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intensely_human ,

It’s a US Congressperson engaging in gaslighting another US Congressperson. This is extremely fucked up.

intensely_human ,

Man I should have gone to your high school

intensely_human ,

It’s a gaslighting attempt.

He keeps discovering moisture in his bag, he’s gonna go looking for causes. No causes seem to make any sense, so then he starts thinking maybe bags are always moist and he never noticed before. Maybe not exactly this path, but it will be some escalating set of irrationalities developing as he tries to reconcile what he’s seeing.

Even when a person knows they’re being gaslit, unless they manage to escape the situation with concrete action, it will still degrade their sanity.

In this case, he was lucky enough that she was doing something that could be caught on film easily, and he was fortunate that he actually took the steps to figure out how it was happening.

In other words, he trusted his gut that it wasn’t accidental, and then he gathered evidence to resolve the ambiguity. He handled this correctly, and successfully escaped the damage that gaslighting normally causes.

intensely_human ,

I dunno man. You’re not gonna believe me but I developed magic powers by doing a shit ton of meditation.

intensely_human ,

Do people really not make a mask of their face in public? Who are these people going around riding trains with their emotional state visible on their face?

intensely_human ,

I’ve heard it said physics is a critical part of education because it teaches reasoning based on simple rules that aren’t up for debate.

I never considered how physics writing could serve the same role in terms of scientific precision in writing.

intensely_human ,

If you reduce the ability for owners to make self-optimal choices with their property, then the property will be less valuable to them.

This means that in order for property to be as attractive an investment, they will have to raise rents.

Whenever you coerce people in a market, you make the market less efficient, which hurts everybody.

intensely_human ,

Under your system, people are banned from normal rental agreements though

intensely_human ,

Everybody says this, that companies are always seeking their current quarter profits, but:

  • That is irrational and I don’t see why they’d behave that way
  • Ive seen no evidence that they actually do

Can anyone provide evidence that companies actually optimize for current quarter profits at the neglect of all other time spans?

intensely_human ,

There were claims of misinformation and censorship.

That’s not the same thing as reporting on unethical things.

So which is the truth? The article completely fails to report what the details or outcome of these allegations and lawsuits were.

intensely_human ,

It’s strange to me that this article makes mention of claims of disinformation, and lawsuits based on censorship and government collusion, without mentioning any details at all about what was actually claimed to have happened.

Does anyone know what the claims were, whether they had any validity, and what the outcomes of the lawsuits were?

intensely_human ,

Every cockroach you see on the counter has a thousand cousins hidden in the walls.

intensely_human ,

I’ve read history. I know what actual
dystopian nightmares look like. We’re not in one.

intensely_human ,
  • “We are not living in a dystopian nightmare”
  • ”The fact that things can always get worse justifies a lack of effort to make things better”
  • ”All is fine”

These are three different statements. Not the same thinfs.

Can we fucking stop with the sloppy quoting? Nobody in this thread is responding to what anybody else is actually saying.

intensely_human ,

It’s like reading interdimensional news from a world that is still sane. I’m glad Japan exists

intensely_human ,

We’re not “trying to make every episode real”. Technology’s direction and human foibles are predictable. Black Mirror writers just aren’t blind and have a good sense of what’s coming down the pipeline.

That’s why it’s called Mirror. It’s about showing us who we are.

Sorry if that’s too horrifying for you, but this goes way beyond imitating the last person to mention these problems.

intensely_human ,

Yes. Nothing about this idea sounds like a good idea. Honestly I’m kind of pissed at the dude for saddling his wife with this gift.

intensely_human ,

Recent science agrees sexual selection is a much bigger factor in recent human evolution than natural selection. And sexual selection is conscious.

So, depending on what you consider “design” we have at least been consciously bred for traits by previous generations of humans.

intensely_human ,

It could still be a bad idea even if the profit motive isn’t involved.

One might be trying to help with the big surprise stash of heroin they leave to their widow, and she might embrace it fully, but that doesn’t make it a good idea or good for her.

intensely_human ,

I’ve got that biographical detail and it’s kind of weird being able to remember times with my friends that they can’t remember.

Just feels lonely. Like imagine being the only person who can remember more than an hour ago. How your life would feel different than those living within that 1-hour window.

It’s like that just with a different scale.

intensely_human ,

and they're both pretty cognizant about what this is and isn't

This will be communicating with a dead person. Nobody has any idea what this and what it isn’t.

It’s like planning to go to Morocco and thinking you know in advance what it’s gonna be like.

This is new technology. People who think they know the outcomes here are deluding themselves.

intensely_human ,

Think of how many family recipes could be preserved

We solved this problem long before we invented writing.

LLMs do not enable the keeping of family memories. That’s been going on a long time.

intensely_human ,

I went back and read old emails from my mother who died in 2009. I had unread emails from her.

One of them contained my grandmother’s peanut butter cookie recipe, which I thought was lost when she passed in 2003.

It might have been nice if an LLM had found that instead of me, but it felt very amazing to discover it myself.

intensely_human ,

I think it would be the opposite of upsetting, but in an unhealthy way. I think it would snap them out of their grief into a place of strangeness, and theyd stop feeling their feelings.

There is no cell of my gut that likes this idea.

intensely_human ,

So Musk should have “shut his stupid fucking mouth” instead of trying to form a nonprofit such as OpenAI?

I’m not sure what problem you think Musk having his mouth open is causing here, other than making your embarrassing, four year old, irrational hatred flare up.

When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?

I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out "what's the point then, I'm already invisible to women?" And I don't care about my health tbh......

intensely_human ,

I haven’t given up yet. I’m 41 and while I often ignore it, I always come back to moments of caring about my body.

I know for a fact I feel better when I work out, so I can’t stop or life just gets worse and worse.

intensely_human ,

advanced normitis

intensely_human ,

What do you mean “to exist”? I can go completely unconscious and still exist right?

intensely_human ,

I really have no need to feel special. Maybe a little, but it’s not a main driver for me. I just want that adderall.

intensely_human ,

The math for those who are into that sort of thing:

no = no


cat = cat
hat = hat

intensely_human ,

Because the cities are being actively altered in a way that transfers space and other resources from cars, to bikes.

Zero sum game, resources being reallocated, obviously the people whose resources are being taken away are going to view that as a war.

intensely_human ,

Good. I hope our enemies are stupid enough to keep doing small attacks, so that have a chance to adapt.

intensely_human ,

Really? Despite the fact they’re doing an Eastern European attack that will stop the capability of future Eastern European attacks?

German carmaker Volkswagen says forced labour in one of its sub-supplier's plants in China was not identified as 'no full supply chain transparency exists' ( )

- Volkswagen (VW) in 2023 commissioned a deeply flawed audit at a plant in China's Xinjiang province operated by a subsidiary of Volkswagen’s joint venture with SAIC, a Chinese state-owned carmaker....

intensely_human ,

Not sure what you’re referring to exactly. VW is saying they can’t comply with the new law because China is not transparent enough. Sounds like that’s the truth.

Would you expect them to simply stop doing business in China as a result of this lack of transparency?

intensely_human ,

Yeah I think I agree. The law should be: if you can’t positively confirm it’s clean, you can’t use it.

We should have standards for the treatment of people, and strive not to participate in or reward those who treat people in unacceptable ways.

If we have to take on some difficulty for that, so be it. Maybe if our difficulty gets to the point where I’m hungry, I’ll choose differently. But until then I’m willing to take a break from this or that car brand until they can figure out ethical sourcing.

I do think, to whatever extent possible, the change should be implemented smoothly. Maybe a rapidly-growing tariff on such goods for a few years, followed by a ban on their import, instead of an immediate ban on the import.

It’s not good for a country to create an unfair marketplace. And it is an unfair marketplace when rules which acutely affect only certain people drastically for the good of all, are implemented too quickly to adapt to without major setbacks.

Just saying it should be phased in, to minimize local economic tearing.

intensely_human ,

These aren’t “consequences”. These are new rules we’re imposing on good people.

The fact you view this as a war between you and the companies being regulated means I hope you are never a regulator. You see it as an operation to take them down. That’s fucked up.

intensely_human ,

I’ve already explained my position and you’ve already demonstrated an unwillingness to interpret what I say generously. You’ll get no more conversation with me until you stop trying to trap me.

intensely_human ,

Also there are bots going around posing as human users with ridiculous opinions. And there are so many of them, those ridiculous opinions can get upvoted and look popular.

intensely_human ,

Sadly, no

And you know because you asked her?

How long ago was this again? Sorry I’m old and too lazy to go back and read your earlier comment.

intensely_human ,

Julie’s the missing girl in the very beginning.

Clarissa is her younger sister who spoilered the spoilers in the slow zone. The one with spoilers in her spoiler, that made her spoiler alert.

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