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I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

ptz , avatar

I'm not sure if there's a solution here, but I'd like to urge people to avoid hosted communities in favor of communities on more reasonable instances.

Did that months ago; defederated completely when they turned into Lemmygrad-lite. At first I missed some more active FOSS communities, but since then, others on different instances have become more active. has a lot of communities that overlap with some of the bigger FOSS ones on .ml so maybe check out what they've got.

If there's a community that only exists there, be the change you want to see: create it somewhere else, nurture it, and give it time to grow. You're not the only one making this complaint about .ml, and you probably won't be the last.

Related: I genuinely feel that ml being the official or at least de-facto flagship instance is turning people away.

Edit: Oh yeah. Didn't recognize your username at first, but I was looking at the modlog the other day from my LW account, and saw a bunch of individual community bans from Dessalines and wondered what was up. Figured it was something exactly like this, and it was. Thanks for sharing.

ptz , avatar

Shit, so it is (depending on tiemzone) lol Thanks!

ptz , avatar

With that many exclamation points in the video's title, how could it not be true?

Without watching it nor living in Britain, that title alone would make me skip it under the assumption it was clickbait / sensationalized / rubbish. Kind of like when you see the thumbnail images and they gave the subject of the video red, glowing eyes.

ptz , avatar

Not sure in JF, but in Emby I can click the menu for the show in the library and choose "Identify".

Usually setting the correct title there is enough, but if it keeps getting mis-identified, I'll set the IMDB/TVDB/ etc IDs directly.

ptz , (edited ) avatar

Not sure then. I think Emby, or at least the way mine's setup, only uses tvdb and moviedb for metadata. Assuming JF is similar. So if the show doesn't exist there, it may just pull the next closest match regardless?

AFAIK, you only need to set one of those. I usually set IMDB ID since tvdb and moviedb can pick up on that.

Maybe someone else has some tips.

Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi ( )

...on Tuesday, the former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was all over social media for a picture taken of her during a visit to Israel. In the picture, Haley – the one Republican who had been frequently lauded for her smarts on foreign policy – is seen squatting down in front of a row of Israeli artillery...

ptz , avatar

not because she is vile — because she is a Republican. she has sacrificed her better nature for power and closeness to Trump.

I would argue that's what a vile person would do. She had a choice, and she chose the path of cruelty and hate.

ptz , avatar

Same. Both in getting the same email and not thinking about Reddit at all since then.

I guess I should finally get around to deleting my account. I kept it only because I was afraid my content would be restored if I deleted it during the protests (I edited all my stuff to [deleted] and it seems to have stayed that way).

ptz , avatar

Yep, they are. But they're not on Reddit, just what Google scraped and indexed. Clicking one of those results (to a post I've since deleted) throws an error page on Reddit. Clicking on a result to where I've commented still shows the edit I made on my way out:

I'm under no illusion I've totally scrubbed my submissions from the internet; that was never the goal. I just didn't want Reddit to have them anymore, and best I can tell, that was successful.

ptz , avatar

That's 10% more than I would have thought, and 70% less than we need.

Still a good start, and hopefully the momentum keeps up.

Use for excess clean energy at home

I have a 100 W rigid solar panel including a charge controller that I currently only use for camping to charge batteries (also useful in an emergency at home). It strikes me as a waste that I could be generating more clean energy with equipment that I already have, but I don't have anything in mind to use this energy for....

ptz , (edited ) avatar

I had a spare 50W panel and charge controller that I used similarly for camping. Had more or less the same thought as you: I should use this year round.

Ended up building a wooden box with a couple of old car batteries inside along with the controller. Kept it outside and ran a cable inside carrying 12v (make sure you put an inline fuse after the battery in case it short circuits along the way). Used the 12v from that and some old car chargers to set up a charging station for all my devices.

The car chargers were all random plug styles since they were from a box of stuff I've accumulated over the years, so I cut those off and spliced on USB-A female ports so they could charge any USB device. I eventually ran a second pair of 12v wires so I could run a small 100w inverter from the batteries.

Worked great, but the car batteries crapped out after about 3 years (in all fairness, they were junk to start with).

If I had to do it over again, I'd do it similarly but use 12v USB-C power-delivery adapters instead so I could charge bigger stuff like my laptop without having to use an inverter.

ptz , avatar

It doesn't exist anymore, but yeah, good call. I never replaced it once the batteries finally gave out, and I moved less than a year later.

It did have vents on the sides for airflow, but that was more of a consideration for heat build up and keeping the controller from cooking in the summer. It was also less a "box" and more like a small doghouse (including shingles lol). I atually gave it to a neighbor after I was done with it; they cut a hole in the door and used it as a cat house.

ptz , (edited ) avatar

3 years seems pretty good for using a car battery outside of it's preferred use case.

Better than that :) They were junk car batteries when I got them, and I still got 3 years out of them. But yeah, they didn't get deep cycled much or at all since there were 2 in parallel and the loads I had on them were very small (5-6 500 mAh cell phone chargers and occasionally some LED rope lights).

When I eventually hooked an inverter up to charge my laptop or run a lamp during power outages, they started to show their age with the extra current draw. I think that's what finally did them in.

Yeah, lithium batteries wouldn't like that kind of daily cycle without some kind of charge/discharge limiter to keep them in the 30-70% range. That's basically what hybrid and EV battery managers do to prolong their useful lifespan. I think LiFePO4 lithium batteries would tolerate that better (they're the ones typically used in e-bikes), but they're not cheap. I've also found it difficult / expensive to find solar chargers for them (to be fair, mine is 48v 20AH so finding any aftermarket charger for it has been a challenge lol).

ptz , (edited ) avatar

Edit: I mis-interpreted the guy's connection to the websites. I thought he fell for the disinformation, but he helps create it. Traitorous dickbag.

ptz , (edited ) avatar

I'm finally caught up, so I can participate in these now :)

t would be silly if, say, the Breen dreadnought was to show up and simply yoink away the structure with a tractor beam while we’re still in the cold open, and the Lagrange point did not matter for the rest of the episode.

That bugged me so much 😆. I literally yelled at the TV: "Why didn't you just do that?! Or at least technobabble away why you 'can't just' "

Granted, all the cool stuff that followed wouldn't have happened, but still.

Burnham uses her xenoanthropology specialization to understand that joining a Breen feast day would be considered a good thing to do. Xenoanthropology was established as Burnham’s scientific focus in the series premiere, “The Vulcan Hello”.

I am really loving the multiple callbacks to Burnham's xenoanthropology background this season. Given the nature of their mission, it makes sense for that to be a relevant focus.

ptz , avatar

I definitely appreciated it on that level after the moment had time to sink in. Maybe that's what bugged me so much about it. Watching sci-fi, I suspend a certain amount of disbelief. When something entirely plausible happens, it just hits me off guard.

ptz , avatar

I know you're being sarcastic, but that is exactly how I felt for about 15 seconds. 😆

ptz , avatar

Oh, then I missed that. I knew they missed the mark with the jump but thought they had closed the distance by that point. Thanks for pointing that out.

I haven't had a chance to watch the finale yet, so I may go back and start S4 over and watch them all like 10 a hour movie. Will watch for that when I do.

ptz , (edited ) avatar

Everything that gives people non-gatekept access to any media is considered "piracy" by the powers that be.

'Home taping is killing music' written above a cassette tape with crossed bones beneath

That propaganda image is from the 80s.


ptz , avatar

True, but that doesn't stop them from being propagandized as "piracy".

ptz , avatar

So should the accompanying level of stupidity.

New warp drive concept does twist space, doesn’t move us very fast ( )

The researchers did indeed discover a warp drive solution: a method of manipulating space so that travelers can move without accelerating. There is no such thing as a free lunch, however, and the physicality of this warp drive does come with a major caveat: the vessel and passengers can never travel faster than light. Also...

ptz , avatar

Didn't his people seed life on Earth millions of years ago then fuck off into space and eventually create the Xenomorphs?

ptz , avatar

At first, I thought maybe it used heat to drive a refrigeration cycle (like the gas-powered refrigerators), but it's got a solar-powered compressor that freezes ice packs in the walls combined with some hefty insulation. Still cool, but yeah, also uses electricity.

ptz , avatar

I don't know if this is the right community for this or not. There's no rules against it, but it's not typically the type of content this community posts.

Maybe try !cool_github_projects

ptz , avatar

Remember when this was considered the behavior of malware?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

ptz , avatar

Wasn't that basically Bonzi Buddy and whatever software bundled it without any options to opt out? 😆

ptz , (edited ) avatar

Worst case, they're saving it to an encrypted blob storage, calling that encrypted, and hiding deep in the ToS that you actually agreed to that

And then it's discovered that bucket was accidentally set to public for over 8 months. Oopsie daisy! But you can't sue us because also deep in the ToS was a forced arbitration clause.

Also, if you don't agree to the whole ToS, you can't use the computer you just paid for.

ptz OP , avatar

Thanks for that. I was watching it via the embed in the article and didn't realize the YT link I copied had the timestamp from my current position.

Updated the post.

ptz OP , avatar

The "what" gets shot into the sun is less important, lol. I just found it interesting that shooting anything into our sun is more difficult than sending it to another sun.

ptz , avatar

Re: landlines

Technically they are from the CO (central office) once they hit the carrier's trunk.

Re: Cell phones

I'm not sure about 3G, but VoLTE (voice over LTE) is VoIP.

ptz OP , avatar

Ha, yeah.

The first time I saw the video for this song, I wasn't familiar with Tenacious D nor had I seen the movie Airplane!. So much of it was lost on me 😆

ptz OP , (edited ) avatar

I love that. lol

Specifically, when that happens to critics; they invent a whole ethos and message, and the artist is just like "What? I just wanted an ice cream cone."

Edit: Just saw the Clarkson interview video you added. She practically died inside. Oh man. lol.

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