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intensely_human ,

It’s his piercing eyes

intensely_human ,

No, art is not for thinking. Books are for thinking. Art is for experiencing.

intensely_human ,

No, it’s not. The prerequisite to creating valuable art is ability, not some stance toward intellectualizing visceral media.

intensely_human ,

One of my favorite lines ever

I have a level that is a tribute to The Stanley Parable in my game, here is my progress. Any feedback? ( )

My game is called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse) and in it I have a multiverse called A Universe Where This Game Was Made By People With Actual talent and it's a "What If" the Crow Crows Crows guy made my game. I think it's turning out good. What do you think? Here is my Steam Page

intensely_human ,

Put some floating shelves above the cabinets to break up that vertical space. You can put some knick knacks up there.

intensely_human ,

I’m going to keep going to work, brushing my teeth, keeping my apartment clean, working out, visiting my father on the weekends. (serious)

intensely_human ,

my social life is empty of anyone else I can depend on

This is a problem that needs fixing regardless of who’s elected.

Why don’t you have a support network?

intensely_human ,

It did

intensely_human ,

Fruit by the Meter?

intensely_human ,

Every thing is some other thing’s thing

intensely_human ,

Making someone descend into a ball of rage is now how you get them off the fence.

intensely_human ,

Regardless of whom is elected, I’m going to keep listening to Bernie Sanders’s podcast, which I just discovered.

He’s just a few episodes in and is still learning, but it’s gonna be a really good podcast.

intensely_human ,

The degree to which one person’s vote matters is a simple matter that is easily seen. There’s no room for “believing” anything.

In the USA for instance, a Presidential vote is extremely unlikely to change the election outcome. Therefore, that vote doesn’t matter very much.

The idea that voting makes a difference, for the individual, is an illusion we use to get people to vote. In the most basic, real, concrete way, which way I vote in an election does not make a difference.

intensely_human ,

I think you buy them by keeping your own promises to people consistently, but I’m not sure since I haven’t done that yet.

intensely_human ,

What games do you play?

intensely_human ,

I smoke weed and play video games too. Let me know if you want to game sometime

intensely_human ,

The right thing to do is to get a job at Monsanto, acquire a copy of the gene sequence, then smuggle it to some off the grid lab to do one’s own cross breeding.

Like Praxidike Meng did with that protomolecule yeast.

intensely_human ,

It’s only a danger to the other farmers legally. They could be sued for using patented genes.

intensely_human ,

James Holden, Naomi Nagata, and Clarissa Mao’s stunt doubles

intensely_human ,

It doesn’t work. You just end up here again

intensely_human ,

Generally speaking, you do. But since one is sexual and the other is amorous, you don’t.

intensely_human ,

Safe, cheap, permanent but trivially reversible male birth control was invented in 1979 and has yet to be approved for US sale.

intensely_human ,

RISUG is a technique by which a polymer with specific electrical properties is injected into the vas
deferens. This polymer messes up the flagella on sperm that pass nearby. Since “nearby” is a distance larger than the radius of the vas deferens, this means all sperm passing through get their flagellum screwed up, can no longer swim, and is therefore immotile.

It makes the man essentially sterile, until he wants to reverse the effect at which point a second injection simply washes the original polymer layer off the inner lining.

intensely_human ,

I’m gonna go camping. Not sure where or where yet, but I’m gonna drive up into the mountains and spend a couple nights in the tent.

The countries with the most Fediverse servers are rich and former/current colonial powers. One of the best true barometers of the success of the Fediverse is how quickly we can turn that on its head. ( )

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think...

intensely_human ,

Yes Lemmy is a form of wealth. It’s the sort of thing you’d expect to see in a wealthy country

In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing?

With the lastest news of AI layoffs, I'm struggling to understand how the idea of a career still holds. If careers themselves effectively become gambles like lottery tickets, how do we maintain drive and hopes in the longterm endgame of our struggles?...

intensely_human ,

The best reason to try is not based on the chance of success.

The best reason to try is that it hurts less than doing nothing.

When you’re active, life hurts less. This is the most rational reason I have found, in my 40 years of searching, for getting out of bed in the morning.

Finding motivation is a hard problem for me. The most consistent source I’ve found is the understanding that giving up does not bring relief. It brings hell.

intensely_human ,

This. She must have been giving them treats whenever they killed her.

intensely_human ,

Why can’t you understand that being capable of snuggling does not make a pitbull incapable of killing.

intensely_human ,

Has those Goldens’ havoc ever involved spilled blood?

intensely_human ,

“They’ve never killed me before!”

intensely_human ,

And people who consciously decide to keep them in their own household, with their own children, are willfully ignorant or downright evil.

intensely_human ,

What would you do if your pitbull hurt a child?

intensely_human ,

When I asked them about the fan’s history, all they would tell me it is got shipped up here from Texas

intensely_human ,

She was probably made of meat

intensely_human ,

Also guns are inanimate objects

intensely_human ,

Actually all a gun can do is sit there. There is zero chance of your gun killing you. You might accidentally kill yourself with it, but the gun is never going to kill you.

intensely_human ,

Yeah but haven’t we already mastered constant-velocity subliminal travel?

intensely_human ,

Better to die than to kill wrongly.

Bold words from someone who’s never been faced with that choice.

intensely_human ,

Pretty sure a conscript’s motivations are avoiding prison or corporal punishment.

intensely_human ,

From the fact that you’re here, should we assume your choice was to kill people?

How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?

I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote....

intensely_human ,

Is that why you don’t use the concept of “to be” in your writing?

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