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hydroptic ,

It took me much longer than I'd like to admit to understand what the title meant. "But 1985 is 0 years from 1985???"

I am not a clever person.

hydroptic ,

Browser maker decided not to follow Putin's orders. Well done

Only after it caused a PR flap for them, though

hydroptic ,

Yeah that's a fair point, although it's still a bit… well, funny (not "funny ha ha") that they even temporarily blocked those extensions. Not sure what Roskomnadzor could have done if Mozilla had refused even a temporary block, at least assuming the foundation doesn't have any legal entities in Russia which they may well have

hydroptic , (edited )

I, uh… I don't get it. Somebody help an idiot out? I haven't had my morning cuppa yet so it might just be a lack of caffeine.

hydroptic ,

Yeah, was the C++ dev just "pre-empting" the PHP devs by ordering all their beers for them so they don't do it one by one and sing the rest of the song?

hydroptic , (edited )

I assume that the reich-wingers will use these protests as justification for crackdowns.

Here in Finland we had months of strikes against our current extremely conservative government's cuts to public services, welfare etc. – naturally their reaction was to refuse to negotiate and make political strikes illegal, and to use the strikes to vilify unions and as scapegoats for poor economic performance

hydroptic ,

I did nazi that pun coming 🙄

hydroptic , (edited )

Yeah this is absolutely the most fucking infuriating part about conservatives. They'll crow about how "leftists" (ie. what seems like anyone left of the Strasserites) want to have a one-party fascist state that controls every aspect of people's lives, and when they get in power they start doing exactly what they accuse leftists of wanting.

They also have a real habit of blaming all of their own fuckups on the left; our current extremist government got in to power by claiming that our previous leftist government caused some sort of massive debt problem (government debt did increase, but they had COVID to deal with), when the reality is that it has been the previous 20 or so years of right wing governments who have consistently cut taxes for the rich and sold government property to cover for the budget deficits. Conveniently reich-wingers ignored the part where their ideology is the one that wants to cut taxes, leading to higher debt and cut social programs and public services, and somehow they're stupid enough that they don't even see it themselves and they believe it when their lying politicians claim it is all the evil leftists' fault that our public healthcare is now completely broken and the welfare system is among the worst in Europe.

hydroptic ,


hydroptic , (edited )

The way I've understood the "defund the police" movement's point is that they're saying police funding is excessive because a lot of the things cops do should be handled before the cops have to get involved, eg. with higher funding for mental health and social services, housing for homeless people etc. So the point is that you wouldn't need as many cops in the first place if things were handled more humanely "downstream" so to speak, instead of just letting problems fester until things go sideways

hydroptic ,

Honestly, just properly funding anything that is designed to do benevolent things for the community as a whole is a tough sell with way too many US community politicians

This seems to be a problem with at least conservative politicians everywhere. In Finland where I live we do still have the vestiges of a welfare state (and it really is vestigial at this point), but right wing politicians keep dismantling it and cutting taxes on the rich, and later on leftist politicians find it impossible to roll back any changes due to resistance from the right.

hydroptic ,

we thought the values of this corporation were very clear in terms of access to information.

Well there's your problem.

The values of any corporation are "make the stockholders and executives richer". Whatever utter horseshit they spew in their "mission statements" and "values" documents are just that, utter horseshit.

hydroptic ,

won’t stop until they […] are physically stopped by something like climate change

Ah I see you're an optimist.

hydroptic ,

we aren’t going to science up a magic bullet to save us from the epically irresponsible actions of our epically irresponsible species.

In-fuckin-deed. All the talk about "carbon capture" schemes makes my skin crawl.

Well it's either that or delusional parasitosis that makes my skin crawl, but anyhow.

'Becoming a totalitarian state': UK judge on why he quit Hong Kong court ( www.bbc.com )

A high-profile British judge who resigned from Hong Kong’s highest court last week has warned the city is “slowly becoming a totalitarian state” and judges are being compromised by an “impossible political environment created by China”....

hydroptic , (edited )

"One country, two systems" isn't quite as "two systems" as was promised, much to the surprise of pretty much nobody. I wonder what the situation is in Macau?

hydroptic ,

"One country, two systems that are totally not the same system we swear"

hydroptic ,

Yeah, what's "gaming" about this thing? Does it hate women and minorities?

hydroptic ,

While the network service is designed to only accept commands that start with “wl” or “nvram get,” ONEKEY found that the restriction could be trivially bypassed by injecting a command after shell meta-characters like ; , & , or, | (e.g., “wl;id;”).

Whenever I feel like I'm a terrible programmer, I remind myself that there are vast amounts of confident coders out there being paid for code with idiotic mistakes like this and they have no intention of getting any better at it

hydroptic ,

There is no will here for Ukraine to succeed.

Yep. The vast majority of liberal and conservative politicians are doing the absolute minimum to support Ukraine, if they're doing anything at all in the first place. I can understand conservatives wanting Russia to win because they idolize Russia, but how everyone else seems to also be fine with the idea is just mystifying.

hydroptic , (edited )

Weeelll, they do still export a lot even to countries that have nominally sanctioned them. Obviously less nowadays than before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but China definitely isn't their only export destination for petrochemicals:


(source for graph)

What might screw Russia over is their reliance on Chinese imports, however. Everything they need for eg. maintaining that oil production – let alone consumer products – has to come from somewhere, mostly either from dodging sanctions (making it more expensive and slower) or from China

hydroptic ,

Oh yes absolutely, I meant it more as in what'd be likely to make Russia a "vassal state" to China

hydroptic ,

When broken down into party lines, 15 percent of Republicans think he is guilty while 64 percent do not

Proving once again that the vast majority of conservatives are completely beyond help

hydroptic ,

Approximately 0%

hydroptic ,

And this technology is what our executive overlords want to replace human workers with, just so they can raise their own compensation and pay the remaining workers even less

hydroptic ,

I doubt there's any sort of 4D chess going on, instead of the whole thing being brought about by short-sighted executives who feel like they have to do something to show that they're still in the game exactly because they're so much behind "Open"AI

hydroptic ,

Yeah I think that either this or the next one will be the last, but we'll see. People have upvoted weirder stuff before

hydroptic , (edited )

But not before making sure this post will get a bit more activity by commenting, therefore driving it higher on the default "most active" sort. Good job I guess?

hydroptic ,

Good. Since Hungary predictably torpedoed the EU-level attempt to do this, individual member states should just follow Estonia's lead

hydroptic ,

He's probably going to be ginormous

hydroptic , (edited )

Here's to hoping you have a proper kitty-sized kitty in a while. We demand pictures.

hydroptic ,

Nooooo you can't call conservatives Nazis, it hurts their feelings. AfD can't even plan mass deportations of foreigners without being branded Nazis, hmph.

hydroptic ,

The vast majority of AI Overviews provide high quality information

According to some fuckwitted Google rep, and I wouldn't trust them any further than I could throw them.

hydroptic ,

Yes we are all definitely humans who enjoy human activities like breathing oxygen

Now that DuckDuckGo is out. Give me your search prompts and I'll answer them as best I can. That includes images (based on what I have saved on my PC). So what is it you wish to know or see?

Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that's how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

hydroptic ,

how to build Teller-Ulam design in shed

Ukraine’s troops withdraw from parts of north-east as pressure mounts ( www.theguardian.com )

Ukraine’s troops withdrew from several areas of the country’s north-east amid mounting pressure from a new Russian offensive, as the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, postponed all foreign trips underscoring the seriousness of the threat....

hydroptic , (edited )

It's like world leaders want Russia to win; making a show of donating insignificant amounts of old weapons systems they had lying around, but not actually doing enough to ensure Ukraine's victory.

hydroptic ,

The US isn't the only one though, it's the same everywhere except the countries that Russians have occupied.

hydroptic , (edited )

Right, and which part of that makes saying "the problem isn't just the US" untrue? If anything that underlines the fact that everybody should be chipping in more

hydroptic ,

Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team.

The dude's a petulant child. No wonder conservatives fawn over him.

First person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies nearly 2 months later ( apnews.com )

The first recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has died nearly two months after he underwent the procedure, his family and the hospital that performed the surgery said Saturday....

hydroptic ,

[the transplant team] said they didn’t have any indication that he died as a result of the transplant.

Well, at least the concept is probably valid, then.

hydroptic ,

You're surprised that gAmErS are complaining about something?

hydroptic ,

And the devs hate the real fans of the game and implement features only to spite them

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