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henfredemars ,

My magnetic loop ham radio antenna is ready.

henfredemars ,

The last I read said it could start as soon as midday today.

Solar wind looks good right now. We’ll just see what happens.

henfredemars ,

It only took half of forever. Glad to hear it.

henfredemars ,

For clarity this is how they hang themselves. We are definitely not implying that we have anything to do with the unfortunate demise of whistleblowers.

henfredemars ,

Think of it like trickle down economics. If it hasn’t worked yet, you just need to make sure that the fat cats on top are fed so forcefully and so fast that something starts trickling down eventually.

Just keep going. We will tell you when to stop.

henfredemars ,

The job is defending people who get work done from people who don’t get work done.

henfredemars ,

They’d sell your soul for a couple of bucks.

henfredemars ,

The beatings will inevitably continue

henfredemars ,

I feel like this content craze is going to evaporate soon because all the new content from here forward is sure to be polluted by LLM output already. AI is fast becoming a snake eating its own tail.

That reminds me. I should go update my licenses to spit in the face of AI training companies.

henfredemars ,

I’ve tried to grow pineapples but I’ve never seen what their flower looks like until now.

henfredemars ,

Because you shared your story with me, I feel like sharing with you one of mine.

We had some neighbors move in across the street. This is way back when I used to live with my parents. The new neighbors had two little girls and they were worried about this huge cactus in the middle of the yard. They didn’t want the girls to run into it while playing. They tried to dig it up, and failed miserably. It was just too big and too heavy. The next bright idea was to wrap a chain around the cactus and anchor it to the back of a truck and rip it out of the ground. The plant was absolutely gnarled. Clearly, the rot would set in and it should surely die. It seemed like they only got 3/4 of it out of the ground and the rest of it died in that spot.

We asked if we could have the remains. They said sure, why not. We dragged the massive cactus flesh pile across the street and made a vague attempt to plant it in the ground beside our house. Almost 20 years later it’s flourishing, and we have dozens of beautiful blooms every year. I watched over many years as the plant carefully grew new offshoots and discarded the mangled parts of itself from the chains. The specimen is truly stunning now. Thing is, that cactus probably lived there for years before they built the house, and they sold the house five years later. That was 15 years ago when they sold it.

That plant faced such adversity and then with almost 2 decades of neglect it looks like it was tended by the gods. Perhaps it was.

henfredemars ,

I'm missing something. How is the data actually collected? How does it get out of my car? My car doesn't have any cellular features other than CarPlay. It has wifi, but I've never used it.

henfredemars ,

I worked with a developer who insisted on using the shortest names possible. God I hated debugging his code.

I’m talking variable names like AAxynj. Everything looking like matrix math.

henfredemars ,

He did write some Fortran in his past! What made you think it was Fortran influence?

How does harddrive failure work when there's multiple partitions?

My laptop's HDD is failing, it shows a bunch of signs such as slow file manipulation and clicking sounds. The Linux btrfs partition keeps going into read-only mode to prevent further damage, makes sense, but the windows partition is working fine (for now)....

henfredemars ,

If the disc is failing, it’s failing and needs to be replaced. Any in between state or partial functionality will be for a very limited time, where complete failure will strike you when most inconvenient.

Other comments address this well, but for completeness sake, you can see different failure modes on different partitions because the software that manages those filesystems is different. Very careful designs will be quick to sound the alarm, whereas dumb designs will keep on working just fine until something critical is corrupted and it fails in spectacular fashion.

henfredemars ,

There should be penalties for leading on an employee that uproots their life to go work for a job that doesn’t materialize.

henfredemars ,

This is an outstanding idea for an apartment community. It addresses space issues, cost concerns, and largely prevents abuse from the get-go because you know where all your borrowers live.

henfredemars ,

I saw vaccine pure blood bumper sticker the other day. I was quite disappointed.

henfredemars ,

Some people do. My wife’s friend said as much.

Her father died of the virus and she insists that the doctors secretly executed him for his conservative views. It’s really sad to see that she doubled down rather than face the reality of those harmful beliefs.

Ordinarily I think we shouldn’t judge how a person copes, but when those beliefs are actively harmful and when you integrate them throughout the rest of your life, you have some responsibility to face too. Decisions have consequences.

She’s highly educated and ex military. You would think if anyone would listen to reason…

henfredemars ,

We have a winner! Employees are rewarded for starting new influential projects, not maintaining or improving existing ones. Thus, there’s intense pressure to propose new products and shut down the old one to beef out the performance reviews.

Hence, Google can almost never take a product from concept to maturity because it hurts the people working on the project to do so.

henfredemars ,

Great answers in this thread. Lots of angles I haven’t thought about.

henfredemars ,

Phones are tracking devices. Do not bring your phone, not even turned off because many phones emit Bluetooth beacons and other data that can be recorded and traced.

If you bring a phone, make sure that phone has no idea who you are.

henfredemars ,
henfredemars ,

It is actively rolled out right now all the way back to iPhone 11 (2019) while the device is powered off. Version 16 is current, and the power "off" tracking was backported to older devices.

Android support is spottier. We've had powered off features one OnePlus for some time, such as the ability to trigger alarms while turned off, but more advanced features like location tracking are much more recent to Android because it usually requires specific hardware support to operate while using almost no battery. Apple has the privilege of vertical integration, so they were able to update older firmware.

I think this trend is very concerning, because with no user-servicable battery, we're essentially forced into having our phones on to some degree at all times.

henfredemars ,

Mostly true. I will not deny there are benefits to bringing your phone. They are also substantial risks. Protesting can be risky business.

henfredemars ,

In RPGs my inventory of full of mysterious quest items like a dad’s box of unused cables and adapters.

henfredemars ,

As with politicians and CEOs, it's the next guy's problem.

henfredemars ,

I really hope Steam doesn't consider this "review bombing" and take down such reviews. The response is entirely justified.

henfredemars ,

A long time ago you used to get a list of changes.

henfredemars ,

Don’t forget when the update stage actually reads 100%, which makes no logical sense because if the stage was at 100%, you wouldn’t still be telling me we are processing it as the current stage.

henfredemars ,

IP address is really the best comparison here. Some computers share an IP just like entire call centers may share the same phone number. And neither IP addresses and packets nor phone numbers are properly authenticated without additional enforcement systems.

Internal networks exist for computers and phones. It’s a nice parallel.

henfredemars ,

Anything to do with health insurance in the USA. I don’t want blood on my hands through denying people necessary medical care.

henfredemars ,

When it’s got ya, it’s got ya!

henfredemars ,

Unfortunately this computer filtering step tends to be highly inaccurate and game-able, but I’m not sure what to propose instead.

henfredemars ,

A masterclass in terrible branding. Consumers are stupid. You need to clearly identify your product tiers.

henfredemars ,

This is a tough bar. Security often cannot be prioritized alone. You have to have solid architecture and fix bugs because any bug can have potential security impacts. Your code has to be not garbage.

henfredemars ,

It’s big and complicated. Keeping track of where supplies are coming from is a difficult task. You can’t police every employee at all times let alone every purchase.

henfredemars ,

Found the senior dev.

Seriously though, go enjoy your life. Even work emergencies are just work.

henfredemars ,

I definitely would be wary of having having any business with this company. Seems like a hazard to health.

henfredemars ,

No… No, why would I do something like that?

henfredemars ,

It is the final stage. It’s not a matter if, but when, for all publicly traded companies.

I think they’ll be around for a long time.

henfredemars ,

I just started God of War 2018 on PS4. I’m an hour into the game and loving the combat especially.

I got the game used for $10.

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