@pelletbucket@lemm.ee cover
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar


@[email protected]

we all made a big mistake coming down from the trees in the first place

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pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

definitely don't use heat if there are any leather components

use mesh laundry bags, otherwise the laces are going to get all tied up with each other. it would honestly probably be best to take the laces out and put them in their own laundry bag. put the insoles in separate mesh laundry bags as well, the shoe is going to change shape during this process and you're going to fuck up any foam insole.

wash on cold, with a little soap. you can put a quarter cup of white vinegar in the fabric softener tray, that should help with odor. if your machine has a hand wash setting or a delicates setting, go ahead and use it.

there's really no need to dry them in the dryer, you definitely do not want to put the insoles in the dryer. you can put the shoes in there with no or low heat if you want, and add like a cloth bag of baking soda to the dryer with it. you could just dump a little baking soda in the shoes before putting them in the dryer, but putting them in a cloth bag give some more even, controlled application. if you're using any heat, I wouldn't give it more than 20 minutes. you'll also have to prop something up against the dryer door because they will smack into it and force it open. definitely don't use heat if there are any leather components

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

when I was about 16 during an online match of Medal of Honor Allied Assault, I was so dialed-in with the bolt-action rifle that I got kicked for cheating.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

this wasn't even something that I was usually particularly good at, I just happened to be doing everything right for like one game. I understood why they thought I was cheating, I was winning one-on-one duels in small rooms against guys who had like mp44s with a single headshot

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

does anybody even sell digital movies that you can download anymore? I thought they were all streaming sites now that you lose access to your content when they lose the license

pelletbucket OP ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I like to pretend I'm getting exercise

pelletbucket OP ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

that site is an endless frustration for me. I'm not going to contribute to a site that demands I give up my privacy, or throttles my ability to use it. last time I was over there, you couldn't download entire seasons of anything, you had to do it one episode at a time, and if you didn't have their extension installed they made you wait 30 seconds between each download. Even if you broke down and got their extension, it didn't work. I appreciate the fact that they integrate with Plex so nicely, but otherwise fuck em

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

sentience. I think it usually immediately leads to suicide

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

evidence of human existence has only gotten what, 150 lightyears out into space?

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

your paragraphs complaining about it are a lot more annoying than the people who might not be being totally serious on the internet for a minute.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

seriously though, I think life on other planets probably just usually evolves underground, so even if they develop some sort of intelligence they're not looking up at the sky so they have no motivation to explore beyond their atmosphere no matter how advanced they get.

there was a planet in The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy universe that had thick cloud cover so that people never even conceived of an existence beyond their planet. when a spaceship crashed there, it never even occurred to them that it might have come from the sky

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

and if life is as abundant as we think, how are they going to tell the difference between intelligent and non-intelligent life

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

nah if you open up just insulting all the people around you, I don't owe you reading the rest of your post.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

that has nothing to do with why I asked that question lol. if you have to investigate every single one that shows signs of life, that would mean investigating a lot of worlds before you find any with intelligence.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

i was told 1337x refused to take down torrents that contained crypto miners, which is why it's not a truly trusted source anymore. it should be fine for video and music, but I'm not downloading video games or anything that might contain an executable.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

it is, however, the reason Emeril Lagasse yells BAM!

apparently he used to be a culinary teacher and he would do it to wake people up.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

weed. Sopranos, Law & Order, American Dad, whatever I'm in the mood for.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

Witcher 3. it was my first RPG, and as much as I enjoyed it I just did not have the patience

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I don't have the patience for RPGs but I was invested enough in the Witcher lore that I was pushing through, but my ADHD eventually betrayed me.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

The high quality tits didn't hurt

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

My biggest pitfalls were not realizing how fucking expensive it is to run a business. licenses and taxes and paying accountants and shit I hate it but it's better than having a real job

pelletbucket OP , (edited )
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

The working theory that it was based off Russian tankers padded helmets from WW2

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

del Monte gold pineapple. I bought it when they were out of my regular canned pineapple and now I can't go back

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

del Monte gold is a specific strain of pineapple. there are over a hundred varieties

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I mix the juice with seltzer water

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

The fact that we're giving you crane the bare minimum means we are perfectly happy with them being chewed up to burn Russia's resources before they can reach anybody that we're contractually obligated to defend is kind of fucked up

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

American cars having their brake lights and turn signals be the same light is stupid and dangerous.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

because lemming's kind of suck

pelletbucket , (edited )
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

The idea that people not being able to describe/name the color blue means that they couldn't see the color blue is the most unhinged takeaway from this.

cultures didn't develop a name for a color until they were using that color as a dye, for the most part. Red usually comes first, and blue usually comes last, because red dye is usually really easy to make and blue is not. if you showed something cyan to somebody from like 500 years ago, and they told you that it was just blue, you wouldn't assume that they couldn't see the color cyan. they just didn't have a word for it cuz they didn't need one (I don't actually know how old cyan is but you know what I mean).

to this day there are still some languages that consider blue to be a shade of green. in Russia, light blue is concerted a separate color from blue just like pink is considered separate from red; in the Iliad, Homer compares the color of the sky to bronze, maybe referring to the blue-green patina that forms on it. he referred to the ocean as "wine-dark".

color naming is weird.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

yeah, in other contexts when he's using the word, like when describing people, he's referring to bronze's intrinsic properties. he might have also been referring to the color of sky at sunset

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I just leave everything seeding until my hard drive starts to complain, then I clear out anything that has plenty of other seedsrs.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

The last time I tried using a payphone was 2010 and it didn't work.

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I did once but it was actually a campaign call disguised as a poll. they were like, "on a scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about the governor doing (this) or (that)", things like using a state trooper helicopter for personal business or something, and I assumed that they were going to loop around and ask similar questions about the other candidate, but they didn't.

The entire thing was just them telling me vaguely suspicious or corrupt things that the incumbent had done, but they phrased them as if they were questions and wanted my opinion to keep me on the phone and it worked

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

they even make new car smell scent that you can put in used cars. if they want to go overboard they'll pour it down the air vents

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

I've never liked oil diffusers of any kind. I feel like my throat is closing up

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

if you combine Tetris with an audiobook and sour candy you can dissociate real fucking hard. also works with Pac-Man and Space Invaders

Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?

Got my bloods done and my Testosterone levels are LOW. I'm working out a lot and kind of pissed Ive been doing it on "hardmode" for god knows how long, but before I take the doc up on the script I'm doing my due diligence on the realities. It seems like every article I find is either written by a trt clinic or is a one sided hit...

pelletbucket ,
@pelletbucket@lemm.ee avatar

this naturalist that I follow started it about a year ago and just recently started talking about it

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