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meowMix2525 ,

Can't. The cab needed enough room to put the family so you know where they are without having to mow them down first.

meowMix2525 ,

We are actively being held back by companies catering exclusively to the lowest common denominator.

meowMix2525 ,

At the very least you should need a special license to operate them. They're classed differently to avoid safety and emissions regulations imposed on regular cars, so its perfectly reasonable that there should be different requirements to purchase them and get behind the wheel.

meowMix2525 ,

I stopped tracking my period at all cause I just have a sense for it now and it was annoying when I'd forget to log a period and my tracker would tell me ridiculous things like I had a 97 day cycle or something. Plus privacy concerns. The only time it becomes inconvenient is when a doctor asks when my last period started, which usually just illicits an "I dunno, not abnormally long ago" at which point they ask me for a firm estimate and I throw out a bullshit number that will get them to move on to more pertinent discussions. I got an IUD last year so varying cycle lengths and missed periods aren't without a reasonable explanation.

Anyways, I usually get a dull ache in my upper thigh/lower abdominal area the night before as warning. Mine start out pretty light, so a simple panty liner will keep me covered for the first handful of hours the next day. Honestly though I think I usually catch it by wiping after doing my business and seeing a trace amount of blood there, before I see any in my underwear. Although there have been other times that I just got a sense of moisture at a point, so the panty liner is a nice layer of security.

If I'm going out of the house I keep some regular pads on hand just in case the time comes to bring out the big guns. Menstrual cups are also super safe to get ahead of the flow with though (no risk of drying you out and causing micro abrasions like with tampons) so there's been a few times that I just popped that in from the jump. My workplace also keeps emergency pads stocked in the ladies room (as a last resort, those ones are SUPER bulky for some reason, way overkill)

meowMix2525 ,

Adding to this; on top of allowing bacteria to multiply, tampons also cause micro abrasions (small tears) in the vaginal wall which allows that bacteria to enter your bloodstream much more easily. This happens under any conditions but especially if you're using a higher absorbency than is necessary for your flow (or lack thereof). Do NOT use them for any length of time if you are not actively bleeding.

Could never use them for that reason lol, damn things were so terrifying when I was just starting out that I'd literally faint putting them in and taking them out and have serious anxiety while wearing them. Don't know why anyone would take that risk when cups are so much safer and cheaper in the long run.

meowMix2525 ,

If you're just watching movies and tv I highly recommend just grabbing one of the streaming sites from the masterlist. Use a good ad blocker and you're golden.

Was this community banned on I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on what happend?

meowMix2525 ,

Yeah, obviously reactionary just means anything I personally disagree with. Duh.

meowMix2525 ,

The doctor's best chelated magnesium works even better for me than citrate did, although citrate is easier to find in person if you're opposed to ordering it from Amazon.

meowMix2525 ,

Apparently so is OP by the way they spell center

meowMix2525 ,

I see so many comments like this across lemmy and so little offensive content from those instances that I'm really beginning to wonder who the actual propagandists are.

meowMix2525 ,

They're hard to find in the midwest, I've only ever seen them in Canada.

meowMix2525 ,

Oh I've tried them. Canada isn't that far from me. They were fine.

meowMix2525 , (edited )

Originally, it was being a child and not having any money of my own, and my mom getting out her wallet to enter card information on a website she had no previous knowledge of, for something she would never use personally, was a whole... thing that I can probably count on my hands the number of times it actually happened. So I stopped even asking and figured it out myself.

Edit: also, we had netflix but sometimes the shows I wanted to keep up with were still airing and I couldn't wait.

Now, I just don't think any company that would take my money in exchange for, generally temporary, access to media/software really deserves or needs my money all that much, and especially not more than I do. I also strongly resent that there is not a public and legal domain for things that are older than like 5 or 10 years and not actively being worked on.

meowMix2525 ,

she's a bigot, and an idiot.

name a more iconic duo.

meowMix2525 , (edited )

Yes! On the other side of this, as a cis woman, don't be afraid to teach her practical, hands-on skills that don't conform to whatever ideas you have about gender roles. My dad wasn't in my life much, though my grandfather was a fair bit. I was always jealous of the boys that were raised to have "shop" skills. I wanted to help with that kind of stuff but the adults just kind of shrugged me off, where I feel like if I was a boy I might have been invited or even volunteered to help. All the older men that have worked alongside me in shops act surprised when they see that I can hold my own around power tools. The only exception might be some of my robotics mentors.

I learned what I know mainly from a couple projects with my grandfather and some classes/clubs I took part in in high school, and while it's something that does just click for me, I got to engineering school and felt pretty alienated when the boys had way more practical knowledge about things like cars and computer networks. Their father figures didn't shy away from those topics with them and gave them solid foundations to build their skills upon.

Of course, you might not have those particular specialties yourself and she might grow up to be into different, traditionally "girly" things, but you won't be able to say it was for a lack of support or because you were reluctant to share that side of yourself/your interests with her. It's a whole level of connection that I think is too easily missed between people raised as girls and their father figures, while those raised as boys, yes, probably are more likely to miss out more on the emotional end of things. Both are important for a well-rounded human being.

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

meowMix2525 ,

Eating their young seems to be their first response to any form of stress actually

What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

meowMix2525 ,

Yeah reddit has a name generator that you can choose from when you create an account and that's the format it uses. Those names are almost exclusively bots and throwaway/anon accounts

meowMix2525 ,

Well they actually don't write that realistically, these are copy and paste bots that are just trying to farm karma so they can later sell the account (which I've heard is a thing apparently?). You can see the left is all original accounts by the uniqueness of their usernames and the copied posts on the right are all reddit generated names.

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