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rdri ,

This is what happens when western people read such articles. They turn into denial. Telegram is basically the safest place in Russia's digital space.

these people must have been living under a rock

Russians are very advanced when it comes to the internet. They spend more time in it because real life sucks more than in other countries.

Telegram has control over the content and channels

Doesn't mean anything. Especially for groups who just want to communicate.

has been working with governments in the past

There is not enough evidence to support the probability of telegram making steps to make finding gay people easier for Russian authorities.

rdri ,

I have the top bar removed (using some css hacks) for like a year and it's mostly fine. Using sidebery for vertical tabs.

rdri ,

This seems inconsistent with previous overwhelming thought that Israel wants to kill Palestine completely. Killing that many people that fast (in a course of just a few months) would not let it last for too long in the end.

Also, is there evidence of Israel being a dictatorship? Is there an opposition that is being threatened or killed or something?

rdri ,

One person? That's not an opposition. Where is the opposition movement? Where are oppressed citizens?

rdri ,

I don't think we have the same understanding of dictatorship. Dictatorship can't be hidden to the point of being only apparent to special people. It should be obvious to everyone and especially citizens affected (oppressed) by it. So far I'm not seeing any evidence of that.

rdri ,

I hear Putin is a dictator and there are tons of evidence. I hear Xi is a dictator and there are tons of evidence. The evidence you gave (an article with words from one person) is laughable at best, sorry. Israeli people seem to live just fine under Netanyahu. Also it doesn't seem probable that he would attack Gaza if the October 7 attack didn't happen (and people are having a hard time trying to prove that he somehow made it possible). Same with Lebanon.

rdri ,

You're acting ignorant with the last sentence. There is no line between democracies and dictatorships. There is a long way until we could call Israel a dictatorship. When they will marsh the streets after some next elections get cancelled (unconstitutionally), and huge numbers get arrested, then we'll talk.

rdri ,

You don't need to ask me how I prefer calling a regime in a country in order to make it look bad. I don't have such preferences. There are people suffering in any country including yours, and their lives could get better with new elections. This is not an extraordinary situation.

I don't need to invent words for Israel. I would call it bad when I see it does terrible things to its own people. This is not a case for now and from what I know, there is no imminent conflict/crisis between government and citizens. That's aside from the war conflict/intervention situation of course. I would also appreciate hamas if they did a better job at governing gaza, but instead they bombed it with inaccurate missiles as a side effect of trying to harm Israel. This is a huge difference - I call the Palestinian regime bad because of that, and suggest they could manage it much better. When compared to Israel, I don't see much obvious room for improvement (I don't see a lot of Israeli people suffering) and thus I can't call it bad.

rdri ,

You're changing the subject by trying to describe it with unsuitable words. Your actual thought is that it's bad and should be changed, but you first tried calling it a dictatorship, then autocracy. People of Israel aren't living in such conditions yet. Better just get back to "doing war is bad" stance.

rdri ,

Not helping. Apartheid or not, my criteria is how well government cares about its citizens, and that term ignores that. Political gain or not, my stance is that it started with October 7th attack, which was not prepared by current Israeli government, therefore it's correct to blame another party. Protesters doing their thing is good for everyone, we should start worrying when they are unable to do that anymore due to oppressive laws, police raids etc.

rdri ,

As I said before, there is no line. You can't assume some regime fell into the other side after a short time. These things develop for years. Or could you try to classify the US regime? Surely it's not a democracy when people can only choose between 2.

rdri ,

have been under Israeli Military Control since 1967.

You didn't see the comment tree? It's about Netanyahu. Are you going to pretend he is responsible for all of that?

If you ignore all of that

When we're talking about whether or not some person is a dictator - yes, its irrelevant. Dictatorship is about having a power against the will of too many citizens, also silencing them, jailing them, killing them etc.

If you consider a democracy

Don't need that. There are not 2 types of government. It may not be a democracy, but it's similarly difficult to qualify as a dictatorship.

Palestinian citizens are about 20% of Israeli population. Black people are about 14% of the US population. Both of them hold legal citizenships and rights but often face disparities. Does that make the US an apartheid by your logic?

rdri ,

Whatever you prefer calling occupied territories, I don't consider a subject for dictatorship. Dictatorship is something I consider an internal state of the country, so no other territories should affect it. An aggression on neighbouring territories can be a result of dictatorship but never a reason for it. So whatever is going on with "occupied" territories is not a subject for this discussion for me.

rdri ,

Occupation is never normal. I'm not ignoring it. Just saying that dictatorship is a different thing that is hardly related to it this case and otherwise too. Also my point is that it just looks increasingly stupid when people ar first blamed Israel for being bloodthirsty killers and then switched to "oh that's all because Netanyahu wants to remain in power", as if it would immediately cease if Netanyahu disappears.

rdri ,

As you wish, I don't care. The original comment claimed it to be a dictatorship, it's up to them to provide evidence. They failed.

rdri ,

Your thinking what you provided is an evidence doesn't mean it was it. But by all means, go on.

rdri ,

My point is that dictatorship mainly affects real citizens, making their lives worse. Israel cares about its citizens adequately from what I see. There are no grave political crisis or tons of citizens suffering from inadequate laws or false accusations. Israeli people are fine. There is only Gaza and Palestinians Israel is dealing with, and I leave that out of context because those are outside of political regime definition for me.

rdri ,

Like I said, apartheid part is irrelevant in a "dictatorship or not" definition. If most Israeli people don't feel themselves being under a dictatorship then it is not a dictatorship. What the regime does towards Palestine and its citizens is another thing. In fact, if you insist on calling it a dictatorship based on what happens to Palestine and Palestinians I'd feel as if you would assume there is no Palestine outside of Israel.

rdri ,

It slows down the browser though. I switched to sidebery.

rdri ,

Imagine how much resources hamas spent on keeping these hostages and how many lives could be saved if they just released them all before the ground operation was started.

rdri ,

The fact is they could have accepted any number of ceasefire deals to release these hostages, but they chose to keep murdering more

And the fact that hamas could have released them all before the operation was even started.

rdri ,

I don't think it matters how you call them. If you want to label a party bad by calling them terrorists - it's your choice.

I know that Israel is able to take care of their own people. Hamas is incapable of that and is willing to kill Palestinians in order to bring any damage to another party. It's understandable that Israel started the ground operation (maybe not how it goes now, but still). It's illogical to say that hamas did the right thing with the October 7 events, already because it was obviously useless for their cause.

rdri ,

Yeah. October 7 surely didn't make them start working on that, did it?

rdri ,

Even more reason to release them all then, and I'm appalled by how hamas was that stupid to not realize that.

rdri ,

when they essentially live in an apartheid state.

Didn't prevent them from being able to take care of Palestinians instead of building missiles.

Israeli government you’re defending for decades now.


Go have a look at maps over the decades of how much land has been stolen

Yeah, and how exactly hamas changes that?

Notice how I said both sides were terrorists and you only want to focus on one side.

All I see is people focusing on calling Israel a monster.

rdri ,

You understand. It happened apropos, not in order to solve problems.

rdri ,

What leverage? You're saying hostages are needed to save hamas members? Well that seems to be working pretty well huh? Remind me again why they were taken in the first place?

You should become a negotiator.

What negotiations? It was a perfect opportunity to show that your cause is a good one, and not to Israel. Instead they kept the hostages... For what purpose? To have "leverage"? Well let's see how that will help them with anything. Maybe there will be more news about released hostages that you could again associate with Israel trying to release its civilians, not with hamas doing right things.

rdri ,

Trying my best as a non-native. Feel free to hate my way of speaking.

rdri , (edited )

Everything hamas did was useless for Palestinians. Israel isn't stopping because they have the ability. Hamas doesn't, they won't win in a military fight and hostages are useless for them. They could start doing something proper like releasing hostages (woyild decrease support for Israel hugely) but they won't because they think it would help them survive (not even Palestinians).

Hamas had a chance to increase its abilities over time, but instead they chose to spend resources on useless attacks.

rdri ,

entirely expected

I could say the same about the ground operation.

They've never had as much international support as they do now.

Not sure if that really helps, also the price was too high. I'm fact, I really doubt they had that scenario in mind.

rdri ,

So far all the hostages have died from actions by Israel

Some keep ignoring the part where people became hostages.

rdri ,

retaliation against a foreign nation conducting genocide against you for 70 years is not only justified and easy to understand, but fucking commendable

A retaliation that results in a predictable extermination is not commendable, it's stupid. Instead of spending resources on rockets they should've spent them on building universities that would help them better understand the situation and possible ways to deal with it effectively.

Oh wait, I'm being stupid. Rockets and terrorism all the way it is! Because it's easier and you get many internet points for calling it a "retaliation".

rdri ,

The inherent problem with your argument

Problem with yours is what I already pointed out. You applaud people for doing terrorism (aka killing themselves). You refuse their ability to not jump knowingly into a bear trap with their both legs.

have tried diplomatic solutions in the past

Either they didn't try hard enough or they could find non-diplomatic solutions. Better ones than doing terrorism (aka killing themselves).

If you accept someone saying the only way out of their situation was doing terrorism (aka killing themselves) then you are not a smart human being.

rdri ,

So you are blaming the the collective punishment on those receiving the collective punishment?

I blame people who did unnecessary stupid things that they knew would cause them to suffer even more. They are not smart. If they were smart they wouldn't do it that way.

If Hamas killing women and children is wrong, is Israeli killing several times more not?

It's wrong but they did not start this aggression without reason, and they know they are not suicidal.

It takes two willing parties to negotiate

Sigh. How else should I put it? Don't do diplomacy if you think you are smart (hamas clearly aren't) and already tried everything. Do terrorism. But please do it in a way that would actually benefit your cause. In a way that would not make them start another ground operation. I dunno, maybe try to not take hostages and not stream your murders for once? Or maybe release the hostages and surrender god damn it (it should even be possible to keep your lives by surrendering to a 3rd party instead). That would at least send a message to the world and maybe even save a lot of Palestinians.

labeling someone a terrorist

I didn't do that here. They are just idiots.

rdri ,

So you think those thousands of women and children were part of the decision to attack Israel?

No, it's somewhat irrelevant. I'm not saying it's okay to bomb those people.

Please look up how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by military actions vs Israeli

What do you expect exactly? That I would say "oh so Israel lost much less people in the October 7 attack than Palestinians in XX years, so it should just do nothing"? History doesn't matter when it's about specific decisions with predictable consequences, and the fact that those could be avoided in the first place. Don't cut the branch you are sitting on.

They're have already been several attempts by whatever is left over of Hamas to surrender/cease fire

How difficult it is to release hostages and surrender? I think just one attempt would suffice. Is it difficult because some of them refuse to agree that this is the simplest and fastest way to try to save Palestinians and show everyone they can work on their mistakes?

You've called them terrorists the whole time

My primary complain is their stupidity. They are people. They can learn. Maybe they will stop being terrorists if they do that, I can't know. But they surely aren't helping their fellow Palestinians as is.

rdri ,

You've already blamed them and called them all terrorists....

I did not call women and children that, you're lying or imagining things.

it didn't occur in a vacuum.

It wasn't effective and they knew it wouldn't be.

Again, these people are in a giant concentration camp.

You can't escape or shut down a concentration camp like that. That's my point.

Because Israel has already stated they won't negotiate for the hostage release, they don't want the hostages.

Funny. If that's true (and I know it isn't) then there is no use in keeping hostages anymore. Release them and let the world see how Israel doesn't want to stop even after that. Also stop wasting resources on them. Win-win.

There are a few cells left in hiding, but the organization has no control over the Palestinian population.

Who keeps those hostages then?

to support war criminals

No. What they are doing is war crimes and all criminals should be prosecuted. Israeli are much more likely to meet that simply because they are a part of a system that can take care of their citizens. And if not, I hope at least enough people will remember that for the sake of future generations (similar to how Americans remember what they did to Japan). On the other hand, hamas has no chance to get any such treatment (simply because they are not fans of proper justice-related systems) and it should be rightfully hated by all Palestinians for their actions and decisions. Unless hamas suddenly gets smarter and starts to care about Palestinians. That would surprise me, and in a positive way.

rdri ,

create hamas

That's not how it works.

rdri ,

The reason Netanyahu chose Hamas as his enemy

That's also a strange take. He did not choose the ones who arranged the October 7 attack. Same with tons of rockets they built and sent to Israel.

rdri ,

There should be a better indication than a blank space I think.

rdri ,

The title seems off. What does it mean to be kept alive for N64 games if you still need assets to play those games in this form, and assets are basically illegal to share the same way roms are?

rdri ,

Israel has been committing war crimes for 7 months straight now.

Why only 7 months and not more? Did something change Israel's intentions to spend more time on commiting war crimes?

I could say hamas has been commiting war crimes for years now. Would that be wrong?

rdri , (edited )

Whenever a user adds a new client (device), all conversations recipients should have to approve in order for them to see the chat history.

Why though? In case of a public chat or a chat with at least few dozens of users it'll already be excessive if it could work at all.

All chat history and groups are peer 2 peer

Like really P2P or E2E? Because I know at least one chat app that is serverless but doesn't involve E2E apparently - tox. E2E is an overkill for big group chats because it means you have to re-encrypt every message for every new user for them to see it. Else if you rely on just a fixed shared key it's not E2E anymore (which will make some people sad and hate your app).

rdri , (edited )

For public chats, you wouldn't need to approve, only for private chat groups.

I get that but it kind of defeats the purpose. If your group is so small that it's worth it for every member to approve new ones then it probably doesn't produce enough content for each new member to care about.

rdri ,

What's broken there?

rdri ,

arent telegram chats unencrypted by default?

Encryption is always there. Problem is, some people refer to anything "not e2e encrypted" as "unencrypted" for some reason.

rdri ,

Telegram did have enough time to implement a server based e2e 0 knowledge encryption protocol though, it’s not really rocket science at this point.

What do you mean by server based e2e? From what I get, most people's complain is that Telegram doesn't support e2e in group chats, and that is what seems to be close to rocket science in my opinion. Also Telegram is historically filled with ever growing group chats, which means quite serious implications for server requirements from what I understand.

rdri ,

Sorry I have a hard time understanding the gist of your text. I don't think it's viable to be upset about what happens with access that was already acquired previously because that very fact already poses a bigger threat (which might have more to do with the nature of conversations vs how the platform works).

rdri , (edited )

No that's not what I didn't understand. The problem itself as you described it seems either a non-issue or something very few people (who's already using telegram for some time) would care about. I don't understand the scenario that would pose a problem for the user. The moment some account legitimately gains access to some chat is probably what should trouble you instead.

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