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protist ,

"60% growth" seems large, but there are almost 85,000,000 people in Germany, so we're talking about growing from ~0.03% to ~0.05% of the population here.

protist , (edited )

I just don't wanna be social and hate the world.

Saying that after also talking about how your situation is depressing to you indicates you want things to be different but aren't ready to try to make anything different. People's life circumstances can fuck with them, for sure, but the only person who can make anything different for you is you.

You're stuck having a pity party for yourself and you've spun your self-hatred into hatred for "the world." Try really hard to let go of whatever shame and self-hatred you're holding on to and accept that none of us are perfect, and there are actually plenty people out there who would accept you and be your friend if you treat them with respect.

protist ,

15,825 posts and comments in a year... 😬

Lemmy is your job, apparently

protist ,

Chickens and many other birds appear to bob their heads because their eyes are fixed in their sockets, so they can't fix their eyes on a point while moving, but instead have to keep their head still. What looks like bobbing is the bird pushing its head forward and keeping it completely still for a moment while its body catches up. Without keeping its head still, it wouldn't be able to see much of anything very effectively, prey or predator.

T rex might have been able to move its eyes, in which case it probably wouldn't have bobbed its head.

protist ,

You might've insulated your garage door, but did you weatherize it? You can get decent weather stripping to go along all 4 edges of the door to block off the cracks. As far as insulating your garage ceiling, it's something I've considered too, but one thing I don't have an answer too is how that would affect the airflow or code compliance for my gas furnace and gas water heater, which are both in the garage.

Also, when we did an exterior remodel, we discovered there was no insulation in the exterior garage wall, only in the walls shared with the interior of the house, so you may be contending with that. We had that wall insulated when we did the renovation, and it made a noticeable difference. I've also planted trees to shade that garage wall, otherwise it gets blasted with afternoon sun.

If I had the energy and time, I would put batt insulation above the garage ceiling and also replace my attic stairs, which are old and poorly sealed. A mini split AC would also be pretty sweet.

You might be interested in watching videos by Matt Risinger on YouTube, he does a ton on insulation projects in 70s-80s builds in Texas

protist ,

Here's a legitimate what point, in your mind, does a child who's suffered years of sexual abuse deserve to lose every shred of empathy? In no way am I ever going to excuse what MJ might have done, but he himself was also a victim for so many years, and was set up to fail from the beginning by his family and the industry

protist ,

So for you, the lowest price is the only thing that matters? It doesn't matter whether it's a shitty product? Or that they're one of the least efficient shippers due to their tariff avoidance strategy, and in doing so are contributing more per purchase to climate change than even companies like Amazon and Walmart?

protist ,

I'm blown away by how many people use apps when they don't have to. There's a reason companies are always trying to get you to download their app, and it's so they can put their software on your phone and harvest more of your data.

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  • protist ,

    Not with that attitude you won't. Try fixing your personality

    protist ,

    I think that of incels with 4 day old accounts because their last account got banned to hell

    protist ,

    That's salmon and cream cheese, a super common and delicious combination

    protist ,

    I'd still eat it

    protist ,

    As part of a job application, it's called a résumé (reh-zuh-may).

    To continue playing something, it's resume (ruh-zoom).

    protist ,

    The flu averages like 700K deaths every year forever

    protist ,

    Are these "the capitalists" in the room with you right now? JFC dude, the capitalist countries you're complaining about are also the ones with the lowest TB mortality. Not everything bad is because of "the capitalists."

    protist ,

    One of the most up voted comments on another thread about this was in effect "Assange has been cleared." No, he pleaded guilty and served five years in prison, it's just that he already served that time since he was never released pending trial.

    protist , (edited )

    as of right now there are currently 9 more active conflicts going on worldwide than the peak of world war II

    Are you really putting the regional conflicts occuring today in the same category as World War II, where over 70,000,000 people were killed? "World War III started 3 years ago" is the stuff of a conspiracist's fever dream and is not based in any objective reality

    protist ,

    The Ukraine invasion is totally different though, the international community has already been involved for years and the front lines are more or less static at this point. What Japan did in one stopped them and they kept going all over the Pacific. Another difference was Japan and Germany being formidable powers, Russia is nothing of the sort today, and China is smart enough to stay away

    protist ,

    His argument doesn't make it sound at all like WW II though, there are way more parallels with the Cold War

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  • protist ,

    This graph displays cost based on grams of protein per unit weight, not based on weight alone. You're comparing items based on weight alone.

    protist ,

    In the actual report linked in this article it says they were aware of the attack as it was happening and that they don't believe it was a state actor

    protist ,

    I was a ~12 year old child when the Rwanda genocide was happening and remember hearing about it on the news all the time

    protist ,

    I used to live in Texas. Still do, but used to, too

    protist ,

    CBS was always the most conservative network until Fox News came along and didn't even try to pretend

    protist ,

    I'm not an expert on this, but I'm pretty sure there's no storm hitting northern France that comes anywhere close to a strong typhoon/cyclone/hurricane. There's no breakwater that'll help you when faced with an 18ft storm surge or the kind of swells generated by 140mph winds. The WWII typhoon you cite hit the fleet in open water, there's literally no technology to save you from that except weather forecasting that lets you get out of the way

    protist ,

    90% of the cast of Tim Burton movies is Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter

    protist ,

    I don't know, it sounds like it slightly redirects only the air at the margins that contacts the blower tube, which reduces turbulence. The noise reduction is due to the decreased turbulence, not a reduction in airflow. If I had to guess, the actual reduction in airflow is probably negligible, and they don't describe it in more detail because they're trying to commercialize it

    protist ,

    You seem really worked up about these undergrads' project

    protist ,

    You demanding more evidence right now and saying these students' project "is concerning" is not having a conversation about the validity of their claims, it's just being petulant. Saying, "I'll be interested to see the specs" or "I'll keep an eye out for testing data before I believe this" would convey the same thing without coming off like an asshole

    protist ,

    The defense minister closed with an ultimatum: “I call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a decision and declare that Israel will not establish civilian control over the Gaza Strip, that Israel will not establish military governance in the Gaza Strip, and that a governing alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip will be raised immediately.” With these words, the Israeli defense establishment effectively launched a revolt against the Netanyahu government—and the dreams of its far-right flank to flood Gaza with Israeli settlers.

    Gallant is far from the only person to press Netanyahu on this matter. For months, President Joe Biden and his administration have called for Israel to work with the Palestinian Authority—the Hamas rival that governs the West Bank—to establish a new administration in Gaza. Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, two former IDF chiefs turned opposition politicians, joined Netanyahu’s government after October 7 on the condition that a committee be created to formulate a Gaza exit strategy. But despite all of this external and internal pressure, no such plan has materialized—for a very straightforward reason: Netanyahu cannot publicly commit to a postwar plan for Gaza that includes Palestinians, because the day-after plan of his far-right partners is to get rid of those Palestinians.

    Yesterday, standing at a lectern emblazoned with the words settlement in gaza will bring security, the far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir told a rally of thousands that the only way to defeat Hamas is to “return home” to Gaza and encourage “voluntary emigration” of its Palestinian population—a euphemism for ethnic cleansing. “Tell them,” Ben-Gvir declared, “‘Go to your homes, go to your countries. This is ours now and forever.’” Shlomo Karhi, a hard-right member of Netanyahu’s faction, offered similar sentiments. “In order to preserve the security achievements for which so many of our troops gave up their lives,” he said, “we must settle Gaza, with security forces and with settlers.”

    These paragraphs are a decent snapshot of what's happening politically in Israel if you don't want to read the whole thing

    protist ,

    I disagree that it's a euphemism. It's a term with a specific meaning

    Ethnic cleansing has been described as part of a continuum of violence whose most extreme form is genocide. Ethnic cleansing is similar to forced deportation or population transfer. While ethnic cleansing and genocide may share the same goal and methods (e.g., forced displacement), ethnic cleansing is intended to displace a persecuted population from a given territory, while genocide is intended to destroy a group.

    First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza transmitted from cow to human confirmed ( )

    In March a farm worker who reported no contact with sick or dead birds, but who was in contact with dairy cattle, began showing symptoms in the eye and samples were collected by the regional health department to test for potential influenza A. Experts have now confirmed the first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza...

    protist ,

    There have been almost 1000 confirmed H5N1 cases in humans over the past 20 years, and over that time it's infected many different mammals. What's different this time is the virulent cattle-to-cattle transmission happening in the US. A human catching it from close contact with an infected animal is not unusual

    protist ,

    Jorge Glad seems genuinely corrupt and likely belongs in prison. Mexico probably would've handed the guy over after fully evaluating his asylum claim. Ecuador made a serious mistake breaking in to the Mexican Embassy, imo. Looks like Nicaragua followed Mexico in breaking off diplomatic ties with Ecuador too

    As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music?

    As an example. I grew up in hip-hop but at a certain point I stopped listening to new people and realised recently that I’d slept on some bangers. Like Kendrick particularly, but even people like Juice WRLD and Xxxtentacion....

    protist ,

    "You will be irrelevant" to who? People whose identities are so wrapped up in popular culture they can't conceive of someone liking something from 30, 50, 80 years ago? Lmao

    protist ,

    And Facebook succumbed to the olds many years ago. I remember in the mid then late 00s when it expanded from just college students to include high school students, and then suddenly my Aunt Joyce was on it too. Seriously, we're talking 15 years ago now

    protist ,

    I'm having a hard time believing that's not a troll, and the reaction you're having here, calling someone a "clown feminist," is exactly what they were trying to provoke

    protist ,

    How do you keep him on a good path? You can't. The only person you can control is yourself.

    How do you be there for him? First, accept that he may never change and may continue to spiral down. If you've accepted that and think you're in a good enough place to tolerate being around him, then do just that, be around him sometimes. It's paramount you have good boundaries though. He may try to use you for money, shelter, or any number of things you will have to say no to, and you need to feel alright with saying no.

    protist ,

    Yeah imma need to see the words in the speech surrounding that sentence before I can draw any conclusions. That could be taken wildly out of context for all we're presented with here.

    Even in a worst case scenario, why now and not last year?

    protist ,

    They've been in the news quite a few times, the quoted portion mentioned being the most infamous event so far.

    Source for the context that's missing here?

    And governments like the UK generally don't do things that could be very easily defeated in a civil court.

    I don't agree with that at all. The Tories have been running roughshod over precedent left and right and spinning up all sorts of legal battles

    Lemmy's extreme-left news posts are often as bad at telling the truth as Reddit's extreme-right ones.

    I don't get how you're relating this to this news story

    protist ,

    You, too, will be assimilated.

    protist ,

    The Gates Foundation has been working in education for over two decades, and still is

    protist ,

    To be fair, that article's only about one of their education initiatives, and they've had many

    protist , (edited )

    Are you sure this isn't just because it's in St. Louis?

    The block on which the long-vacant St. Louis property sits was declared a decaying area by the St. Louis Planning Commission in 2023, the commercial real estate information news outlet mentioned.

    Yeah this one's been completely vacant since 2017. This building's got lots of problems and has nothing to do with RTO policies

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  • protist ,

    I guess it's easy to be cynical, but no, this is not at all orphancrushingmachine material

    protist ,

    I think you're mistaken...they refund security deposits, but there is a separate fee that scales with how long you keep the equipment. Maybe go back and check your receipts

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