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onlinepersona ,

@Pacrat173 the license is actually a Creative Commons license for Non-Commercial uses. Creative Commons is a copyleft license that's "free to use with some restrictions". Mostly used in art, literature, audio, and film, for my part I'm using it to license my comments. Anybody can cite with attribution, but commercial use is forbidden by the license.

The why: I just don't like non-opensource commercial ventures. Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Facebook, Apple, and so on are harmful in many ways.

Enforcement and legality: Microsoft's Github CoPilot (a large language model / "AI") was trained on copyrighted text source code. A few licenses clearly state that derivatives should also be opensource, which CoPilot is not. So there is a big lawsuit against it. Many artists, non-programmer authors, musicians, and others are also unhappy that AI was trained on their copyrighted works and have sued for damages.
Until these cases make it out of court, it will not be clear if adding a license to comments could even jeopardize commercial AI vendors.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

How exactly do you expect to see the “source” of a language model?

Hey does anyone want to buy a t-shirt from me with this guy’s worst comments printed on it?

onlinepersona ,
onlinepersona ,

Thanks for the support 💗

I'm not very affected by it, honestly. It makes me chuckle that people get so offended about a link in a comment. Sometimes I respond, but quite often I block and move on.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

And for VB

(Does LibreOffice finally support another scripting language?)

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

The Internet Archive created a program they called "Controlled Digital Lending" (CDL) -- where a physical book is scanned, turned into a digital file, and that digital file is then "loaned" out to people on the Internet. In 2020, The Internet Archive removed what few restrictions existed with this Digital Lending program, allowing an unlimited number of people to download the digital copy of a book.

That was incredibly dumb. It's just baffling that they didn't run this by a lawyer or even a highschooler. They put all their good work in jeopardy for what exactly?

I still believe that serious hoarders who want to ensure other can access it should try to do so anonymously. IPFS, torrents, or something like eMule over I2P would be the best solution for this. Then copyright lawsuits like these would be very very very difficult to do without de-anonymizing people.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

This is the equivalent of people seeing Jesus in rice grains, but the aural version.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Well that's definitely an... interpretation of what @BruceTwarzen wrote.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

It's because there are people who care about those things. There are people who are impressed by popularity, social status, etc.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Because people keep asking what the license is for.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Wow... you are way too deep into whatever it is you're into and are currently unable to see the shades of gray.

Anti Commercial-AI license

Newpipe is getting updates on fdroid again and seem like will be getting updates for the foreseeable future as the issue stopping it is solved. ( )

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can't find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn't used to add live in your what's new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .

onlinepersona ,

Did listen to the first minute? Linus explains why it has the format.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Same. Short it nice, but it has to be unique and memorable too. Aux is an already existing word.

Things that don't exist yet

  • Lunix - sounds like linux and nix just with i and u swapped
  • Originix - very close to but not the same
  • Nunix - New Nix
  • Froxin - Jumble of fork + nix
  • Apenix - Apex of nix
  • Nirofs - Nix Is a Read Only FileSystem

Suprisingly already exist

  • Nuxor - Lindt Nuxor is a chocolate
  • Aunix - auxiliary nix - already exists though
  • XiniX - a mirror of nix ( exists though)
  • Lixin - shit this also exists as a brand
  • Fornix - fork + nix - is part of our brain
  • nixzen - spanish company
  • zenix - Zenith of nix - another spanish company?
  • Apaux - Apex of auxiliary nix - surprisingly is a band
  • Araknix - some toy
  • naaix - sounds like nice - is a damn boat company

Probably some LLM could come up with something too given a good prompt.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Thanks for sharing them. Looking at the thread and the author's responses, it doesn't seem like he's open to changing the name. Not sure if that's off to a good start, but we'll see...

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

That's definitely better! 👍

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

So it works on windows? If so, then it's probably not a hardware issue.

What I could recommend to help track down the issue:

  • test another distro, if possible - sitting here on NixOS it works for me
  • test another display manager (aka X11)
  • test another desktop (KDE, LXDE, whatever)

If it's none of the above, you might need to get your hands dirty

  • check if it's always the same monitor
  • check the logs (journalctl --boot -xe) maybe something will jump out
  • monitor the reconnection of peripherials with sudo udevadm monitor
  • start it when everything's booted up and everything's plugged in
  • disconnect problem monitor then reconnect it and observe the output
  • suspend then wake the computer and check the output

That might give you a hint of what's going on.

There's a change something isn't working in terms of drivers. You can probe her computer with the executable from and share uploaded result here. Maybe there'll be an indication of a missing driver or something.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Did mozilla manage to compile a version of firefox without webkit for iphones already? Or is it still a webkit wrapper?

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,
onlinepersona ,

Probably the EU will have something to say about that. Hopefully Malus gets another nice fine for that.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Dunno yet. Probably depends on the outcome of current legal cases against commercial AI companies. Github/Microsoft was sued for example because of CoPilot being accused of using GPL licensed code without adhering to the provisions therein.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Nice, somebody else is licensing their comments! 🙌

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

There's always a few people who feel the need to inform me how futile it is, that I'm stupid for trying, telling me to stop, or whatever else people come up with. But for every one of those, I feel like there are more who are genuinely curious and some are even understanding, maybe even supportive!

Just block the negative people and move on 🤷 The license text ain't hurting nobody and anybody triggered enough to insult or mock you about it ain't worth reading anyway.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

I'm sure if they rewrote it in GDScript they'd have more contributors. But it's impressive that they've been going for so long.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Germany doing its utmost best to drive away innovation. Genius.

But why go to the USA? The EU has 27 members and Switzerland is a neighbor...

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,
onlinepersona ,

30+ years after death. Better than 70+ years of copyright 🤷

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

“The new research embeds some potentially valuable IP / know-how, which we need to protect too,” Gowdiak said. “Finally, disclosure of our know-how / toolset to Microsoft might jeopardize our future projects targeting the Windows OS platform.”

Amazing. He wants to protect hacking IP from Microsoft in order to continue hacking them. Suck it M$!

DRM is defective by design anyway. Once the master keys are out, either a new one is used and all devices with old key baked in are useless, or they have to suck it and be pwned.

Anti Commercial-AI license

PSA: If you're going to write software for piracy, put it on I2P! ( )

movie-web was just taken down with all its repos, Yuzu was taken down, then suyu forked it on gitlab and was taken down, countless clones of nintendo games, platform emulators, and a bunch of other things are taken down because they are hosted on the clear web....

onlinepersona OP ,

Then they can request the provider to hand out your details just like they can with github, gitlab, codeberg, or whatever.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona OP , still exists.

I2P is still slow, but that's because there aren't many nodes. It is faster than a few years ago though. I can get download speeds of 100 KB/s or more. It's like TOR in the early days with mostly private nodes and few hosted nodes. It's easy to get a VPS and host and I2P node for a fiver a month or less.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona OP ,

If they don't honor DMCA, what stops them from suing you? And if they got that far, wouldn't you rather want a DMCA?

Probably staying on the clear web is good for discoverability, but that's a two edged sword, because if you piss them off enough, a DMCA would be the best outcome.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona OP ,

That's one way to do it 👍

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona OP ,

If you know TOR, I2P is TOR but with P2P support.

But in general terms, it's anonymization network. Data is sent over multiple hops/nodes and the original source is not included. The nodes are hosted by random people. The downside is that the slowest node in the chain of nodes between the source and the target means that's how slow the entire chain is (at least). So, the more nodes, the better for anonymity, and the faster the nodes are, the better for speed.

Anti Commercial-AI license

Why is Matrix mentioned more often than XMPP in self hosted forums?

I'm looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?...

onlinepersona ,

Matrix clients are simple, easy, and nice to look at. The matrix server might need more resources, but it comes with everything out of the box. There's no need to fiddle with extensions and their weird naming, and hope that the other server/client also supports the extension. Also, are there bridges to other protocols?

I remember trying to get encryption working on Pidgin and it was all around a bad experience.

XMPP might be as powerful or more powerful than matrix, but nothing about it screams modern. It's like IRC for Gen X'ers.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Go to hell Mozilla. I couldn't care less if your browser fails at this point.

Amen. I use Firefox, but not because it's great or anything. It's just because Chrome/Chromium is worse in just about every aspect I care about. Seriously, I hope Mozilla dies so that it can be reborn by a different org that gives a fuck about browsers, because Mozilla sure as hell doesn't.

Mozilla only wants that sweet Google money they get paid to be the only "mainstream" alternative (500 million dollars per year). They could make the greatest opensource alternative browser and experience out there with that money, but instead they pay their CEO at least 5 million a year.

Fuck Mozilla.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

Why do you think Google is keeping Firefox alive? Why would the monopoly give even a cent to it's competitor?

Anti Commercial-AI license

debbryant , to Python avatar

tl;dr – Apache Software Foundation, Blender Foundation, OpenSSL Software Foundation, PHP Foundation, Rust Foundation, and Eclipse Foundation have jointly announced their intention to collaborate on the establishment of common specifications for secure software development based on existing open source best practices. @python @rust @EclipseFdn @opensslannounce @Blender

onlinepersona ,

Hmmm... does this mean PHP and Python will start rewriting (or join the efforts to rewrite) their interpreters in Rust?

Anti Commercial AI thingy
onlinepersona ,

Rust is literally in the announcement? Did you read it? And there are efforts underway to to rewrite OpenSSL in rust as well as the python interpreter.

Anti Commercial-AI license

onlinepersona ,

How difficult is it to start a gaming company with all those thousands of people who were fired? Can they get together and start something themselves?

Anti Commercial AI thingy
onlinepersona ,

Quite depressing, actually 🙁 I'm sure giving a healthy working environment and good pay, they could make really amazing games.

Anti Commercial AI thingy
onlinepersona ,

I doubt that the license you include will have any influence on people doing scraping for commercial AI :(

That doesn't deter me. It's just a keystroke to insert 🤷 If someday I read that the EU or the US decided anything can be used to train AI, then I'd stop.

Anti Commercial AI thingy
onlinepersona OP ,

Wait, are you serious? 😅

Anti Commercial AI thingy
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