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mctoasterson ,

I just take Marques for what he is - normie entertainment tech channel.

All marketing hype associated with Apple is always to be taken with a grain, nay, a shovel of salt.

mctoasterson ,

Don't forget the tradeoff with all the emerging automatic breaking in cars. If your car is braking "faster than a human" can react or brake, that has cascading effects to every car behind you, which may or may not have the same features. Following distance at highway speed just became way more important.

Jeffco Sheriff: Man shoplifts bolt cutters from Walmart to steal kid’s e-bike locked up in front of store ( )

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help identifying an alleged bike thief who, on Wednesday, shoplifted bolt cutters to steal a boy’s e-bike.

mctoasterson ,

I noticed they now lock up boltcutters in a storage box at many hardware stores, because people had been grabbing them out of the tool aisle and using them to cut other security locks so they could shoplift other higher value items like high-end power tools. If you have a legit need to buy bolt cutters, you have to get a clerk to take them out for you, and they immediately walk you to the register and make sure you leave after purchase.

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might've been the one. I made two accounts, one on and another on, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

mctoasterson ,

This summarizes it pretty well. Two things can be true at once. Reddit sucks ass and I haven't gone back since the API changes. Simultaneously, the default Lemmy experience is extremely offputting to all but certain subcultures. Not everyone is a antiwork activist, Arch Linux evangelist, open socialist, or actively transitioning. Totally fine that all these groups have their communities, but it gets kinda old seeing 90% of the feed filled with these topics.

mctoasterson ,

Unfortunately no "SWAG" type stuff. If you're in the US, the majority is spent on entitlements, servicing debt, and the defense budget. In that order.

With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?

Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play....

mctoasterson ,

Just make an "open class" where any identification, body mods, and performance enhancing drugs are unregulated. The best athletes that science can create.

mctoasterson ,

A lot of public school districts now provide laptops or Chromebooks to the students to use during class while doing... let's say...minimal oversight at best.

So most of the same inappropriate garbage behaviors and distractions will just be offloaded from the personal phone to the school device.

mctoasterson ,

If a parrot is on its perch, can it lead a standup meeting?

mctoasterson ,

Same issue as you. Second floor bedroom above the garage gets really hot, but we can't stick a window unit out the front of the house because it would be conspicuous, ugly, and prohibited by HOA.

What I do have is access to the attic part that is adjacent to that room. So what I'm thinking of doing is punching a hole thru the drywall of the bedroom into the attic, mounting a window type AC unit in there so the attic is the "waste heat" side. I would install a drip tray to handle the condensation, and maybe something else to vent additional moisture and heat out of the attic. They make solar powered fans you can install that pull air out the top of the roof.

mctoasterson ,

PSR is an awesome channel and his music slaps. He doesn't give any instructions or links to files or anything else. He just shows completed examples he built that the community designed. YouTube needs to fuck off with the censorship. The information is all out there. They aren't protecting anybody.

mctoasterson ,

Any competent person with $50 and access to a hardware store can build functional firearms. This didn't start with 3D printers.

It is 100% legal in the US to build ones own firearms for personal use. Only a few states have put any additional requirements around it.

Building new full auto guns is already illegal without the proper federal licensure. It was already possible for motivated bad actors to ignore this law if they want, even before 3D printing became a moral panic.

There is already zero point to gun control. Can't stop the signal.

mctoasterson ,

They can do whatever they want, sure. What I will say is the moving goalposts for certain "undesirable" content is pretty ridiculous especially if you consider the history of YouTube. Several of the first partner channels and many of the oldest YT channels are gun channels. They were glad to exploit that community to build their platform, but will throw them under the bus at every turn if it can be used to virtue signal or pander to advertising partners.

Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines ( )

Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond....

mctoasterson ,

This history of Russia shows a willingness to throw bodies into the meatgrinder to achieve military objectives. While there are trained and professional forces fighting on the Russian side of this conflict, the lines have also been populated with conscripts, political dissidents, ethnic minorities, prisoners, and any other "human resources" that Putin doesn't mind sacrificing. I doubt he is worried about troop strength.

mctoasterson ,

I have not been active on Zuck platforms or Twitter in over 10 years and it is highly recommended. I haven't been on Reddit since the API changes killed Infinity app. Also recommended. Never touched TikTok or any of the zoomer social media platforms. Extremely recommended.

Amazingly if you just avoid the cesspit of constant engagement, regardless of your life circumstances, you will be happier.

Besides, most things that are genuinely funny or useful on Twitter just get screenshotted and shared via other means anyway.

mctoasterson ,

Just look at the number of normies who use Apple, Samsung, or vanilla Pixels as their daily driver. Unless you have a degoogled Android, all the major flagship devices are essentially surveillance and advertising powerhouses. People have embraced the willful ignorance part of this bargain. They think they need whatever proprietary garbage is offered by Apple, to the point that even their own privacy is too ethereal a concept to regret mortgaging it away in the tradeoff.

mctoasterson ,

There are instances or subs here that will delete your comment or ban you simply for posting something that disagrees with the predetermined consensus they are going for. And no, I'm not talking about racist or abusive comments, just generic shit that may not perfectly align with their narrow personal Overton window. I'm not going back to Reddit, but I wouldn't say there is a robust and diverse discussion here either. A lot of groupthink, or perceived groupthink...because dissenting opinions get straight up deleted.

mctoasterson ,

Quantum foam has been a mainstream thought for some time. It is referenced extensively in Michael Crichton's 1999 novel Timeline in which a sort of multiverse time travel is achieved by scientists using some vague method based on quantum science.

mctoasterson ,

Can confirm that 60fps Perfect Dark goes hard on the SteamDeck.

mctoasterson ,

I just used the i686-linux steps here:

As with most of these decomps there is no copyrighted material included in the link and you have to provide your own ROM (and a very specific version of it) in order to build and get it to work.

After that I believe I just copied the folders to the Deck, mapped it as a non-Steam game, added updated artwork with the steamgriddb plugin etc.

I might have messed with the controls a bit but I don't recall. There is probably a more detailed Steamdeck-specific guide somewhere if you care to dig.

mctoasterson ,

Broadly speaking, ray-tracing is a graphic rendering technique that produces more accurate light reflections (and realistic looking graphics) but is demanding of rendering hardware and therefore associated with modern games and consoles/PCs.

The project I linked is a decomp specific to Perfect Dark that uses existing ROMs. Basically it builds you a standalone runnable Perfect Dark with more modern enhancements, but I don't think it supports ray tracing.

The project in the original Tom's Hardware article appears to include a separate tool that is generic and could potentially be used on various N64 games with user-supplied ROMs. I don't see a list of games that are supported so I can't speak for Perfect Dark.

I know there are raytracing plugins for n64 emulation but I'm not sure which Retroarch core and settings would support that. Probably requires experimentation to see what works and what doesn't.

A cyberattack forces a big US health system to divert ambulances and take records offline ( )

A cyberattack on the Ascension health system operating in 19 states across the U.S. forced some of its 140 hospitals to divert ambulances, caused patients to postpone medical tests and blocked online access to patient records...

mctoasterson ,

Even if they have to revert to paper charts for 2 months and pay outside consultants and their own IT overtime to wipe and restore every last piece of hardware they own, they should avoid paying any ransom. Paying these ransoms just incentivizes even more attacks.

mctoasterson ,

Just imagine. If you install Amazon video on an external streaming device and hook it up to a new Roku TV, you could get the pleasure of looking at multiple layers of Pause screen ads.

mctoasterson ,

I think "extremely ethnocentric" is a more fair description/criticism of Japan. Close to 98% of their population is ethnically homogeneous, so it kinda makes sense.

mctoasterson ,

Let's just check the walk-in freezer now.

...annnd I'm in Blackreach

Besides lemmy, what's another good reddit alternative?

Hi! Recently exiled reddit user, here. I'm curious what other alternatives to reddit there are, besides Lemmy, and Raddle, of course. Also, imho, Phuks is a good alternative, there's no hate-speech (that I'm aware of) and people are pretty respectful. Anyways, let's hear your suggestions! Thank you!

mctoasterson ,

Is that the most toxic instance? I got blocked or banned or whatever from hexbear for simply posting a slightly different opinion from whatever the current orthodoxy was there. Do curated echochamber communities really provide any value?

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