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some_guy ,

Remember that meme pic someone posted of a kitten on a sofa? I joked to my co-worker that if you sat on the other cushion, the kitty would be like, "why are you crowding me." This is proof.

Source: got kitties.

USA Lemmies: Where do you live?

I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:...

some_guy OP ,

Hahahahaha! I'll buy you a drink. This was most unexpected Jersey pride.

some_guy OP ,

That's depressing. Cheers.

some_guy OP ,

Good reminder. I am a proud Oaklander and won't hide it, so I'll just say again. Oakland!

some_guy OP ,

And the name of my first pet and my elementary school for good measure.

some_guy ,

Still make with the head and I’ll let you know what you missed. 🙂

some_guy ,

Blah blah Discovery Channel

So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nuts

some_guy ,

Cold tile floor on a hot day is a good way to keep cool.

iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air ( )

On raw performance might, the M4 really does live up to Apple’s promises, should deliver. Single core is up about 20% compared to all M3 chips and more than 40% compared to M2. The generational computational leap from the previous M2 iPad Pro is at least a 42% jump on single-core and multi-core.

some_guy OP ,

Accidentally replied in the wrong spot.

I posted more because I’m happy about the chip performance gains. That it’s in an iPad is interesting, but I’m excited for the Mac.

some_guy ,

Gosh, I wonder if I could find mine through old backups. I'm too lazy to discover the answer to this question. I just thought it was an interesting possibility.

some_guy ,

I mean, if you’re already injured and awaiting an fpv drone, this is a solid idea. No suffering. Who knows if the drone will kill or maim?

some_guy ,

I was a CentOS-man for a number of years. But Linux is for servers and hobby projects in this house. MacOS is my primary driver. Still mad at IBM / Red Hat.

I went to kick the tires on RockyLinux, but then realized I don't have any projects in mind and asked myself why bother. It'll be my first choice when the time is right again.

some_guy ,

I had to call my partner over to see his sad face. We both feel terrible for him. You're doing the right thing; it's just heartbreaking not to be able to explain why you're making him sad.

some_guy ,

The latest QAA podcast had an interview with a journalist who left the Intercept for bullshit like this. He said all the talking heads about military stuff (former generals) are on the boards of the companies standing to profit. What a shitty world.

some_guy ,

God, that was such a funny joke back in the day. One of the moments where the writers were at the top of their game.

some_guy ,

This is exciting news. Repubs pretend climate change is a myth because the oil industry has them in pocket. The smarter take would be to cheer for all the economic incentives to build new markets that are sustainable.

some_guy ,

You forgot the step with a question mark. You won't be able to profit without that. It's absolutely key.

some_guy ,

I missed it! Apologies.

I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality?

I bet if the kind of things happening in the US happened in China, I wouldn't be able to stop hearing about it. I mean, people are still criticizing the Tiananmen Square massacre, and hasn't anything happened since then? It's like still making conspiracy theories about Kennedy's assassination or 9/11, those are old news.

some_guy ,

“… with shit,” was the full title. Not joking.

some_guy ,

Fosters beer and Smirnoff. I’m what you might call “an advanced drinker.” (Alky)

some_guy ,

I’m a guy whose high school credits weren’t going to transfer so I got my GED (no diploma) and took university classes for a couple years. I got a job in tech based entirely on being self taught. I’m a cis white male, so I’ve had a lot of structural advantages.

Here’s the really fucked up part: I now moved over to a gubment job because I was uniquely qualified. None of my peers could believe it cause I’m a socialist who loathes the USA political system. But a job’s a job and this one is cushy af.

2 cats and live with my partner. Musician (as a hobby). All that stuff.

some_guy ,

Teachers are some of the best people. I have a lot of respect for you for doing something so worthwhile. I long for the day when we pay you a lot of money.

some_guy ,

You're not listening, I said "all of it."

some_guy ,

Wow, great sound quality! Whoever mixed it knew their job well.

some_guy ,

Ours get new boxes when the one with an upsetable tummy pukes in one. She won’t go back after. Sencha’s lookin’ good.

some_guy ,

That makes two of ‘em. Holy shit, I really how they all come crashing down. Give us a tidal wave of divestment.

some_guy ,

I had two males where one had been established and they didn’t become buds until we moved to a new place and both were on neutral ground. It’s not very practical, but it worked like a charm. That’s not why we moved. Just a nice side effect.

some_guy ,

I just finished reading a book called Takeover, about the last six months before Hitler became chancellor. I wonder if someone will write a similar book about now someday.

some_guy ,

Oh, how about that? I say we get drunk. Day drink! Day drink and post stupidly!

some_guy ,

Well, that doesn’t remind me of Russia. /s

some_guy ,

I dunno, he seems like a nice guy. /s

Fuck that dude. Genocidal shit.

I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

some_guy ,

Enjoy! Welcome! And I don't even run it as my primary, just on servers and stuff (Apple guy).

some_guy ,

I'm only a Linux command-line guy (Mac for GUI), but you're making the right decision. You can have a computer that doesn't suck and this is one of the ways. Good luck!

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds ( )

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project, according to a new report by Greenpeace Canada....

some_guy ,

Stop corporate welfare!

Start corporate warfare!

What email provider do you use for sign ups?

I used to use Protonmail, however the verification steps become tedious when creating unique emails for sign ups. I've switched to Tutanota despite it contravening their one account policy. What do you all use for one off emails (for sign ups etc )? Or do you prefer one of those 10 minute email sites?

some_guy ,

Protonmail or Gmail.

Edit: but lately also Apple's email obfuscation service tied to iCloud. But I'm an Apple platforms kinda guy.

some_guy ,

Why is no one giving credit to my friend n?!

some_guy ,

Ride the gravy train right into town, run the site into the dirt. I'm happy over here.

I have chronic sleeping problems therefore I love(d) taking naps but waking up afterwards is absolute hell. What should I do? **Edit: I have found a short-term solution**

I am currently struggling heavily with depression. Which impacts my quality of sleep. Sleep now has never been a talent of mine. So I generally make up for it by napping. I used to absolutely love it. Both the initial and the waking up (feeling well rested). But lately the waking up part is getting more and more difficult. It...

some_guy ,

I am bi-polar. After positive changes in my life, I was living medication-free. During 2020, I resisted admitting to myself that I was horribly depressed because I didn't want it to be real. When I finally got back on an anti-depressant, I could have kicked my own ass for waiting so long. See a doctor now. Depression can be treated and you might not need the meds forever. Get help.

My bi-polar also causes sleep issues. I take a medication for that, too. You might need the same. But lest you think I think pills are the answer to all problems, first stop taking naps and try to get more exercise to help with sleep.

But see someone about your depression. There're solutions. Depression is the worst hell and it isn't required.

some_guy ,

I got as far as reading that the accelerated decomp is bad for forests that had slow-decomp as a feature of their survival. I stopped reading there because I was getting depressed that this thing I thought was good is causing harm.

NHS England to tell some transgender children to medically detransition or face safeguarding referrals ( )

New tory policy on trans kids just dropped: force them to transition or we take them from their families 🙃 They're really hoping that all the trans kids kill themselves and some have due to law changes already. Bad news for them is that there's never been world without trans people and there never will be.

some_guy ,

Hey kids, we're gonna make you totally sad and depressed! Isn't that great? /s

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