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jol ,

And remember, there's no ethical billionaires, no matter how much philanthropy they do. Their billions are out there exploiting people.

jol ,

I think this is way too simple to answer OP's question. Not all trans women "feel like a woman" from birth. Otherwise way less people would come out as adults.

jol ,

How did you come to that conclusion from my comment?

jol ,

Japan might not have a category for e-bikes. The article says the suitcase was considered a motorbike.

jol ,

That's not really a suit case though. That's a foldable bike.

jol ,

Spotify's lyrics are also shitty, and often out of sync.

jol ,

I don't get it. They are complaning that their limited free plan is limited?

jol ,

Although clearly her production value obviously increased since her shitty robots days, she remains a creator that feels very down to earth, doing projects that, while very polished, seem accessible to a normal person with a CNC machine, a couple 3d printers and a laser cutter.

jol ,

Most of the times, I carry a bag or two with me when doing groceries, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes I wish I had a compact bag in my hat. But I don't wear a hat.

jol ,

Skin is extremely flexible,water proof and self-repairable.

jol ,

Some of the block list maintainer do accept donations, if I recall.

jol ,

Yes, body doubling works for a lot of people.

OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
jol ,

At least they posted the source

jol ,

I disagree. I welcome OC content like this.

jol ,

Where are live kids are wearing super extra baggy jeans. It's almost ridiculous.

jol ,

If the male flower die so soon, how do the female flowers get pollinated? I never understood that part.

jol ,

I'm fine with copying the fun parts of Reddit.

jol ,

I mean, as long as its on-call hours paid according only, sign me up.

jol ,

I mean yeah, in a rotation. And when I wake up in the night I'm still entitled to 12 hours of rest before I start working the next day.

jol ,

That's the law in many European countries.

jol ,

I honestly think k if they released an "Apple Vision S" with half the screen resolution, no battery (cable only, bring your own power), and no useless external screen, they could sell it like hot cakes for 2k$

jol ,

Sure, totally. As someone outside the apple walled garden I have no interest in buying it. But if it would interact with other systems, perhaps.

jol ,

Basically. When in reality it's indistinguishable from laziness to the untrained eye.

jol ,

Body doubling.

I can clean the whole kitchen while also preparing dinner and dessert if my SO is in the kitchen, even if they're not helping. But alone? Forget it. I'll be lucky to remember the water kettle was on.

jol ,

Same. I'm even a bit afraid of talking to a doctor about it because I feel like such a farse. I totally feel like I have ADHD but I'm also highly functioning. But when I think about how I'm functioning, it's basically a series of ways I trick my brain dominoes into falling into place. At work I carefully manage all my notifications - I must avoid being distracted by them, but must put systems into place to remind me of every task.

jol ,

There's only one thing that will motion this situation to be solved, and that's a tragedy... I was afraid that was where your story was headed.

jol ,

I would not trust anyone who tells me it's lab grown. I've had so many restaurants and people lie to me that someone ws vegan, out of malice and out of incompetence, that I just would not believe that a burger was "lab grown" instead of made with cheap meat leftovers.

If somehow I I could assure that it was made without animals being hurt, maybe. Meat is unhealthy so I would still mostly avoid it.

jol ,

The human body is an amagin versatile machine. But the best diet for health seems to be plant based whole foods. Meat should be a very small part of your diet. It has been linked to all main causes of death like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers...

jol ,

Unfortunately the world has moved on. As far as I cam tell, SMS is used by people in the US and little else. For the rest of the world, SMS is old news.

I have some hopes for the EU forcing all messemging apps to interoperable, but I won't hold my breath for real user friendly change.

jol ,

Forces don't kill people. People kill people.

jol ,

That's the Apple way. Apple hasn't compared the iPhone to another phone since the first phone announcement. They pretend other phones don't exist (this is the fastest iPhone yet!). So it makes sense that a feature to communicate with other phones isn't given much importance.

jol ,

Right, but they don't even condizer iphone a "smartphone". The iPhone is an iPhone.

jol ,

You're not alone... This makes no sense.

jol ,

My personal theory is that stimulants can help your brain stop working in overdrive and focus on one thing and, while they don't make me sleepy per se, it helps me fall asleep. But it doesn't always work and can also disrupt my sleep.

jol ,

I use that, but if something disturbs my sleep, like my partner arriving at 2am after work, having taken melatonin will disrupt the rest of my night.

jol ,

On the other hand, many people, specially the young, are using more nicotine because of vapes. Less smoke, more substance.

jol ,

Yes, it is, specially at a young age...

jol ,

Of course not, cigarettes are nasty. But what I would like to understand is: are kids vaping way more nicotine now and getting every more addicted? You don't get addicted to cigarettes per se, but to nicotine.

And flavoured cigarettes were banned in many places and helped stop some young people from starting to smoke.

jol ,

Interesting. Gotta look into that.

jol ,

Do retros every week or two and use them to improve the process. Best way to learn from others.

jol ,

Or the death of the Internet when 100% of people use ad blockers.

jol ,

We can't close pandora's box. Google ads are extremely profitable, nothing else comes close. I work for a company that uses ads as the main revenue source. We tried to avoid Google but it just makes no business sense. We're talking 10 times the revenue compared to other major players. Google not only pays better, but the ads are just better.

I'm very pessimistic. I'm pretty sure we're heading in the direction where most websites will be DRM'd and impossible to block ads.

jol ,

So what happens now? I doubt they have figured monetization right?

jol ,

OK, but they have a 90k bill now?

jol ,

Massaging costs extra though?

jol ,

You can be against Israel's actions while also being against Islam and middle east's treatment of LGBT folks.

jol ,

I'm embarrassed to be gay because the gay flag is hideous.

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