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henfredemars ,

I heard it’s pretty good with the bloat stripped. Honestly, if I’m going to start modifying my system I decided I’d rather have an OS that supports it properly.

More power to you though!

henfredemars ,

I’m in this camp. I use my PC mainly for gaming, and it runs Linux. All the games I care about are supported just fine with Steam and Proton. Not every game is compatible, but it works for the ones I want to play.

I found it very easy to get my games working, but experiences will vary. Most games were zero effort because it was handled automatically.

henfredemars ,

So they ditch the people who helped make them successful? What kind of ass-backwards strategy is this?

henfredemars ,

How can I get one of these jobs? Important detail I’m not rich.

Seems like a low skill job.

henfredemars ,

You can’t simply not develop a technology. Progress is going to move forward. If they don’t do it, somebody else is going to figure out how. The tools are out there. The math works. Better researchers to do it now and scare us into finding solutions than criminals to develop it first.

henfredemars ,

What do you mean? A few wealthy individuals made a lot of money. Raging success.

henfredemars ,

You’ve actually never walked a step in your entire life. Only, the memory of having just completed the final step of walking to your current position is injected into your mind and continuously updated. This avoids the need for an infinitely large flat surface.

henfredemars ,

Remember that presentation where Google promised everyone that we’re firmly standing behind this architecture, so we encourage our partners to invest?

Google doesn’t have a great track record with standing behind products.

That said, I think we’ll see some degree of support eventually.

henfredemars ,

I thought it was nifty with a sharp UI. I provided feedback on multiple occasions not to degrade their own platform, which I’m sure were read by nobody. But still, it’s a shame.

henfredemars ,

We have a local burrito stand that sells a burrito called the megalodon. You can get this spicy as well.

If you finish it all in one sitting, may God have mercy on your soul because you have two hours left of your life to enjoy the innocence of not knowing firsthand the life changing experience of having the eye of Sauron come out your ass.

henfredemars ,

It’s because we get so little for those taxes. If we actually had functional services, I would feel like it’s worth it.

henfredemars ,

Excellent! I always wondered why when I’m sitting up a device I have to wait in serial for each download to complete.

I disagree with the article that this would be more useful on updates. Generally, my updates are installed automatically while charging. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. When I’m installing a new app, I’m usually waiting.

henfredemars ,

That’s actually a deprecation warning. You’re meant to move to a more modern platform.

henfredemars ,

My work is also banned due to “suspicious” activity.

henfredemars ,

It could be a simple way to prevent bots which clearly isn’t working, or perhaps users who reveal their IP address are worth more to advertisers.

henfredemars ,

It’s a company culture thing. You’re not rewarded for maintaining or finishing products. You are rewarded for starting new ones.

henfredemars ,

The MS-DOS v1.25 and v2.0 files were originally shared at the Computer History Museum on March 25th, 2014 and are being (re)published in this repo to make them easier to find[.]

henfredemars ,

Are AI bots really the true problem, or is the problem product promotion? Humans can do that too.

henfredemars ,

Another strategy might be to demand a minimum content quality. Whether trash comes from humans or bots, it’s still trash.

henfredemars ,

I work on Android professionally both in building our own apps as well as reverse engineering existing ones alongside Android system processes, the Android kernel, and device firmware. There’s a lot of FUD here and not a lot of actual information in the comments. Perhaps I can provide some perspective.

In the beginning, Android was everything that Apple was not. Liberal and open, app developers were given almost complete freedom. The young OS needed a thriving ecosystem yesterday to challenge the App Store. This is reflected in other choices that still live with us today, like the choice of the Java programming language and its garbage collection to keep the ecosystem familiar and easy to learn for developers. This has led to chronic memory struggles, but that’s a discussion for another time.

Today, there is no need for explosive development. The Play Store is overflowing. We have the quantity. Now, the problem is app quality. It turns out that developers are selfish and cannot be trusted to be good stewards of shared, limited system resources. It’s easy to understand why. Developing an app is no small feat, and it’s natural to become attached when in reality your app might not mean the world to every user. Other developers wish to collect your data, and are happy to expend resources in ways that don’t benefit you. Permissions were added, sandboxing, and eventually Android decided to tie user interaction to system resources.

The idea is that if an app is important to the user, they ought to actually be using it, no? Whenever you use an app or interact with a notification, you’re telling Android that this program is important. Timers and events can fire more frequently, and the OS is more willing to perform background work. Apps you don’t use much are throttled, but they can still show a notification immediately if designed properly to respond to external events. More on this later. Remember: Android must decide where to spend your limited resources because apps cannot be trusted to do this amongst themselves.

The App Freezer takes this principal to the extreme. If you’re not actively interacting with an app, it gets zero resources. Nothing! It cannot run. The app is stopped. If you want to run, you need some external push to trigger access to resources. For example, the user could tap the app icon. A server might push a notification which will cause Android to unfreeze the app to handle it. You can also set timers or schedule the app to run on other conditions, but whether or not those things actually happen is up to the OS assessment for how important you are to the user, and app functionality must be driven through these events.

Many methods to trigger running are frequently abused by applications that don’t want to remodel. For example, a lazy developer could set a timer to trigger running an app every five minutes to check email. This is a really bad design because we have to keep the app in memory all the time and able to run which waste the battery. An app shouldn’t check for anything by polling. Rather, the email provider should tell Android to trigger the app to run on your phone whenever an email arrives, even if the app isn’t running! Push. Don’t pull the data. no useless spinning. It runs only when the email arrives and at no other time.

Android is taking a firm stand with the Freezer. You must redesign your app to respond to new data as it arrives or your app simply won’t work correctly. This is a complete reversal of responsibilities where your app is driven from the outside instead of the app doing the driving. A correctly written, well-behaved app will look almost inside out because it’s called upon to handle events rather than performing actions to check for events. This is a better design because keeping applications running all the time is not sustainable as users install more apps. iOS had the right idea of being extremely conservative with background services in the beginning. Android is still trying to bend apps to submit to the OS rather than the other way around.

If a party is at fault here, it’s Google. It’s irresponsible to allow apps to simply malfunction because this is a poor user experience. Notifications are delayed, and users don’t understand what’s wrong. It is my opinion that this problem occurs because Google did not provide sufficient developer support to redesign applications. To make matters worse, the behavior is highly inconsistent because every handset developer has slightly different rules for what constitutes important and exactly how resources are assigned. Sometimes, a badly designed app will work just fine until one day the OS decides it’s not important right now and you miss an update. to the user, the app looks flaky and to the developer sometimes it’s working so is there really a bug?

I’m not proposing a solution. I’m only here to explain the problem. App developers are not respecting Google’s intent, and Google is not providing adequate support for these apps when they inevitably fail. This is a decade old problem that resurfaces yet again as Google continues to build on this idea that apps only run based on external events while many apps continue to rely on polling.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • henfredemars ,

    The data sheet specifies that they do use NFC technology, so in principle it can be copied and transmitted from a smart phone. How to extract that data though? I’m not sure. That’s beyond my skills.

    Their documentation also specifies that they may integrate smart card features that specifically prevent copying by using cryptographically secure handshakes. In that case, if your card uses such features, it would be practically impossible. It depends on exactly how they are using it and I’m not sure of that.

    Think of it like how you can do NFC credit card payments, but you can’t trivially record and replay the communications. You would have to know the secrets embedded in the chip in the card. Depending on the features they use it might be impossible to clone it with consumer hardware. Even if you can speak NFC and technically replay the information.

    henfredemars ,

    At the moment your service becomes even marginally more difficult than piracy, yo ho yo ho. What am I paying you for?

    henfredemars ,

    Generally no, there's no such thing as region locking for most phones assuming you bought the phone outright and not through a carrier or payment plan. You're primarily going to be limited by hardware support for frequencies and standards.

    You can have a carrier lock, which theoretically is used to make sure you honor your promotion or payment terms. There are still minor differences depending on whether you have an international or regional release, but I've never heard regional SIM locking for an unlocked phone.

    Why do Pixels and Samsungs have such restricted mobile data features?

    I am trying to set up a plan with a smaller carrier, but I have a feeling that since they are not on Google's allowlist (even though I live in Canada), they will not let me use 5G with them. The Pixel watch supported carrier list also makes no sense, because for some reason the new carriers for the watch 2 don't support the...

    henfredemars ,

    This is not strictly true based on how I read this comment.

    Carriers may use different towers and different antennas on the same towers. This is because carriers might have different access rights to different frequency bands, and the owner of a tower could be an unrelated carrier.

    henfredemars ,

    AV1 hardware decoders are available in recent phones.

    henfredemars ,

    If you have an older or low to some midrange phone, then you might get better performance watching some videos.

    henfredemars ,

    OK, this is really cool. We have practically zero insight into the longevity of these things. Even if you know what chips are being used, lack of information about the wear leveling algorithms means there isn’t much that we can say about the real world performance under different loads.

    henfredemars ,

    I must disagree. I’ve encountered a couple of phones from people in my family that could not be restored because the flash itself was bad. The flash memory specifically failed and required them to purchase a new phone.

    We’re talking 5 to 7-year-old phones here. It does happen. There are plenty of people who will never replace their phone until it breaks.

    For another example, consider that Google added forward error correction to their system images because they encountered issues with failing memory chips in the wild. This was an effort to keep devices booting and operable for longer.

    YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream ( youtu.be )

    While it is no secret that exploitative practices are interlaced with capitalistic tendencies, the practices are becoming intolerable. Signing up to pay usually takes only two clicks that are prominently visible whereas cancelation options are hidden away in deep settings requiring multiple clicks. Pricing often feel arbitrary...

    henfredemars ,

    Sounds like it’s not your computer.

    To be clear, I do believe it is your computer, but it sure sounds like it isn’t.

    henfredemars ,

    I’m not sure about this feature. I’ll need to see some use cases. If you’re just talking malware protection, I’m not sure why we need a new quarantine state. The app should be completely completely disabled or removed if possible, and if you’re worried about false detections, perhaps it would be better to tackle the false detection rate from a different angle.

    henfredemars ,

    Do we know why?

    Not complaining, just from genuine curiosity.

    henfredemars ,

    I think he's saying that a raise begin at 0x61.

    henfredemars ,

    In theory, sharing a digital file can have a much greater impact than sharing a CD physically. Plus, you lose access to your copy of the CD if you give it to someone else. You can think of it like transferring a license for one user to a different user. There is no simultaneous usage.

    I don't personally agree with this view, but I believe that's the argument.

    henfredemars ,

    I literally asked my wife to marry me on the first date and she said yes. Getting right to the point is a woman after my own heart. Neither of us have ever dated before or, naturally, since.

    We've been together for ten years.

    We are also on the spectrum so that may have been a factor.

    henfredemars ,

    Might save you a click:

    Too many investors pulled out of the project, at least in part due to rapidly falling prices of renewables.

    henfredemars ,

    This is an interesting idea for sure. However, we have some evidence to support the existence of the systems beneath our minds. What evidence supports the existence of a greater awareness within ourselves? Do we have anything beyond reports from people under the influence of drugs?

    I prefer to take an evidence-based approach, taking non-existence to be the null hypothesis here.

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