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pearable ,

I don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm a lefty, life has never mugged me. I'm a leftist because bad things happen to everyone and the solutions isn't to hurt people until they're better people. Giving people time and resources just makes people and society better.

pearable ,

I like old mountain bikes and more modern bikes with thicker tires. I find it improves the riding experience a good bit. Regardless, the bike you have, and ride, is the best bike

pearable ,

I don't think it's the source. I think it's a tool of social control that enables the powerful to create a bare minimum willingness to be ruled. For a long time the doctrine of Christianity was the Divine Right of Kings. Now it's the Prosperity Gospel. The books did not change but the people with all the money and power ensured the church leaders who served their interest had most of the money and thus followers.

If we didn't have religion, some other social construct would arise, and I'd argue, has arisen to fulfill it's role. Modern economic theory justifies the current power order in an unfalsifiable way that reminds me of religion.

Religion could be a liberatory force in society. In fact it has been. The liberation theology movement in South America and numerous heretical movements in the late medieval period are both examples of progressive Christian social movements.

pearable ,

The nice thing about trials of corporations is discovery. We have evidence of Google intentionally making search worse, increasing the time spent looking for results, and this improving ad sales. All that came out in discovery.

pearable ,

I hope rentable cargo bikes show up in my city soon. I can't justify spending the money on a bike I'll only occasionally use. Currently I'll rent a car instead but there are plenty of times when a cargo bike would work fine

pearable ,

Thanks for posting this! I've been meaning to get something in this vein.

A bit of advice for those like me who don't like sunscreen, long sleeve fishing shirts with SPF protection are awesome for hot weather. They breathe wonderfully and have kept me from burning despite all day rides. I don't like that they're all plastic of some kind, so I've been looking into hemp shirts, they naturally block uv, and I've had good luck with them as well.

pearable ,

I've been using it for a few months. It's good. I get the official docs for my first result using OP's query. 300 queries, their starting tier was not enough for my use. I was using DDG before and like it well enough. I'm not sure if it's worth it but I like the idea of paying for services I use. I stopped using Google years ago because of all the captchas I had to fill due to my VPN

pearable ,

Agreed, I switched to their unlimited tier pretty quickly

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

pearable ,

There's another factor here. People who are vegan, sober, poly, don't drive, and any number of choices are breaking societal norms. Most people don't even think about these things as choices. They do the default. Realizing that there's a choice, and that this person decided not to do the default, puts people off. It makes them uncomfortable. They begin to question things they've never had to evaluate.

pearable ,

Dams are scary too, I just hope people are able to decommission them slowly when the time comes. Otherwise the deluge is going to suck.

pearable ,

I will say my Fairphone is a good bit thicker than my work Iphone but honestly it's not a significant downside for me. The weight is a bigger deal but still not worth the trade-off for a phone I can be confident I can repair myself

pearable ,

Sounds like it would make repairing batteries harder unfortunately.

Google Search is getting even worse for independent sites ( )

In February, HouseFresh managing editor Gisele Navarro called out publishers like BuzzFeed and Rolling Stone as some of the culprits that publish content about air purifiers despite a lack of expertise — but Google rewards these sites with high rankings all the same. The result is a search results page filled with SEO-first...

pearable ,

I think a lot of neolibs conflate the two because both groups are more likely to think the system is broken in a significant way. They're also more likely to do the worst thing imaginable, advocate for things in a tone neolibs don't approve of. Obviously leftists want good things to happen and conservatives want to hurt people so the conflation is just smug BS

pearable ,

Relative lines means each line except the one your cursor is on is relative to your current line. Like this:

5 5k jumps here





6 your cursor is here








8 8j jumps here

The main reason I like it is I don't like mouse ergonomics. Keeping my hands on the keyboard just feels better

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