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kbal , avatar

Imagine one man having the power to decide such things for all of society. He sure likes to.

kbal , avatar

Altman and OpenAI greatly overestimate their ability to control what is done with this technology. The more they tighten their grip, the more open-weights sexbots will slip through their fingers.

kbal , avatar

If there's anyone whose sexual fetish is exploring previously unseen parts of the uncanny valley, they're in for a hell of a good time in the next few years.

kbal , avatar

Calling Tiktok "the next target" does not strike me as the ringing endorsement of its noble pursuit of accurate news reporting you seem to be taking it for.

kbal , avatar

I don't know, it just seemed to me they might have had in mind that whoever is trying to "control the narrative" would find competing disinformation campaigns just as unwelcome.

Youtube Rant from a paying customer

I used to use NewPipe back in the days of yore. Then I got Youtube Premium since it bundled in Youtube Music as well which I used. But the former's app on mobile is a shit show. Even after paying, you are asked to tip random creators, purchase merchandise[ which are shown as actual ads below videos] and join channels to access...

kbal , avatar

Is it t-shirts for sale at a little table off to the side somewhere you'll probably never see unless you go looking? Or is there an advertising billboard behind the stage that lights up after every song?

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

kbal , avatar

I would've been curious to see what kinds of words got counted as "far-right vocabulary" but it appears that research has recently gone back to being effectively concealed behind paywalls for those of us not in academia.

kbal , avatar

That's not really true. Anyway, the "supplementary material" provides a few examples at least. We can only assume that they should be representative and that care was taken in drawing the boundary between that sort of thing and less objectionable but culturally adjacent terms.

kbal , avatar

Speaking of online extremism, imagine calling someone stupid for wanting to read a scientific paper before forming an opinion about it.

kbal , avatar

Is there a c/lostlemmites somewhere?

kbal , avatar

Even if you are going to do a little bleeding edge development Debian stable can be a good solid base to start from.

kbal , avatar

It was always pretty obvious that "smart meters" would have severe repercussions for privacy, but until it started actually being a problem seemingly everyone dismissed such concerns as being in the same category of far-out conspiracy theory as worrying that they're a health risk due to radiation. Some still do. Humanity has so little common sense when it comes to things involving computers.

kbal , avatar

I'd use ext4 for that, personally. You might also consider using full-disk encryption (redhat example) if there's going to be any data on there you wouldn't want a burglar to have. Obviously it wouldn't do much good if you don't encrypt the other disk as well, but having a fresh one to try it out on makes things easier.

kbal , avatar

Good for Mullvad. Long overdue, as they say. Wish I could still be a customer. Whoever induced them to turn off port forwarding did the world a disservice.

kbal , avatar

The possibility that some of those bad customers might've had the specific objective of permanently crippling the service as they successfully did is often under-appreciated.

kbal , avatar

As well as Denuvo please also make it rely on Windows-only bugs so that we can be extra sure that those dirty Linux users are kept away, and it's not fair that foreigners get to enjoy things in their own language so make sure there's no localization for other countries. And I'd rather not have to know that disabled people can also play so make sure there's none of that "accessibility" crap in there slowing things down. And I heard that telemetry makes everything better so please make sure it records everything we do and reports it all back to headquarters, that really makes games better. Also it'd be nice if there were more ads to keep us entertained while it loads. Okay thanks. You guys are doing a great job. — Signed, a perfectly normal user

kbal , avatar

"The only intuitive interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned." — traditional 20th-century folk wisdom.

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

kbal , avatar

Most of the fediverse already has polls, and can post things to lemmy groups. So yeah it would be nice to be able to see them properly.

kbal , avatar

There's a very long history of calling things like lemmy communities "groups". In my case I'm old and the habit comes from Usenet.

kbal , avatar

It's not as if encryption would stop them being able to infiltrate and observe criminal gangs, and generally catch the bad guys. There are all kinds of other tools they can use without having instant push-button access to all communications data.

Encryption doesn't stop them spying on you. It stops them spying on everyone in the world simultaneously all the time with no effort.

kbal , avatar

Normal people: Gladly give google maps access to location data at all times and never think about it

Me: Instinctively worry that on the rare occasions I do use google maps it's somehow identifying me and keeping track of all the locations I look at, so I sometimes look at random places I'm not really interested in just to throw off the algorithms.

But most of the time I prefer osmand.

kbal , avatar

Oh yeah, I tend to forget that there's an app and it's not just a website.

kbal , avatar

Wow, cool, even NBC is catching on to the Fediverse now?

... nope, it's just another blockchain fueled social media system, the main use of which so far seems to be as a haven for QAnon types (according to Wikipedia,) rapidly burning up venture capital. Good luck to them, I guess.

kbal , to Linux avatar

Update available! This version is very old.

Xscreensaver has apparently been checking for updates and is disappointed that it hasn't had one for 14 months because Debian is too stable. Can anyone recommend a linux screensaver which would work with xfce and can be trusted to never do that?

kbal OP , avatar

I was considering keeping xscreensaver and just blocking any network requests it makes at the firewall, but if jwz is going to be like that I guess it's enough motivation to actually look for a replacement.

kbal OP , avatar

xfce4-screensaver isn't packaged for debian stable as of yet, but I've built it from source with only minor hacking required to get it to run with the current version of everything else. Problem solved.

kbal OP , avatar

I know, it's hard to believe. The confidence with which it announced that an update is available suggests that the actual screensaver was checking for updates on its own. So far as the system package manager is concerned there isn't one.

kbal OP , avatar

As it turns out, it's just printing that message if more than 510 days have passed since the timestamp in version.h was updated, which it wasn't when the debian maintainers last applied a patch. So I guess it is taken as given that the program will forever continue to need updates that frequently and that those updates will be forthcoming.

Anyway, in keeping with the author's wishes I'll just use xfce4-screensaver instead. It seems fine.

kbal , avatar

That's quite a lot of comments so far with nobody saying

kbal , avatar

Sure, or IFS=`echo "\n"` if you like

kbal , avatar

The first concrete example mentioned (18 minutes in) seems to neatly sum up the difference in design philosophy.

X11: Four different keyboard input focus modes, where two would suffice.

Wayland: Only one input focus mode, where two would suffice.

kbal , avatar

I don't think pleroma or misskey were ever mastodon forks. They're just better alternatives that do something approximately similar.

kbal , avatar

The end of the web as I knew it happened 28 years ago, and 20 years ago, and 12 years ago.

kbal , avatar

I was all ready to roll my eyes at yet another attempt to blame all the Firefox problems on one thing or another based on superficial and emotional considerations without any data or serious analysis, but it turns out it's just the same video from a few months ago being posted yet again.

kbal , avatar

I criticized the video last time it turned up in my feed. I don't feel it's worth doing again. The former over-paid CEO has since departed from that post, FYI.

kbal , avatar

I dunno, it might've been on mastodon. It's not as if I said anything that's likely to change your mind if you think this video is interesting and insightful. I'm not going to watch it again, but I remember it well enough to say that the only real questions it raises are that of how it got so many views and why it is still doing the rounds so many months later. It misses the mark. Stop to consider it carefully and I've no doubt you'll find for yourself much better things to say about the real problems at Mozilla.

kbal , avatar

I don't even recognize it as reddit any more. Might as well be Instagram.

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