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iiGxC ,

I aspire to move a lot but the day being this active becomes easy will he the day. :)

one of us needs to get more active for brain health 😳

iiGxC ,

Honestly tho a dating site that's not incentivized to keep people on the dating site makes a lot of sense

iiGxC ,

See you on vegancirclejerk with the rest of us b12 deficient husks

iiGxC ,

Get a label maker and add a label saying "aquired by killing a nazi" (there's probably something cooler/nicer than a label, like engraving it, and there's probably a better way to word it too)

iiGxC ,

Aunty donna on netflix and youtube

more youtube ones:

  • crackermilk
  • almost friday tv
  • wizards with guns
  • cherdleys
  • sven johnson
iiGxC ,

Vasectomy gang 😎😎✂️✂️ All juice no seeds

iiGxC ,

Yeah, news flash, animal agriculture has long overstayed it's welcome. It's time to stop.

iiGxC ,

/e/OS is android lol. Yes it's better than the version of android that ships with phones by default, but grapheneos is still way better than e/os (even though they're all android)

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  • iiGxC ,

    Steven Goldberg, a retired vice president of BASF, said companies are wary of the FDA process because of the cost and their fear that additional animal testing could ignite a consumer backlash in the European Union, which bans animal testing of cosmetics, including sunscreen.

    fucking good, there should be a backlash against companies doing animal testing. It's fucked up and archaic, and it's time for it to end. The FDA needs to update and end the violence

    iiGxC ,

    Well, now they're fighting n+1 battles, and you know about 1/n+1 of them

    iiGxC ,

    It's a huge red flag if someone saw how fucked up animal agriculture is and understood why animal exploitation is wrong, stopped supporting it, and then went back to supporting it. So the logic makes sense, that's something that's actually worth not wanting someone to date your child for, and it's funny cause it's not the stereotype of "parent vetoing childs partner" at all

    iiGxC ,

    Imagine instead of vegan, the caption was like "my daughter tells me you watch dog fights on the weekend" and the guy says "well I stopped going to them but..."

    iiGxC ,

    the "but..." implies they have started doing the gross thing again. Imo it's worse if someone recognizes something is bad, stops, then starts doing it again, they're no longer ignorant but they still choose to do the bad thing

    iiGxC ,

    As I explained above, the part I find funny is that it's subverting the meme. Usually people rejecting their childs partner are doing it for bad reasons, like being overprotective of their child, or the meme usually puts in some random reason and it's silly. In this case the meme has been subverted and it's being done based on decent logic, while still retaining the silliness of an over-the-top reaction.

    it's not a super funny meme, but it gave me a single breath out of my nose laugh

    iiGxC ,

    What are you even saying? The meme isn't comparing being vegan to watching dog fights, and the reason I used that analogy is because a lot of ethical vegans see not being vegan as similarly bad to watching dog fights, since both support unnecessary cruelty to other animals. Since most people are against watching dog fights, the analogy helps people see the meme from the perspective an ethical vegan sees it.

    Your lack of ability to understand what's being said would be easier to dunk on lol also this meme isn't really targeted at changing minds I don't think 🤷

    iiGxC ,

    If you think a message against animal abuse is dumb, idk what to tell you 🤷

    iiGxC ,

    Yes, as we all know the key to comedy is dissecting and analyzing a joke when someone doesn't get it

    iiGxC ,

    At the request of someone who didn't get the joke

    iiGxC ,

    But like one of those pornstar custom ones of the virgin mary

    iiGxC ,

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: it's time for animal ag to end

    iiGxC ,

    If anything, seems like waste removal would happen during exercise, when your heart rate is up and the blood is flowin'. Sleep can still do other restorative things without flushing toxins

    iiGxC ,

    Women can uphold the patriarchy and/or reinforce toxic masculinity too.

    iiGxC ,

    You don't take ketamine cause you don't know how to get it.

    I don't take ketamine cause I don't want to piss blood.

    We are not the same.

    iiGxC ,

    She's still right, she just made the point in a dumb way

    iiGxC ,

    Dairy depends on exploiting and taking advantage of female reproductive organs. Misogyny also views human woman as only good for birthing kids and taking care of the kids, exploiting their reproductive organs in a different way.

    Both disrespect/disregard bodily autonomy.

    iiGxC ,

    What do you mean evidence? Where do you think milk comes from? What do you think initiates lactation?

    iiGxC ,

    The names part of the connection is why I said the person in the post is making the point in a dumb way. The names are irrelevant.

    What we do know is that the body of at least one cow somewhere was used to get the milk that was turned into the yogurt. That objectification and exploitation of their body and reproductive organs has parallels to misogyny, for one thing both disregard bodily autonomy.

    iiGxC ,
    iiGxC ,

    Same with "bad trips" (on psychedelics). The people saying there are no bad trips are pointing to a good truth that difficult trips can bring a lot of growth and healing if you accept and explore them and what's causing that feeling, but there are also truly bad trips with no upside, where in every way it would be better for it to not have happened. They're super rare, but it's definitely wise to have a trusted friend or therapist present, especially the first time you do them or do a big dose

    iiGxC ,

    I've definitely benefitted from it, hearing why sleep, sport, and outside (i already knew about eat well) are so beneficial, with other tips for how to do them more/better, has been genuinely helpful for me. That said I've only listened to a few episodes. But the most useful ones imo are the one on dopamine, the one on eye health, and the one on caffeine.

    iiGxC ,

    Yeah, sometimes people make mistakes but we can change for the better.

    Personally, I wish everyone would just use the tab character and configure how it gets displayed in their editor, instead of imposing spacing on everyone

    iiGxC ,

    I sustainably source my meat by getting it from the local hospital. They were gonna die anyways! This way their body doesn't go to waste 😊

    iiGxC ,

    The first accurate horoscope I've ever read

    iiGxC ,


    while we're at it, leave all the other animals alone too

    iiGxC ,

    Simplex and signal

    iiGxC ,

    Idk all the details, the difference is probably negligible for most people tho

    iiGxC ,

    Won't somebody think of the plants?!?!

    What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

    It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

    iiGxC ,

    The thing is is that it's just a phrase to hold space while you collect your thoughts before you speak. You know you have something worth saying, but may not have organized it into a cohesive sentence/words just yet

    iiGxC ,

    It can be a thought terminating cliche. Like most TTCs, it can be pointing at some true aspect of reality, and be used to not go deeper than that

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