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mondoweiss , to israel group
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South Africa returned to the ICJ to argue for an immediate halt to Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza warning that a full Rafah invasion is "the last step in the destruction of Gaza and its Palestinian people.”


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Sinn Féin National Chairman Declan Kearney on the paradigm shift required within the Palestinian struggle to win.


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Today, I sit in Egypt with my wife and son. I thought my mother would be with us. Rest in peace, my beloved. I am so sorry I couldn't save you.

New from Tareq Hajjaj.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Israel’s war minister declares opposition to Israeli military control of Gaza as Netanyahu insists on continuing the war. Meanwhile, the Israeli army killed five Palestinians in the West Bank, including a student on Nakba day.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Mohammed El Kurd on the ongoing Nakba, and the present revolution.


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On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, "Returning to Zarnouqa" tells a story of generational displacement, genocide, and the inevitability of Return.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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76 years later, Palestinian return to the homes and lands we were expelled from in 1948 is feasible and, of course, legal. To Palestinians, it is also sacred and inevitable.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Congressional aides say that the Biden administration will send Israel another $1 billion in weapons and ammunition.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The Palestinian resistance factions have regrouped in northern Gaza and are launching an offensive against Israeli forces, hoping to disrupt the ongoing invasion of Rafah.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Muhammad Shehada, from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, discusses the mass graves found at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Israeli university presidents condemnation of the Gaza solidarity protests in the U.S. is revealing Israeli universities' complicity in occupation, apartheid, and genocide.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Rank-and-file members of UAW Labor for Palestine are demanding that their union's leadership withdraws their dues money from Israel Bonds and divest from genocide.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Joe Biden continues to fully support the Gaza genocide because he does not believe it will hurt him politically, and because he has no empathy for the Palestinians. This is the same arrogance that brought down LBJ over the Vietnam war.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Antony Blinken claims that Hamas is blocking a ceasefire in Gaza, but it is Israel which has vowed to invade Rafah regardless of an agreement and is absolutely unwilling to declare an end to its genocidal operation.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Amid the chaos and destruction of war, the Gaza Community Mental Health Program stands as a glimmer of hope for agonized and neglected Palestinians struggling to survive the Israeli genocide.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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We as UCSD graduate students are outraged at the university's double standards as it violently cracks down on the Gaza Solidarity Encampment while inviting a Zionist archeologist complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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Fifty years ago, I joined in protests against the Vietnam war. Today the mainstream media is smearing pro-Palestine student protests in ways that are even worse than how we were slandered back then.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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The Israeli army has intensified its renewed assault on Jabalia refugee camp and the Zeitoun area in northern Gaza as resistance factions regroup there, months after the Israeli army said it had "defeated Hamas" in the north.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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The student protests erupting across American universities represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. They reflect a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The German state's repression of the Palestine Congress in Berlin and its persecution of Palestine solidarity activists is a sign of the creeping resurgence of fascism in Germany.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Netanyahu's plans to turn Israel into a regional transportation hub connecting Asia with Europe has just suffered a major setback. The reason is the maritime and land blockade against Israel in response to its genocide in Gaza.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Those who survived Israel’s deadly bombardment now have to contend with the rising environmental disaster in Gaza’s displacement camps, including insect infestations, dangerous amounts of garbage and human waste, and the spread of infectious disease.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

David Meer was arrested during the brutal police raid on the Gaza solidarity encampment at Emory University in Atlanta. Meer talks to Mondoweiss about his arrest, the broad Palestine coalition on campus, and why he became involved.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Mayors, police chiefs, and university heads have defended their violent attacks on student protests by claiming “outside agitators” are the cause of unrest. This racist trope was used during the civil rights movement and is equally obscene today.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
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Bob Feldman, who protested at Columbia University in 1968, on the student uprising today, “I would tell these students: people will always remember what you did today . . . and I believe they have accomplished much more in 2024 than we did in 1968.”


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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We stand alongside Princeton University students in demanding divestment, boycott, and an end to the university's silence over the genocide in Gaza.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
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Israel is deliberately destroying the entire health sector in Gaza as only 4 hospitals remain operational. "If these hospitals stop working, they will turn into mass graves, like Nasser and al-Shifa," Muhammad Zaqout, General Director of Hospitals in Gaza, told Mondoweiss.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

In the first such divestment action by a major Christian denomination, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church has voted to divest from Israel bonds, and those of other countries carrying out prolonged military occupations.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The anti-imperialist movement in the U.S. has reached a level of militancy not seen in generations. But the Gaza genocide is ongoing and an invasion of Rafah is imminent. We must evaluate and recalculate our strategy to break the war machine.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The student intifada draws its conviction from Palestinian and anticolonial resistance.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Canada’s largest private high school recently organized a genocide solidarity trip in which students cooked for Israeli soldiers. In a sane world, the school’s charitable status would be revoked.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

UN special rapporteur on torture Alice Edwards is asking Arab states to shoulder the responsibility for the refugees that Israel created. Israel must let them in as the state that is responsible for their displacement and the denial of their rights.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Biden threatened Israel with pulling military aid if it invades Rafah, but Israel is attacking anyway. It won't face consequences so long as Biden remains vague on what amounts to sufficient grounds for suspending military aid.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The arrests and violence against protesters are meant to tire the movement for liberation and scare us into complacency. They are afraid of the power we hold as a collective.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The more resistance that the colonized shows, the more brutal the colonizer becomes. Genocidal Israel is now walking in the footsteps of all other settler colonies on their deathbed.


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mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

A Pew poll shows that when it comes to Israel, American Jews are much closer to white evangelicals than they are to Democratic Party numbers. Democrats want to cut off military aid. By and large, Jews don’t.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The bar for hospitals to lose protected status under international law is set very high. Those conditions were not met for any of the 36 hospitals in Gaza that Israel destroyed.


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mondoweiss , to israel group
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Erroll Southers is a top USC administrator facing demands to resign after canceling a valedictorian commencement speech and cracking down on protestors. He has also produced research labeling identifying with Palestinians as a sign of radicalization.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
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In the years to come, we will need the strike as a tool for collective action to confront the challenges that face us. But right now, Palestine needs us, and that means we need to support reformers in the upcoming UAW 4811 Triennial Elections.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
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An independent expert report lays out how Israel systematically violated U.S. and International Law in Gaza, concluding that Israel launched indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian areas due to "extremely relaxed rules of engagement."


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
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Recent settler attacks against the villages bordering the Jordan Valley between Nablus and Ramallah aren’t random. They are part of a historic Israeli policy to annex the Jordan Valley and expel the Palestinian communities that live there.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
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We strongly denounce Sciences Po's ambiguous stance on the ongoing genocide in Gaza and condemn the university's repression of students calling on the administration to take a principled stance against apartheid and genocide.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The aftermath of the violence at UCLA illustrates that we live in an upside-down world where we decry property damage on college campuses as we fund the genocide in Gaza, and where we advocate for free speech until it says “stop the genocide.”


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Ceasefire talks are “paused” as delegations leave Cairo. Sources say Israel wants a full invasion of Rafah despite U.S. opposition, while Hamas reiterates its acceptance of the latest deal. Meanwhile, a new mass grave has been unearthed at al-Shifa.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

The Labour Friends of Israel, the Conservative Friends of Israel, and the Board of Deputies have made significant inroads in UK politics. They have enabled the UK's unqualified support for Israel’s genocide.


@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

With 1.5 million people trapped in Rafah, Israel is moving forward with its invasion with no clear goals. So far Israel has been unable to wipe out the resistance in Gaza, so its only option is to massacre more Palestinians.


@palestine @israel

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