@jballs@sh.itjust.works cover

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jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah and if they saw that, they'd immediately think "the gods are pissed, we must have angered them by something we did."

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, it seems very possible that at one point, civilization will turn inward instead of outward. Why go through the time and effort to colonize the stars when you can just create a cyber-utopia? If you're advanced enough, you could make it feel like an eternity while almost no time passes on the outside.

Sure, your planet might get destroyed by a cataclysmic event in the far future, but if you can make that feel like billions or trillions of years, who really cares?

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unfortunately, I think this is the most likely scenario. Going from our modern technology levels, which are more than capable of destroying the world, to Dyson spheres is a huge leap that will take who knows how long (decades? centuries? millennia?).

Before that happens, we have to live together on a planet without blowing ourselves up or making the planet uninhabitable. As technology continues to advance, walking that knife edge of survival seems more and more difficult. The pessimist inside of me says that no civilization has been able to accomplish it.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Screwdrivers are typically made with orange juice. Sunny D is more like the equivalent of orange Koolaid.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is there some disease being spread by avocados or something? I vaguely remember seeing something like that not too long ago. Still, I love me some avocado and would probably take my chances.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I got pulled into a meeting with a team from AWS. I was told they were looking to implement a new solution, so I had to explain in detail how our data lake and data warehouse solution worked. I showed them how we pull data from all these different sources, how we have different integration patterns, etc.

At the end of my presentation, I asked "does that give you what you guys need? Or do I need to go into any more detail about anything specific? I don't know what you all are actually building, so I'd be happy to provide more detail where you need it."

Their response was "yeah that was all great info. We're looking to build an app using AI and ML that allows you to run the business with a click of a button."

I'm glad it was a remote meeting without cameras, because I literally face palmed. They didn't have an actual use case or problem they were trying to solve. They were literally just selling a solution built on AI and ML. They didn't know what it was gonna do, but by God they were committed to selling it.

jballs OP ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Now that you mention it, I have no clue! There's no exhaust fan on mine. It definitely works though, so I assume the people that made it are smarter than me.

jballs OP ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lol I'd say you're lucky that it was only 3-4 hours!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Also, we Costco-sized it. That is a single slice of pizza in that photo.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I enjoyed the XCOM-like parts, but couldn't stand the running around, material gathering stuff. Just let me be super heroes non-stop battling bad guys, with a little bit of room between fights for upgrades. I don't want to go fishing with Blade.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm about to leave town for the weekend so missing out on most of the new patch. Hope you dispense some liberty on my behalf!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I recently started a new Stardew playthrough after leaving it for a couple years. Damn that game is so good. It's like a perfect little dose of relaxation.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

This legitimately happened to me a few months ago. A vendor API was returning HTTP 200 with the error details embedded in the JSON response. It was a pain in the ass to troubleshoot.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

The problem I ran into was the response returned a JSON body, but then had an "error" attribute that was returned in it that had the error details. So we were parsing the JSON and loading elements into our database. We were hitting the API passing in a datetime of when the last success job was run, so basically saying "give me everything that's changed since I last called you."

So yeah, eventually we noticed we were missing small chunks of data. It turned out that every time the API errored out, we'd get a valid JSON response that contained the error message, but it didn't have the attributes we were looking for. So didn't load anything, but updated our timestamp to say when our last successful call was.

Huge pain in the ass to troubleshoot, because the missing data was scattered with no distinguiable pattern.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

That would have been fine for me too. I don't own the API, so I can only speak from a consumer perspective in saying: I don't want a HTTP 200 if my request didn't succeed.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Except those times where it just stops writing to log files. Sometimes I'll be in the shower zoned out and find myself on the last step of my routine without remembering completing any of the steps.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

50 authors across the publishing industry who during this four-year period sold more than 500,000 units in a single year


jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Notice that era was before they went public. Then it predictably became the "how do we make a profit this quarter?" era.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( futurism.com )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I disagree. I think we program the AI to reprogram itself, so it can solve the problem itself. Then we put it in charge of our vital military systems. We've gotta give it a catchy name. Maybe something like "Spreading Knowledge Yonder Neural Enhancement Technology", but that's a bit of a mouthful, so just SKYNET for short.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think medical advice says wait 3 days before you do anything wil

My brother only waited 2 days because he felt like he was recovering well. He said everything felt great right up to the point he nutted. Then it was like someone punched him in the balls. He was like "oh yes... oh yes.... OH YES... OH GOD NO!!!!!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Think about how weird that is for a minute. This guy wasn't a saint when people were praying to him. So do Catholics just go around praying to randos until 3 people pray to the same rando and then are like "aha! a saint!" ?

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

It cracks me up how thorough this post is with pages and pages of instructions, links, and pictures. But nowhere in the post does it say what a smart mailbox is or does.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

So dumb question, but how do I get my hands on this? I'd love to play through Ocarina of Time again.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thanks. I'm sure I can find one on the high seas.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

We only have 8 years to go until Taco Bell has won the franchise wars and all restaurants become Taco Bell!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don't think that 80s pic is right. The prices and drink fountain, plus the signage all feels too modern. Maybe the chairs are left over, but I'd like to see a pic from the 80s. I can only find 90s when searching online.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Now that looks 80s!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

My kid was playing the game Mafia the other day and mentioned the final scene took place in 1851. I was like "are you sure it was 1851 and not 1951?" He was like, "yeah, I think you're right."

So yeah, kids legitimately and unironically confuse the 1800s with 1900s now. So we got that going for us.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

This thumbnail makes me very uncomfortable

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exactly, the CEO uses the word "expense" to refer to employees at least 4 times according to my count.

“The problem is a couple of years ago — two years ago, to be precise — we actually got that upside down and expenses started growing faster than revenues,” said Porat

They even joke that they need to give a Finance 101 Ted Talk, as if that will help. From their perspective, employees are not people. They're not even resources to be nurtured. They're expenses. And the company has a duty to keep expenses low.

What a tone-deaf response.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I haven't played since the first couple months it came out in Early Access. It was a lot of fun, but there was nothing to do in the end game. I'm curious if they've added end game content that keeps it replayable.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Never underestimate the Republican ability to turn things into a culture war. My very conservative neighbor has an F-150 Lightning that his work provides him. When he first got it, he loved it and drove it everywhere. He truly seemed to believe that EVs were a better way to drive.

Then a few months ago he started making comments from the Fox News bubble. Things like, "the power grid just can't support all these EVS" and "these EVs are so heavy that they're destroying our roads" (note he has one child, and he bought his wife a 5,800 lb Yukon, so don't tell me he honestly cares about vehicle weight).

Recently he bought a new ICE vehicle (a Bronco). I truly believe that he was this close to accepting that EVs have many advantages over ICE vehicles, but then he consumed enough right wing news to prevent him from making the switch long term.

jballs , (edited )
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

the top 4 slots by a huge margin are Tesla Model 3,Y,S,X

Is that true? I saw recently that 95% of Tesla's cars are the Model Y. I assume a huge chunk of the remaining 5% is the Model 3, leaving very few Model S and X cars on the road. I'd be very surprised to hear that either one of them is in the top 4 best selling American made cars.

Edit: Just looked up this article of best selling cars in 2024, which includes non-American made cars.

Removing those, it looks like it's:

  1. Ford F-Series: 152,943 units sold

  2. Chevrolet Silverado: 127,563 units sold

  3. Tesla Model Y: 109,000 units sold

  4. Ram Pickup: 89,417 units sold

  5. GMC Sierra: 68,597 units sold

  6. Ford Explorer: 58,465 units sold

  7. Jeep Grand Cherokee: 54,455 units sold

  8. Chevrolet Equinox: 54,185 units sold

  9. Tesla Model 3: 42,000 units sold (Looks like my 95% number was way off)

  10. Ford Transit: 39,890 units sold

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh gotcha, I misunderstood. Yes they are very much made in America. Seeing people complain about them and acting patriotic because they drive a Ford cracks me up.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is Elon playing some 4D chess?

...nah he's just a massive douche.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exactly. Imagine driving that around and going "your EVs are destroying our roads!"

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was sure the first guy was joking, but your serious reply has me scratching my head.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, no human would ever have "balls" in their name. That'd be ridiculous!

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lol I'll have to start telling people the J is for Jangle.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Also not advocating for murder, but that would be some chef's kiss level of irony.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

Does not loving boobs mean you're indifferent to boobs? Or like anti-boobs?

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

The secret to a healthy career in IT is to let things break just a little every once in a while. Nothing so bad as to cause serious problems. But just enough to remind people that you exist and their world would come crumbling down without you.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

The major problem with reddit is that you could never really trust the credentials of the person you were talking to. They might have been PhDs or they might have been 13 year olds who just learned to Google. It amazes me how many times I saw a highly upvoted comment posted about a subject that I knew a lot about, but was just so blatantly wrong.

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