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saltesc ,

Go to bed early, sleep well, wake up for a whole new day feeling refreshed.

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  • ‘They miscalculated’: Gaza’s floating aid pier failing to deliver in rough seas ( )

    The pier has been usable for just 12 days since it began operations on 17 May. On most of those days the assistance arriving by sea has had to be left on the beach as there have been no trucks to distribute it to warehouses in Gaza, because of lack of security....

    saltesc ,

    It's hard to tell if it was/is logistically effective vs. everyone shitting in it because that's trendy rn.

    With knowing absolutely nothing, I can only assume it's an excellent concept that will (unfortunately) help a lot in a broad range of situations.

    At the moment, plenty of creases to iron out, but it's not a failure and humanitarian aid can definitely bolster with it.

    saltesc ,

    Gee. Would hate to be the crew meant to be returning on that thing. Was a bit of a shitshow getting up there.

    saltesc ,

    It sounds like you just did, but you're playing it off.

    saltesc , (edited )

    Do it. The attractiveness of EU cars in China has a lot to do with expression of wealth, status, and exclusivity. It's free marketing.

    Make a cheaper model aimed at the market to offset the tarrif and the logo on front will sell itself.

    saltesc ,


    saltesc ,

    You gotta remember World Wars take a bit to warm up first. Skirmish here, escalation there, lots of sitting on thumbs for a while, and then everyone piles in after the rate of occupation starts to get out of hand and the aggressors show deft multi-tasking skills.

    US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China ( )

    A bipartisan United States congressional delegation met with the Dalai Lama Wednesday at his residence in India’s Dharamshala, sparking anger from China which views the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist. ...

    saltesc , (edited )

    The dilution of "anger from China".

    It's as long a running joke as's_final_warning

    Seriously, they could be genuine some day. Like warn the world against some major catastrophe, but we'll assume that if China's upset, it's nothing to worry about or may even be something we want to happen.

    saltesc ,

    lol. I already never use it because of ads.

    People don't watch ads, they tolerate them. If they hit a threshold of intrusion, people will just move on.

    saltesc ,

    I'm no battle expert, but this seems entirely impractical in cost, ability, readiness, and effectiveness.

    "Send out the gun dog!"

    immediately incapacitated

    "Fuck it, duct tape this grenade to the Wish drone..."

    saltesc ,

    Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Gotta suppress those aspirations before they get out of hand. Wealth is just the theme in this case, but could be anything else.

    What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

    The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

    saltesc ,

    Someone's got malware and doesn't realise it.

    saltesc ,

    No ad blockers or nothing. And yet you also have ads that don't exist for me and no mobile header. It's the same in Thunder or my browser.

    Unusual. Could be regional, could also be your OS. Sites can display differently depending on whether it detects your OS/native browser as mob, desktop, etc. So while the CSS is obv scaling to mobile, it may be displaying a diff version of the site.

    Or malware 😁 No really, it can make sites be like that (force to desktop) to load in content. First signs of malware is unusual behaviour in internet-related applications not behaving how they're supposed to because something's sneakily altering the behaviour and hoping you don't realise.

    saltesc ,

    Yeah, but our mate's phone here isn't even loading the mobile site. So either it's a dodgey half-assed phone with some random operating system or unknown browser, or something's telling it to behave like that. Forget the whole paywall part if you must. There's no mobile elements being loaded. The site's being told the device is not a mobile device or a normal OS. And I highly doubt that site's ignoring W3C standards, since it isn't run by a old guy named Gary still using Geocities.

    Just sayin' this is a common malware indicator. The whole point of it is to convince that everything's normal, so at the moment I'd consider it C-grade success malware because apparently to everyone else this very abnornal behaviour seems normal.

    But what do I know. Ain't my phone anyway. Forget I mentioned it out of the blue for no reason :) I'm sure it's fiiiiine. Especially if they're on an custom or cheap Android-based OS and don't know what they're doing (Note: Drenched sarcasm)

    saltesc ,

    Top header with mobile menu. Usually set to only show for mainstream mobile browsers. Could only be WebKit. iOS only got full WebKit support in 17.

    saltesc ,

    Who fucking kills Buddhists?

    Seriously, it's up there with throwing a sack of kittens into a river.

    saltesc ,

    Ackchyually, he technically is. Semites, though now a defunct term, applied to any people that spoke a Semitic language.Arabs, Phoenicians, Jews, etc. It's only after WW2 people erroneously assumed it meant just Jewish people—due to certain events at the time—and the term remained alive and evolved that way.

    So in a traditional sense, Little Ben is becoming his own Little Hitler.

    Now that DuckDuckGo is out. Give me your search prompts and I'll answer them as best I can. That includes images (based on what I have saved on my PC). So what is it you wish to know or see?

    Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that's how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

    saltesc ,

    Lucky. My older sister put it on repeat. I still hear the radio announcer cut in at the end because she taped it off a Top 10 show or something.

    saltesc ,

    Well before any of that, they dressed up as ladies for the Oscars they were nomated for. Like early/mid 2000s?

    saltesc ,

    This blows my mind. And maybe a few school childrens' depending on the kind of person you are.

    Sadly, we'll never know now...

    saltesc ,

    Mass murdering too. There's all those aid workers.

    saltesc ,

    This is exactly right.

    However, you are on Lemmy where the vast majority of users are from the US which means they have their own weird skew on libertarianism and liberalism, thanks to their media and social media. Somehow it's distinctly Republican, conservative (lol, yes), and pro-capitalism, which obviously isn' correct because of their many, many, many, anti-liberal views.

    Only in the US can socialists be mad about a school of thought that values social equality and welfare, because a form of media informed them it's pro-capitalism and the red-cap redneck that cries "Liberty!" with their AR-15 must be liberalism or libertarian.

    US focused on hunting down Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar, in bid to end Gaza war ( )

    The United States is focused on tracking down Hamas's Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, amid a new push by the White House to help Israel declare "total victory" so it can bring an end to the war on Gaza, US officials have told Middle East Eye....

    saltesc ,

    Yep. There has been nothing to indicate Israel gives a single shit about this guy.

    Biden: "What if we hunted down Yayah Sinwat?"

    Little Ben: "Who?"

    Biden: "The Hamas chief."

    Little Ben: "Ooh, those guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure."

    Like a fiddle. Again. Even after Biden admitted he got played at the start already. He's not great at seeing things that are so obvious to the rest of the world.

    saltesc ,

    We're so going to war. All these EU nations starting to ramp up for the upcoming decade.

    Welp, we're about due anyways. The species can't seem to go very long without needing to blow a load off.

    saltesc ,

    When the corners are very, very tight, and there's hardly any straights, it's often beneficial to maintain entry speed and get the car rotated in the right direction quickly, assuming you're capable of recovering the slide at the appropriate time.

    Especially downhill where the car needs more front brake bias to stop harder, and that means even more understeer coming into the turn. Snapping into oversteer so you're pointing the right way, then ending drift when the car's ready to put that high rpm back into traction, that's one of the rare occasions where drifting will get through faster. And as you said, it certainly doesn't make for big showy slides. Even in tarmac rally, they're floating the car through the turn, not getting its ass way out the side for 20m.

    saltesc ,

    Besides, getting banned is a good thing. It means you probably didn't want to be around those kinds of people anyway and the nosebleeds should stop.

    saltesc ,

    Cost for the taxpayer and a government worker named Sharon justifying her paycheck and patting herself on the back, after her team of six spent 3 weeks working out the details. I'm sure the office events committee organised cake and the afternoon off.

    (Yes, I've had to do consulting work with federal governments before and it's like this)

    saltesc ,

    I find that Americans that usually say this kind of thing are staunch Sanders supporters. The same Sanders that continuously blocked the bill with quite a few other non-Republicans in that cohort.

    We watch such bills abroad too because they're international. There's no sides and parties to it, just an example of how dumb American politics is as a whole. Don't worry, I'm sure the Republicans are dumbest if that makes you feel better. But it is important to scratch a bit deeper below social media's handpicked articles and comments, lest you end up becoming the same as those you oppose without realising it.

    saltesc ,

    There's slightly more to it than that in politics and voting, but sure. Let's go with it being a single party's decision over everything else if that suits the rhetoric everyone wants to hear. Life's easy focusing on just one of many things anyway.

    saltesc ,

    It wasn't symbolic. He was (arg. rightfully) opposed to other parts in the propositions. This is laughable? What is the implication? You can read it directly on his site as well as those of other democrats and independents who ultimately contributed towards the bills not passing. These are the sources, so I doubt they're implying anything.

    If I'm personally implying anything, it is that many Americans seem to not do the above. When they make a statement, it's based on a single component of a much larger picture, as though that single component is the entire picture. However, looking up information rather than being fed information socially would resolve this. Unfortunately, pekple tend to fall for argumentum ad populum quite easily. Additionally, pride rejects the claim that oneself has fallen to fallacy.

    saltesc ,

    Yeah, I know. I literally just mentioned the source and the broad reasonings, of which one was that... So, obviously that detail isn't the point.

    saltesc ,

    The Minister of Interference.doing good at their job.

    saltesc ,

    Also why people tend to not dream if using substances that have memory loss side-effects—weed is common. And same reason people get "black out" drunk or drunkenly repeat themselves. The brain just isn't noting anything down, but it is happening.

    saltesc ,

    Without knowing of the Roman Empire, you'd be confused as hell on how Christianity ended up in Italy's hands. Abrahamic religions are one of our sloppiest punchlines.

    saltesc ,

    It reminds me of people blaming a new leader for the problems the old leader created, as of they can be unravelled and resolved in a time short of several years.

    saltesc ,

    Food was something that I ate when I had it. I spent a few months with mybe 4-5 real meals. Cornflakes and ramen where the bulk of my diet for a while.

    That brings back memories. Oats and pasta were my wonder foods. You can do a lot with those and a couple extra dollars, or shoplifting a jar of sauce/bottle of milk if you're penniless and starving.

    saltesc ,

    They've been in the news quite a few times, the quoted portion mentioned being the most infamous event so far. And governments like the UK generally don't do things that could be very easily defeated in a civil court.

    Lemmy's extreme-left news posts are often as bad at telling the truth as Reddit's extreme-right ones. Propaganda comes in all flavours, so if something doesn't make sense, it probably is hiding some truth.

    saltesc ,

    Can you please Google these questions for yourself? It seems a lot to ask of others, and on yourself to type up such a lengthy comment when you could just paste their name into a search engine and hit Enter.

    saltesc ,

    Really? I see pages of articles directly about her, things related to her, and even petitions for and against her.

    That's a shame. Maybe better luck next time.

    Does deleting an app after clearing data guarantee complete deletion on android ?

    Basically the title I installed a game, played some, got bored and wanna delete it but then remembered that I used to have a tab long time ago and we'd mess with it by installing a ton of games , So at a point it got too hangy that we deleted every game but it still wouldn't work as good so we had to factory reset the thing...

    saltesc ,

    And not everyone can pick up on cues for humour...

    saltesc ,

    Tried a bunch and landed on Thunder. It's minimalist, tucking away all its features nicely. It's experience is like rif if you ever used that, but lots more going on in the Settings menu to set it up how you like.

    saltesc ,

    I think the lion, fish, crab, and scorpion may not last long with that decision.

    Brazil flooding death toll rises to 90 as more than 155,000 people displaced ( )

    The death toll from what authorities call the worst climate disaster ever to strike southern Brazil has risen to 90, after ferocious rain flooded huge stretches of Rio Grande do Sul state, displacing more than 155,000 people and forcing the closure of the main airport in the country’s fifth biggest city....

    saltesc ,

    But in positive news, the new (returned) president has made some really aggressive progress on the Amazon. I think most Brazilians and the neighbouring countries understand well the predicament and how much the Amazon impacts the global climate.

    saltesc ,

    Politically they have ended up authoritarian in many instances. However, capitalism has as much "authoritarianism", just economically. Try whatever -ism you like, enough percentage of population is psychopathic and will climb to a position of power in some form or another. It's in our collective nature.

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