@livus@kbin.social cover

If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

livus ,

This is terrible.

I remember he was at Al Shifa and spoke to the press about the IDF attack on the hospital.

livus ,

Your relation is being callous.

My tip for elderly incontinence is make a designated area (I use thick plastic like a tablecloth cover to protect the floor) and line it with Puppy Pads/ mats.

Also if you get an oil drip tray from an auto shop you can put kitty litter in it and the cat doesn't have to step over anything to use it.

livus ,

Idk, the subs I used to frequent the most have definitely shifted to the right.

Worldnews over there is just a horrendous shitpile of fascism and Hasbara. It used to be way more variable depending on time of day and stuff.

livus ,

Nope, the Israel Palestine occupation has been a thing for decades. Redfit was different in, say, 2014 (another hostage situation) to what it is now.

Personally I think it has a lot to do with the total unleashing of bots and astroturfers, but it's definitely noticeable to me.

livus ,

It does! I was peering at the meme thinking but it would be good to take a look and then realized it must be...

livus ,

Nice, I love motivational poster memes. Classy.

livus ,



it can lead to fail

If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?

Experiencing firsthand how difficult an aging alcoholic, quadriplegic, post stroke, narcissistic, demented or simply ‘nothing’s wrong with me, I can drive, I don’t need those meds, I don’t need to go to a nursing facility’ kinda parent surely gives you some insight on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for...

livus ,

Based on my observations (of various old people in my life) of what works and what doesn't:

  • continue to gather and use evidence to make decisions
  • continue to be open minded to new ideas and new evidence
  • recognise your blind spots and have trusted people in your life to help with decisionmaking in those areas
livus ,

I think that's a great tip. You're right.

livus ,

Selection bias. Lemmy users by default are probably more sensitive to/negative about enshittification than those on reddit.

Many of us came here in response to the enshittification of reddit.

The term "enshittification" is a useful neologism because without it we'd need half a sentence to get the same concept across.

livus ,

Yeah you're probably right. It surprised me how many people my age are here but it does make sense because we're the generation that enjoyed a less corporate internet.

livus ,

Settlers of Catan generation.

livus ,

Dare accepted. I've watched a lot of art films so it was tempting to go with one of those but I get the sense you mean ridiculous as in fun and sparks joy so I'm going with

The helicopter scene from Who Killed Captain Alex.

livus ,

Why not make a rule for if they get attacked by unicorns while they're at it. There are IDF posts on both sides of the pier.

livus ,

Gaza wants aid. Famine is setting in. But this is mostly theatre.

Road crossings could deliver a lot more aid a lot faster. The US plan for this pier is to gradually ramp up to 150 truckloads a day. For reference Gaza needed 200 truckloads a day in peacetime. That was back when people could still work, before all the housing and infrastructure got destroyed.

The aid pier has Israeli positions on both sides of the port meaning it can be subject to the same IDF chokeholds as the road crossings.

livus ,

Thank you. Mainstream media have been trying to "both sides" this.

If you could take a single character out of a piece of media (book, film, TV show, video game, etc) who would it be?

They would lose any magical powers they may have had in the book, but anything they are, rather than can do, will stay. For example people from the His Dark Materials world would keep their daemons. You can take them out at any time in the story's plot, but for all other people consuming the media, it will be shown that the...

livus ,

Bizarrely, God is the main antagonist in the Old Testament in terms of plot.

So the stories would be more boring but also a lot calmer.

livus ,

Wait so when they appear next to me does that mean they are now real IRL instead of in the piece of media?

If so I'm going to pick Neo from The Matrix.

Single handedly destroys the need for sequels and gives me a Keanu-esque friend.

livus ,

Ffs neither the US or the Palestinian Authority is in charge of the International Criminal Court.

This is just witness intimidation on a scale that also makes it collective punishment.

Which is a war crime.

livus ,

I hate how western media use literal translations like this.

I would probably sound like a christian fundamentalist if someone interpreted every OMG of mine as some sort of address to God.

livus ,

That's literally the opposite of what the person I was replying to said.

livus ,

Well, I looked into it and found credible sources that support
@AllNewTypeFace's claim, so I'm going to believe them.



livus ,

Too much of a leap.

The idea that everyone who says down with a regime is willing to kill people over it, doesn't really hold water for me.

livus ,

If you were a Vulture you'd be too busy buying up 3rd world countries debt and then suing those countries for payment.

You wouldn't have time to muck around with a chatbot.

Netanyahu vows to raid Rafah ‘with or without’ hostage deal ( www.theguardian.com )

Mediators renew efforts to secure a truce ahead of invasion of city, where more than 1 million people are sheltering. Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will proceed with an offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah even if renewed efforts at internationally brokered talks with Hamas result in the release of hostages...

Jeff Bridges’ Tron 3 Update Is A Much Bigger Deal Than I Thought ( screenrant.com )

Jeff Bridges' addition to the Tron: Ares cast marks his first return to a feature film since 2018's Bad Times at the El Royale. The acclaimed actor has starred in nearly 100 different films and television series since he made his onscreen appearance in the classic television series Sea Hunt (1958 - 1961) alongside his father,...

Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech?

I went to some palestine protests a while back, and was talking to my brother about the organizing, when revealed something I found pretty shocking, we (the protesters) had acquired a permit to hold the protest. Apparently this is standard policy across the US....

livus ,

There's no such thing as free speech as an absolute in practice.

For example patents, IP, defamation laws, copyright, state secrets, sealed courts, false advertising laws, all these things create limits to speech in the US.

Only Cable News Viewers Think Israel isn't Committing a Genocide, Survey Finds ( theintercept.com )

Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits....

livus ,

Presumably a big chunk of the cable news demographic are watching Fox, which notoriously has been proven to leave its viewers knowing less than people who don't watch news at all.

livus ,

Just to be clear I'm not trying to disagree with OP's article.

Let alone set up some kind of binary where CNN is somehow exempt. I was just making an observation about this demographic.

I'm not American so I don't see these channels but their online coverage is biased AF.

In some of the threads about Tiktok I've been saying that I think the generational divide is more between boomers who watch TV news cycles versus people who get more varied sources of info online. Had to watch our free-to-air TV a couple of weeks ago and the news on the Gaza Genocide was ridiculously pro IDF.

Tagging @macabrett who made a similar point to me.

livus ,

I only get to see it via clips on Seth Meyers but it reminds me of Idiocracy.

livus ,

Poor guy. As far as addictions go that one doesn't sound very rewarding.

No sex, drugs, cash, or even cool memories.

livus OP ,

Yeah, I think it's going to get much much worse than the current situation, which is already terrible.

livus OP ,

The Sudan famine is not really "passive" tho, it's a civil war with a genocidal component.

livus OP ,

No worries. I only wrote one line cos you don't really like me replying to you in my threads, but if you're interested in knowing more my other comment in here explains how this is different from Gaza and we have a better chance of stopping it.

livus OP , (edited )

@some_guy basically I was just pointing out that unlike the Israel situation neither side here is an important US ally. This is going to take either an AU intervention or a UN one.

I don't think we've had disagreements. For reasons I don't really understand you objected to me replying to your comment on my thread once and told me not to reply to your comments. I objected at first but you got quite irate and told me off.

I don't block people because reasons, but I hoped you'd just block me, to avoid a repeat of whatever it was.

I normally refrain from replying to you at all in my threads but in this case I thought it was worth pointing out because the world really can do more for Sudanese civilians if there is more awareness of the situation.

livus ,

Reddit is going to poison LLMs sooner than I thought.

livus ,

Doubt it, they are interwoven into almost any conversation with more than 70 comments.

livus ,

Lol it's what the algorithm thinks you want. It goes by what you watch right through, not just what you actually upvote.

livus ,

Asked what kind of protest might be appropriate, Smith cited a recent instance in an armed services hearing in which “people came in and they didn’t say anything, they just held up bloody hands. And the chairman noticed that and said, ‘You can’t do that, you’re out, and they got up and left.”

I can't even.

livus ,

Nope, you're describing not being young, that's nothing like being actually old. Growing old has a bunch of stages:

  • joint pain
  • can no longer dance all night
  • hangovers last all day
  • dentists start talking to you about your gums

But then you get to the phase of

  • skin losing elasticity
  • liking dinner parties
  • marijuana is now a medicine
  • developed distinct preferences about stuff like threadcount

And then after that the next phase is more like

  • a lot of time worrying about your parents
  • all body fat migrates to one or two of its favourite spots
  • seriously consider putting everything on lanyards
  • your favourite singers are all dead

And so on, you get the picture. That's as far as I've traveled but as far as I can see the phases after that involve things like bladder leakage and losing friends to alzheimers.

In Buddhist view: If all misfortune/suffering is deserved due to bad karma of past actions in a prior life, why advocate ahimsa/nonviolence?

A Buddhist was saying to me that anything bad that happens to someone is deserved because they must have had bad karma as a result of having done something bad, either in this life or a previous incarnation. I don't believe in any of this personally, but I think it would be helpful to understand the idea of karma a bit better,...

livus ,

Bodhisattva option is the only right option.

That's why I can't Buddhist.

livus ,

In that case, I guess it's important to avoid Nirvana if you're a layperson.

livus ,


One day it will involve fediverse. So enjoy it here for here now, where the only spam we face is the black market prescription drugs spammers on kbin, and people pushing their own news blogs.

livus ,

I remember being young and thinking middle-aged people are staring at me because they want me /they disapprove/whatever.

Now I'm middle aged myself, I know the staring is way more likely to either be something along the lines of "ah that kid is so 90s, I never had that green colour but blue Fudge used to wash out to green like that..."

Or "have we run out of natural yoghurt, we bought that 500ml pottle last week but we had curry twice, maybe I should get some more..."

Children in Gaza dying from starvation-related complications since Israeli government began using starvation as a weapon of war, Human Rights Watch says ( www.hrw.org )

Concerned governments should impose targeted sanctions and suspend arms transfers to press the Israeli government to ensure access to humanitarian aid and basic services in Gaza, in accordance with Israel’s obligations under international law and the recent International Court of Justice order in South Africa’s genocide...

livus ,

Exactly. NGOs are pointing out that aid drops etc are not going to fix this, once famine hits you need a framework of relief workers, and the situation is far away from being able to have that.

livus ,

Never did get a reply but I've worked it out. It's someone using software to replace specific phrases in existing news articles so that they are no longer an exact match.

They're close paraphrases but sometimes the meaning is changed. Reddit used to have bots that did this to avoid detection when reposting comments.

Had to ban the person anyway for breaking sub rules, but I think we should probably treat "infoterkiniviral" as blog spam.

Example: here is their rewrite, and here is the original.

livus ,

Woah that's a lot of accounts! Definitely trying to get traffic. Thanks for the list!!

I see you saw my attempt at a frank discussion with them over in movies. If I understand it right, they indicated that yes, their site is AI generated.

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