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radix , avatar

It likes bots writing to the site, for the engagement; it doesn't like bots reading the site (for free).

radix , avatar

The first is on GOG as well, for only a few cents more.

radix , avatar

Create the problem, sell the solution.

radix , avatar

I saw so much praise for this game, which got me to buy. Then I genuinely felt like I played a different game than everybody else.

Not that I thought it was bad or anything, I just walked across the landscape for 2h15m and then haven't thought about it since.

radix , avatar

But why pay all those programmers when all they had to do from the beginning was a simple

#include "ai.h"

Why are fuel perks at grocery stores so ubiquitous?

This seems insane to me. I live in a city where maybe 50-60% of people have cars, and most don't drive them that much. Yet every grocery store I'm aware of with the sole exception of the expensive Whole Foods has a fuel rewards points program. Reasons this should be controversial enough to enable a low-cost alternative:...

radix , avatar

People are weird about gasoline. They'll drive around looking for the cheapest option, to save 2 cents/gallon. Even with a huge tank, that's less than 50 cents of total savings.

So a grocery store can offer, say, 10¢ savings, and it only actually costs them like $1.50-$2.00 per customer. That's way less than other sales that are harder to advertise and don't bring in the same amount of business.

Ultimately the psychological benefit for the shopper is more than the financial cost to the store. The others societal costs don't come in to that equation.

radix , avatar

When you start a new language, you learn "The Rules" first, and wonder why your first language doesn't have such immutable "Rules."

Then when you get fluent, you realize there are just as many exceptions as your first language.

radix , avatar

That was a very long way to say electric boats are bad because they're preferable to sharks.

Ubisoft Excited To Let You Know Prince Of Persia Remake Is Still Years Away ( )

During today’s Ubisoft Summer Game Fest showcase, the publisher took a moment to acknowledge that, yes, its long-in-development and oft-delayed Prince of Persia: Sands of Time remake is still being made. But if you wanted to play it soon...bad news. It won’t be out until sometime in 2026....

radix , avatar

Don't worry, though. It's not in development hell, it's going to be a AAAAA game, and that takes time.

radix , avatar

"Corrupt" would almost certainly be a statement of opinion, so not actionable in the US. A lot more detail would be necessary for this to be defamation.

"Judge XXXX has taken millions in shadow bribes and has consistently ruled for the wishes of his/her benefactors. There has been a history of being reversed on appeal proving their bias. Also I watched them kick a puppy."

Then, obviously, these things would have to be false. Even then, the bar is pretty high. There are exceptions both ways on this, but as a general guideline, if the public knows a person's name (judge in a high profile case, for example) they are probably classified as a public figure. The rule there is one of "actual malice" which isn't exactly what it sounds like, but it's the highest bar for defamation cases.

The speaker would have to say something factually false, knowingly or with no regard for the truth. Giuliani, for one recent example, was found guilty of defaming the Georgia election workers, because he went into great detail about his false claims, and he was told repeatedly that thise claims were false, but he kept going.

Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?

so we already know that youtube doesn't like people freeloading their bandwidth using something like invidious, piped, newpipe etc. why don't they just close the public web api and require a login or something. by requiring login they can keep track of what users are watching and if a user is watching thousands of videos daily...

radix , avatar

Requiring a login would probably cut off a significant portion of their audience and ad revenue. Only Google analysts know for sure, but if the eyeballs lost to cutting off casual visitors (sent to YT from links or embeds, etc) are greater than the losses due to, frankly, a small portion of users who would just end up blocking ads in other ways, it's a net loss for Google.

radix , avatar

A 2022 survey finds 7.1% of Americans identify as LGBT:

Also in 2022, Texas had 9.0% of the population of the USA.

That's close enough that we can call being from Texas "abnormal" and start restricting all sort of rights.

Account suspended

Browsing Reddit at work like I've literally done every work day for the last six years, suddenly Reddit won't let me vote. Says my account has been suspended, but all I have to do is reset my password, using the email address I have on file. I don't have one. Can't get the email to reset the password, can't add an email now. I...

radix , avatar

Unverified account? Straight to jail.

It wasn't compromised. If you can't be tracked and cross referenced with all the other data that brokers have, your activities aren't worth anything to reddit and they don't care about that account.

radix , avatar

I work from home and often go weeks at a time only communicating with coworkers over IM.

It's pretty nice for an introvert, but also real easy to feel completely out of the loop.

radix , avatar

Santa himself has been described as a "jolly old elf."

I'm no lore expert, but it makes me wonder if the original Santa (human) passed the title to one of his former underlings. The Dread Pirate Roberts of the North Pole, perhaps.

radix , avatar

In the setting under link handling, you can change the browser to "external" which uses your default.

radix , avatar

There are certain talking heads on TV that can only be explained by the theory that there's no such thing as bad publicity. He gets people talking, even if it's usually only about how bad he is.

Outrage media works. Sports commentary especially seems to depend on it.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

radix , avatar

In your case, I'm guessing lots of people have heard the horror stories of shitty, scammy repair techs in various fields (automobiles being one prominent example). The good ones have to deal with the occupational reputation driven by the worst of them.

For me, I don't consider myself a real expert in any specific subject, but I'm adjacent to a number of financial areas. I try not to delve into the weeds of those internet discussions too often (like I said, not an ironclad expert), and even when I do, it's only to address the most egregious errors. Money can be an emotional topic, and many of those opinions are based on the way people want the world to be rather than the way it is, so show up with facts and references and they tend to understand.

radix , avatar

Jeff Goldblum can upload a virus to take out an entire alien spacecraft. Probes are a piece of cake.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

radix , avatar

This is my experience as well. People don't hate vegans specifically, they hate evangelists generally.

radix , avatar

The Imperial March for the in-laws. (Years ago, we're good now)

radix , avatar

Joke's on all you skinny folks. I carry a month of calories on me 24/7.

radix , avatar

And don't even frame it as a nameless hypothetical. Get specific.

"Are you arguing that Joe Biden could order the assassination of Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump, and if the Democratic Senate doesn't convict on impeachment, he gets away with it?"

radix , avatar

There is no constitutional reason it can't be amended, but there is a statutory reason Biden can't act unilaterally on that: the Judiciary Act of 1869 limits the SCOTUS to nine members.

Congress would have to let him.

radix , avatar

"Two popular games with little else in common can be shoehorned into my pet narrative" is a bad title, though.

radix , avatar

The term identity politics may have been used in political discourse since at least the 1970s.[19] The first known written appearance of the term is found in the April 1977 statement of the Black feminist socialist group, Combahee River Collective, which was originally printed in 1979's Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism,[22] later in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, edited by Barbara Smith, a founding member of the Collective,[23] who have been credited with coining the term.[24][25]

I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app.

I have recently started university and am required to use an app that has three Facebook trackers, one of them being a Facebook location tracker according to Exodus App Privacy, for the dining plan, when it would literally work perfectly fine using your student ID and ordering to a real cashier, LIKE HOW IT HAS BEEN DONE FOR...

radix , avatar

A person's music taste seems to crystalize at some point in their teenage years. The bands you loved at 15-17 are probably the bands that you'll love forever.

Likewise, I'm finding that my relationship with information services as a whole probably crystalized a while ago, and the new era of "apps for every individual thing" is just wholly unappealing. Give me a web browser to interface with your information. If I can't get it done with that, I'm more likely to move on to some even older tech and skip your product altogether.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late to bingo. And get off my lawn.

Me: "seems to" "at some point" "probably" while making a minor, secondary point. Others: Severely Triggered

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