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saigot ,

Cynically, there's a lot of incentive at every level to cut corners and kick things down the road to when it's different people's problem, But otoh things can go fast when sufficiently motivated. Hope it all works out.

saigot ,

If your on windows (yeah yeah windows bad) I would suggest Windows Power tools. It's developed by windows as a 3rd party tool so it's relatively easy to get approval to have it installed if you need it. and it comes with many other useful tools besides the always on stuff

saigot ,

And what about heating water?

A heat pump water heater is pretty great, if my basement ever gets too hot I run the dishwasher or take a shower and the water heater cools things down nicely. In winter I close the door and vent to the utility room and it doesn't hurt the heating very much. It's smaller than my previous gas water heater but it lasts significantly longer and heats up faster if you do end up using all the hot water. My house of 4 uses about 50kWh of hot water a month, which works out to about 5bucks a month. I've messed with it a bit so it runs mostly during off peak hours.

I replaced my water heater, got a heatpump and improved insulation at around the same time (through the greener homes loan program) and on the whole saved about 50bucks a month overall, and will save another 30 when I cap off the gas pipe and get to stop paying all the bullshit fees for just having it connected. I live in southern Ontario, away from the lakes, so -30 - 30 weather typically. (All this week has been 40+ though, wonder why...........).

Oh and fwiw, I would take my current induction stovetop over a gas stove anyway, much more consistent, easier to clean and heats up faster, and doesn't heat up the whole house to run.

saigot ,

A perfect Electrolysis reaction takes about 39kwh to produce 1kg of hydrogen that if burned at 100% efficiency would yield 33kwh of power. More realistically it takes 50-60kwh to produce 1kg that is burned to produce ~25kwh of usable energy.

I'm not too sure about converting hydrogen to methane but that will have energy overhead as well, and then you have to deal with the fact that 6% of natural gas production today is leaked into the air, which both further hurts the efficiency of synthesizing it and also has a significant climate impact.

I think it willl almost always be cheaper to just provide electricity directly except in cases where energy density is far more important than efficiency, which is not the case for stationary homes.

saigot ,

If you take co2 and convert it to methane and then release that methane you are increasing the impact of that co2 by 6x.

saigot ,

I think people seriously underestimate how much disney controls western values.

How dense would the atmosphere need to be to result in a cataclysmic chain reaction during a nuclear explosion?

Famously, Oppenheimer and co worked out how close a nuclear bomb test would be to causing a chain reaction of nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. They made a lot of worst-case-scenario assumptions and still came to the conclusion that no, a nuclear bomb test wouldn’t scour the surface of the world....

saigot ,

Obviously the best choice to switch search engines. But isn't pressing page down or adding a ruel to your adblock easier than editing the URL?

saigot ,

All the 'advantages' to crypto seem to me to really be ways of avoiding regulation (or are only advantageous without regulation)

saigot ,

No some of them are the marks.

But if we want to play bad faith statistics games then 5% is roughly the percent of Americans who have gone to prison.

saigot ,

Just south of us are 26million uninsured people who desperately need healthcare and 100million in medical debt. We can't afford to support them, nor do i really want to more directly support america. So how do we, from a legal point of view, differentiate between the small sustainable group of people above vs the potential huge group of people, niether would have paperwork, both need help.

This isn't just concern trolling, if you have a genuine answer to that question I'm all ears, but I have 0 doubt in my mind that if there's a backdoor way for Americans to get canadian healthcare they will take that option en mass.

I think the best way to solve the program of the undocumented workers above is to make the path to legal immigration easier to transfer into and to grant medical coverage earlier in the immigration process.

saigot ,

Y&eah I really enjoyed the game and thought it had a lot of room to be expanded witha sequel. it really left me wanting more which is pretty rare.

saigot ,

The use of Lady/Male is kinda off putting

What are some free interests/things/hobbies you can do in the city?

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day....

saigot , (edited )

Community theater is great for meeting people and usually basically free

If you have a university in your town often they will have some clubs that are open to the whole community and occasionally public lectures.

Museums and art galleries are usually pretty cheap especially if you keep your eyes open for the free stuff. I go whenever I see free stuff, or a new exhibit I'm particularly interested in.

I know people that do the indie concert scene, just going for any random concert under 20 bucks. Sometimes the bad ones can be just as entertaining as the good. you go to maybe 1 show a week and spend the rest finding the concerts and maybe listening to them on spotify/sound cloud.

Indie movie theaters can also be a vibe. Mine is about 10bucks a ticket, but sometimes they have a free night and sometimes a pay what you can deal. I go every month or so. Last one was a scooby doo one, it had a "cheer whenever they say scooby" game, a drinking game and the previews were funny clips about scooby (robot chicken and that sort of thing) it is a very social experience and a lot of fun. Not free but clearly not for profit.

I think the best thing is to just walk around more, and just be on the eye out for stuff that interests you. Actually read the fliers on posts, join local social media groups to find out what's up, keep an open mind and look to push your comfort zone and look out for local community stuff over corporate for profit stuff.

saigot ,

Bonnets cover the engine, evs don't have engines, and their motors and other important components aren't always centrally located nor do they need much regular maintenance so the front is sometimes made into a storage compartment, the frunk.

saigot ,

Well apparently it's programmed to bypass the safety system after 3 attempts under the assumption that the user knows best.

This seems like a really dumb choice, but I can see why an engineer would want to point out that it's not incompetent engineering but an incompetent business department.

saigot ,

I have my alarm clock require solving 5 arithmetic problems before it cancels (e.g (16*8 +10-6)/6) . It makes me alert way quicker and now I'm pretty quick at mental math.

saigot ,

Hard to say without some indication of what sort of thing you'd like. Are you looking for something to just power trip and blow off steam, are you looking for strategy games that make you think, narrative experiences, dexterity/reaction time challenges etc etc etc? But knowing absolutely nothing here's 3 good games:

Stardew Valley has native Linux support. It's a game about farming. There's not really any consequences for doing things slowly so take your time and enjoy the game.

factorio is a strategy game essentially about optimizing supply lines. Programmer types tend to find it extremely addicting.

Baulder's gate 3 is a Turn based RPG based on Dungeon's and Dragons. It may be a little difficult for beginners especially if you haven't played DnD but it is also one of the best games to have come out recently having swept all the award shows for both it's great story telling and run mechanics.

If there's anyone in your life who really likes gaming asking them for games you can play together or that they can watch/guide you through would be a great idea.

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