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m0darn ,

If you live with someone else (who may need to open the door) put it (or a reminder) in (or on) your shoes.

m0darn ,

On food, write the expiration date with a big magic marker as a reminder to use them.

If it's something from the freezer(and the expiry is now useless) write the date you thawed/ opened it.

m0darn ,

I'm like this for most things except for cleaning the kitchen. It's essential to know she's counting on me, but if she's actually there I can't do anything. It could have something to do with the layout of our kitchen (she has to stand behind me if I'm washing dishes).

If she was working on something at the table I could probably ignore her and focus on cleaning, but if she's trying to clean too, I can't.

m0darn ,

I wouldn't say they closed it. They narrowed it.

m0darn ,

Maybe the thought is that they were already taxed on the capital when they earned it?

Not very compelling but it's the only other reason I can think of.

m0darn ,

Oh I saw something in the globe yesterday about this. It's because the corporations themselves pay income tax, which is essentially reducing the capital gain at the source. The numbers don't seem to add up to me but I think I'd need an accountant to explain it.

m0darn ,

I've had lots of led bulbs die. I think it's because I bought them at the dollar store.

m0darn ,

Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.


In the defense of engineers, they are usually trying to optimize around a few more variables than ability to stand. Cost is a big one.

If a car has a warranty of 10 years, it will last 11 years.

...If it's well engineered.

Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling ( )

Canadian real estate prices have surged in almost every market, with a typical home price doubling in many regions. A median household in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver would need to save over 20 years for just the down payment, more than 3x the historic average. Seems absurd? The outlandish scenario was apparently a...

m0darn , (edited )

I'm a millenial home owner, that would not really mind seeing a radical adjustment of housing prices. (Because I want my friends to be able to own their homes)

Unfortunately, I think Trudeau's right.

GenX spent their entire lives trying to catch up with the boomers. Boomers got great careers and big houses in the city, lost a bunch of money in the dotcom bubble, and lost a bunch of money in 2008, but were mostly okay.

GenX got mediocre careers (less manufacturing, more outsourcing by the time they entered the work force) more competition for existing jobs (women now expected to work too). They got houses in the suburbs and had long commutes. While Boomers lost money in dotcom and 2008, GenX lost jobs. The Boomers won't retire from the cushy management jobs so GenX is stuck in middle management.

Now that Boomers are finally retiring GenX feels it is time to get PAID!

They don't have the penions that the Boomers got, but their suburban houses are a lot closer to the city than anything that's being built these days. They're depending on that value to retire.

These millenial upstarts want to pull the rug out from under them? There would be blood in the streets.

Just my impression though, idk.

m0darn ,

It does sound like the student is witnessing calls for the elimination of Israel, which is (in my opinion) way too close to calls for genocide to be tolerated in a school. I'm not sure an art teacher can be faulted for not understanding the geography and history of the conflict well enough to recognize that the map is showing a Palestine displacing Israel, and the students that made the map probably don't understand that depicting Palestine displacing Israel is (I believe) reasonably understood as a call to genocide.

I'm not sure what the school can reasonably do.

m0darn ,

Everyone should have a basic grasp of the issues and I would argue that being a teacher in any subject elevates that from "should" to "must."

But a basic understanding of the Israel/ Palestine conflict doesn't include being able to recognize the borders of Israel/Palestine from a child's art project.

m0darn ,

I think you're seriously overestimating the population's geographical competency.

Philanthropist who gave $30M to U Manitoba condemns 'hateful' valedictory speech, university for allowing it ( )

The philanthropist behind the University of Manitoba's largest-ever personal donation — $30 million — has denounced a speech made by a valedictorian for medicine grads and admonished the university for letting it happen....

m0darn ,

Here's what I think is the relevant part of the video, sorry about the source.

...disparaged Jewish people as a whole...

No, laughably no. It's possible to disagree with the speech's characterization of Israel's actions in Gaza, specifically whether or not they are intentionally targeting hospitals and whether or not they are committing genocide. But to say that the speech disparaged Jewish people as a whole is just factually wrong. It also feeds into some really wrong and anti Semitic tropes of Jewish control of the media etc. Really bad call by Rady.

m0darn ,

(...) and would accomplish . . . what exactly?

It would move China's adversary further from its shores. Just like how America doesn't like Cuba being right there, with its rival politico- economic system, China doesn't like Taiwan being right there with its rival politico- economic system.

China wants TSMC

I agree that they want TSMC, but I think Taiwan's semi conductor disablement plan has more to do with guaranteeing international support for Taiwan than reducing the incentives for Chinese annexation of Taiwan.

What I mean is that Beijing can't say to the world "this is an internal disagreement that doesn't concern you" because if TSMC goes up in smoke the global economy is going to bottom out, it concerns everybody's economy. The fact that Beijing can't just seamlessly assume control of Taiwan means that the international community will not support that ambition. It's like Real Politik, but with semiconductors.

Ironically USA initiatives to protect itself from the vulnerability of Taiwan by (re?)patriating chip production will be bad for Taiwan's security... if they ever actually manage to rival TSMC's Taiwanese production. I say this because it will demote the conflict from one of global interest to just regional interest.

But that's all just my arm chair speculation, I don't actually have any idea what I'm talking about.

m0darn ,

Yeah I remember watching/ listening to an analysis of this I don't remember who it was though. Maybe it was on Nebula?

m0darn ,

Avoiding cultural appropriation is a easy as treating people and cultures with respect.

If you don't have trouble doing that then great. It's not something most people need to worry about.

m0darn ,

I'm with you approximately %100.

One thing I've done when arguing with a person that insists race is real and meaningful is to ask the other person how many races they think there are.

It gets the gears turning a bit.

European, African, East Asian, Arabic, South Asian, Indigenous Australian, Indigenous New Zealander/Pacific Islanders (same or different?), North American Indigenous, South American Indigenous? are Mexico's Indigenous people the same race as Amazonians? Peru? Are they the same race as the Inuit of the arctic?

etc etc

m0darn ,

From your link:

In the study of race and health, scientists organize people in racial categories depending on different factors such as: phenotype, ancestry, social identity, genetic makeup and lived experience.

Overall, racial health disparities appear to be rooted in social disadvantages associated with race such as implicit stereotyping and average differences in socioeconomic status.

Cool cool I'm now totally convinced race is meaningful. How many races would you say there are? I probably agree.

m0darn ,

If there are "a fucking lot" of races, are you sure you mean races, and not ethnicities?

I think race means like, "well there are several races of people: white people, black people, yellow people, brown people and red people" ...

m0darn ,

I'm of the opinion that there aren't any biological races and that race is a social construct.

Is it your opinion that 'African type black people' are a single race?

m0darn ,

No I honestly don't. I also think you may not be as racist as you sound, I think you just don't understand the difference between race and ethnicity. How many 'black African' races do you think there are? Answering this question would help me figure out your understanding of ethnicity vs race.

Can you give some examples of the biological reality you think I'm denying? The Wikipedia article you cited did not support your position that race is biologically significant to health.

You didn't deny that 'yellow' is a race. (Again, I don't believe in races, you seem to) Can you tell me some biological realities that apply to 'yellow' people?

m0darn ,

You say I'm in denial of biological reality but you refuse to give examples of how I am deluded. You are not arguing in good faith.

m0darn ,

Mate, no. I understand the practical existence of race (well... to the extent a nonracialized person can) what I'm talking about is the expert consensus that: the matter of where the boundaries between races get drawn is determined by social factors, not biological.

The question of whether an ethnicity was (and is) 'white' or not was a political question, not a biological one.

m0darn ,

The developers of a game similar to Among Us would be forced to update the game with bots to be compliant?

I'm not a programmer or IT specialist or anything but I think the ask would be more like,

when discontinuing multiplayer service they must roll out an update to allow gamers to specify private server addresses

They don't need to program bots, they need to open the code enough for fans to keep the game functional. Like when I was a kid I could play multi player games with my friends by typing their phone number into the game. Our computers would connect through the phone lines and we could battle for the fate of Azeroth. I still remember the phone number of the friend I did that with.

m0darn ,

It would probably just result in games not being for sale in Canada.

Maybe a progressive tax, not a ban, eg if your game grosses say $1M sales in Canada you pay a higher tax rate if you don't attest that you've set aside enough cash to do this when you sunset the game. Then if you said you'd do it but don't, the CRA can come after you. Revenue from this tax could be earmarked for computer education or indie studio grants or something.

m0darn ,

... then just pay the higher tax rate? You already grossed a million dollars in sales.

m0darn ,

I was about to say that slave 'ownership' doesn't make him a terrorist, but yeah it does because i don't think it's possible to enslave a person without terrorizing them.

m0darn ,

Yeah I thought that headline might be satire too

m0darn ,

I don't think Google can be blamed too much for presenting an article from a relevant, generally trustworthy site, that has the search query as the article title.

m0darn ,

As a parent with a kid in child care, my feeling is that it's more efficient to make programs available to everyone, and manage wealth disparity with effective taxation.

I think people are more likely to support the funding of programs that they can use. And it's better to avoid segregating children by economic status.

m0darn ,

The person you asked your question of claims to be a biologist, but you dismiss the relevance of biology.

...basing on biology is clearly flawed...

It sounds like you might be more interested in an answer from a sociologist. Or are you asking the biologist to argue that basing it on biology is not flawed?

m0darn ,

One of the challenges is of course that the wealthy don't get paid. They own and control assets that appreciate in value.

What if we ended private ownership of businesses. I don't mean ending ownership of businesses, but that every business became publicly tradeable. No more private ownership of businesses.

I'm not actually advocating this (yet), just curious what people think would happen if we did this.

m0darn ,

Another way of thinking about it is betting your entire bankroll for 99.9....% certainty that you will win $1.

Say you go into the casino with $1000.


$1 lose.
$3 lose.
$9 lose.
$27 lose.
$81 lose.
$243 lose.
$729 oh wait you can't bet that much, you only have $457 left. Dang, do you bet $457 or find another $272? 

Bet $457 and you win $914! Congrats you're now only down $86!
Or maybe you lost and are down $1000.

Or maybe you scrounged up $272 so you could keep playing
Bet 729 and lose. Now you're down $1272.
Bet 729 and you win 1458. Pay back the $272 you borrowed from your buddy, you're still up $186. 
You just bet $729 dollars for a %50 chance of winning $186.

But what are the chances of getting 6 or 7 losses in a row? 1 in 64, or 128 respectively, actually worse because roulette wheels aren't 50/50, they're 18/19 (18 wins and 19 losses in 37 plays on average) or worse. So losing 6 times in a row will happen 1 in 54 plays, 7 losses is 1 in 106.

Google says roulette wheels spin 55 times per hour so with your strategy you will lose your bank roll in about one hour assuming your starting bet is 0.1% of your bank roll.

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