@marathon@lemmy.ca cover
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

Retired, living in YYZ — BLM | Indigenous Rights | AntiGlobalist

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marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

I sometimes wonder why we don’t just establish a foreign legion like France, or at least permit foreigners to join as enlisted (not officer ranks) like other countries as a pathway to Canadian citizenship. The risk in active service is a far greater display of commitment to Canada than the average study permit holder, and expanding our recruitment pool to Francophone nations in Africa, and states in the Caribbean would at least help greatly in finding non-specialized enlisted.

I've thought the same — at least from the commonwealth. The US Marines do this, as do the UK Royal Marines. However, any Liberal government in Canada has a track record of underfunding and basic neglect of our military. It started with the Liberals in the late 60s when all service members wore the same uniform. We need to get rid of officers too — we're far too heavy with top brass (generals).

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

There is a cabal here on lemmy.ca that downvote each post of mine. Regardless of content or opinion. This is called brigading, and it was illegal on Reddit and supposedly here on lemmy.ca too. Ridiculous. This is an example of where I agree with the individual I'm responding to, who received 6 upvotes. Doesn't bother me as much as it bothers the idiots who downvote. It won't stop me from speaking truth to power.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Luke Skywalker said it best, but he was a hologram at the time.

Sorry, but could you explain for this old geezer?

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

With Canada’s policy of keeping the borders wide open and allowing itself to be invaded, what do they need a military for?

The usual scaremongering, Russia is a threat. What they really mean is that they can't be economically successful when we aren't. The WEST says it's a Free Market booster and welcomes commercial competition, but in reality we don't, it's all lip service. That's why successful emerging powers like China, being an economic threat, must be made into a villain and therefore a military threat.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Did everyone see the trio of TSN sportscasters that worked with him host a 15 minute memories of Darren yesterday? Actually brought me to tears on more than 1 occasion. He was loved even if he was politically incorrect at times. Appeared to have a large personality!

Pretendians ( link.chtbl.com )

In each episode of this riveting new podcast series, co-hosts Robert Jago (Kwantlen First Nation and Nooksack Indian Tribe) and Angel Ellis (Muscogee (Creek) Nation) reveal unbelievable stories of audacious fraudsters and investigate the complex phenomenon of Indigenous identity fraud. Coming soon. Hosted on Acast. See...

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d be interested in this, but a link to a trailer is just…advertising.

https://www.canadaland.com/shows/pretendians/ Not on purpose ...

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill ( www.racket.news )

I got in some hot water a while back for admitting I was relatively unconcerned with Republican villainy these days compared to other worries. This Canada Online Harms Act, whose details I missed earlier (apologies to Public and Yuri Bezmenov!), perfectly embodies the kind of thing that keeps me up at night now....

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Why don't you go and debate Matt then? For you young folks that don't get it — The devil is always in the details. That's why the law needs to be explicit and not open to loose interpretation. I'm worried about the bill because its intent is not child protection. Think a little deeper. Matt is a distinguished investigative reporter.

marathon OP , (edited )
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s the old geezers that don’t get it. Your irrelevance is nigh.

What don't I get?

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

is a bizarre twisting of things. The author is either ignorant of Canadian hate laws, while still choosing to report on them, or engaging in purposeful FUD for some reason.

Well, if hate is defined in Canadian Law, let's stop making more laws about supposed harms. People need to be responsible for themselves and not have a nanny government telling us what is right. This is getting so ridiculous! Society takes generations to adapt to new customs.

This law is about the government regulating thought and speech. Not my government!

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Extend my apologies to Matt as you’re thinking deeper.

I dare you to debate him, but you know you'd lose. I just get so tired of drive by comments like yours, that are posted with so little thought.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

it’s only conservatives you see online constantly spewing FUD and hate speech.

That is complete nonsense — Both sides spew it. Extremism of any sort is evil. It happens on the left and the right.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Do you recognize how immature you sound? Or are you oblivious to that part of reality too?

Hey kid, you're the one who mentioned his debating skill.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Afraid to learn something you didn't before? Such a silly attitude!

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

it’s sometimes hard to remember there are people who take that view.

Many people have this view. Us on the Fedi are unique in that we don't, or didn't before the mass Twitter émigré occurred.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

this guy is 100% committed to give nazis a platform, right?

I think you mean — speech you don't like. Where do you draw the line?

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Well, literal Nazis would be a good start.

The problem is that most of the blocking is simply because people don't like the speech. This is a huge concern for any liberal democracy. Free speech is a right, and that means speech that one doesn't necessarily like!

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Not correct. It's a human right regardless whether you believe it or not. https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/freedom-expression-fundamental-human-right#:~:text=Freedom%20of%20expression%20is%20a,Universal%20Declaration%20of%20Human%20Rights.

Just because America doesn't allow free speech on their social applications doesn't make it right. Pull your head out of your arse. Yelling fire when there isn't a fire isn't an example of free speech you moron! We're talking about political free speech.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

tldr: why not just use drones.

Exactly, as mentioned in the article, manned warplanes are mostly a thing of the past in modern war.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

There are many types of drones, like missiles… <sheesh!>

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Ouch! The author has stated his credentials, maybe you should yours? I'd also suggest replying to him on his substack, because this deserves a rebuttal, so the rest of us can learn from the debate, if any.

I do appreciate the detailed response.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

You mean a Christian version of the US on our border?

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar


marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

We can only hope that the disintegration of global politics, and the formation of a Christian version of Iran

What does this even mean? You're not making sense. On our borders??

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Praise Be, Yeah like the Handmaid's Tale in real life! Well, we're not exactly democratic either with the cancelling B$ that's been happening in Canada. This burning of our history because of inconvenient truths. History is just that.
Either extremes are bad.

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

No one seems to have picked up that Canada is considering getting nuclear submarines or getting into the ballistic missile defense treaty, that the Chretien liberal government had refused to join. That party was MY Liberal party, which practiced true Liberalism, not the neoliberalism we see today with Trudeau's government, which is right leaning. Much intolerance for dissenting views. We should be alarmed!

marathon OP ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, it usually synonymous with 'right wing' but they are a bonafide left wing site. Not liberal or neoliberal tho. Same with Glenn Greenwald. The people that don't agree with his writing are often fellow left-wingers, who claim he's ultra-right. The funny thing is, to anyone who has known or followed him for several years, knows he's the opposite. Politics isn't black & white, or shouldn't be, unless one is a party partisan — but often many shades of grey.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Shows how little you know about why oil prices are so high right now. Sanctions didn't work, Russia's economy actually grew and has less inflation. Ukraine attacking their oil refineries hasn't helped either.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

I dunno why I'm being downvoted, these are verifiable facts! Do some serious research, people.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Do your own damn research. I'm not here to spoon-feed you! Ukraine has been attacking Russian oil depots. When the supply of oil is constricted, guess what happens? Oil prices rise! I thought this was a serious Subreddit—apparently not.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

So you believe what we're being told by the government and MSM? If so, you're a damn fool.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

No, it's not. Before critiquing anything, it's incumbent on YOU to have a knowledge of the subject. Not what you think, but what is factual. Do you actually know what's been happening in Ukraine before Russia's invasion? Do you know that we're supporting an undemocratic fascist regime in Ukraine (Zelensky cancelled elections which are due May 21 of this year, and made opposition parties illegal)? Even the MSM before the invasion had articles concerning the Nazi fascist rise in Ukraine. Do some research! The first casualty in war is the truth. Canada has been sending mercs to fight in that war. It wasn't an accident that a Nazi was honoured in our Parliament FFS! Read some history of the 2nd world war! Even our deputy PM Chrystia Freeland's grandfather, from the Galician region, was a Nazi officer! Many inconvenient truths that folks like you either don't know about or are ideologically invested, in this fallacy. Most Canadians are wilfully ignorant of foreign policy. Unfortunately.

marathon ,
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

An example of the reportage BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesleadershipforum/2014/05/19/why-everything-youve-read-about-ukraine-is-wrong/?sh=48e8486c510e I have pages of more, but I'll leave it serious readers to research. I just wish our election cycles in Canada involved more foreign affairs content. It doesn't so Canadians are mostly ignorant of the world poltically.

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