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YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

intensely_human ,

As far as I know, some alcoholic drinks have certain alcohol levels because those levels are the lethal levels for the fermenting bacteria used.

But there are different alcohol levels in brewed drinks, so either it’s not true or bacteria have a range of lethal temperatures.

intensely_human ,

I don’t. I have to prioritize them.

Which I avoid doing.

So basically, I do none of them.

intensely_human ,

This boat that we just built is just fine --
And don't try to tell us it's not.
The sides and the back are divine --
It's the bottom I guess we forgot. . . .

-- Shel Silverstein

intensely_human ,

Fuji apples when I make apple cobbler.

For just sitting there eating peanut butter on an apple, a honeycrisp. I used to go for Galas because they were cheap, but lately I decided $1 more per pound of apples is better than occasionally eating a dozen donuts when I want something sweet. Overall, just better to spend more money on healthier food than to absolutely optimize my grocery budget then binge on junk food when the optimization freaks me out.

intensely_human ,

What color pineapple were you eating before?

intensely_human ,

How is an ad saying “we’re sorry” a bribe to the news agencies? Do you means the purchase of the ad space is for that?

intensely_human ,

Actually homeopathic refers to medicine which fights disease by inducing similar symptoms or etiology as the disease.

And example is capsaicin for pain management.

The word got attached to ultra dilute solutions later in the game, mostly because ultra dilute solutions are easy to debunk, which facilitates making fun of homeopathy.

intensely_human ,

So … what proportion of secret conspiracies have leaked?

intensely_human ,

Also humans have the same ancestors as all known life

intensely_human ,

Or, the creation of economic value is actually possible and we aren’t just fighting over the same scraps of wealth that have always existed.

intensely_human ,

I’ve never heard a chiropractor say that. How do I know what you just claimed about that field isn’t misinformation?

intensely_human ,

A small percentage of the men's room washes their hands

Not my experience. Where have you seen this?

intensely_human ,

To quote a theorem from one of my engineering courses:

An optimized system can consist only of optimized subsystems.

This means any time you’re preparing to make something small worse, for the global good, it’s a mathematical fact you’re about to do the wrong thing.

intensely_human ,

Only at the lowest possible resolution image of the situation.

I'm sure it's possible to enforce a "don't do drugs or jerk off here" rule at libraries, without destroying all forms of civic responsibility for the downtrodden.

intensely_human ,

I don't think the words "jerking off or doing drugs" were accidental in that comment. The request isn't to ban homeless people from being in the library respectfully.

A rule like "no large backpacks" is bullshit, and anti-homeless. Backpacks aren't a disruption to the library.

A rule like "no jerking off or doing drugs" is perfectly reasonable.

intensely_human ,

There is no system under which nobody will be homeless, unless some people are kept inside by force. We can reduce homelessness, but if we don't stop until there is ZERO then we will have gone far into the realm of cutting people's rights down so much they can't screw their own lives up.

I hate that this is true, but we don't benefit from pretending (or legitimately believing) that it isn't.

In order to have a world where people can determine their own destiny, ie in order to have a world with freedom, we must allow people to destroy themselves.

The system is badly rigged and unfair, but even the perfect system will still have some homeless people.

intensely_human ,

"I hate seeing homeless people trying to cope with being homeless"

This is called a number of things:

  • putting words in someone's mouth
  • mis-using quotation marks
  • a straw man

He didn't say that. He said he hates to see homeless people in there jerking off and doing drugs.

Respond to that. Don't respond to something else that so heavily distorts what the other guy said. There's no point, other than to sacrifice anything valuable the conversation could have been into being a play about how morally superior you are.


intensely_human ,

If you can't be in a library without jerking off in the shared spade, you have to go outside.

intensely_human ,

Is it? Is it those same people?

intensely_human ,

If it’s cornstarch that will wash off, then the headline is a lie and your quarrel is with whoever wrote that, not the people who believe the headline and believe stonehenge is getting actually defaced.

intensely_human ,

Yeah as a result of this stunt, I googled the term “climate change” and holy shit! Why hasn’t I heard of this!

So glad they raised my awareness of climate change, which I hadn’t heard of before.

intensely_human ,

People have the right to do as they please, even if it means choosing a path toward their own demise.

People aren’t unaware of climate change. Everyone knows about it. What you’re seeing is a manifestation of the average human’s ranking of climate change in their own list of things to be concerned about.

You have no right to tell someone that climate change is more important than the things they choose to focus on instead.

If you think they’re mistaken about what’s on the table, like they underestimate the danger or something like that, then the right move is to inform them. All this protest activity is implicitly based on the assumption people just sort of … forgot about climate change.

They didn’t. They just don’t prioritize it over the other problems in their lives. Which is their right.

intensely_human ,

My life is not so great, financially or socially.

Sometimes things go wrong and I get very close to being homeless. I get scared, and suddenly it’s easy to know how to spend my days.

The crisis creates a clarity of path. And when I experience myself fighting against that impending catastrophe, I find parts of myself that are strong and noble and relatively free of mental health problems.

I’m actually really functional in a crisis.

I think this is a major problem we face as a civilization: the lure of life-altering disaster as a way to give ourselves direction.

I think for me the path out of this cycle of failure is, for me, to find something to work on passionately when I’m okay. But I really struggle with this. I over-intellectualize, and I look at like twenty different options for how I can help and they all seem good and they all seem scary and I end up choosing nothing, other than survival, and then because I didn’t find that mission to set myself on, my subconscious manifests another disaster so that I can feel myself come awake.

As individuals and as a group, I believe we either find a mission worth growing and striving for, or via self-sabotage, we downgrade our lives to a survival struggle because at least it’s a mission.

intensely_human ,

Why? Have you been bad?

intensely_human ,

I used to be a kitchen designer. This looks cozy and functional. Would love to have this kitchen.

Long term, the spot above your window could have a floating shelf added for knick knacks or small appliances or something.

intensely_human ,

Weed makes me paranoid when I trip.

I’ve had a lot of excellent, beautiful trips go very dark when I smoke.

Other times, it’s fine. But it’s not worth the risk.

intensely_human ,

This is the freeze response. It’s a fear thing.

To some people this may be obvious, but for decades I had no idea that my “laziness” was an expression of anxiety.

Obviously it’s not easy to resolve anxiety, but at least understanding what was happening helped me move toward more consistent freedom of engagement with life.

intensely_human ,

Dopaminergic system be like “insufficient meaning”

intensely_human ,

I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD. A temporary period using adderall helped. I think it rewired my brain in a beneficial way. But eventually I quit the adderall.

Long term, the best thing for the my “inability” to focus was finding out what the fuck I truly wanted in my life.

As it turned out, deep dive into what I actually wanted in life revealed some pretty mediocre dreams, some very small stuff, that’s still beyond my grasp.

Men’s work helped me get in touch with my emotions so I could figure out what I wanted in life. It’s not much, but it’s enough to challenge my abilities, and so it’s correctly-shaped to get me moving.

intensely_human ,

I mean, don’t put too much stock in a label like that. Someone who never curls any weight will experience “bicep dysfunction” in the sense of not being able to sufficiently and consistently move stuff around.

But it’s just atrophy. The brain can and does atrophy. It loves to fucking atrophy. The way to get it to stop atrophying is two things:

  1. Exercise keeps your brain big, dense, and well-connected

  2. Using your brain is necessary to prevent the atrophy. Unfortunately you can’t just use any part of it. You have to use all the parts you want to keep strong.

If your prefrontal cortex isn’t powerful or flexible enough to succeed in life, you can exercise it to make it more effective. Meditation is one thing that does this, for instance.

intensely_human ,

The mind is naturally full, so it is a workout to empty it. During focused-attention meditation, the prefrontal cortex is working hard to inhibit neocortical activity.

intensely_human ,

Makes sense. Being frozen by fear is among the worst human experiences.

A few things you can do to reduce anxiety directly:

  • Breathe long and slow. Breathing deep and fast is bad, it will make you hyperventilate. But deep, slow breath will reduce anxiety. I’ve used this to control panic attacks. Works best in a dark room. The key thing is to make the exhalation as long as you possibly can. With some practice, I can now exhale continuously and slowly for over a minute. Doing that for ten minutes, and eventually starts feeling like I’m squeezing a sponge slowly and the liquid that squeezes out is pure relief. Just see how long you can keep slowly, slowly exhaling before you need to inhale again.
  • Anti-anxiety meds. Not a good long-term solution as they tend to be addictive, but very useful short term for recognizing how it’s anxiety underneath the laziness, and to get enough relief to fix any problems threatening your livelihood
  • Deliberately approach things you fear. Spiders, heights, conflict, etc. Any time you consciously decide to approach a thing you fear, it will overall reduce your anxiety levels. Like across the board. You go force yourself to look at a spider picture, you will have less fear of doing laundry. Not a joke, it works.

There are other techniques but a big list of techniques isn’t useful to start with. That breathing thing is probably the quickest way to find out how much of the procrastinating is from anxiety. Sit there for five or ten minutes making your exhales as long as possible, and you’ll cut down your anxiety levels very quickly.

intensely_human ,

I'm adding to this because I think it came out wrong.

I'm not using mediocre as a pejorative here. I'm saying that I used to be largely paralyzed by life, and my dreams were huge. For a while my goal was "help humanity expand into the stars". Then it switched to "help humanity survive WW3".

But lately it's more like "Have enough cash on hand that I can handle two small crises back to back without losing momentum, and then get the emotional benefits from that sense of security" and "Be around people who make me feel valued and respected".

What I've discovered is that those small dreams motivate me a lot more, because I can actually see how my day to day decisions can affect those things.

My favorite psychology professor always says that the path out of depression starts with "orienting yourself toward the highest good you can conceive of". At first I thought that meant the loftiest goal I could think of.

But I realized that while I can say "Help humanity expadn into the stars" I don't have a concrete, solid image of what exactly that means. It's vague. It's not an image; it's just words.

But those smaller goals, I can actually conceive of them. I can visualize them, and see them concretely. If i try to look higher than that, to my later goals like "having a family" and "being a productive member of the community", I can't see them.

So this "that you can conceive of" I think it really works best when I think of it as "that I can actually visualize and feel".

intensely_human ,

The other day I was able to end a comment with “40 years ago people were literally living in 1984” and like nobody got the dumb joke I was making.

intensely_human ,

It would appear fame is beginning to ketchup with you once again, Mr Spud.

Once again we've consumed far too much of your crisp saltiness. It would appear what remains of your role here has been burned, and will soon be off the table.

Check please.

intensely_human ,

Cool say just list a checking your banlist for me, thanks. Was confused. Vacuum there and it not a what cause I'm asking you, curiously: asvinchtresezwat?

intensely_human ,

It's from this. I was gonna tell you if I got you to say it again:

intensely_human ,

You can tell her buddy. Popcorn’s the best, ain’t ya sweetie

intensely_human ,

I’m a lazy vegan. I intend to stop eating animal meat as soon as cultured meat is viable. Maybe opportunistic vegan is the term?

intensely_human ,

And whether screams in inarticulate horror at being conscious without senses other than pressure and pain.

But hopefully that’s not how it goes

intensely_human ,

I, a meat eater, and you, presumably not, will both continue to destroy life on this planet for as long as we exist.

Causing no damage isn’t really an option for one who exists.

intensely_human ,

I would. Ever since I singed my arm with a small explosion in high school, I’ve been intrigued to try. It smelled delicious.

intensely_human ,

A potential vegan

intensely_human ,

Perhaps then it screams at the horror of having no nervous system to organize its consciousness into a time-bound shape.

Maybe the more a creature’s consciousness morphs into the shape you and I inhabit, the more protected its consciousness is from the unshaped horror of formlessness.

Maybe the only reason we have anything other than pure yelp as our existence is because evolution built these structures to give us some relief from a background agony.

Perhaps when we try to engineer flesh that doesn’t suffer, we instead make flesh that lacks the dopaminergic insulation from suffering that higher-order structure enables.

Probably not though

intensely_human ,

pure hell not pure yelp lol

intensely_human ,

Market rent is as high as the market allows. Demand is not the only factor in pricing.

When you make something less valuable for investors to provide to the market, this reduces supply. Reducing supply while keeping demand constant results in higher prices.

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