
@[email protected]

not much

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lemmyreader OP ,

Fair point. An they managed to get their email delivered on that newsletter announce mailing list (Which I expected to be moderated). Not sure how that could happen.

lemmyreader ,

This is great. Not having the attack surface of sudo (and not even being a SUID binary) certainly are great additions.

And I hope people realize that systemd is not one large thing, but a (large) collection of tools.

XZ-utils rings a bell ? It was among others Debian wanting to pull in part of a systemd tool into openssh and that almost turned into a world wide disaster :(

lemmyreader OP ,

I don’t mind as much when supporting equitable efforts but it always bugs me when anyone claims something wouldn’t exist without X like nobody else contributed and/or advancements wouldn’t have been made without a specific individual

Well, you know. Few months ago I read an interview with a classical music performer.This woman wanted to perform some music by Alma Mahler. The organizing concert hall directors replied with : "Why don't play some music of her husband ?" (??????). When reading some more about the Mahler couple I read that the later famous Gustav Mahler demanded that his wife (Alma) would give up all musical aspirations. In that time that was not such an unusual thing but it did break her mentally. Still Alma Mahler has imho composed some beautiful music. My point is that it can be tempting in a male dominated world to be silent and hold back and "normalize" the male domination. Have a look at classical music and see the famous names : Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Ravell, Satie, and the list can go on and on. Think of a famous female in classical music ? Clara Wieck-Schumann is the only name I can think of right now, and when listening to music streams on the Internet or the radio, Clara's music will not be heard very often. There's stereotypes playing a role, even in our "modern" times. Someone wrote "How come that harp players are always women ?" If you search on YouTube it is obvious that not many men play the harp. A bit similar is with electric guitars. Decades ago a female playing guitar was pretty uncommon. What does that have to do with women and technology. For example, the TCP protocol is from ages ago. I can imagine that women were not encouraged or even stopped from being in the spotlight when it comes to technology. Male domination should be acknowledged, especially in history. After all, history is still taught at school, isn't it ? (This is my "rambling" to all readers, not just a reply to the previous comment)

lemmyreader OP ,

I was saying that their are more honest ways of presenting these women’s accomplishments rather than saying the web wouldn’t exist.

Yes, I see your point. But despite me being a non native English speaker I figure (And I could be totally wrong) the "No web without women" can be interpreted in more than one way. It could also mean that in computer history women deserve to have their place be known to the public rather than forgotten or completely ignored or downplayed.

lemmyreader ,

Amarok has been around for a long time. I've never used it much but I remember the name.

The road to 3.0 has not been a short one. Much of the Qt5/KF5 porting was done in 2015 already, but finishing and polishing everything up has been a slow, sometimes ongoing and sometimes stalled process ever since.

Wow. Almost 10 years for the polishing porting to Qt5, and now KDE based on Qt6 has just been released. I didn't know that Amarok supported scripting, interesting (Imagine having a cronjob or systemd timer to slowly fade away the music).

lemmyreader OP ,

Here's a tl;dr : https://github.com/KFearsoff/nix-drama-explained

If you're looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

  • Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power
  • Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn't like
  • Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority
  • This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community
  • Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company's community as a substitute for Nix community

And a not too long read : https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2024-04-27-nix-internal-crisis.html

lemmyreader ,

😄 No worries. "Help is on its way". I am sure that Microsoft will release the source code of Vim 0.1 optimized for Windows very soon! /s /j

lemmyreader OP ,

Thank you. iceshrimp looks good.

Don't like the Web UI? We test our Mastodon-compatible API against the following clients:

  • Elk, Phanpy, Enafore, Masto-FE-standalone (Web)
  • Mona, Toot!, Ice Cubes, Tusker, Feditext, Mastodon (iOS)
  • Tusky, Moshidon, Megalodon, Mastodon (Android)
lemmyreader ,

it’s also difficult to find content on peertube.

PeerTube has a search engine : https://sepiasearch.org
Does that not work well ?

lemmyreader OP ,

t y

We did not make a technical choice to abandon FreeBSD in favor or something else, we made an organizational choice
to abandon external hosting in favor of owned and operated hosting which required a lot of technical changes, one
of which was switching operating systems.

lemmyreader ,

Dear OP, this whole conversation makes me think of the bullying towards open source developers, which can be seen on and off since years.
Let me also share what I have seen on Mastodon : Unlike on Lemmy, Mastodon has had support for ALT text descriptions for uploaded images for some time. Several people have been complaining when people do not add such ALT text, and even bots were made, that you could choose to follow, for people to have themselves reminded that they forgot to add ALT to an image. What I have seen several times is that people were helpful by responding and giving an ALT suggestion to the OP. That would be complaining and helping in one.
Here in this post conversation several people have asked OP for descriptions and then some tension came up. None of the people complaining took some time to add a description themselves and appear to want to make the OP do extra work.And I understand that the OP is not obliged to do that extra work. Regardless of all this I think that a nice solution here would be if OP or someone else creates a new Lemmy community with a name like e.g. selfhosted_software_releases (For open source software releases there is a Lemmy community like that. Can't be bothered to search for the name now) which is only for software releases for self hosting. Then this and other selfhosted Lemmy community can have the announcement of that new selfhosted_software_releases Lemmy community as a pinned post or in the sidebar. The advantages of that :

  • OP and others will not need to add descriptions
  • Interested people can quickly see when there's been new releases
  • Others can have a peek at software names they never heard of before and dive into the details
  • Selfhosted communities will go back to peace mode ;-)
lemmyreader ,

Following this conversation and here it was a pleasant surprise to see this pinned post from a GoToSocial developer 🙂


lemmyreader OP ,

I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

Here’s a link.

Thanks. From the same page I found this which has a tl;dr which is maybe useful for other readers.

The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this necessary context - it is very hard to follow some of the points made, and evidence seems very poor.

This repository aims to list some key points that are easy to understand without all of the context. This is a compilation of damning evidence for Eelco's leadership, essentially.

If you're looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

  • Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern
    the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power

  • Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this
    authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn't like

  • Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and
    establishing systems with explicit authority

  • This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to
    have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the

  • Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company's community as a substitute for Nix community

lemmyreader ,



2018 - 2024
Google Podcasts

Killed 26 days ago, Google Podcasts was a podcast hosting platform and an Android podcast listening app. It was almost 6 years old.

lemmyreader ,

Tombstone 2030-2032 Google Pacemaker

Killed 8 years from now, Google Pacemaker was an IoT pacemaker for patients with heart arrhythmia. All devices were remotely deactivated after 2 years.

🤯 😂

lemmyreader ,

Indeed.What a rip-off! :(

How can i do whatever I want to do ?

I wanted to install jackett and sonarr, they are complicated to use as is, moreover I am using Ubuntu. I am following fuidleine for installing jackett with STUPID command line making it EXTRA difficult. But now I have to change directory ownerships and what nots. I am the ONLY user on this machine. I want to own everything by...

lemmyreader ,

I'd much prefer FreeDOS in that case! :)

lemmyreader ,

Yah if it was simple as that in Linux. When the page says do chown 775 xyz ,
the Linux throes error as can’t modify, then I go down rabbit hole…honestly it’s
far from simple

To be able to use chown (Change Owner) you need to have the powers to do so.
Your default user does not have such powers when the target is not yet owned by that user. Perhaps you did not use sudo, like sudo chown 775 xyz So I guess the documentation of that software installation howto is lacking specifics for Ubuntu (Ubuntu uses sudo, but e.g. Debian does not do so and defaults to su).

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