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  • otp ,

    What's the TL:DW of that? I'm just reading for now lol

    otp ,

    I think as a "genre", it refers to being more than an aesthetic, but also a setting. It's probably bastardized by now from the original meaning, but I'd wager that looking into the etymology of steampunk might help you find what you're looking for.

    From there, it was probably like..."Well, steampunk, but with X! Xpunk!"

    otp ,

    I don't believe his claims without evidence, but having a legit cover for nefarious acts is pretty standard, no?

    otp ,

    If the Canadian Liberals thought it'd win them more elections, they would've done an election reform years ago. they'd initially promised.

    otp ,

    Your Ticketmaster questions have been sufficiently answered, I think.

    What did you want to know about beaches in general?

    otp ,

    As the other commenter mentioned, it was a joke based on the typo in the title, haha

    Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

    There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

    otp , (edited )

    buy a new one.

    Buy a new SSD and swap out the old one? a new SSD, right??

    otp ,

    I feel like this deserves a diagram

    otp ,

    Is this a question?

    Woah, meta.

    Yes, it is.

    This is not a question, though.

    otp ,

    How many people are rich and continue to amass wealth even though they have more money than they really know what to do with?

    How many important projects are done by volunteers?

    How many old people work jobs they don't need just to keep themselves social and busy?

    And in that hypothetical scenario, money still exists, it's just equally distributed. There'll still be people who want more, people who waste what they have and need a top-up, etcetc.

    otp ,

    Yet I still add "Reddit" to a search query when looking for product reviews or technical/home maintenance support, lol

    I can do it really well manually...but Google's AI sucks at it.

    They forgot to account for trolls...and how often trolls would get upvoted for the lulz

    otp ,

    I know it's not "intelligent", but I don't get gatekeeping the phrase "AI".

    We were perfectly happy to use "AI" to refer to the logic of computer-controlled enemies in video games for probably decades.

    otp ,

    I think some jurisdictions count it as rape if the victim consented under certain circumstances, but the rapist changed those circumstances.

    Like consenting to sex with a condom on, but the rapist removes the condom and continues.

    otp ,

    I think it's silly too, but isn't this a bit insensitive? People died. It is their own fault for making bad decisions in this situation, but they still died.

    It's also a lot easier to choose not to be Muslim when your entire family and maybe your entire support group isn't Muslim. Hell, how many of those people who died came from countries where it's basically required by law to be Muslim?

    otp ,

    What I said was "basically required by law to be Muslim", not required by state law to do the Hajj

    otp ,

    ftr; also atheist, but decided not to be insensitive today, lol

    otp ,

    They aren't, but adults are allowed to decide about that addiction

    otp ,

    In New York? Interesting.

    But if you're being facetious, that's why I specified "that" addiction.

    I mean, if they banned everything that was harmful and addictive, then nicotine and alcohol would be banned too. But clearly they don't. Yet those are banned for children.

    otp ,

    Reminds me of the people who say things like "I say it like it is, and most people don't like it"...not knowing that the reason they don't have many friends is because they don't have a filter and don't think they need one, lol

    But this looks like Elon Musk admitting that he's genuinely an idiot, lol

    otp ,

    Ads are digital. The price ranges become digital. They have no excuse.

    I'm sure you'll still get those bootlickers defending the practice of not including tax, but they will make even less sense than before.

    otp ,

    Movies are shown to the public.

    So are you charging people to view your Facebook profile? Or are you burdened with the expenses of having to host the movie in your memory? Lol

    otp ,

    knock it off the pedistool.

    Pedi + a footstool?

    otp ,

    Wonderful! After a few years of people relying on it, they can jack up the prices.

    Twitter, Reddit... probably plenty more, too

    otp ,

    FlyingSquid mostly, and a few others. Not sure if I'd be able to spell all the others properly though, lol

    I had to block a few who were spamming too much, but I've since forgotten their usernames.

    otp ,

    That's awesome! Most others seem to only deny people applying for disability benefits.

    otp ,

    You're likely right. At the same time, consoles integrating Twitter made it look more legitimate, like a part of people's daily lives. Twitter's legitimacy continues to decline.

    otp ,

    I got to the word "Bullfroglike" and stopped reading

    otp ,

    Weird game: People who haven't played much

    Hidden gem: People who beat the game at Any%

    Cruel and evil game: People who've 100%ed it (or are close to it)

    otp ,

    I don't get what the point is except for investors.

    People using it as a "retirement holdings" might try to sell and then find they can't afford to live anywhere in retirement.

    People saving property to leave an inheritance have kids waiting for their parents to die so they can afford a home to own.

    otp ,

    Ah, that's fair. I didn't consider assisted living!

    otp ,

    Why are you "all"? Lol

    You're the only one who got the notification

    otp ,

    I always find it weird when someone says they can't joke on the internet. I joke on the internet all the time, and I've been banned from 0 forums, Discord servers, or other social media groups. 1 subreddit, but that was appealed, and I wasn't even joking when I got that ban, lol

    I've never seen the internet as some stuffy place where I can't joke around, or where I have to watch my tongue, and I've been using the internet for over 20 years.

    I'm not going to accuse anyone of anything, though I do know that some people and communities have "old boys' clubs" or whatever they're called where their sense of humour tends to be saying things that shouldn't be said in polite company...things like racist or sexist jokes, rape jokes, etc.

    The whole world isn't one big "old boys' club", and not everyone wants to see that crap. A big part of comedy is knowing your audience.

    TL;DR, The internet is still fun. If it's not fun for you, then it might be your perspective that needs adjustment.

    otp ,

    Yup. There were some Reddit communities I left because of the population of assholes or "griefers". There seemed to be a disproportionate amount in certain gaming communities that lead me to believe age is a factor.

    Thankfully, there were usually enough people leaving to create an alternate subreddit! Lol

    otp ,

    Either you rent with a monthly fee, or you buy it and own it.

    Of those two options, you know which one the publishers would pick...

    otp ,

    Having a workaround doesn't mean there's no problem

    otp ,

    Has anyone actually seen anyone actually complain about having politics in games

    Yes. Under this post, too.

    I even remember people complaining about re-releases that had disclaimers that the game has racially insensitive enemies.

    People will complain about anything.

    otp ,

    Gotta look for the downvoted ones, lol

    One example...

    People play games for escapism, not to be reminded of politics. Not every story needs deep political roots, people just want to have fun and forget about real world bullshit.

    What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

    The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

    otp ,

    Everyone knows that it's forbidden to talk while on the toilet, except to announce the occupancy status of one's stall, or to request emergency assistance.

    It's also forbidden to talk to anyone using the toilet, except to ask if they're ok in there.

    Speaking to someone who's on the toilet while oneself is also on the toilet is DOUBLY forbidden. And no, the two infractions don't cancel each other out.

    ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study ( )

    The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

    otp ,

    I've had lots of great experiences with ChatGPT, and I've also had it hallucinate things.

    I saw someone post an image of a simplified riddle, where ChatGPT tried to solve it as if it were the entire riddle, but it added extra restrictions and have a confusing response. I tried it for myself and got an even better answer.

    Prompt (no prior context except saying I have a riddle for it):

    A man and a goat are on one side of the river. They have a boat. How can they go across?


    The man takes the goat across the river first, then he returns alone and takes the boat across again. Finally, he brings the goat's friend, Mr. Cabbage, across the river.

    I wish I was witty enough to make this up.

    otp ,

    I appreciate the XKCD comic, but I think you're exaggerating that other commenter's intent.

    The tech has been improving, and there's no obvious reason to assume that we've reached the peak already. Nor is the other commenter saying we went from 0 to 1 and so now we're going to see something 400x as good.

    otp ,

    Yes, and we never have and never will put lives in the hands of software developers before!

    Tap for spoiler

    /s...for this comment and the above one, for anyone who needs it

    otp ,

    Interesting! What did 4 say?

    otp ,

    In general, "The technology is young and will get better with time" is not just a reasonable argument, but almost a consistent pattern. Note that XKCD's example is about events, not technology. The comic would be relevant if someone were talking about events happening, or something like sales, but not about technology.

    Here, I'm not saying that you're necessarily right or they're necessarily wrong, just that the comic you shared is not a good fit.

    otp ,

    Thanks for sharing!

    otp ,

    I don't think continuing further would be fruitful. I imagine your stance is heavily influenced by your opposition to, or dislike of, AI/LLMs

    otp ,

    To slow things down a tad? I think we could still do that

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