@seaQueue@lemmy.world cover
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

I’m a little teapot 🫖

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seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

It's a picture of the people who submit zero value comment spelling fixes to the Linux kernel so they can claim "I've submitted X patches to the Linux kernel" for KPIs or resume building

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I'd have a field day with that. Max line length 70 or 75, excessively verbose function and variable names, triple the normal amount of comments, extra whitespace wherever possible, tab width 8, etc. The possibilities are endless for that metric.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Or they'll "purge" it and somehow the canaries will end up in the model anyway

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Turns out they were part of the derp state all along

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

+1, I was fully veg for about 15y until I started having dreams about turkey sandwiches. I'm weekday veg now and only eat meat/eggs/etc that isn't sourced from factory farming. Shit's expensive and if lab grown meat has the same nutritional profile without the animal suffering I'd happily switch.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like someone fucked up package dependencies somewhere.

I'm surprised they don't have some basic automated testing running in a VM after new package releases but I suppose they don't need it if they can farm that duty out to their free userbase.

GPT-4o’s Chinese token-training data is polluted by spam and porn websites ( www.technologyreview.com )

Of the 100 results, only three of them are common enough to be used in everyday conversations; everything else consisted of words and expressions used specifically in the contexts of either gambling or pornography. The longest token, lasting 10.5 Chinese characters, literally means “_free Japanese porn video to watch.” Oops....

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Just finished the last of a bag of Counter Culture natural sundried Mpemba and I'm back to my standby inoffensive daily blend. The Mpemba was the best bag I've had in the last few years, I was put off at first by the figgy/fermented funk when I opened it but damn did it smell good after it was ground. The last creamy berry bomb I had that was this good was a natural process Yirgacheffe but that was more blueberry/blackberry than the strawberry/fig the Mpemba offered. Anyway, it was good stuff and I'm bummed it's out of stock when I'm looking to order more.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

That's just asking for a large near-c rock. Can't leave a crater if there's nothing remaining at all.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Do we need to split hairs on money's paw wish fulfillment?

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Billionaires and investment companies buying radio, TV and print media outlets, massively consolidating them and then turning all of them into engagement bait, rage bait and propaganda factories is what ruined journalism. Radio, TV and newspaper deregulation in the 80s and 90s was a massive mistake and is the major driver of the breakdown of civil discourse over the last 30y. Which, of course, is good for billionaires and Wall St because it leaves society too dysfunctional to reign in business as usual profit extraction.

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Uhhhhhh. You paid for a house without getting it inspected? I'm shocked you were able to get homeowners insurance without one.

The entire point of getting an inspection done is to save yourself money. Find someone local who's thorough and have them go over the house and look for any issues, it'll be cheaper to fix them now rather than after something fails and there's major damage.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, that's a trap. We signed a letter of intent on one place and had an inspector run through it before we committed to an offer - it's fortunate that we did too, there was serious water damage to the house that the owners were trying not to disclose.

The shit thing about the market for a couple of years is that properties were marked up by 40-50% over about 5y and many of them had next to no work done, or they got the Lowe's sale flipper special and looked terrible after.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Any company that intentionally underpays their employees so that they require govt assistance to live should be billed the full cost of all assistance that employee receives.

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( journals.sagepub.com )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I think it's more like small bugs in the kernel portion will be fixed faster. There are a lot of small patches needed to build the dkms module against the kernel as mainline and stable evolve - they're often carried in various distro packages until upstream (Nvidia) picks them up for a future release. The open driver should speed that cycle along.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

And signal integrity. At modern speeds trace lengths are spec'd in mils and dimms can be tough to design for (or just more expensive) so OEMs just solder ram directly.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly anything shipping a MATE desktop edition would be good too. MATE is similar enough to windows that most people get it pretty quickly.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Gnomes workflow is a big departure from windows, but with its gesture navigation on a trackpad, I think it’s a highly superior way to use a laptop. My desktop gets KDE Plasma, but if I had a laptop it would use gnome

+1, GNOME dumps the whole desktop and taskbar thing in favor of gestures and the overview. Once you get a feel for it I think it's honestly a lot more usable than traditional taskbar and desktop icon GUIs.

seaQueue , (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, Canonical is a for profit company so I'm not sure what anyone was expecting. Ubuntu had its moment in the sun where it was considered the newbie friendly Linux distro for free users but now they're going pretty hard for corporate customers and enterprise features. Which is fine, they need money to stay afloat and some enterprises are into them so more power to them - they contribute a lot of time and money to various Linux projects. They're the Debian derived redhat equivalent these days and that's okay, if they pivot too far in their own interest people will just stop using their distro.

How do you store your grounded coffee? ( slrpnk.net )

Hiya, just quickly wondering how people store their coffee? Mine is in a tin box I got second hand, cos I thought it looked nice. Any rules regarding storing grounded coffee? I don't store much at the time, it's just if I grind a little too much and what not. I'm assuming the general thumb rule for this is to store it in a...

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Don't store ground coffee? Buy an inexpensive hand grinder from someone who's moved up to a more expensive model and keep your beans whole until you're ready to brew.

Coffee stales amazingly quickly and there's really no good way to prevent it, the longest I'd store ground coffee for is like half a day (if I'm taking some ground coffee to work to make a cup mid day.)

If you absolutely must store ground coffee an airtight container should work but it won't be terribly fresh after a day or two.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I'm out of the loop here, you're better off making a new post and asking everyone. I ascended to a $200+ 1zpresso last year and I'm never going back. Someone on Reddit bought it and had buyers remorse so when I saw it listed for half price I couldn't resist.

I can tell you not to buy the Hario Skerton or Skerton Pro though; both were incredibly inconsistent and I had a terrible time brewing using them. Even with stabilizer ring mods they both made a ton of fines and boulders, they weren't good for anything except very coarse grind cold brew.

seaQueue , (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I see a lot of people recommending the Timemore C2 as a cheap first grinder. Look for one on AliExpress and it'll be cheaper than scAmazon. <$50 that sounds like the best option. I dug around a bit earlier and it looks like you can get one for ~$40 when they're on sale.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I have a 1zpresso k ultra and it's a phenomenal grinder. I haven't fired up my electric grinder since I bought it.

seaQueue , (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I'm actually in favor of this one, it solves a bunch of the problems that have been leading mfgrs to solder memory directly to mainboards.

Edit: the removable CAMM connector is awesome too, the biggest problem with the v1 spec was the fragility of the pins. Anecdotally you could wreck a v1 connector with canned air so a replaceable connector is great news.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

This is v2 of the CAMM spec and it's awesome. They've solved all of the major issues that were causing laptop mfgrs to solder ram directly to the motherboard and they've nailed the biggest problem with v1 which was the ease of damaging the CAMM connector pins. Apparently you could wreck the v1 connector with compressed air if you weren't paying attention, which makes tool-free connector replacement in v2 a great addition.

What happened to glibc-widevine ? ( aur.archlinux.org )

I watch the F1 on NowTV. In windows this works fine in Firefox but not in Linux. My research turned up various posts linking to the "widevine" package that depends on "glibc-widevine" but that seems to have disappeared. What happened to it? did it work? where can I get it? is there an alternative?

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Does edge still provide the best streaming experience on Linux? I haven't streamed anything from my Linux machines in a while but that used to work well for most streaming providers. It coaxed 1080p out of a couple that would only serve 720p to Chrome IIRC.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Check out You.com too, their search is far better than Google on a lot of the technical topics I've searched for.

Edit: ugh, it was good. Now they're shovelling LLM interaction front and center and the original search functionality is completely buried. If you can find their original search interface it might still be worth a look.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

But hey let's keep going full speed ahead with the policy because we can't possibly afford to let rich people's assets lose value

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Shhh, the NIMBYs might hear you

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

+1 cp -a --reflink is super useful for making quick no cost clones of huge directories.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Man they're ahead of schedule, GTK3 isn't even obsolete yet

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, gestures wildly at everything

Climate change, rampant (and increasing) income inequality, treating employees like disposable parts, govt handouts to the wealthy in the trillions over the last decade, healthcare costs, rent?

[Resolved] After updating through both APT and the Software Store, I can't play mp4 videos with VLC anymore. The screen goes blank for a second or two then the audio starts playing without the video..

I'm using Debian 12, Ryzen 7 5700X processor, and Radeon HD 5450 graphics card. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling VLC but it didn't resolve the issue. Here's an excerpt from the VLC's log file:...

seaQueue , (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Something is broken in your hardware acceleration stack, I'd check out the verification and troubleshooting sections here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Hardware_video_acceleration.

The tiny excerpt from VLC you've included doesn't give us enough info to see what's broken but taking a wild stab at it I'd guess it's libva, mesa or a regression in amdgpu. Take a look at the system journal (and user journal) as well as the VLC log, something in the library stack is probably throwing a more useful error than we've seen yet.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

This is something in the libva/mesa hardware acceleration stack

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I'm hopeful this is further developed and licensed out. I'd love to have one of these setup at home as part of a VR rig

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Board positions exist as a way to funnel wealth to the children, relatives and friends of the people startups are going to for their initial investment.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

HDR support is still very much incomplete, Valve is driving that effort and something should be available Soon(tm) maybe later this year or next.

You'll want a rolling release distro of some sort to take advantage of the most recent work on display tech. Check out Arch, Fedora, Nobara, Bazzite, etc - they're all much more current than Pop (which is based on Ubuntu and cuts stable releases every couple of years.) Use Wayland and pipewire to take advantage of the modern display and audio stack and more modern features (VRR, HDR) should "just work" when they're implemented and released.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Bing is even more heavily monetized and encrusted with garbage than Google is.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar


seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

r/homelab poster: "hey guys, check out my starter homelab! My electrical utility sends me a free thank you card every month!"

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I haven't run anything older than Skylake since 2020. I imagine anyone planning to run these either hasn't done the math on energy costs or lives somewhere where electricity is dirt cheap.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

Here? Not many, I sub to things I find interesting and browse my subscribed feed.

Reddit? Hundreds of subreddits if not more. If it's full of rage or engagement bait, intolerance or it's a community devoted to punching down I've probably blocked it.

seaQueue ,
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

I'm going to uplift rock and give it the ability to think so it can shitpost for me

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