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  • lemmyreader ,

    Your email relay or Beehaw could be "hacked".

    lemmyreader ,

    Other commenter mentioned usbmount. Debian has a page on that https://wiki.debian.org/usbmount which mentions pmount. The latter is packaged for Debian.

    lemmyreader ,

    Is it just me that dislikes when packages are mentioned instead of a series of terminal commands? I don’t want to install a package. Why would I want to rely on a package and it’s maintainer when I could write a shell script using the tools native to my OS?

    Yes, that's just you and probably explains why you are on a programming Lemmy instance.
    Personally I like to use the terminal myself for reasons including starting some GUI applications but I am sure that most people ("normies") would run away screaming if the first moment they would spot a terminal. See, everyone has their own preferences :)

    lemmyreader ,

    Since I haven’t found that here, I thought I’d add a comment to see if it’s just me.
    And I wanted to check to see if there is an alternative forum for such conversations.

    Maybe a shell, bash, scripting, or man page community. Idk.

    Right. It's in my opinion not so easy to find communities or finding people wanting to share the same interests. How about these ?

    lemmyreader ,

    Sure, sudo is a setuid binary, but it’s a fairly simple program, and at some point, you have to trust the code.

    Have to trust the code ? doas for OpenBSD was created because of issues with sudo.

    Talking with deraadt and millert, however, I wasn’t quite alone. There were some concerns that sudo was too big, running too much code in a privileged process. And there was also pressure to enable even more options, because the feature set shipped in base wasn’t big enough.

    lemmyreader ,

    What Chinera is doing with dinit and turnstile is really interesting. It would be nice to have feature comparable approaches to the systemd monolith that distributions could choose from.

    Link for other readers about Chimera Linux, dinit, turnstile : https://chimera-linux.org/development

    lemmyreader OP ,

    Dunno. GDPR is a Europe only thing, and isn't it only related to how your private data (like name, IP address, phone number) is cared about ?

    [Question] Securely Passing Host VPN to KVM?

    I've attempted to create a VM on my ubuntu host machine that is accessing the internet via a dedicated VPN app. I'm able to disconnect my host VPN and access the web within the VM, but cannot access the web when the host VPN is enabled. Ideally I'd like to enable the VPN on the host and pass through web access to the VM....

    lemmyreader ,

    The moment your VPN app starts it will change gateway and name servers for your host. If the virtual NIC of your VM is bridged with your host I would expect it to work fine for the VM. Is this with KVM or Qemu or VirtualBox or something else ? How is networking configured ?

    lemmyreader ,

    This comes a few days after Jack Dorsey confirmed that he had left the board of Bluesky and then starting to use Tw(X)tter and calling Tw(X)tter "freedom technology". Coincidence ?

    lemmyreader ,


    Earlier on Saturday, he unfollowed all but three accounts on X: Edward Snowden, Stella Assange, the wife of the WikiLeaks founder Julian, and Musk.

    “Don’t depend on corporations to grant you rights,” Dorsey tweeted. “Defend them yourself using freedom technology. (you’re on one).”

    Despite his promotion of alternatives to the site he founded, Dorsey has publicly shared his admiration for Musk. In 2022, he called the multibillionaire the “singular solution I trust” for the future of Twitter, though a year later he criticised Musk for his “fairly reckless” moves after taking control of the site.

    I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

    I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

    lemmyreader ,

    You don't have to install Linux if you are not ready for it. You can test it without installing by using Linux live distributions. With Ventoy you can have 10 or 20 different Linux distributions on one USB stick and test them to see how well your laptop works with it and which flavors you would prefer.

    lemmyreader ,
    lemmyreader ,

    If you want to test several Linux distributions Ventoy can be useful. You can have 10 or more different Linux distributions on one USB stick depending on the size of the stick. This will also save you time "flashing" an image iso to the stick each time because with Ventoy you'd simply copy the image iso files to the stick, quick and easy.


    lemmyreader ,

    the two you suggested though are US based though.

    Disroot is in Europe.

    lemmyreader ,

    Proton is the only one I know of who takes mailed cash.

    Proton accepts payments via postal mail you mean ? Posteo and mailbox.org do that.

    lemmyreader ,

    All the commenters suggesting that Proton is just a company and would always give in to legal requests and all other companies and any email provider would do the same, here's some more to add. Yesterday I saw a now invalid toot comment from ProtonPrivacy on Mastodon Social where they wrote that it was Apple who was to blame and that Proton gave the recovery email address only because this was a case of a terrorism suspect suggesting that if that (terrorism) was not the case they would not have given in to the request. Today their comment sadly gives a 404 error. Searching a bit further this article comes up mentioning Proton and Wire :

    In the new resolution, the National Audience judge recalls that in January, in a judicial report he issued on the case, he highlighted a conversation from July 12th and 13th, 2020, about the king's visits, which was included in the Tsunami investigative evidence, and of which he admits that until that point he had not made reference in his investigation which extends over the period from 2016 to 2022. Specifically, one of the people under investigation, the Girona businessperson Josep Campmajó, spoke to the figure named Xuxu Rondinaire, with profile @marietadelulllviu, about mobilizations in 2019, using the Wire messenger app. The judge has asked for the identification of this person, information now obtained by the Civil Guard, which details that they used Europol to ask the Swiss authorities for the Wire firm to identify the person behind this pseudonym, with a profile that is also used in Proton Mail, an encrypted email system. In the police cooperation form requesting the information, the Spanish officers indicate to the Swiss authorities that the investigation is for the crime of terrorism.

    lemmyreader ,

    I’ve never heard of those 2 providers and they don’t seem to be any better.

    You never heard of the other two providers but yet you already draw the conclusion that they don't seem to be better. What does "better" mean to you in this context ?

    lemmyreader ,

    Exactly! I am not saying that Proton is some kind of virus but lots of folks are screaming "Proton! Proton!" (and "You have to think for yourself!" - Life of Brian) as if it is the only answer for privacy and security.

    Riseup exists since about 1999 and is like Disroot non profit with focus on activism. Proton is like some other companies, I think, a response to the Snowden revelations, which is iirc 2013, a time after which self-hosting email (e.g. Mail in a box) became topical for a while and several other new email companies started to pop up.

    lemmyreader ,

    https://mastodon.social/@protonprivacy/112401461102514792 May 07, 2024, 19:29

    The name/address of the terrorism suspect was actually given to police by Apple, not Proton. The terror suspect added their real-life Apple email as an optional recovery address in Proton Mail. Proton can't decrypt data, but in terror cases Swiss courts can obtain recovery email.

    lemmyreader ,
    • According to this WiFi should work with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit Did you install 24.04 or 22.04 ?

    • I'd expect most USB devices to work out of the box. Did you try : sudo dhclient ?

    Easiest is probably to perform an installation that comes with a GUI. If the default Ubuntu installation iso is too large, there's for example Lubuntu.

    lemmyreader ,

    Agree about nmtui. Nice tool.

    How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? ( opensource.org )

    There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...

    lemmyreader ,

    Three examples of open source software where at least one developer could give up their regular job and work full-time on the open source project. I'm sure there's more (The Linux kernel maybe ?) :

    In both cases possible because of people donating. The last example is quite remarkable given the personal history of the developer and the fact that it was "just" a fun project with the developer sharing videos about programming for the fun project.

    lemmyreader ,
    lemmyreader ,

    Long time ago Riseup, focused on activists, required two invite codes, probably to avoid abuse. They've relaxed it with asking for only one invite code. You should imho not be asking for invite codes on the Internet but ask your activist friends or read this : https://support.riseup.net/en/knowledgebase/1-accounts/docs/13-how-do-i-get-an-account

    lemmyreader ,

    Disroot stopped using RainLoop long time ago when people became aware of a security bug in RainLoop and the fact that the RainLoop project appeared to be dormant. I think Disroot switched to SnappyMail, and then to Roundcube.

    lemmyreader ,

    Apparently it’s (by default) everything that doesn’t explicitly specify a license (especially a FOSS one) within the javascript code of the page, which is a ridiculously huge portion of JS on the internet.

    It is never to late to start something and make people aware of problems and as far as I am concerned not only about software licenses but JavaScript as a security problem.

    Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( files.mastodon.online )

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15315562...

    From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

    Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( files.mastodon.online )


    From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

    Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( slrpnk.net )

    A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

    lemmyreader ,

    I'd welcome polls implementation on Lemmy but maybe this is difficult with federation ? I wouldn't mind instance only polls.

    lemmyreader OP ,


    The announcement resolves one of my last fears for Aux: development on Nix itself. It is no secret that the number of people knowledgeable about the project and are willing to work on this CPP codebase is small. You have probably seen me mention multiple times by now that @sig_cli needs all of the help that we can get. Lix resolves this entirely with a trusted team of experts. This means that Aux is now able to remove Nix development from our priorities and can instead collaborate with Lix moving forward.

    lemmyreader ,

    Mastodon is about micro-blogging, with text, images and videos. PixelFed is only about images which can have a short or longer description. There's Loops, a work in progress, which will enable short videos for PixelFed. If you would follow others on PixelFed from your PixelFed account you'd only see images.

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