edge of the void because they have been so fucked by their ideology that their first concern is to assure you they didn’t abruptly switch who they were attracted to and were now trying to make a move on you while you are emotionally devastated.

Conservatives are for the most part dangerous children who think they are adults, and they largely stand in the way of younger generations fighting for their survival. Go find your local radical leftist librarian at whatever protest all the kids are at on the other hand…

When leftists get mad it isn’t because they are drunk at their high school kids sports game and yelling at an innocent scared high school trans kid that he is gonna beat the queers up, they get mad because people don’t have healthcare or homes, or when genocide is happening or when we are destroying the earth in a way we can never fix. They chain themselves to a tree in the path of a dozer which is a universe away from being angry and mad at people because you don’t understand them and that scares you, the leftist understands exactly what functions the tree, the bulldozer and their body all play in that moment and they willing and full of righteous anger to do it.

The shrillness you place in leftism is we don’t make time for bigots, and if your social awareness is so muted that you can’t tell the difference between shouting down a bigot and bullying a truly innocent and well intentioned person, than don’t get upset at leftists for seeing a massive red flag flying over your head in terms of deducing your intentions.

supersquirrel ,

Lol, right off the bat, like the extreme left have any respect for the apparatus of federal government. 🙄🙄 (see blm riots, where protesters in Portland attacked and caused damage to The Courthouse, The Edith Green-Wendall Wyatt Federal Building, the Gus J. Solomon U.S Courthouse, The Pioneer Courthouse, and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement building.)

right like minor acts of property damage equate to literally attempting to overthrow the federal government?

You fool

supersquirrel ,

Hopefully they will be so shortsighted and suffocate themselves with this Ai hype.

waves from over in the linux corner seize the day, and microsoft's throat :P

supersquirrel ,

If MS is overinvesting to ride the AI hype as a middle man, while letting their core business capabilities (Windows and Office) decline, they will be in trouble in the long term.

They aren't just overinesting in AI, they are foreclosing the future of programming and software design as a prestigious, respectable and valuable career.

It doesn't matter if the AI works or not, it just matters that programmers sat there and took it because they thought they were special and the ruling class would never betray their trade.

Well here we are kids if you want a realistic career that will pay the bills dont follow your heart and go into programming and computers, that is a passionate hobby you shouldnt expect to be highly paid for it. Go into the trades, anywhere else, programming as a career is fucked (and again it has nothing to do with whether AI works or not).

supersquirrel ,

Hell yeah, it is so much easier than it used to be right?

How was your experience?

Any tips for someone who might be about to do the same?

Did you create a ritual pyre of Microsoft jewel cases and old manuals and stuff and burn it while dancing around it chanting burnnn babyyy burnnn?

supersquirrel , (edited )

Windows Phone was never given a chance to pan out. There wasn’t space for Windows Phone to force its way on the scene when it finally began to fire on all cylinders as a smartphone OS but they were building a critical mass of loyal users that would have set up Microsoft longterm to successfully exploit the opportunity to when it came.

It is wild to me that upper management at Microsoft was too dumb to understand that and just killed their perfectly good apparatus for gaining a foothold on the mobile market. Simply put a tech company that large should always be thinking seriously about maintaining a practical entrance to an industry as important to their bottom line as this.

They are fools and they ultimately threw mud in the face of the small amount of windows phone fans (of which there definitely were loyal fans especially for the great Nokia cameras and extremely focused UI) who could have delivered that initial burst of energy and excitement/growth when the opportunity eventually did come. Thus they have actually sealed and barricaded the door to Microsoft ever EVER being in the mobile space since they betrayed ALL of the early adopter nerds who would have stuck around for the rough beginning.

supersquirrel ,

I would assume any wizard worth their salt would spend quite a bit of time fishing and doing nothing but smoking their pipe while they lazily watched their rod for a bite.

supersquirrel ,

This is a lazy comment, and frankly everybody is standing next to everybody else in Gaza from the perspective of 2000 pound bombs. It is a tiny area.

Your capacity to feel empathy for a genocide of people has clearly been broken your beliefs, and you should be ashamed that your beliefs are so poorly constructed that they make you worse off than an ignorant child who knows nothing but is capable of feeling empathy intuitively.

supersquirrel ,

Just because it is wrong and obviously contradictory to other established precedents doesn’t at this point mean that it won’t be enforced unfortunately.

supersquirrel , (edited )

In a world that isn’t drowning in late stage capitalism what we call that is the overwhelming gift given to us by the generations before us so that we may in turn give it to the next generation. Video games are only a tiny subsection of those gifts compared to everything else we just get handed for free.

Wealthy US boomers brutally executed that way of looking at the world though, so literally any form of passing on gifts to the next generation other than being rich as fuck and directly leaving an unbelievable amount of money to your kids is unfathomable or framed as unfair or absurd in modern day society.

supersquirrel , (edited )

Valve is a business, they don’t give a shit about vibes, when Valve gets sold off and it will one day (probably sooner than we expect) none of these “vibes” or “culture” are going to matter one single tiny little bit.

That is the point of this whole system, we receive assurances up down left right and in every which direction that entities like Valve won’t be ripped up and destroyed by venture capital, private equity, or whatever the fuck the current grift the 1% has us in… and they are empty promises by design.

A company is not legally defined as the will of its creator/creators, rather the labor and particular genius of a company’s workers is purposefully rationalized into a structure that we are supposed to accept is fundamentally designed to be ripped from our hands brutally because “that is just how the adult world works, shut up and get back to work”.

Justification of unnecessary violence and destruction is one of the primary products of the system.

supersquirrel ,

They arent lying when an IDF Spokesperson comes on CNN or equivalent and the news anchor has direct orders from their boss to try to spin the IDF as the good guys but the IDF spokesperson keeps answering softball questions with responses like "well, actually the point is to slaughter all the Palestinians!" leaving the anchor flailing to keep their job.

supersquirrel ,

"In 1844, Bush and his family (along with five other families including his friend Michael Simmons, totaling 31 people) left Missouri, heading west on the Oregon Trail.[11] Bush's navigation skills and knowledge of the western region, gained during his years as a trapper, made him the indispensable guide of the party. Isabella's training as a nurse was an important contribution as well. Bush and his family were also known to be very generous, purchasing supplies for their fellow travelers first in Missouri and later at great expense at Fort Bridger. Bush bought six Conestoga wagons, equipping them with enough provisions for a year, and helped several families make the trip to Oregon.[3] According to the Bush family history, Bush built a false bottom onto his wagon in which he hid over a hundred pounds of silver, worth about $2,000.[3] The great-granddaughter of Bush claims that Bush had hidden $5,000 in silver dollars, some gold bricks, and fifty dollar slugs.[12] With him he brought many species of fruit and shade trees that he would plant in his farm at Bush Prairie.[13]

By the time the Bush-Simmons party reached the Oregon Country over four months later, the Provisional Government of Oregon reacting to racially-charged violence [my edit, love the kid gloves being used for violent white supremacists here :( ] had passed an exclusionary law barring black persons, slave or free, from entering the Oregon Territory on penalty of lashing. As a result, Bush and his party traveled north across the Columbia River, into territory that at the time was claimed by both the United States and Great Britain. The wagon path they laboriously cut would become the northern spur of the Oregon Trail.[14] Bush's connections with the Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Vancouver may have helped the settlers gain access where the company had previously barred Americans from settling"

Oregon, 2000 miles is still not far enough of a wagon ride to escape white supremacy

Do you think Oregon could put that on their license plates?

George Bush's family outside their home in Tumwater Washingon, thankfully far enough from white supremacists to start a decent life. I wonder how Bush and his family would feel knowing Oregon is still overflowing with white supremacist bigots?

Idaho ain't that big of a cultural difference from the large land owning demographic of hateful rightwing clowns in Oregon, which is not a compliment to Oregon.

The countries with the most Fediverse servers are rich and former/current colonial powers. One of the best true barometers of the success of the Fediverse is how quickly we can turn that on its head. ( )

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think...

supersquirrel OP ,

China entered the chat

ok fair state probs won’t allow it idk?

India entered the chat

Hell fucking just Mexico City and the surrounding metro/megalopolis not even including the rest of Mexico entered the chat

just a casual 32mil

Sao Paulo is here representing the rest of Brazil but the rest of Brazil couldn’t fit into the chat

supersquirrel OP ,

Yeah that is what makes this shit so exhausting, at every step where you solve the immediate expression of a systematic problem you have to step back, evaluate your solution and shake your head at how clearly your biases tried to recreate the same problem in your solution.

I agree that we should always be asking questions like you are because this could easily be a future timeline the fediverse goes down.

How do you think we can reduce the chance of this happening?

Also, the interface between the oppressors and the oppressed is always multidimensional and unbelievably manifold. The daughters of ultra powerful oppressors funnel money to the oppressed in shades of moral complexities that are difficult to pin down as righteous or not. This is the way history has always been, what matters is the results, and how much members of the ruling class are willing to betray their class for the greater good of humanity shrugs.

supersquirrel OP ,

It feels like you’re coming at this with the assumption of “every country has the resources to spin up hundreds of social media servers, but they’re just not interested”, which is kind of a weird conclusion to come to after recognizing the historical impact of colonialism and the privilege differences it’s led to.

Do you realize how your rhetoric is boxing my opposing viewpoint into being an oversimplification? Nowhere in my language did I imply this was a simple question with a simple answer nor did I request a precise answer of any type.

I acknowledge all of your criticisms, this is a difficult question and I would welcome your input and knowledge if it is along a positive axis not a condescending one that attempts to frame my question as naive and thus fundamentally unserious (independent of whether the details are right or wrong).

supersquirrel OP ,

So, not sure what you mean by this

Nothing, do you honestly think I am watching what is happening right now in the US (where I live) and NOT thinking it is utterly terrifying?

Yeah the manufactured hysteria around TikTok doing the same shit western social media companies do is pathetic and absurd (and like, if republicans are up in arms about manipulation of kids, what about tobacco companies??????).

supersquirrel OP ,

I think it is definitely something to be proud of! It really speaks to France’s long (of course complicated) history with leftism.

supersquirrel OP ,


My intention was to make it clear that my reference to these numbers was back of the envelope, I know there is a huge amount of complexity to this question.

Do you begin solving physics problem by making sure you start from answering the most complicated version of a problem including simulations of every single little expression of friction and wind resistance etc…. No you say the cow can be abstracted as a sphere and start from there. The question isn’t whether to abstract the cow or not, it is over the quality and consequences of the abstraction.

With that in mind, yes I do think it is worth asking the question of whether the best path forward is for fediverse servers within colonial borders to build open communities that users from without colonial borders can join and use or whether the better path forward is to instead directly help build local fediverse instances hosted outside of colonial borders. I don’t know, it is a massively difficult question to answer, I guess I should keep repeating that so people don’t keep assuming I am naively thinking this is a simple question and I have absolutist all or nothing views of things.

supersquirrel OP ,

What do you mean in as precise of terms as you are capable of by the term “mature” in this context?

I think the answer to that question is similar to the answer to my original question.

supersquirrel OP ,

looks out my windows the corporate fascist hellscape of the US

Ommm yeah I genuinely not saying this to detract from the seriousness of oppression within the countries you are speaking of but…. nobody with real power in the US likes the internet either?

Did you see what Elon Musk did to Twitter? It wasn’t less a business acquisition than a public execution of an entity that subverted the ability of state sponsored propaganda to be effective all over the world (including specifically… Saudi Arabia and the countries it has business interests in). I mean I don’t know if Elon knows this or not, I really don’t care. The people that gave him the money to pay for the execution on the other hand I am more convinced knew exactly what the general impact of their “investment” was going to be.

supersquirrel OP ,

In terms of internet infrastructure, I think the biggest opportunities here are local grassroots municipal/community government spearheaded build outs of high speed internet that completely bypass the concept of the western business and foreign aid structure that involves pulling in some for profit or """non-profit"""" company with a complex set of incentives that mostly don't align with the communities they are ostensibly there to help build infrastructure for.

I suspect how effective or ineffective globally this method of funding internet infrastructure development is will have a major impact on the long term future of the fediverse as a whole... since it isn't within the borders of colonial powers where the inherent freedoms to the internet will be defended. It will ultimately be the "periphery" states and states far beyond the borders of colonial powers that shore up safe heavens for internet communities. Seeing where the US is going, I can only hope that my country will not block my access to those communities down the road...

supersquirrel OP ,

Please point to where I insinuated this? If people living outside the borders of colonial powers want to host their own servers great, if they want to join US, French, Japanese etc.. servers then… also awesome! How on earth are you taking from my read that the point of this line of questioning is to criticize underdeveloped countries or the people that live within their borders?

the whole point of this post is to ask about what ways we can best practically help those people without perpetuating the same structural power imbalances that got us into the present day problems and suffering we face

If you had interacted with my post in a genuine way you would have realized an essential part of my question is how best to help propagate the fediverse outside of its narrow niches, do you build fediverse servers in your own country and make them friendly to foreign users? Do you try to create resources and gather money to help people in those countries just host their own fediverse server?

What are the practical real world advantages and pitfalls of both strategies with respect to the fediverse in particular?

supersquirrel OP ,

Maybe...? As many have reminded me on this thread, be wary of your kneejerk assumptions.

supersquirrel OP ,

Lastly the whole us vs them (colonial powers, oppressors etc etc) might be applicable to a lot of the world, however, garnering support for a cause by making accusations against the fediverse and the current generation of hosts and users does not help. I would advise a more constructive stance in general. If you see people actually being as you describe call them out and tell it like it is by all means, but this was not the way to get the ball rolling.

I am a random fool with an internet connection, I have no power to define anything, and on the contrary I think the only way to get us on the same page is to just came out and say it how it is.

supersquirrel OP ,

I think that is a fair criticism, I appreciate your honesty and straightforwardness!

supersquirrel OP ,

Oh true you could probably get some sick domains for smaller countries not well represented on the internet (not me I mean someone from that country).

Honestly I think cities are cooler though they feel more local and human than country names to me.

supersquirrel OP ,

Keep at it, we can work together and find a solution

I would say with -30 votes and 50 comments that I am clearly not part of this "we"

I think I am done participating here

supersquirrel OP ,

Yeah I should have been very clear to say that I don’t hinge everything I am saying on the fedidb numbers being literally accurate to any metric, of course they won’t be this is a very complex question and fedidb is a volunteer organization tracking a dizzying constellation of volunteer projects.

Like you said, that doesn’t mean the numbers don’t point to something very real and worth talking about however.

I am glad there are far more Portuguese speakers and Brazilians on the fediverse than the numbers appear to show at first glance! Good to hear even if the numbers are still small.

supersquirrel OP ,

You can’t drop a mean comment like that and not expand on what you specifically mean by it.

What makes my post brain dead then specifically ?

supersquirrel OP ,

Then how do we most effectively fight wealth inequality along the axis of software, fediverse software in particular?

supersquirrel ,


Next you are going to tell me Hamas is a pathetic rag tag group of resistance fighters that could never even hope of fighting a “war” against Israel (like how, would they beat fighter jets and some of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world with some assault rifles, rpgs and maybeeeee some IEDs?).


It would be one thing if the resistance fighters had any amount of territory to hide in, but Gaza is essentially an open air prison that takes an f16 all of probably a minute and a half to fly over on afterburners, there is simply no way for Hamas to really even take the first step of fighting a traditional war with Israel since one must concentrate their troops to win a traditional war, and Hamas doing so in any numbers would lead to near instant and complete obliteration by the hands of Israel fighter bombers, artillery, or troops backed by main battle tanks.

This is not a war, this is a genocide of the Palestinian people.

supersquirrel , (edited )

"Not my president" says Voters after Biden refuses to stop directly enabling the genocide of Palestinians.

supersquirrel , (edited )

The neoliberal colonialist stranglehold world order is collapsing so fast it is making my head spin.

The centrist, austerity minded democrats who have enjoyed power in the US for the last couple of decades are absolutely self immolating, they look like utter absolute murderous clowns when they claim with a straight face that the Palestinian Genocide is not a Genocide.

Make no mistake this is a turning point, no matter what happens in this election, this kind of democrat who supports whatever Israel does because... well because.... to the point of pretending an ongoing genocide being done with your weapons and fighter jets doesn't exist is toast.

No matter what happens in this election, the kind of mainstream media that is towing the line Israel by giving them complete diplomatic and narrative immunity towards being the bad guys when Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians every day as we speak... it is detonating the strangehold of conservative, ideologically bereft centrist who have been trying to manage the global status quo without actually conceding to progressive changes to it.

The critical change here is that milquetoast democrats used to be globally regarded as at least somewhat rationale and ethically minded compared to the dumpster that is american conservatism, but this genocide is thoroughly proving to the world that most centrist democrats are just the good cop to the bad cop republicans, and if push comes to shove a good cop has no problem filling in for the role of bad cop when they perceive it will retain their violent power.

I really don't think the rich and powerful who controlling basically everything in the US have any idea how deep a majority of US citizen's revulsion over the pointlessness of the Iraq war has burrowed into their psyche. They really don't get it, they think we are just going to roll over and accept US imperialism/military industrial complex as "just the way it is honey" like our parents did but we are FAR stronger and more politically aware than our parents were and FARRRRRRR more jaded in a way that makes us suspect of the basic legitimacy of the military industrial complex at every turn we have to interact with it.

supersquirrel ,

I take this as a valid critique of myself and the way I write sentences like contestants on those shopping blitz game shows where you get a limited time but you can keep whatever fits in your cart if you make it back to the finish line in time.

The metaphor is imperfect because I (clearly) don’t have a timer.

supersquirrel ,

I’m pregnant with a podcast,


supersquirrel ,

Errrr…. you realize the US is one of richest nations that has ever existed and yet ~95% of people living in it are one or two crises away from collapsing?

There are homeless everywhere and if anything centrist democrats are giddy to criminalize the state of being without a home. Biden was an instrumental part of the crime bills that came to define some of the most vivid failures of neoliberalism. Kamala Harris has a similar history. Have these politicians evolved and changed? Yes of course but that isn’t my point.

My point is that is it really disputable at this point that modern centrist leftwing political groups in the US, UK and similar political environments are as associated with austerity policies as rightwing politicians? There are degrees of difference, but it is a contrast of magnitude not of ethics of attitude.

supersquirrel ,

yawn the economics don't matter, this about beginning the process of completing commodifying CGI work so conceptually anybody doing the labor of animation can constantly have the threat of AI replacing held over them.

In this sense, as I have said many times before, it doesn't matter if AI works well in this capacity or not, it only matters that AI facilitates a permanent reduction in the leverage animators and computer graphics artists have to fight for a decent quality of life and living wage.

supersquirrel ,

I’ve always said the Pro-Palestine crowd and the MAGAs are basically the same people.

Why because you are an ideologically bankrupt centrist that finds it convenient to equate protestors desperately trying to stop a genocide with MAGA heads… who tried to violently overthrow the US government because it wasn’t hateful enough for them?

You aren’t welcome in the progressive coalition if you desire to ignore reality in favor of a “both sides” narrative to the degree you are doing. We are talking about a genocide here and you are saying the people trying to stop it are crazy, violent hateful extremists who are obsessed with hurting trans people for no reason, fucking over women and taking power away from everybody but white men.

supersquirrel OP ,

"Hey grandpa, you have heard about these new Spells-As-A-Service subscriptions where you can access your spellbook anywhere because the spellbook follows you around in a fluffy cloud?"

"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CLOUD SPELLBOOKS, THEY ARE JUST OTHER WIZARD'S SPELLBOOKS!!!!" - grandpa launches off in a tirade and then storms outside for a walk to cool down.

Mom comes over, "honey you know grandpa gets all upset when you start talking about modern spells"

"but why mom, he is a wizard right? Shouldn't he love spells?"

"sigh he does, deep down he does honey, but spells have become so broken by the order of wizards prioritizing "efficiency" over all else...."

supersquirrel ,

I think you should talk about accessibility here, and everywhere else you visit on the fediverse. Especially here though. Accessibility isn't just an ethical impetus to make community spaces accessible to everyone not just ~90% of people.

I am not dyslexic but I use the Open Dyslexic font all the time because it is easy to read when my brain's word processing neurons are totally fried from a stressful day.

I am not color blind but I love color blind options in games for the UI since it often simplifies the AI's color scheme down to a point that makes me feel more relaxed.

I am not deaf, but I love closed captions as they let me watch things at any volume, and allow me to process what people are saying better.

I am not a wheelchair user, but I can't count the amount of times wheelchair ramps have been useful and helpful in my life (especially when moving big bulky things on wheels).

I am not someone who typically gets powerfully triggered by things that evoke a past trauma, but I find content warnings have massively improved my mental health when using social media because they bring agency into the microblogging/twitter form, an agency I never thought about not having, where I don't get ambushed by real world, depressing news that I want to learn about but need to check in with myself before processing (especially if I went onto mastodon for cute cat pics, not to catch up on the latest shitty thing).

I am not queer, but every single fucking piece of accessibility accommodation that queer people and their allies have fought for has meaningfully made my life better. You know what drops the bottom out of toxic masculinity violently forcing men into super unhealthy and emotionally stunted existences? A bunch of queer and proud people drilling holes into the foundations of binary gender and blowing it the fuck up so toxic men are too busy panicking about trans people to keep building the widely accepted definition of masculinity towards even more toxic places.

I am ADHD and the world shits on actually accommodating me everyday, to the point that loved ones hurt me constantly even when they are trying to do the right thing because that hatred of ADHD people goes so deep down into the US protestant work ethic hellscape... that it is like a really bad trip that people don't seem to be able to escape even if they wanted to.

I know what it is like to not be accommodated at a very deep level. It is violence.

I also know what it is like to be in a community that prioritizes accommodating the "edge cases" of humans (I mean that in a kind way), i.e. making sure the people most sensitive to overstimulation have a space they can retreat to and chill for a bit, or making sure the person in the wheelchair can access the building, or making sure that images have image descriptions for blind people. It is missing the point to lament "oh but these people are outliers from the dataset of humans, we shouldn't waste too much time accommodating them". Accommodation is HOW we innovate and evolve the Fediverse, and the barometer for how well we are doing can be almost directly translated into how well the Fediverse accommodates those with disabilities and specific needs (and also how suffocatingly white a space we make the Fediverse by tone policing black and brown people from life experience's we don't know shit about).

It is funny how people will readily agree that the challenges NASA has faced and overcome with putting a measly handful of spaceships and humans into space has had many indirect, but nonetheless MAJOR benefits to our society in the development of technologies that went on to be useful for entirely different contexts. The challenges of making the Fediverse (or any community space) accessible are no different except though they are far more diverse and far more vital.

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