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pmk ,

Glad midsommar! Hade ni något regn med?

pmk ,

Om någon undrade så är rollatorn en Gemino 20.

pmk ,

Men för i helvete, jag röstade på V precis för att de var emot.

pmk ,

Det var en valfråga för mig med. Hela idén med demokrati gungar ju lite om man kan ljuga hur som helst innan ett val utan konsekvenser.

pmk ,

Aha, tack. Det ser inte bra ut.

pmk ,
pmk ,

Det verkar som att det inte var någon omröstning, men att C och SD sagt att de var emot förslaget. Hon från V som var där skrev på twitter att V fortfarande var emot, hur man nu ska tolka det.

pmk ,

Om man är lite konspiratorisk är det lätt att tänka att man hoppar över omröstningen för att sedan kunna säga att man inte röstat för förslaget, alla kan peka på alla andra.

pmk ,

Hm, ok. Då är väl frågan snarare vem som ligger bakom att skynda igenom frågan? Det ligger nära till hands att tänka att det är för att man vill slippa debatt. Att man i efterhand kan säga "nämen oj, allt gick så snabbt, men nu är det bara så, vi kan inte ändra på något".

pmk ,

If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.

pmk ,

Reading bell hooks back in the day made me interested in understanding feminism. Things like the bear makes me go do other things and care less.

pmk ,

You know, that's a good idea.

pmk ,

I guess. It invoked some emotion for sure, something that research and policies usually don't. For me, I still don't know what to do differently. I've heard the statistics and it's scary and sad. I want women to be safe and equal and all that. But what's the plan here, which path leads to a different world? Does it help if I just sit around and feel bad about myself? I don't think so. It just alienates me from half of the human population. But what actually helps? The message I receive is mostly just "feel bad about yourself."

pmk ,

If you want something faster than a snail, Spirallinux has you covered:

pmk ,

I bet some of those people use neovim instead of the more unix philosophy ed.

pmk ,

New users found it hard to download the right installer if they needed non-free firmware. Experienced users know they can add firmware=never in the installer to disable firmware lookup if they want. If they want to decide on a firmware by firmware basis, that's an option too. If the hardware doesn't need non-free firmware it's not installed.

pmk ,

The current method is to set a boot parameter to opt out of non-free firmware, it's documented in the installer manual.

pmk ,

I bet they considered the options. It could simply be that no one has had time to change the installer. It could also be that the people who care about free software to the degree that they want to avoid non-free firmware usually figure out how to do it, and that too many options confuse new users. I don't know. A feature request discussion in the appropriate mailing list could be a good idea if you want change.

pmk ,

The world needs more people who think like you.

pmk ,

"You mean I just made a very complicated array-manipulating way of calculating (2^n)-1?"

pmk ,

I was very upset when they released gnome 3. Suddenly things were different, and there were rough edges. I used XFCE for many years after that. But... I have come to appreciate it now. I like that the devs had their vision and didn't give in to all the demands to make it work differently. It's their project, and I can use it if I want, or not. I respect it the same way I respect OpenBSD doing their thing. Can you imagine demanding that the OpenBSD devs changed their vision due to popular opinions? "We want closed source nvidia drivers and bluetooth support!" They just tell people to use another OS then. But from that stubbornness something beautiful is created.

pmk ,

In the summer, those stacks of wooden boxes beekeepers use can contain around 60k bees. It's a quite normal amount of bees in a bee hive. When it gets colder and the season ends it goes down to maybe 20k bees. At least that's what a bee keeper told me once. We were looking at returning bees who were not let in by the guard bees because they were not needed anymore.

Should I join "free speech" alternatives?

Hello! I've been searching for a reddit alternative, and yes, I've picked Lemmy and Raddle, but here's the thing. My morbid curiosity is perked up, and a part of me wants to join the "free speech" alternatives, like Saidit, Poal, etc. What's wrong with me that I want to join toxic places? I mean, yes I'll find a whole new...

pmk ,

As long as the consequences are words and non-violent actions. Advocating violence as a consequence for someone expressing an idea is imho dangerous and should be avoided.

pmk ,

I assumed they were quite loud, but this seems to suggest otherwise?

pmk ,

That's a GPL point of view. Most BSD users I've talked to prefer a more permissive license. Theo said: "GPL fans said the great problem we would face is that companies would
take our BSD code, modify it, and not give back. Nope -- the great
problem we face is that people would wrap the GPL around our code, and
lock us out in the same way that these supposed companies would lock
us out. Just like the Linux community, we have many companies giving
us code back, all the time. But once the code is GPL'd, we cannot get
it back. Ironic."

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