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jlow , avatar

Mh, I don't see any comments besides yours, that's weird.

jlow , avatar

Ah, yes, that's probably it!

jlow , avatar

Toxicity might also be a concern if you compost it by throwing it into nature. This is my big gripe with all these alternatives: Are they less harmful than (micro)plastic?

jlow , avatar

Black Mirror is not an instruction manual, people. Quite the opposite. Can we stop trying to make every episode real?

jlow , avatar

for some years our rallying call was “Make Krita usable for David Revoy!”


jlow , avatar

Very nice write-up, I love reading abput stuff like this.

So awful to hear that the dev is affected by long Covid, hope they'll get better eventually. Wear masks, people!

kde , to KDE avatar

In view of the latest news coming out of Microsoft...

Yeah, KDE's Plasma doesn't do that either. Your stuff is safe.


jlow , avatar

I cannot wait having an AI assistant on my system that hallucinates documents that are kind of like the one's I have. Taxes are going to be fun!

jlow , avatar

Nice video, thanks for sharing it!

jlow , avatar

For me the first Ghost in the Shell movie (the anime, obviously) is the standard when it comes to these questions (though it's of course not the first).

jlow , avatar

Interesting, the name sounds familiar, it's not based on Matrix and they're planning encrypted messages. Oh, you can self-host it!

jlow , avatar

Might be admins doing their jobs and deleting posts when the don't fit the rules?

jlow , avatar

Can the next big thing please not be a cancer for humanity that further erodes human society?

jlow , avatar

"Übel Eats" 👌

(Übel meaning awful or bad in German (tad old-fashioned or slang depending on usage?) True for the underpaid and overworked workers especially)

jlow , avatar

Check out Brackeys new videos on Godot. Haven't personally seen it yet but his stuff was super helpful when we both worked with Unity back when.

How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? ( )

There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...

jlow , avatar

I think the route of giving it all away for free and either offering hosting if the project needs it or (business) support is the most successful way of doing this.

I have no problems whatsoever with donation buttons / banners (like Krita does) but I'm afraid random donations is not really a sustainable model for most projects. I try to remember to donate to projects I use a lot (especially if it's for work) but it is another thing on my todo list and not one with high priority, so I don't do it as often as I'd like ... 😓

jlow , avatar

Yeah, very good points. A while ago there was talk about some kind of foundation where maintainers could bill their hours and people and big tech companies could donate. Not sure if / how that would work ...

During the xz incident I also talked about this on Mastodon and someone suggested that big tech could just employ maintainers without them having to do anything for the company directly, just work on the project / library the company uses. Again not everybody would want to do that ...

I'm afraid there's no easy one-fits-all solution here.

jlow , avatar

And women. Maybe negative pressure aka not pictured here?

What are some free interests/things/hobbies you can do in the city?

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day....

jlow , avatar

Depends on the country / city but (some) art galleries / museums might be free or have free days ...

jlow , avatar

Without having watched the video:

For me personally I think a big chunk of why FOSS alternatives seem "bad" is because you don't know how to use them (yet). I spend decades of familiarising myself with all the horrendous fucking "quirks" and bad UX and other stuff of Adobe software and internalsing all that bullshit. When Inkscape had different "quirks" (= ways of doing things) of course it's easy to dismiss it as "bad".

And yes, some software that is mostly made by a bunch of volunteers for free can't feature-compete with a multi-million company, surprise.

I think it would be more interesting to find out why Adobe software is still so abysmal after they've probably thrown hundreds of millions of dollars on it. I recently watched my brother work on a complex project with Premiere and it was almost non-functional, quite fascinating, actually.

jlow , avatar

Krita is also amazing.

jlow , avatar

Was wondering what the heck "Elevage Legendary's Reborn (Husky" is and apparently it's a dog breeder:

That website is certainly ... something.

jlow , avatar

Do you know what format the comics come from Amazon (and if they actually have DRM)? I'm not sure if I've ever done it with comics but ebooks from Amazon usually worked well with DeDRM for Calibre: (hosting piracy stuff on Github 😘)

Last time I did it I had to use a Kindle app on Android to get the file which was kind of a hassle but it worked in the end.

If you get it into Calibre, you can just convert it to zip in Calibre, export the zip, remane the file ending to cbz, done.

jlow , avatar

The combination woth the awful tiles plus the non-matching color of the floor ... Ooof.

jlow , avatar

Substack is just another platform where the nazis run wild thanks to capitalism or misguided ideas of what free speech is supposed to mean.

jlow , avatar

Yeah, autosave is such a lifesaver, I enable it wherever I can, Blender, Krita, Inkscape, Scribus, Thunderbird, autosave it all! And do your backups!

jlow , avatar

Good old Brackeys, his videos helped me so much back when I was using Unity. I'm checking out Godot atm for fun (started way before the current Unity debacle, it was apperent that they don't care about what's good for game-devs when they started buying spyware companies) and it looks pretty good, obviously it suffers from not having thousands of people doing assets and tutorials for it but if the enshittification of Unity continues (which it will) this will hopefully change to the better even more.

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